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This work uses harmonised life-cycle indicators of hydrogen to explore its role in the environmental performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) passenger vehicles. To that end, three hydrogen fuel options were considered: (i) conventional, fossil-based hydrogen from steam methane reforming; (ii) renewable hydrogen from biomass gasification; and (iii) renewable hydrogen from wind power electrolysis. In order to increase the robustness of the life-cycle study, the environmental profile of each hydrogen option was characterised by three harmonised indicators: carbon footprint, non-renewable energy footprint, and acidification footprint. When enlarging the scope of the assessment according to a well-to-wheels perspective, the results show that the choice of hydrogen fuel significantly affects the life-cycle performance of PEMFC vehicles. In this regard, the use of renewable hydrogen –instead of conventional hydrogen from steam methane reforming– is essential when pursuing low carbon and energy footprints. Nevertheless, the identification of the most favourable renewable hydrogen option was found to be conditioned by the prioritised life-cycle indicators.  相似文献   

When comparing the life-cycle environmental performance of hydrogen energy systems, significant concerns arise due to potential methodological inconsistencies between case studies. In this regard, protocols for harmonised life cycle assessment (LCA) of hydrogen energy systems are currently available to mitigate these concerns. These protocols have already been applied to conventional hydrogen from steam methane reforming as well as to a large number of both fossil and renewable hydrogen options, allowing robust comparisons between them. However, harmonised life-cycle indicators of nuclear-based hydrogen options are not yet available in the literature. This study fills this gap by using the recently developed software GreenH2armony® to calculate the harmonised carbon, energy and acidification footprints of nuclear-based hydrogen produced through different pathways (viz., low-temperature electrolysis, high-temperature electrolysis, and thermochemical cycles). Overall, the harmonised case studies of nuclear-based hydrogen show a generally good performance in terms of carbon footprint and acidification, but an unfavourable performance in terms of non-renewable energy footprint.  相似文献   

A cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment is carried out to evaluate the environmental impact of producing 1 kg of hydrogen implementing innovative chemical looping technologies: chemical looping hydrogen production (CLH), sorption enhanced reforming (SER), and sorption enhanced chemical looping reforming (SECLR). The performance of the looping technologies is compared against conventional hydrogen production without and with CO2 capture, as well as against green hydrogen production in order to determine the more environmentally-friendly option. Comparing the looping technologies with the reference blue hydrogen production it shows that CLH has a lower environmental burden, presenting smaller values in 9 out of 12 environmental impact indicators. If we confront the looping technologies against each other, CLH shows better performance in 11 out of 12 environmental indicators. As expected, green hydrogen has a much smaller overall environmental impact with the exception of human toxicity, terrestrial ecotoxicity and mineral depletion.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is a key product for a cleaner energy sector. However, the suitability of the different hydrogen production options should be checked from a life-cycle perspective. The Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) methodology is helpful for this purpose, allowing a thorough interpretation of a product system's performance by integrating economic, environmental and social indicators. This work presents an LCSA of renewable hydrogen from biomass gasification, and its sustainability benchmarking against conventional hydrogen from steam methane reforming. Environmental (global warming and acidification), economic (levelised cost) and social (child labour, gender wage gap, and health expenditure) life-cycle indicators are characterised and jointly interpreted. The results show that hydrogen from biomass gasification cannot yet be thoroughly considered a sustainable alternative to conventional hydrogen mainly due to economic and social concerns. However, improvement actions leading to an increase in process efficiency would significantly enhance the system's performance in each of the three sustainability dimensions.  相似文献   

With the proposal of carbon neutral goals in various countries, the deepening of global action on climate change and the acceleration of green economy recovery in the post epidemic era, building a low-carbon and clean hydrogen supply system has gradually become a global consensus. In order to promote the development of clean hydrogen market, the standards of green hydrogen have been discussed at global level. The quantitative definition of different hydrogen production methods based on the greenhouse gases (GHG) emission of life cycle assessment (LCA) methods is gradually recognised by the industry. China issued the “Standard and evaluation of low-carbon hydrogen, clean hydrogen and renewable hydrogen” in December 2020. This is the first formal green hydrogen standard worldwide, which provides calculation methods for GHG of different hydrogen production paths. This chapter discusses the major green hydrogen standards initiative in the world, analyses the key factors of the global green hydrogen standard, and introduces how to establish the quantitative standards and evaluation system of low-carbon hydrogen, clean hydrogen, and renewable hydrogen by using the method in China.  相似文献   

