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Fossil fuels use has caused serious environmental impacts worldwide, mainly related with the greenhouse effect intensification. One strategy to mitigate such impacts is the use of hydrogen in combustion processes. Additionally, hydrogen can be utilized as an energy vector for storage purposes and is also classified as a fuel of the future, due to the low emission of pollutants into the atmosphere. The present paper shows results of a computational simulation carried out for the state of Ceará, Brazil, considering scenarios for the use of electrolytic hydrogen obtained with the use of photovoltaic (PV) modules and wind energy converters, as a substitute of fluid fossil fuels.  相似文献   

Wind power, the most promising renewable energy source in the world, plays an important role in the electricity markets. Wind power curtailment cannot be avoided in some countries due to its output has a special feature of randomness and volatility. Since the excess wind power being converted into hydrogen and sold to the hydrogen market will be the future trend. This study proposes a wind-electrolytic hydrogen storage system to participate in the electricity/hydrogen markets for selling electricity and hydrogen, which can help to improve the benefits of wind power in the electricity markets and addree the wind power curtailment effectively. With considering the uncertainties of wind power outputs and electricity prices, the optimal operation strategy is proposed with the objective of maximizing profits. The scenario-based stochastic method is adopted to describe the uncertainties, and the financial risk is evaluated using conditional value-at-risk. The operational problem of the proposed system is formulated into a mixed-integer linear programming model. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed operational strategy is validated by a case study. The results show that the expected revenue increases with the increase of the hydrogen selling price, indicating that investors can obtain profits by converting electricity into hydrogen. The optimal expected revenue increases by 33.42% when hydrogen price increases from 1.2 DKK/kWh to 1.8 DKK/kWh and the risk factor is equal to 0. Based on the analysis of the results, the importance of hydrogen can be proven.  相似文献   

This study investigates the overall feasibility of large energy storages with hydrogen as energy carrier onsite with a pre-combustion carbon capture and storage coal gasification plant and assesses the general impacts of such a backup installation on an electricity generation system with high wind power portion. The developed system plant configuration consists of four main units namely the gasification unit, main power unit, backup power unit including hydrogen storage and ancillary power unit. Findings show that integrating a backup storage in solid or gaseous hydrogen storage configuration allows to store excessive energy under high renewable power output or low demand and to make use of the stored energy to compensate low renewable output or high power demand. The study concludes that the developed system configuration reaches much higher load factors and efficiency levels than a plant configuration without backup storage, which simply increases its power unit capacity to meet the electricity demand. Also from an economical point of view, the suggested system configurations are capable to achieve lower electricity generation costs.  相似文献   

Wind generation (WG) units as renewable energy sources (RESs) are increasing in the world due to environmental functions and lack of conventional energy sources. Also, hydrogen storage system (HSS) as an energy storage system (ESS) is used to cope with variable nature of RESs in which the concepts of power to hydrogen (P2H) and hydrogen to power (H2P) are defined. In this work, a risk-averse stochastic operation of HSS and WG is modeled using a scenario-based stochastic approach by considering price-responsive demand response (DR) program. All uncertainties are modeled via a scenario-based stochastic approach while the risk related uncertainties are modeled via the downside risk constraints (DRC) to capture the risk-averse operation of the HSS and WG. In order to investigate the impact of DRC implementation, a risk-averse strategy is compared versus risk-neutral strategy. Compared results show that the risk-in-cost (RIC) is reduced while the expected operation cost (EOC) is raised to deal with the risk of the uncertainty.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is gradually becoming one of the important carriers of global energy transformation and development. To analyze the influence of the hydrogen storage module (HSM) on the operation of the gas-electricity integrated energy system, a comprehensive energy system model consisting of wind turbines, gas turbines, power-to-hydrogen (P2H) unit, and HSM is proposed in this paper. The model couples the natural gas network and power grid bidirectionally, and establishes a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem considering HSM. The linearization model of the natural gas pipeline flow equation and the generator set equation is constructed by piecewise linearization method to improve the efficiency of solving the model. And the energy flow distribution in the gas-electricity integrated energy system is finally solved. In Model 1, compared with not considering the installation of P2H units, when the hydrogen doping ratio is 10%, the operating cost can be reduced by 6.63%, and the wind curtailment cost can be reduced by 17.54%, and the carbon emission can be reduced by 298.7 tons. The optimization results of Model 2 reveal that compared with no HSM, the system operating cost is reduced by 5.96%, the hydrogen content level in the natural gas pipeline network is increased by 42.12%, and the carbon emission of the system is reduced by 117.6 tons, and the fluctuation of wind power is suppressed. This study demonstrates the feasibility of large-scale absorption of renewable energy through HSM.  相似文献   

