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Battery charging and water pumping has been the only applications for wind energy in South Africa till now. A conservative estimate of the wind resource indicates that approximately 5% to 6% of the South African energy demands can be supplied from wind. However the low cost of electricity due to the abundance of cheap coal has made it difficult to justify the use of grid connected wind turbines. As with other countries where wind energy is now a part of the total energy package, South Africa will also have to go through a process of wind energy having to prove itself as a viable option while at the same time have a cost disadvantage.  相似文献   

Seven models are considered for the production and liquefaction of hydrogen by geothermal energy. In these models, we use electrolysis and high-temperature steam electrolysis processes for hydrogen production, a binary power plant for geothermal power production, and a pre-cooled Linde–Hampson cycle for hydrogen liquefaction. Also, an absorption cooling system is used for the pre-cooling of hydrogen before the liquefaction process. A methodology is developed for the economic analysis of the models. It is estimated that the cost of hydrogen production and liquefaction ranges between 0.979 $/kg H2 and 2.615 $/kg H2 depending on the model. The effect of geothermal water temperature on the cost of hydrogen production and liquefaction is investigated. The results show that the cost of hydrogen production and liquefaction decreases as the geothermal water temperature increases. Also, capital costs for the models involving hydrogen liquefaction are greater than those for the models involving hydrogen production only.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive technical and economic assessment of potential green hydrogen and ammonia production plants in different locations in Iran with strong wind and solar resources. The study was organized in five steps. First, regarding the wind density and solar PV potential data, three locations in Iran were chosen with the highest wind power, solar radiation, and a combination of both wind/solar energy. All these locations are inland spots, but since the produced ammonia is planned to be exported, it must be transported to the export harbor in the South of Iran. For comparison, a base case was also considered next to the export harbor with normal solar and wind potential, but no distance from the export harbor. In the second step, a similar large-scale hydrogen production facility with proton exchange membrane electrolyzers was modeled for all these locations using the HOMER Pro simulation platform. In the next step, the produced hydrogen and the nitrogen obtained from an air separation unit are supplied to a Haber-Bosch process to synthesize ammonia as a hydrogen carrier. Since water electrolysis requires a considerable amount of water with specific quality and because Iran suffers from water scarcity, this paper, unlike many similar research studies, addresses the challenges associated with the water supply system in the hydrogen production process. In this regard, in the fourth step of this study, it is assumed that seawater from the nearest sea is treated in a desalination plant and sent to the site locations. Finally, since this study intends to evaluate the possibility of green hydrogen export from Iran, a detailed piping model for the transportation of water, hydrogen, and ammonia from/to the production site and the export harbor is created in the last step, which considers the real routs using satellite images, and takes into account all pump/compression stations required to transport these media. This study provides a realistic cost of green hydrogen/ammonia production in Iran, which is ready to be exported, considering all related processes involved in the hydrogen supply chain.  相似文献   

In this study, a techno-economic analysis of the capacity of Morocco to produce hydrogen from solar energy has been conducted. For this reason, a Photovoltaic-electrolyze system was selected and the electricity and hydrogen production were simulated for 76 sites scattered all over the country. The Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) data used for the simulation were extracted from the CAMS-Rad satellite database and meteorological stations at ground level.Before simulations, the accuracy of the GHI values from the satellite dataset has been checked, and their uncertainties was calculated against accurate data measured in-situ. After that, the simulated values of the hydrogen mass were interpolated using a GIS software to create a Hydrogen production map of Morocco. Finally, an economical investigation of electricity and hydrogen production costs has been conducted by calculating the LCOE and LCOH2.Results show that the satellite dataset has a mean average deviation of 6.8% which is a very acceptable error rang. Also, it was found that Morocco have a high potential for hydrogen production, with a daily annual production that varies between 6489 and 8308 Tons/km2. Moreover, the cost of electricity and hydrogen production in the country are in the range of 0.077–0.099 $/kWh and 5.79–4.64 $/Kg respectively.The findings of this study are with high importance as they provide an overall perspective of the country potential of hydrogen production for policy makers and investors, and it was motivated by the lack of information on the subject in the literature since it's, at the best of our knowledge, the first study assessing the hydrogen production from solar for the whole country.  相似文献   