Methane decomposition to yield hydrogen and carbon (CH4 ? 2H2 + C) is one of the cleanest alternatives, free of CO2 emissions, for producing hydrogen from fossil fuels. This reaction can be catalyzed by metals, although they suffer a fast deactivation process, or by carbonaceous materials, which present the advantage of producing the catalyst from the carbon obtained in the reaction. In this work, the environmental performance of methane decomposition catalyzed by carbonaceous catalysts has been evaluated through Life Cycle Assessment tools, comparing it to other decomposition processes and steam methane reforming coupled to carbon capture systems. The results obtained showed that the decomposition using the autogenerated carbonaceous as catalyst is the best option when reaction conversions higher than 65% are attained. These were confirmed by 2015 and 2030 forecastings. Moreover, its environmental performance is highly increased when the produced carbon is used in other commercial applications. Thus, for a methane conversion of 70%, the application of 50% of the produced carbon would lead to a virtually zero-emissions process.  相似文献   

A. Boyano  G. Tsatsaronis 《Energy》2011,36(4):2202-2214
Steam methane reforming (SMR) is one of the most promising processes for hydrogen production. Several studies have demonstrated its advantages from the economic viewpoint. Nowadays process development is based on technical and economical aspects; however, in the near future, the environmental impact will play a significant role in the design of such processes. In this paper, an SMR process is studied from the viewpoint of overall environmental impact, using an exergoenvironmental analysis. This analysis presents the combination of exergy analysis and life cycle assessment. Components where chemical reactions occur are the most important plant components from the exergoenvironmental point of view, because, in general, there is a high environmental impact associated with these components. This is mainly caused by the exergy destruction within the components, and this in turn is mainly due to the chemical reactions. The obtained results show that the largest potential for reducing the overall environmental impact is associated with the combustion reactor, the steam reformer, the hydrogen separation unit and the major heat exchangers. The environmental impact in these components can mainly be reduced by improving their exergetic efficiency. A sensitivity analysis for some important exergoenvironmental variables is also presented in the paper.  相似文献   

The interest in steam reforming process as an efficient method for hydrogen production has been greatly increasing, due to its efficiency during hydrogen production and low environmental problems compared to other techniques. The main objective of this review was to present a comprehensive study of environmental, economic aspects of hydrogen production from steam reforming of raw materials such as biomass, bio-gas, ethanol, and natural gas. From literature review, it was found that among methods for hydrogen production, steam reforming of natural gas has lower installed capital due to the precence of high amounts of unconverted hydrocarbons in the produced gas (so-called tar) during other methods such as steam reforming of bio-gas.  相似文献   

Combined reaction–separation processes are a widely explored method to produce hydrogen from endothermic steam reforming of hydrocarbon feedstock at a reduced reaction temperature and with fewer unit operation steps, both of which are key requirements for energy efficient, distributed hydrogen production. This work introduces a new class of variable volume batch reactors for production of hydrogen from catalytic steam reforming of methane that operates in a cycle similar to that of an internal combustion engine. It incorporates a CO2 adsorbent and a selectively permeable hydrogen membrane for in situ removal of the two major products of the reversible steam methane reforming reaction. Thermodynamic analysis is employed to define an envelope of ideal reactor performance and to explore the tradeoff between thermal efficiency and hydrogen yield density with respect to critical operating parameters, including sorbent mass, steam to methane ratio and fraction of product gas recycled. Particular attention is paid to contrasting the variable volume batch-membrane reactor approach to a conventional fixed bed reaction–separation approach. The results indicates that the proposed reactor is a viable option for low temperature distributed production of hydrogen from methane, the primary component of natural gas feedstock, motivating a detailed study of reaction/adsorption kinetics and heat/mass transfer effects.  相似文献   

Analysis of lower carbon power systems has tended to focus on the operational carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from power stations. However, to achieve the large cuts required it is necessary to understand the whole-life contribution of all sectors of the electricity industry. Here, a preliminary assessment of the life cycle carbon emissions of the transmission network in Great Britain is presented. Using a 40-year period and assuming a static generation mix it shows that the carbon equivalent emissions (or global warming potential) of the transmission network are around 11 gCO2-eq/kWh of electricity transmitted and that almost 19 times more energy is transmitted by the network than is used in its construction and operation. Operational emissions account for 96% of this with transmission losses alone totalling 85% and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) emissions featuring significantly. However, the CO2 embodied within the raw materials of the network infrastructure itself represents a modest 3%. Transmission investment decisions informed by whole-life cycle carbon assessments of network design could balance higher financial and carbon ‘capital’ costs of larger conductors with lower transmission losses and CO2 emissions over the network lifetime. This will, however, necessitate new regulatory approaches to properly incentivise transmission companies.  相似文献   

