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未来认知物联网(IoT)将存在大量用于监控的时间敏感类短包信息。针对认知物联网短包通信场景,该文分析了认知次用户对在双向中继短包通信系统中的信息新鲜度。该文采用信息年龄(AoI)作为衡量信息新鲜度的性能指标。根据短包通信理论,该文推导出系统的误包率和平均峰值AoI(PAoI)表达式,并得出了系统在高信噪比情况下的表达式。在此基础上,考虑认知物联网短包通信中频谱检测性能的非理想,采用交替迭代优化算法对感知包长和传输包长进行联合优化以最小化PAoI加权和。仿真结果验证了理论分析的正确性。该研究发现,对于双向中继系统次用户对的PAoI加权和,感知包长和传输包长存在折中关系,该文所采用的交替迭代优化算法能够有效提升系统PAoI性能。  相似文献   

该文研究节点具有能量收集能力的两跳中继系统的物理层安全传输方案。考虑窃听节点与源和中继节点间都有直接链路的情况。每个数据传输时隙分为能量收集和数据传输两个阶段,各节点用收集的能量发送信号。中继采用放大转发方式,目的节点发送人工噪声进行协作干扰,保护在两跳传输中传输的保密信息。以最大化保密速率为目标,采用迭代算法优化能量吸收和数据传输两阶段的时间分配比例系数和协作干扰功率分配因子。仿真结果表明优化算法准确,优化后的协作干扰方案能显著提高系统的保密传输速率。由于考虑了窃听节点在两跳传输中都能接收到信号的可能性,文中方案更贴近实际,并解决了一个复杂的优化问题。  相似文献   

本文针对两跳无线物联通信系统,对中继节点利用收集的能量采用功率分流法进行能量收集和信息传输算法进行了设计,其中算法设计是基于能效最大化的优化准则,能效函数定义为瞬时吞吐量与硬件电路总功耗的比值,中继节点利用源节点发送的信号进行能量收集,考虑EARTH计划中实际的功率转换效率和硬件电路损耗的功耗因子,推导了中继协同的无线物联系统能量收集和信息传输的最优功率分配方案的解析解,由于优化问题是非凸问题,为了解决该问题,本文利用高信噪比近似法并通过拉格朗日算法和Lambert W函数获得了优化问题的最优解,数值仿真验证了所提方案的正确性和有效性。   相似文献   

考虑到信息时效性和数据新鲜度对各类实时状态更新系统带来的挑战,提出了一种无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)中继辅助的认知无线电网络(Cognitive Radio Network, CRN)信息年龄(Age of Information, AoI)最小化方案。为了降低CRN中次用户接收机处的AoI,在不影响主用户正常通信的前提下,利用UAV作为移动中继来辅助次用户发射机将数据包传输到对应的接收机。通过联合优化UAV的飞行轨迹和资源分配来确保信息新鲜度。由于联合设计问题是非凸的,故采用连续凸逼近的高效迭代算法得出问题的最优解。仿真结果表明,所提方案可以有效提高信息新鲜度,并获得峰值AoI的最小值。同时,数据包的大小和数量与AoI呈线性关系,对UAV的飞行轨迹也有影响。   相似文献   

魏哲敏  贾向东  赵玉华  陈智 《信号处理》2022,38(8):1711-1718
考虑到信息新鲜度对无线传感器状态更新系统设计和部署带来的影响,提出一个由两个传感器源节点和一个公共目的节点组成的状态更新系统。该系统中两个传感器源节点均配备一个单位大小的缓冲区,并根据伯努利过程在每个时隙感知对应物理过程的状态更新。随后传感器以有限块长度短包的形式将状态更新发送至目的节点。该文采用信息年龄(Age of Information,AoI)描述状态更新的新鲜度。首先,以传感器缓冲区状态组合为中心,该系统可建模为连续时间有限状态的马尔可夫过程,其中有限状态表示缓冲区的不同状态,连续时间表示与年龄相关过程的演进。因此,该系统平均AoI可采用随机混合系统(Stochastic Hybrid System,SHS)评估。最后仿真结果表明,当更新包的感知概率为0.2时,信噪比从0 dB增加至3 dB将导致平均AoI降低20.6%;当信噪比固定为4 dB时,状态更新包块长度从300 channel uses增长至400 channel uses会致使平均AoI降低8.8%。该研究可为缓冲区辅助的状态更新系统设计提供基本理论依据。  相似文献   