Wind power potential by itself is not a good indicator of the suitability of a region for wind power generation for different purposes. Economic attractiveness is a better indicator in this regard as it stimulates the involvement of private businesses in this sector. Naturally, the shorter is the payback period or the time required to reach profitability, the more attractive will be the project. Considering the high wind energy potential of some regions of Iran, this study evaluates the wind energy available for generating electricity as well as hydrogen by industrial and agricultural sectors in four cities of Ardebil province, namely Ardebil, Khalkhal, Namin, and Meshkinshahr, and then conducts an econometric analysis accordingly. Wind power potentials are evaluated using the energy pattern factor and Weibull distribution function based on 5-year meteorological data of the studied regions. Economic evaluations are performed based on the present worth of incomes and costs, which are estimated for two models of wind turbines with 3.5 and 100 KW rated power. Results indicate that the cities of Namin and Ardebil with wind power densities of respectively 261.68 and 258.99 W/m2 have the best condition. The economic analysis conducted for turbines shows that for Ardebil, installation of the 3.5 KW and 100 KW turbines will have a payback period of 13 and 5 years, respectively. For Khalkhal, Namin, and Meshkinshahr, the only feasible option is installation of the 100 KW turbine, which would result in a payback period of respectively 10.2, 6.1 and 8.7 years. Then it is investigated how much hydrogen can be gained if these private sectors invest in producing hydrogen using nominated wind turbines.  相似文献   

Developing an efficient water electrolysis (WE) configuration is essential for high-efficiency hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) activity. In this regard, it has been proven that adding a magnetic field (MF) to the electrolysis system greatly improves the hydrogen output rate. In this study, we developed a method based on a machine learning approach to further improve the hydrogen production (HP) system with MF effect WE. An artificial neural network (ANN) model was developed to estimate the effect of input parameters such as MF, electrode material (cathode type), electrolyte type, supplied power (onset voltage), surface area, temperature, and time on HP in different electrolyzer systems. The network was built using 104 experimental data sets from various electrolysis studies. In the study, the percentage contributions of the input parameters to the HP rate and the optimum network architecture to minimize computation time and maximize network accuracy are presented. The model architecture of 7–12–1 was obtained using the best-hidden neurons. The Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm was used to train the multi-layer feed-forward neural network. Moreover, the utilization of a range of categorical variables to improve ANN prediction accuracy is a significant novelty in this work. Results demonstrated that the output of the trained ANN model fitted well with the experimental data. The test's correlation coefficient (R) and mean squared error (MSE) were 0.973 and 0.01125, respectively, confirming its powerful predictive performance. This ANN application is the first novel viable model to perform prediction using a neural network algorithm in the electrolysis process for MF effect HP using both categorical and continuous data inputs.  相似文献   

The development of renewable energy technologies is essential to achieve carbon neutrality. Hydrogen can be stably stored and transported in large quantities to maximize power utilization. Detailed understanding of the characteristics and operating methods of water electrolysis technologies, in which naturally intermittent fluctuating power is used directly, is required for green hydrogen production, because fluctuating power-driven water electrolysis processes significantly differ from industrial water electrolysis processes driven by steady grid power. Thus, it is necessary to overcome several issues related to the direct use of fluctuating power. This article reviews the characteristics of fluctuating power and its generation as well as the current status and issues related to the operation conditions, water electrolyzer configuration, system requirements, stack/catalyst durability, and degradation mechanisms under the direct use of fluctuating power sources. It also provides an accelerated degradation test protocol method for fair catalyst performance comparison and share of effective design directions. Finally, it discusses potential challenges and recommendations for further improvements in water electrolyzer components and systems suitable for practical use, suggesting that a breakthrough could be realized toward the achievement of a sustainable hydrogen-based society.  相似文献   