Ni/CeO2–MgO catalysts on powder form and supported on stainless steel plates were prepared, characterized and tested towards hydrogen generation via the steam reforming reaction of ethanol. The structured catalyst was prepared by the dip-coating technique. The coatings obtained over the stainless steel plates were homogeneous and retained their integrity after the reaction experiences. The samples were characterized by SEM, TEM, XRD, ICP-AES, TPR, OSC and N2 adsorption–desorption measurements. Catalysts presented very good stability under reaction conditions for 16 h on-stream, without showing a significant variation in the activity or product distribution. The structured catalysts presented similar activities and selectivities respect to those of the powder, whereby the deposition method did not modify the catalytic properties of the particulate material. The presence of the AISI 430 stainless steel substrate also had not a significant influence on the performance of the deposited material.  相似文献   

An opportunity to sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) is made possible because hydraulic fracturing is used to produce most of America's natural gas. CO2 could be extracted from natural gas and water using steam methane reforming, pressurized to its supercritical phase, and used instead of water to fracture additional hydrocarbon-bearing rock. The useful energy carrier that remains is hydrogen, with carbon returned to the ground. Research on the use of supercritical CO2 is reviewed, with proppant entrainment identified as the major area where technical advances may be needed. The large potential for greenhouse-gas reduction through sequestration of CO2 and avoidance of methane leakage from the natural gas system is quantified.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a well-established methodology for the evaluation of the environmental performance of product systems. However, a large number of combinations of methodological choices is possible in LCA studies, threatening consistency when comparing different authors’ studies. Regarding hydrogen, a specific LCA harmonisation initiative has recently been undertaken. Within the framework of this initiative, harmonisation protocols and libraries of life-cycle indicators of hydrogen have been developed in order to improve the robustness of comparative LCAs. Nevertheless, these libraries are currently affected by the lack of fossil-based hydrogen options. Hence, this study fills this gap by calculating harmonised carbon and energy footprints of hydrogen for a set of 15 new case studies involving relevant production pathways: gasification, reforming and autocatalytic decomposition of fossil feedstock, and electrolysis powered by fossil and grid electricity. Overall, the resulting extended library of harmonised life-cycle indicators stresses the role of renewable hydrogen as a key requirement in the path towards an environmentally-sustainable hydrogen economy.  相似文献   

The present paper considers an integrated solar combined cycle system (ISCCS) with an utilization of solar energy for steam methane reforming. The overall efficiency was compared with the efficiency of an integrated solar combined cycle system with the utilization of solar energy for steam generation for a steam turbine cycle. Utilization of solar energy for steam methane reforming gives the increase in an overall efficiency up to 3.5%. If water that used for steam methane reforming will be condensed from the exhaust gases, the overall efficiency of ISCCS with steam methane reforming will increase up to 6.2% and 8.9% for β = 1.0 and β = 2.0, respectively, in comparison with ISCCS where solar energy is utilized for generation of steam in steam turbine cycle. The Sankey diagrams were compiled based on the energy balance. Utilization of solar energy for steam methane reforming increases the share of power of a gas turbine cycle: two-thirds are in a gas turbine cycle, and one-third is in a steam turbine cycle. In parallel, if solar energy is used for steam generation for a steam turbine cycle, than the shares of power from a gas and steam turbine are almost equal.  相似文献   