由于无线传感器网络(WSN)中传感器的传输功率有限,同时可能与基站(BS)传输距离较远,造成无法及时交付数据,数据新鲜度过低,影响时延敏感型业务决策质量。因此,采用无人机(UAV)辅助收集传感器数据,成为提升无线传感器网络数据新鲜度的有效手段。该文通过信息年龄(AoI)性能指标评估无线传感器网络数据新鲜度,并基于集中式训练分布式执行框架的多智能体近端策略优化(MAPPO)方法研究了无人机轨迹优化算法。通过联合优化所有无人机的飞行轨迹,实现地面节点平均加权信息年龄的最小化。仿真结果验证了所提多无人机路径规划算法在降低无线传感器网络信息年龄方面的有效性。  相似文献   

针对无线功率传输技术的能量收集效率有限造成信噪比下降进而引发通信中断率增加的问题,在能量收集多跳D2D(Device to Device)无线传感网络中,提出一种基于改进K-means聚类的中继选择方法。首先,推导得到能量收集下的信噪比因子,使其作为K-means聚类特征。然后,利用最小欧氏距离原则得到距离聚类中心最近的实际节点的位置。最后,根据距离重排序得到中继节点,形成从源节点到目的节点的通信链路。仿真实验结果表明,相比最短路径算法和随机中继协作方案,所提出的改进算法链路信噪比更大,能够减小通信中断率,具有更好的中继性能。  相似文献   

现有协作MAC机制的实现过度依赖于协作表中的信息,而协作表中的信息并不是瞬时更新的,并且协作表的建立和更新都需要额外的开销。针对这些不足,充分利用协作发送的特性,提出一种基于机会中继的多跳协作MAC机制。在ORMAC机制中,节点通过侦听MCTS估算中继信道的误包率,当数据传输失败后,候选中继节点根据误包率设置退避定时器的初值,以选择出最佳的中继节点参与中继重传,以此在不可靠的无线信道实现数据的可靠传输。在NS2.28上搭建仿真平台,仿真结果证实了ORMAC机制能有效地提高系统中的平均吞吐量和交付率。  相似文献   

针对多源多中继协作网络模型,提出一种公平的节点选择与用户调度方案。出于优化平均信道质量的思想,每个传输时隙,选择信道条件差异最大的两个用户同时进行传输信息。中继节点选择基于PF比例公平调度算法,能保证中继节点处的负载均衡。然后在中继端采用一种网络编码传输方案。最后,与其他2种调度方案相比较仿真系统的误码率性能。  相似文献   

采用数字喷泉码的无线协作中继方案及其性能分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 协作中继传输是无中心节点的无线网络中的重要传输方式.在中继传输中应用数字喷泉码,能降低反馈信息的传输量,并在多个中继节点的情况下明显提高前向传输效率.提出了能量累积方式和信息累积方式两种喷泉中继传输方案,并对源节点至中继节点、中继节点至目的节点的传输性能进行了理论分析和仿真.能量累积方式在降低节点传输功耗上更为有效,而信息累积方式则能明显降低传输时间,并能适应中继节点数量和转发能力的变化,充分利用其转发能力.理论分析和仿真的结果表明,喷泉中继传输的性能明显优于普通中继传输的性能.  相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT) that is usually deployed with the assistance of cellular backhaul and energy harvesting (EH) is characterized by the status update freshness. However, the traditional nature EH results in the loss of information freshness due to the randomness of nature energy process. Although using wireless energy transferring (WET) to charge sensors can overcome this problem, this method has low-energy efficiency. With these considerations, this paper proposes a novel IoT system under cellular communication scenario by simultaneously exploiting the nature EH and WET. The proposed IoT system is consisted of a cellular backhaul subsystem, a wireless EH and transferring (WEHT) subsystem, and a wireless sensor status update subsystem. The WEHT subsystem employs the dedicated power beacons harvesting energy from natural energy source and transferring the harvested energy to sensor. For the proposed IoT system, this paper first investigates the WEHT subsystem and constructs the Markov Chain (MC) of discrete energy states as well as the MC state transition matrix. Second, the average AoI and peak AoI (PAoI) are formulated by separately considering cellular backhaul and EHTBs. The AoI (PAoI) comparison shows that the proposed EHTB-based IoT system can outperform the conventional non-EHTB one where the sensor directly harvests energy from natural source. At the same time, the numerical results exploit the impact of system parameters on AoI and PAoI, respectively. It is found that there exists a trade-off between the nature energy arrival and EHTB energy transfer so that the average minimum AoI and PAoI are achieved.  相似文献   

王军艳  贾向东  魏哲敏  许晋 《信号处理》2022,38(7):1450-1457
针对信道资源有限的多接入信道无线传感器网络场景,实时信息的传送需要考虑信道环境和信息新鲜度问题。该文基于认知无线电物联网(Cognitive Radio-Internet of Things, CR-IoT)系统,构建了一个具有频谱访问权限的主用户(Primary User, PU)和两个可共享PU频谱次用户(Secondary User, SU)的网络模型。在考虑PU工作状态和SU数据队列稳定的条件下,提出了一个以最小化节点平均AoI为目标的优化问题。其次使用两种策略进行优化,包括概率随机接入策略(Probabilistic Random Access Policy, PRA),该策略下两个SU节点根据相应的概率分布做出独立的传输决策;以及基于李雅普诺夫优化框架优化时隙内调度决策的漂移加罚策略(Drift Plus Penalty Policy, DPP)。仿真结果可知,DPP策略下得到的平均AoI的值要明显低于PRA策略,表明使用DPP策略对平均AoI的优化更加显著,可以有效提升数据包的时效性和新鲜度。   相似文献   

