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A new combustion process called the Plume Ignition Combustion Concept (PCC), in which the plume tail of the hydrogen jet is spark-ignited immediately after the completion of fuel injection to accomplish combustion of a rich mixture has been proposed by the authors. This PCC combustion process markedly reduces nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions in the high-output region while maintaining high levels of thermal efficiency and power. On the other hand, as burning lean mixture of fuel and air is the conventional way to improve thermal efficiency and reduce NOx, a high λ premixed mixture of hydrogen and air formed by injecting hydrogen in the early stage of the compression stroke has been used in direct-injection hydrogen engines. It was recently reported, however, that this mixture condition does not always offer expected improved thermal efficiency under even lean mixture conditions by increasing unburned hydrogen emissions caused by incomplete flame propagation in the non-uniform and extremely lean portion of the mixture. In this study, the effect of retarding the injection timing to late in the compression stroke but slightly advanced from original PCC was examined as a way of reducing unburned hydrogen emissions and improving thermal efficiency. These effects result from a centroidal axially stratified mixture that positions a fairly rich charge near the spark plug. This stratified mixture is presumably effective in reducing incomplete flame propagation thought to be the cause of unburned hydrogen emissions and also promoting increasing burning velocity of the mixture that improve thermal efficiency. Finally, this research is characterized by measuring the hydrogen fuel concentration at the point and the time of spark ignition quantitatively by spark-induced breakdown spectroscopy in order to identify the changes in mixture ratio mentioned above caused by the parameters involved.  相似文献   

The authors have proposed a new combustion process called the Plume Ignition Combustion Concept (PCC), in which with an optimal combination of hydrogen injection timing and controlled jet geometry, the plume of the hydrogen jet is spark-ignited to accomplish combustion of a rich mixture. This combustion process markedly improves thermal efficiency by reducing cooling loss, which is essential for increasing thermal efficiency in a hydrogen engine while maintaining high power. In order to improve thermal efficiency and reduce NOx formation further, PCC was applied to a lean-burn regime to burn a leaner mixture globally. In this study, the effect of supercharging which was applied to recover the reduced output power due to the leaner mixture on improving thermal efficiency was confirmed along with clarifying the cause.  相似文献   

Hydrogen can be readily used in spark ignition engines as a clean alternative to fossil fuels. However, the higher burning velocity and shorter quenching distance of hydrogen compared with hydrocarbons cause a larger heat transfer from the burning gas to the combustion chamber walls. Because of this cooling loss, the thermal efficiency of hydrogen-fueled engines is sometimes lower than that of conventionally fueled engines. Therefore, reducing the cooling loss is a crucial element in improving the thermal efficiency of hydrogen combustion engines. Previous research by the author and others has proposed the direct injection stratified charge as a technique for reducing the cooling loss in hydrogen combustion and shown its effect in reducing cooling loss through experiments in a constant volume combustion vessel. However, it is known that a reduction in cooling loss does not always improve thermal efficiency due to a simultaneous increase in the exhaust heat loss. This paper explains the relation between cooling loss reduction and thermal efficiency improvements by the direct injection stratified charge in hydrogen combustion engines.  相似文献   

The application of hydrogen direct-injection enrichment improves the performance of gasoline Wankel rotary engine, and the hydrogen injection strategy has a significant impact on combustion, knock, and emissions. The Z160F Wankel rotary engine was used as the investigated compact engine, and the simulation model was developed using CONVERGE software. The combustion, knock and emissions characteristics of the engine were studied with the different mass flow of hydrogen injection, i.e., the trapezoid, wedge, slope, triangle and rectangle type of gas injection rate shape. In the numerical simulations, the in-cylinder pressure oscillations were monitored using monitoring points, and the knock index (KI) was used as an evaluation indicator. The study revealed that the gas injection rate shape significantly affected the mixture of hydrogen and air, thus impacting combustion, knock and emissions. When the injection rate shape was rectangle, the flame speed was faster, the peak pressure in the cylinder was higher, and the corresponding crank angle was earlier, which led to higher pressure oscillations in the cylinder and larger KI. Based on the rectangle injection rate shape, the KI decreased by 75.81%, 33.47%, 26.46% and 76.58% for trapezoid, wedge, slope, and triangle, respectively, and the indicated mean effective pressure increased by 15.68%, 5.07%, 0.56% and 14.98%, respectively. Due to the small difference in maximum temperature, which resulted in very little variation in nitrogen oxides for each injection rate shape, the total hydrocarbon emissions of the trapezoid and triangle injection rate shape was high due to the delayed combustion phase. This paper provides a solution for direct hydrogen injection to improve the combustion, knock and emissions behavior of the rotary engine.  相似文献   