Despite recent consumption decrease due to recession, European electricity sector is struggling to reach ambitious targets for reductions of greenhouse gas emissions. Our objective is to carry out a macro analysis of the energy mix in two European countries: Belgium and Spain. Life Cycle Assessments are carried for 2005 as well as for seven possible referenced scenarios to reach EU and also national legal objectives at the horizon 2020 and 2030. Ambitious renewable energy sources’ deployment plans can decrease impacts on the environment significantly as those sources replace polluting traditional sources, such as coal/lignite, oil or gas. When concentrating on projections for the future in Spain, results show that a mix with little coal and oil replaced by up to 54% of RES-E energy sources could bring environmental benefits with CO2 emissions equivalent around 0.2 kg per kWh produced (compared with 0.54 kg in 2005). In Belgium, all future scenarios presented include more coal and gas with a limited share of RES-E; those mixes present more environmental harmful impacts (up to 0.56 kg CO2 equivalent). This is why RES-E deployment is crucial as long as it is part of an electricity mix with reduced quantities of traditional fossil fuels.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for H2 for heavy oil upgrading, desulfurization and upgrading of conventional petroleum, and for production of ammonium, in addition to the projected demand for H2 as a transportation fuel and portable power, will require H2 production on a massive scale. Increased production of H2 by current technologies will consume greater amounts of conventional hydrocarbons (primarily natural gas), which in turn will generate greater greenhouse gas emissions. Production of H2 from renewable sources derived from agricultural or other waste streams offers the possibility to contribute to the production capacity with lower or no net greenhouse gas emissions (without carbon sequestration technologies), increasing the flexibility and improving the economics of distributed and semi-centralized reforming. Electrolysis, thermocatalytic, and biological production can be easily adapted to on-site decentralized production of H2, circumventing the need to establish a large and costly distribution infrastructure. Each of these H2 production technologies, however, faces technical challenges, including conversion efficiencies, feedstock type, and the need to safely integrate H2 production systems with H2 purification and storage technologies.  相似文献   

A two-stage pressure/vacuum swing adsorption (PSA/VSA) process was proposed to produce high purity H2 from steam methane reforming (SMR) gas and capture CO2 from the tail gas of the SMR-H2-PSA unit. Notably, a ten-bed PSA process with activated carbon and 5A zeolite was designed to produce 99.99+% H2 with over 85% recovery from the SMR gas (CH4/CO/CO2/H2 = 3.5/0.5/20/76 vol%). Moreover, a three-bed VSA system was constructed to recover CO2 from the tail gas using silica gel as the adsorbent. CO2 product with 95% purity and over 90% recovery could be attained. Additionally, the effects of various operating parameters on the process performances were investigated in detail.  相似文献   

Microalgae are considered as one of the potential major source of biofuel for the future. However, their environmental benefit is still unclear and many scientific publications provide contradictory results. Here we perform the Life Cycle Assessment of the production and combustion of 1 MJ of algal methylester. The system under consideration uses standard open raceways under greenhouses. Lipid extraction and transesterification are carried out on a humid paste produced by centrifugation. Our environmental and energetic analysis shows that improving the energy balance is clearly the key priority to make microalgal cultivation sustainable and to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To achieve significant reduction of the GHG emissions, most of the studies of the literature focus on technological breakthroughs, especially at the production step. However, since a large fraction of environmental impacts and especially GHG emissions do not occur directly at the production facility but stem from the production of the electricity required for producing, harvesting and transforming algae, it seems relevant to question the source of electricity as well as algae production technology. We consider a scenario where up to 45% of electricity was produced by a local renewable source and then we compare it to the improvements resulting from technological breakthroughs resulting in higher microalgal productivity or biomass concentration. It turns out that increasing the yield only drastically reduces the climate change for low starting productivity. The climate change is always significantly reduced by the use of local renewable electricity. It is therefore wiser to increase biomass productivity to easily achievable values (10–15 gm−2 d−1), and then radically change improvements pathways by considering the composition of the electricity mix used for example. At least, it must be underlined that the introduction of renewable electricity also affect energetic efficiency, leading to a positive cumulative energy balance due to better energetic ratios.  相似文献   

Small-scale steam methane reforming units produce more than 12% of all the CO2-equivalent emissions from hydrogen production and, unlike large-scale units, are usually not integrated with other processes. In this article, the authors examine the hitherto under-explored potential to utilise the excess heat available in the small-scale steam methane reforming process for partial carbon dioxide capture. Reforming temperature has been identified as a critical operating parameter to affect the amount of excess heat available in the steam methane reforming process. Calculations suggest that reforming the natural gas at 850 °C, rather than 750 °C, increases the amount of excess heat available by about 28.4% (at 180 °C) while, sacrificing about 1.62% and 1.09% in the thermal and exergetic efficiency of the process, respectively. Preliminary calculations suggest that this heat could potentially be utilised for partial carbon capture from reformer flue gas, via structured adsorbents, in a compact capture unit. The reforming temperature can be adjusted in order to regulate the amount of excess heat, and thus the carbon capture rate.  相似文献   

A life cycle assessment of hydrogen and gasoline vehicles, including fuel production and utilization in vehicles powered by fuel cells and internal combustion engines, is conducted to evaluate and compare their efficiencies and environmental impacts. Fossil fuel and renewable technologies are investigated, and the assessment is divided into various stages.  相似文献   

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