信息年龄(AoI)是近年来针对时间敏感类应用所提出的一种描述数据交付及时性的度量标准,它是从网络中目标节点的角度出发,衡量其最新收到的数据包的新鲜程度.在信道资源受限的多信道无线网络场景中,基于信息年龄的链路调度问题需要考虑信道资源和链路冲突的约束.针对上述问题,该文提出一种逐时隙调度链路进行数据传输的调度方法,以最小...  相似文献   

王练  任治豪  何利  张勋杨  张贺  张昭 《电子学报》2019,47(4):818-825
无线广播网络传输过程中,目的节点反馈信息丢失或部分丢失导致发送节点不能了解目的节点的真实接收状态.为提高不完美反馈下无线网络的重传效率,本文提出中继协作无线网络中不完美反馈下基于网络编码的重传方案.本方案基于部分可观察马尔科夫决策过程对不完美反馈下的重传过程进行建模.发送节点根据系统观测状态和最大置信度更新系统估计状态,根据数据包发送顺序,优先选择最早丢失且能够恢复最多丢包的编码包重传.目的节点缓存不可解编码包以提升编解码机会.重传过程中源节点关注目的节点请求包需求,相同情况优先选择传输可靠性较高的中继节点,以提升传输有效性.仿真结果表明,在不完美反馈下相对于传统方案,本方案可有效提高重传效率.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study packet transmission scheduling for a network with bidirectional relaying links, where the relay station can use network coding to combine packets to multiple receivers and opportunistically decide the number of packets to be combined in each transmission. Two cases are considered, depending on whether nodes are allowed to overhear transmissions of each other. A constrained Markov decision process is first formulated with an objective to minimize the average delay of packet transmissions, subject to the maximum and average transmission power limits of the relay node. The complexity for solving the constrained Markov decision process (MDP) is prohibitively high, although the computational complexity for the no‐overhearing case can be greatly reduced. Heuristic schemes are then proposed, one applies to the general case, and another applies to only the no‐overhearing case. Numerical results demonstrate that the heuristic schemes can achieve close‐to‐optimum average packet transmission delay, and furthermore, the second scheme achieves lower maximum delay while keeping the same average packet transmission delay and relay node power consumption as the first one. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spectral efficient protocols for half-duplex fading relay channels   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We study two-hop communication protocols where one or several relay terminals assist in the communication between two or more terminals. All terminals operate in half-duplex mode, hence the transmission of one information symbol from the source terminal to the destination terminal occupies two channel uses. This leads to a loss in spectral efficiency due to the pre-log factor one-half in corresponding capacity expressions. We propose two new half-duplex relaying protocols that avoid the pre-log factor one-half. Firstly, we consider a relaying protocol where a bidirectional connection between two terminals is established via one amplify-and-forward (AF) or decode-and-forward (DF) relay (two-way relaying). We also extend this protocol to a multi-user scenario, where multiple terminals communicate with multiple partner terminals via several orthogonalize-and-forward (OF) relay terminals, i.e., the relays orthogonalize the different two-way transmissions by a distributed zero-forcing algorithm. Secondly, we propose a relaying protocol where two relays, either AF or DF, alternately forward messages from a source terminal to a destination terminal (two-path relaying). It is shown that both protocols recover a significant portion of the half-duplex loss  相似文献   

In this paper, we evaluate the delay experienced by Poisson arriving packets for cooperative truncated hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) with opportunistic relaying. We derive the theoretical expressions of the expected waiting time and the packet's sojourn time in the queue of truncated opportunistic cooperative ARQ, HARQ I with and without packet combining (PC), and HARQ II with code combining (CC). The analysis is valid for block Nakagami- $m$ fading channels and any number of relays for both amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) relaying. In opportunistic AF cooperative HARQ, packet retransmission is done by the relay offering the highest instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the relaying link (source–relay–destination). In opportunistic DF cooperative HARQ, retransmission is done by the relay offering the highest instantaneous SNR of the relay–destination link among the relays that have correctly decoded the transmitted packet by the source. If no relay has correctly decoded, the retransmission is made by the source. Simulation results are also provided to verify the tightness of the derived expressions. The results indicate a significant improvement of packet delivery delays when compared with the absence of cooperation.   相似文献   

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