Energy and exergy analyses are reported of hydrogen production via an ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) system coupled with a solar-enhanced proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer. This system is composed of a turbine, an evaporator, a condenser, a pump, a solar collector and a PEM electrolyzer. Electricity is generated in the turbine, which is used by the PEM electrolyzer to produce hydrogen. A simulation program using Matlab software is developed to model the PEM electrolyzer and OTEC system. The simulation model for the PEM electrolyzer used in this study is validated with experimental data from the literature. The amount of hydrogen produced, the exergy destruction of each component and the overall system, and the exergy efficiency of the system are calculated. To better understand the effect of various parameters on system performance, a parametric analysis is carried out. The energy and exergy efficiencies of the integrated OTEC system are 3.6% and 22.7% respectively, and the exergy efficiency of the PEM electrolyzer is about 56.5% while the amount of hydrogen produced by it is 1.2 kg/h.  相似文献   

Microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) is a bioelectrochemical technology that can produce hydrogen gas from various organic waste/wastewater. Extra voltage supply (>0.2 V) is required to overcome cathode overpotential for hydrogen evolution. In order to make MEC system more sustainable and practicable, it is necessary to minimize the external energy input or to develop other alternative energy sources. In this study, we aimed to improve the energy efficiency by intermittent energy supply to MECs (setting anode potential = −0.2 V). The overall gas production was increased up to ∼40% with intermittent energy input (on/off = 60/15sec) compared to control reactor. Cathodic hydrogen recovery was also increased from 62% for control MEC to 69–80% for intermittent voltage application. Energy efficiency was increased by 14–20% with intermittent energy input. These results show that intermittent voltage application is very effective not only for energy efficiency/recovery but also for hydrogen production as compared with continuous voltage application.  相似文献   

Electricity generation via direct conversion of solar energy with zero carbon dioxide emission is essential from the aspect of energy supply security as well as from the aspect of environmental protection. Therefore, this paper presents a system for hydrogen production via water electrolysis using a 960 Wp solar power plant. The results obtained from the monitoring of photovoltaic modules mounted in pairs on a fixed, a single-axis and a dual-axis solar tracker were examined to determine if there is a possibility to couple them with an electrolyzer. Energy performance of each photovoltaic system was recorded and analyzed during a period of one year, and the data were monitored on an online software service. Estimated parameters, such as monthly solar irradiance, solar electricity production, optimal angle, monthly ambient temperature, and capacity factor were compared to the observed data. In order to get energy efficiency as high as possible, a novel alkaline electrolyzer of bipolar design was constructed. Its design and operating UI characteristic are described. The operating UI characteristics of photovoltaic modules were tuned to the electrolyzer operating UI characteristic to maximize production. The calculated hydrogen rate of production was 1.138 g per hour. During the study the system produced 1.234 MWh of energy, with calculated of 1.31 MWh , which could power 122 houses, and has offset 906 kg of carbon or an equivalent of 23 trees.  相似文献   

Anode made of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) results in enhancement of exchange current density compared to graphite anode in a conventional alkaline water electrolysis cell. The hydrogen production rate with the nanotubes was measured to be ∼375 lh−1 m−2 at pH ∼ 14 which was nearly double of that obtained from traditional graphitic carbon electrodes at the same overpotential. This effect appears to be caused by defects on the nanotubes which reduces the energy barrier for the dissociation of OH into oxygen at the anode.  相似文献   