Natural gas/hydrogen blends (NGHB) fuel is considered as one of the ideal alternative fuels for the rotary engine (RE), which can effectively reduce the carbon emissions of RE. Additionally, applying turbulent jet ignition (TJI) mode to RE can significantly increase the combustion rate. The purpose of this study is to numerically investigate the influence of hydrogen injection position (HIP) and hydrogen injection timing (HIT) on the in-cylinder mixture formation, flame propagation and NOx emission of a TJI hydrogen direct injection plus natural gas port injection RE. Therefore, in this paper, a test bench and a 3D dynamic simulation model of the turbulent jet ignition rotary engine (TJI-RE) fueled with NGHB were respectively established. Moreover, the reliability of the 3D simulation model was verified by experimental data. Furthermore, based on the established 3D model, the fuel distribution and flame propagation in the cylinder under different HIPs and HITs were calculated. The results indicated that the HIP and HIT could change the hydrogen distribution by altering the impact position, impact angle, and the strength of vortexes in the cylinder. To improve the flame propagation speed, more hydrogen should be distributed in the pre-chamber. Additionally, a higher concentration of hydrogen in the cylinder should be maintained above the jet orifice. This was not only conducive to the rapid formation of the initial fire core in the pre-chamber, but also significantly improved the combustion rate of the in-cylinder mixture. Compared with other hydrogen injection strategies, the hydrogen injection strategy by using the HIP at the middle of the cylinder block and the HIT of 190oCA(BTDC) could obtained the highest peak value of in-cylinder pressure and the highest NOx emission.  相似文献   

Three different fractions (2%, 5%, and 10% of stoichiometric, or 2.38%, 5.92%, and 11.73% by energy fraction) of hydrogen were aspirated into a gasoline direct injection engine under two different load conditions. The base fuel was 65% iso-octane, and 35% toluene by volume fraction. Ignition sweeps were conducted for each operation point. The pressure traces were recorded for further analysis, and the particulate emission size distributions were measured using a Cambustion DMS500. The results indicated a more stable and faster combustion as more hydrogen was blended. Meanwhile, a substantial reduction in particulate emissions was found at the low load condition (more than 95% reduction either in terms of number concentration or mass concentration when blending 10% hydrogen). Some variation in the results occurred at the high load condition, but the particulate emissions were reduced in most cases, especially for nucleation mode particulate matter. Retarding the ignition timing generally reduced the particulate emissions. An engine model was constructed using the Ricardo WAVE package to assist in understanding the data. The simulation reported a higher residual gas fraction at low load, which explained the higher level of cycle-by-cycle variation at the low load.  相似文献   

The n-butanol fuel, as a renewable and clean biofuel, could ease the energy crisis and decrease the harmful emissions. As another clean and renewable energy, hydrogen properly offset the high HC emissions and the insufficient of dynamic property of pure n-butanol fuel in SI engines, because of the high diffusion coefficient, high adiabatic flame velocity and low heat value. Hydrogen direct injection not only avoids backfire and lower intake efficiency but also promotes to form in-cylinder stratified mixture, which is helpful to enhance combustion and reduce emissions. This experimental study focused on the combustion and emissions characteristics of a hydrogen direct injection stratified n-butanol engine. Three different hydrogen addition fractions (0%, 2.5%, 5%) were used under five different spark timing (10° ,15° ,20° ,25° ,30° CA BTDC). Engine speed and excess air ratio stabled at 1500 rpm and 1.2 respectively. The direct injection timing of the hydrogen was optimized to form a beter stratified mixture. The obtained results demonstrated that brake power and brake thermal efficiency are increased by addition hydrogen directly injected. The BSFC is decreased with the addition of hydrogen. The peak cylinder pressure and the instantaneous heat release rate raises with the increase of the hydrogen addition fraction. In addition, the HC and CO emissions drop while the NOx emissions sharply rise with the addition of hydrogen. As a whole, with hydrogen direct injection, the power and fuel economy performance of n-butanol engine are markedly improved, harmful emissions are partly decreased.  相似文献   

