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现代社会的发展,各个行业的兴起及产业的扩张,使得能源的消耗十分巨大。在该社会形势下,石油作为能源行业的主要构成部分,对于其的开采已经成为了关系国民经济发展及社会稳定的重要工作。石油产业也经历了长时间的发展,各项技术工艺的发展日趋成熟稳定,其中三次采油作为采油的后期阶段,对于石油资源的利用、企业的经济效益等均有着直接的影响。由于三次采油时油田的情况较为特殊,其采用的方法也与一次采油及二次采油有着巨大的区别,也存在着一定的难度。本文简单阐述了现代较为常用的三次采油技术,如化学法、混相法、热力采油法、微生物法等,说明了该类采油技术的不足之处,并分析了三次采油技术的发展趋势,包括ASP三元复合驱油技术、MD膜驱油技术、CO2驱油技术等,为现代三次采油技术的研究人员提供了一定的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

本文在介绍三次采油概念的基础上,对三次采油的方法分类进行了详细说明。在此基础上对不同方法的发展现状进行了分析,最后介绍了三次采油技术存在的不足之处,并以此展望了该技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文简单介绍了几项三次采油技术,如化学采油法、热力采油法、混相采油法等,分析了该类三次采油技术的缺陷,并阐述三次采油技术的发展方向,包括ASP三元复合驱油技术、二氧化碳驱油技术等,为从事油田三次采油的人员提供一定的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

国内主要油田三次采油技术有很大的发展,三次采油这个系统工程在组织管理和技术攻关上具有许多成功做法。三次采油作为注水开发后期的主要接替技术已经形成共识。简要介绍了三次采油的发展前景,聚合物驱、三元复合驱、CO2驱等将是三次采油发展的主要技术。并由此总结三次采油现存技术的不足,提出未来技术可研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的不断发展,无论是石油的开采还是斟探都有了很大的发展。本文主要先从三次采油技术的概要出发,了解三次采油技术的基本内容,之后对热力法、注气法、微生物法以及化学法这四种方法进行分析,分析各自的优缺点以及现状,最后对三次采油技术的发展趋势进行一定的阐述。  相似文献   

国内外三次采油现状及发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对世界三次采油技术的前期发展、现状和未来发展趋势进行研究,分析了不同国家采取的不同三次采油方法,以及相同国家在不同时期、不同油价情况下采取不同三次采油方法的项目数、产量变化及其变化原因。结合中国石化油田具体油藏情况及原油性质,分析了中国石化发展三次采油的主要发展方向并提出了有关建议。  相似文献   

技术进步是提高石油开采产量与采收率的主要途径。目前我国老油田的典型代表大庆油田的开发已经进入中后期,石油开采难度越来越大,因此,如何利用新技术提高石油的采收率,保证石油的开采效率,成为油田开发面临的关键问题之一。本文重点对大庆油田第二采油厂有关石油开采情况进行了实际调研,在此基础上,综合阐述了三次采油技术的应用及其研究进展。三次采油技术主要包括:热力采油技术、气体混相驱采油技术、化学驱采油技术和微生物采油技术。并对提高原油采收率的新技术纳米膜驱油技术进行了简要阐述,提出了未来石油开采过程中三次采油技术的应用和石油开采应着重注意的问题。  相似文献   

本文在分析三次采油技术的概念、原理的基础上,就三次采油目前发展应用状况以及未来的发展和研究方向做了探讨。  相似文献   

付含琦  刘超伟  龚光碧  梁滔  王锋 《广东化工》2013,40(11):108-109
综述了世界乙丙橡胶生产能力、装置分布。详细论述了合成乙丙橡胶三种生产工艺,对三种工艺进行了技术经济评价;分析了乙丙橡胶技术发展趋势,提出了我国乙丙橡胶生产、新产品开发及技术发展建议。  相似文献   

油气回收技术发展现状及趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别介绍了国外和国内油气回收的发展历程和发展现状,讨论了传统的热氧化法、冷凝法、吸收法、吸附法和膜法油气回收工艺的缺点,指出今后油气回收技术的发展趋势是多种回收工艺的组合工艺,并分别列举了欧洲和美国以及国内的一些成熟的组合工艺,同时指出以后油气回收行业的发展也是"硬件"和"软件"的同时发展.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested the possibility of spontaneous emulsification as a mechanism for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). The discussions have, however, remained essentially qualitative. A study was therefore undertaken to estimate quantitatively the contribution of spontaneous emulsification as an EOR mechanism. The tests were conducted on several bulk liquid/liquid systems as well as by displacement experiments in unconsolidated synthetic sand packs. Spontaneous emulsification was found to be a mechanism for EOR: the estimated extra contribution to EOR due to this mechanism was found to be significant in laboratory scale displacement experiments. Tertiary recovery was always greater when spontaneous emulsification was evident than otherwise. Results of tests on bulk liquid/liquid systems indicate that the occurrence or absence of spontaneous emulsification can be correlated with the values of ‘partition parameter’. It may be concluded that higher oil recoveries may be achieved in chemical EOR processes where interface mass transfer (and the accompanying spontaneous emulsification) occurs. The evaluation of efficiency of residual oil mobilisation through the capillary number theory (with and without spontaneous emulsification) is also discussed. Displacement tests with spontaneously emulsifying systems showed that residual oil left behind a conventional waterflood was mobilised in a range of capillary numbers much less than that which applies to low-tension waterfloods.  相似文献   