Alkaline water electrolysis is one of the easiest methods for hydrogen production, offering the advantage of simplicity. The challenges for widespread use of water electrolysis are to reduce energy consumption, cost and maintenance and to increase reliability, durability and safety. This literature review examines the current state of knowledge and technology of hydrogen production by water electrolysis and identifies areas where R&D effort is needed in order to improve this technology. Following an overview of the fundamentals of alkaline water electrolysis, an electrical circuit analogy of resistances in the electrolysis system is introduced. The resistances are classified into three categories, namely the electrical resistances, the reaction resistances and the transport resistances. This is followed by a thorough analysis of each of the resistances, by means of thermodynamics and kinetics, to provide a scientific guidance to minimising the resistance in order to achieve a greater efficiency of alkaline water electrolysis. The thermodynamic analysis defines various electrolysis efficiencies based on theoretical energy input and cell voltage, respectively. These efficiencies are then employed to compare different electrolysis cell designs and to identify the means to overcome the key resistances for efficiency improvement. The kinetic analysis reveals the dependence of reaction resistances on the alkaline concentration, ion transfer, and reaction sites on the electrode surface, the latter is determined by the electrode materials. A quantitative relationship between the cell voltage components and current density is established, which links all the resistances and manifests the importance of reaction resistances and bubble resistances. The important effect of gas bubbles formed on the electrode surface and the need to minimise the ion transport resistance are highlighted. The historical development and continuous improvement in the alkaline water electrolysis technology are examined and different water electrolysis technologies are systematically compared using a set of the practical parameters derived from the thermodynamic and kinetic analyses. In addition to the efficiency improvements, the needs for reduction in equipment and maintenance costs, and improvement in reliability and durability are also established. The future research needs are also discussed from the aspects of electrode materials, electrolyte additives and bubble management, serving as a comprehensive guide for continuous development of the water electrolysis technology.  相似文献   

Models based on too many parameters are complex and burdensome, difficult to be adopted as a tool for sizing these technologies, especially when the goal is not the improvement of electrochemical technology, but the study of the overall energy flows.The novelty of this work is to model an electrolysis hydrogen production process, with analysis and prevision of its electrical and thermal energy expenditure, focusing on the energy flows of the whole system. The paper additionally includes investigation on auxiliary power consumption and on thermal capacity and resistance as functions of the stack power. The electrolysis production phase is modeled, with a zero-dimensional, multi-physics and dynamic approach, both with alkaline and polymer membrane electrolyzers.Models are validated with experimental data, showing a good match with a root-mean-square percentage error under 0.10. Results are scaled-up for 180 kg/day of hydrogen, performing a comparison with both technologies.  相似文献   

PEM electrolysis for production of hydrogen from renewable energy sources   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Frano Barbir   《Solar Energy》2005,78(5):661-669
PEM electrolysis is a viable alternative for generation of hydrogen from renewable energy sources. Several possible applications are discussed, including grid independent and grid assisted hydrogen generation, use of an electrolyzer for peak shaving, and integrated systems both grid connected and grid independent where electrolytically generated hydrogen is stored and then via fuel cell converted back to electricity when needed. Specific issues regarding the use of PEM electrolyzer in the renewable energy systems are addressed, such as sizing of electrolyzer, intermittent operation, output pressure, oxygen generation, water consumption and efficiency.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is a carbon-free alternative energy source for use in future energy frameworks with the advantages of environment-friendliness and high energy density. Among the numerous hydrogen production techniques, sustainable and high purity of hydrogen can be achieved by water electrolysis. Therefore, developing electrocatalysts for water electrolysis is an emerging field with great importance to the scientific community. On one hand, precious metals are typically used to study the two-half cell reactions, i.e., hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER). However, precious metals (i.e., Pt, Au, Ru, Ag, etc.) as electrocatalysts are expensive and with low availability, which inhibits their practical application. Non-precious metal-based electrocatalysts on the other hand are abundant with low-cost and eco-friendliness and exhibit high electrical conductivity and electrocatalytic performance equivalent to those for noble metals. Thus, these electrocatalysts can replace precious materials in the water electrolysis process. However, considerable research effort must be devoted to the development of these cost-effective and efficient non-precious electrocatalysts. In this review article, we provide key fundamental knowledge of water electrolysis, progress, and challenges of the development of most-studied electrocatalysts in the most desirable electrolytic solutions: alkaline water electrolysis (AWE), solid-oxide electrolysis (SOE), and proton exchange membrane electrolysis (PEME). Lastly, we discuss remaining grand challenges, prospect, and future work with key recommendations that must be done prior to the full commercialization of water electrolysis systems.  相似文献   