A numerical study on effects of hydrogen direct injection on hydrogen mixture distribution, combustion and emissions was presented for a gasoline/hydrogen SI engine. Under lean burn conditions, five different direct hydrogen injection timings were applied at low speeds and low loads on SI engines with direct hydrogen injection (HDI) and gasoline port injection. The results were showed as following: firstly, with the increase of hydrogen direct injection timing, the hydrogen concentration near the sparking plug first increases and then decreases, reaching the highest when hydrogen direct injection timing is 120°CA BTDC: Secondly, hydrogen can speed up the combustion rate. The main factor affecting the combustion rate and efficiency is the hydrogen concentration near the sparking plug: Thirdly, in comparing with gasoline, the NOX emissions with hydrogen addition increase by an average of 115%. For different hydrogen direct injection timings, the NOX emissions of 120°CA BTDC is the highest, which is 29.9% higher than the 75°CA BTDC. The hydrogen addition make the NOX emissions increase in two ways. On the one hand, the average temperature with hydrogen addition is higher. On the other hand, the temperature with hydrogen addition is not homogeneous, which makes the peak of temperature much higher. In a word, the main factor of NOX emissions is the size of high temperature zone in the cylinder: Finally, because the combustion is more complete, in comparing with gasoline, hydrogen addition can reduce the CO and HC emissions by 32.2% and 80.4% respectively. Since a more homogeneous hydrogen mixture distribution can influence a lager zone in the cylinder and reduce the wall quenching distance, these emissions decrease with the increase of hydrogen direct injection timing. The CO and HC emissions of 135°CA BTDC decrease by 41.5% and 71.4%, respectively, compared to 75°CA BTDC.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new kind of injection mode, split hydrogen direct injection, was presented for a dual fuel SI engine. Six different first injection proportions (IP1) and five different second injection timings were applied at the condition of excess air ratio of 1, first injection timing of 300°CA BTDC, low speed, low load conditions and the Minimum spark advance for Best Torque (MBT) on a dual fuel SI engine with hydrogen direct injection (HDI) plus port fuel injection (PFI). The result showed that, split hydrogen direct injection can achieve a higher brake thermal efficiency and lower emissions compared with single HDI. In comparison with single HDI, the split hydrogen direct injection can form a controlled stratified condition of hydrogen which could make the combustion more complete and faster. By adding an early spray to form a more homogeneous mixture, the split hydrogen direct injection not only can help to form a flame kernel to make the combustion stable, but also can speed up the combustion rate through the whole combustion process, which can improve the brake thermal efficiency. By split hydrogen direct injection, the torque reaches the highest when the first injection proportion is 33%, which improves by 1.13% on average than that of single HDI. With the delay of second injection timing, the torque increases first and then decreases. With the increase of first injection proportion, the best second injection timing is advanced. Furthermore, by forming a more homogeneous mixture, the split hydrogen direct injection can reduce the quenching distance to reduce the HC emission and reduce the maximum temperature to reduce the NOX. The split hydrogen direct injection can reduce the HC emission by 35.8%, the NOX emissions by 7.3% than that of single HDI.  相似文献   