综述了微生物驱油技术提高原油采收率的研究进展,其优势有含水率下降和产油量增加、原油物性改善、残余油饱和度减小。但微生物驱油技术的应用中仍有一些问题亟待解决,如在微生物驱油与压裂等技术的结合、机理研究、监测等方面,对此提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

综述了微生物驱油技术提高原油采收率的研究进展,其优势有含水率下降和产油量增加、原油物性改善、残余油饱和度减小。但微生物驱油技术的应用中仍有一些问题亟待解决,如在微生物驱油与压裂等技术的结合、机理研究、监测等方面,对此提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Oxidation of monounsaturated fatty acids, such as erucic and oleic acids, results in the formation of dibasic fatty acids, such as brassylic and azelaic acids. Dibasic acids find many industrial applications. Pelargonic acid is the co-product of the process. Expanded use of dibasic acids would require an expansion in the existing and possibly new uses for pelargonic acid and its derivatives. In this study, the potential for using pelargonic acid in enhanced oil recovery is investigated. Experimental results are presented for the enhanced oil recovery by waterflooding with the aid of a surfactant.In situ formation of surfactant at the oil-water interface vs. the formation of surfactant in the floodwater prior to injection is examined.  相似文献   

油气回收吸附剂研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简单介绍了吸收法、冷凝法、膜分离法等油气回收技术,重点论述了吸附法油气回收技术的研究现状,对油气回收用活性炭吸附剂的研究开发进行了分析,综述了活性炭不同指标对油气吸附的影响。分析表明,开发高性能活性炭用于油气回收很有意义。  相似文献   

Surfactants are frequently used in chemical enhanced oil recovery (EOR) as it reduces the interfacial tension (IFT) to an ultra‐low value and also alter the wettability of oil‐wet rock, which are important mechanisms for EOR. However, most of the commercial surfactants used in chemical EOR are very expensive. In view of that an attempt has been made to synthesis an anionic surfactant from non‐edible Jatropha oil for its application in EOR. Synthesized surfactant was characterized by FTIR, NMR, dynamic light scattering, thermogravimeter analyser, FESEM, and EDX analysis. Thermal degradability study of the surfactant shows no significant loss till the conventional reservoir temperature. The ability of the surfactant for its use in chemical EOR has been tested by measuring its physicochemical properties, viz., reduction of surface tension, IFT and wettability alteration. The surfactant solution shows a surface tension value of 31.6 mN/m at its critical micelle concentration (CMC). An ultra‐low IFT of 0.0917 mN/m is obtained at CMC of surfactant solution, which is further reduced to 0.00108 mN/m at optimum salinity. The synthesized surfactant alters the oil‐wet quartz surface to water‐wet which favors enhanced recovery of oil. Flooding experiments were conducted with surfactant slugs with different concentrations. Encouraging results with additional recovery more than 25% of original oil in place above the conventional water flooding have been observed. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 2731–2741, 2017  相似文献   

Polymer flooding characteristics of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) solution with the addition of NaOH were examined in homogeneous glass‐bead packs. The heavy oil recovery in unconsolidated sandstone formations by applying the alkali‐polymer flooding was observed. Experimental results showed that HPAM solution was sensitive to temperature, salinity, and alkali, finding that alkali‐polymer solutions are more effective in improving viscosity than conventional polymer solutions. The solution of 0.5 wt % NaOH mixed with 1500 ppm HPAM (12 mol % hydrolysis degree) was found to be the optimal choice, which gives rise to the highest viscosity on the rheological characterization. Flood tests using the alkali‐polymer solution showed an increase in oil recovery by 30% over water‐flooding when the water‐cut reached 95%, indicating that alkali‐polymer could be more effective in improving sweep efficiency than polymer flood. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2013  相似文献   

Microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) is a tertiary oil recovery process that manipulates the microbial environment inside oil reservoirs to modify the physical/chemical properties of the reservoirs to enhance the oil recovery. Up to now, the detailed MEOR mechanism is still not entirely clear due to the multiple influence factors (e.g., pH, nutrients, temperature, porosity, and permeability) on microbial growth and reproduction, as well as the lack of understanding of microbial's influencing mechanism on the oil recovery process. In this study, a Bacillus subtilis-based MEOR process was conducted in a polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)-based microfluidic device to mimic the MEOR process in the reservoir. The porous microstructure based on real sandstone slice images was fabricated with laser ablation on a PMMA substrate. Two different MEOR approaches were conducted in the PMMA-based microfluidics devices: the direct injection of displacing reagent (biosurfactant produced by bacteria) into the microfluidic chip for the oil recovery (ex-situ), and the incubation of bacteria solution inside the chip followed with brine flooding (in-situ). The result indicates the ex-situ MEOR process with B. subtilis can reach a recovery rate of 38.56%, while the in-situ MEOR process with B. subtilis reached a recovery rate of 40.27%. The proposed study provides a new tool for understanding the MEOR process, with advantages in visibility and accurate fluid control during the MEOR process.  相似文献   

The use of partitionable solutes, e.g., aliphatic alcohols, to enhance the recovery of trapped oil in reservoir rock, has been simulated using a ballotini-packed column initially flooded with kerosene, and subsequently lowered to an irreducible value by a water drive. Introduction of a “slug” of an alcohol effected an increased recovery, with n-propanol and sec-butanol giving the highest yields. Previous workers attributed such increased recovery to the formation of a “soluble front”, in which both oil and connate water are completely dissolved. However, we obtained similar recoveries using slugs with initial compositions lying on the miscibility boundary, which could not form soluble fronts. It was therefore concluded that Marangoni-induced oscillation of the trapped drops is the more likely explanation of the enhanced recovery.  相似文献   

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