With the help of the typical model of a water electrolysis hydrogen production system, which mainly includes the electrolysis cell, separator, and heat exchangers, three expressions of the system efficiency in literature are compared and evaluated, from which one reasonable expression of the efficiency is chosen and directly used to analyze the performance of a water electrolysis hydrogen production system under different operation conditions. Several new configurations of a water electrolysis system are put forward and the problem how to calculate the efficiencies of these configurations is solved. Moreover, a solid oxide steam electrolyzer system (SOSES) for hydrogen production is taken as an example to expound that the different configurations of a water electrolysis system should be adopted for different operation conditions. The results obtained here may provide some guidance for the optimum design and operation of water electrolysis systems for hydrogen production.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is considered as the most promising energy carrier for providing a clean, reliable and sustainable energy system. It can be produced from a diverse array of potential feed stocks including water, fossil fuels and organic matter. Electrolysis is the best option for producing hydrogen very quickly and conveniently. Water electrolysis as a source of hydrogen production has recently gained much attention since it can produce high purity hydrogen and can be compatible with renewable energies. Besides the water electrolysis, aqueous methanol electrolysis has been reported in several studies. The aqueous methanol electrolysis proceeds at much lower voltage than that with the water electrolysis. As a result of the substantially lower operating voltage, the energy efficiency for methanol electrolysis can be higher than that for water electrolysis. In this paper, we are interesting to methanol electrolysis in order to produce hydrogen. The relation linking hydrogen production rate to the power needed to electrolyse a unit volume of aqueous methanol solution has been determined. Using this relation, the potential of hydrogen from aqueous methanol solution using a PV solar as the energy system has been evaluated for different locations in Algeria.  相似文献   

The transport sector is considered as one of the sectors producing high carbon emissions worldwide due to the use of fossil fuels. Hydrogen is a non-toxic energy carrier that could serve as a good alternative to fossil fuels. The use of hydrogen vehicles could help reduce carbon emissions thereby cutting down on greenhouse gases and environmental pollution. This could largely be achieved when hydrogen is produced from renewable energy sources and is easily accessible through a widespread network of hydrogen refuelling stations. In this study, the techno-economic assessment was performed for a wind-powered hydrogen refuelling station in seven cities of South Africa. The aim is to determine the optimum configuration of a hydrogen refuelling station powered by wind energy resources for each of the cities as well as to determine their economic viability and carbon emission reduction capability. The stations were designed to cater for 25 hydrogen vehicles every day, each with a 5 kg tank capacity. The results show that a wind-powered hydrogen refuelling station is viable in South Africa with the cost of hydrogen production ranging from 6.34 $/kg to 8.97 $/kg. These costs are competitive when compared to other costs of hydrogen production around the world. The cities located in the coastal region of South Africa are more promising for siting wind powered-hydrogen refuelling station compared to the cities located on the mainland. The hydrogen refuelling stations could reduce the CO2 and CO emissions by 73.95 tons and 0.133 tons per annum, respectively.  相似文献   

Steam electrolysis in solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs) is considered as an effective method to achieve high-efficiency hydrogen production. In the present investigation, samples of 1-cell, 2-cell and 30-cell SOEC stacks were tested under electrolysis of steam to give a practical evaluation of the SOEC system efficiency of hydrogen production. The samples were tested at 800 °C under various operating conditions up to 500 h without significant degradation, and obtained steam conversion rates of 12.4%, 23% and 82.2% for the 1-cell, 2-cell and 30-cell stacks, respectively. System efficiencies of hydrogen production were calculated for the samples based on their real performance. A maximum efficiency value of 52.7% was achieved in the 30-cell stack.  相似文献   

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