The effects of hydrogen on the combustion characteristics, thermal efficiency, and emissions of a turbo gasoline direct-injection engine with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) were investigated experimentally at brake mean effective pressures of 4, 6, and 8 bar at 2000 rpm. Four cases of hydrogen energy fraction (0%, 1%, 3% and 5%) of total fuel energy were studied. Hydrogen energy fraction of total fuel energy was hydrogen energy in the sum of energy of consumed gasoline and added hydrogen. The test results demonstrated that hydrogen addition improved the combustion speed and reduced cycle-to-cycle variation. In particular, cylinder-to-cylinder variation dramatically decreased with hydrogen addition at high EGR rates. This suggests that the operable EGR rate can be widened for a turbo gasoline direct-injection engine. The improved combustion and wider operable EGR rate resulted in enhanced thermal efficiency. However, the turbocharging effect acted in opposition to the thermal efficiency with respect to the EGR rate. Therefore, a different strategy to improve the thermal efficiency with EGR was required for the turbo gasoline direct-injection engine. HC and CO2 emissions were reduced but NOX emissions increased with hydrogen addition. The CO emissions as a function of engine load followed different trends that depended on the level of hydrogen addition.  相似文献   

The Plume Ignition and Combustion Concept (PCC) developed by the authors significantly reduced nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in a direct-injection hydrogen engine under high-load operation. With PCC, a rich fuel plume is ignited immediately after completion of injection in the latter half of the compression stroke to reduce NOx formation. Simultaneously, high thermal efficiency was also achieved by mitigating cooling losses through optimization of the jet configuration in the combustion chamber. This basic combustion concept was applied to burn lean mixture in combination with the optimized hydrogen jet configuration and the application of supercharging to recover the power output decline due to the use of a diluted mixture. As a result, a near-zero-emission-level engine has been achieved that simultaneously provides high thermal efficiency, high power output and low NOx emissions at a single-digit ppm level [1]. In this study, a high compression ratio was applied to improve thermal efficiency further by taking advantage of the characteristics of hydrogen fuel, especially its diluted mixture with a high anti-knock property. As a result, NOx emissions at a single-digit ppm level and gross indicated thermal efficiency of 52.5% were achieved while suppressing knocking at a compression ratio of 20:1 by optimizing the excess air ratio and injection timing, and increasing power output by supercharging.  相似文献   

In the present study, a single cylinder spark ignition (SI) engine is modified to operate with hydrogen gas with ECU (Electronic Controlled Unit) operated timely manifold injection system. Performance, emission and combustion parameters are studied at MBT (Maximum Brake Torque) spark timing with WOT (Wide Open Throttle) position. All trials are performed in the speed range of 1100 rpm–1800 rpm. Baseline observations are recorded with gasoline for comparison purpose. Results have shown that maximum brake power is reduced by 19.06% and peak brake thermal efficiency is increased by 3.16% in the case of hydrogen operation. Reduction in NOx emission is observed for hydrogen at higher engine speed. The maximum net heat release rate is two times higher and the peak cylinder pressure is 1.36 times higher for hydrogen as compared to gasoline at the engine speed of 1400 rpm.  相似文献   

This paper includes the experimental test data of an SI engine fuelled with simulated LCV gas (Low Calorific Value), which resembles synthesis gas in composition. The LCV gas was simulated by a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and nitrogen. During the experiment, the lower heating value of the LCV gas was altered by dilution with nitrogen. A single-cylinder Honda GX270 engine was adopted in the experiment to assess the impact of LCV gas on the system performance. This engine is typically used to power various machines and for electrical energy production in small generator sets. A modified engine was connected to an electric generator, which was loaded with an electric resistor. Engine operation was controlled using a microprocessor controller. All tests were performed at constant engine speed (3000 rpm). The engine was working at wide-open throttle for all mixtures. All mixtures were burned at stoichiometric conditions and with fixed value of ignition timing (30 deg bTDC). The indicated performance of the SI engine was evaluated based on the in-cylinder pressure measurements. No significant impact on the main internal parameters of the tested SI engine fuelled with simulated LCV gas diluted by nitrogen was observed. The experimental tests showed that the combustion duration increased for the mixtures with higher content of inert gas. Increase in the LHV raised the specific emissions of NOx and decreased specific emissions of CO and HC.  相似文献   

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