Storing energy in the form of hydrogen is a promising green alternative. Thus, there is a high interest to analyze the status quo of the different storage options. This paper focuses on the large-scale compressed hydrogen storage options with respect to three categories: storage vessels, geological storage, and other underground storage alternatives. In this study, we investigated a wide variety of compressed hydrogen storage technologies, discussing in fair detail their theory of operation, potential, and challenges. The analysis confirms that a techno-economic chain analysis is required to evaluate the viability of one storage option over another for a case by case. Some of the discussed technologies are immature; however, this does not rule out these technologies; rather, it portrays the research opportunities in the field and the foreseen potential of these technologies. Furthermore, we see that hydrogen would have a significant role in balancing intermittent renewable electricity production.  相似文献   

Because of highly increasing energy consumption, environmental issues and lack of common energy sources, the use of renewable energy sources especially wind power generation technology is increasing with significant growth in the world. But due to the variable nature of these sources, new challenges have been created in the balance between production and consumption of power system. The hydrogen energy storage (HES) system by storing excess wind power through the technology of power to hydrogen (P2H) and delivering it to the electricity network through hydrogen-based gas turbine at the required hours reduces not only wind alternation but can play an important role in balancing power production and consumption. On the other hand, power consumers by participating in demand response (DR) programs can reduce their consumption at peak load or wind power shortage hours, and increase their consumption at low-load or excess wind power hours to reduce wind power spillage and system energy cost. This paper proposes a stochastic security constrained unit commitment (SCUC) with wind energy considering coordinated operation of price-based DR and HES system. Price-based DR has been formulated as a price responsive shiftable demand bidding mechanism. The proposed model has been tested on modified 6-bus and 24-bus systems. The numerical results show the effect of simultaneous consideration of HES system and price-based DR integrated with wind energy on hourly generation scheduling of thermal units. As a result there is some reduction in wind generation power spillage and daily operation cost.  相似文献   

A proposed hybrid solar hydrogen system with activated carbon storage for residential power generation is assessed using exergy analysis. Energy and exergy balances are applied to determine exergy flows and efficiencies for individual devices and the overall system. A ‘base case’ analysis considers the proposed system without modification, while a ‘modified case’ extends the base case by considering the possibility of multiple product outputs. It is determined that solar photovoltaic-based sub-systems have the lowest exergy efficiencies (14-18%) and offer the most potential for improvement. A comparison of these two scenarios shows that the additional outputs raise the exergy efficiency of the modified case (11%) relative to the base case (4.0%). An investigation of the energy and exergy efficiencies of separate devices illustrates how energy analyses can be misleading. The hybrid system is expected to have several environmental benefits, which may offset to some degree economic barriers to implementation.  相似文献   

Most populations in rural Africa have no access to electricity, in this study, a comparative analysis between grid extension and the implementation of renewable off-grid hybrid power system is carried out. The objective of the study is to determine the best feasible option. Napier, a farming village in the Western Cape province of South Africa was selected as the site for the comparative analysis and HOMER PRO software was used to develop an optimal system using the wind and solar resources of the selected site. The load profile considered in the analysis includes lighting, cooking and hot water demands. The best feasible option is determined based on the Net Present Cost of each feasible scenario. Sensitivity analysis on the current cost and the projected cost of hydrogen storage w conducted to observe the impact of the cost of hydrogen storage on the renewable off-grid system cost of energy.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of combining wind generation and dedicated large scale energy storage on the conventional thermal plant mix and the CO2 emissions of a power system. Different strategies are proposed here in order to explore the best operational strategy for the wind and storage system in terms of its effect on the net load. Furthermore, the economic viability of combining wind and large scale storage is studied. The empirical application, using data for the Irish power system, shows that combined wind and storage reduces the participation of mid-merit plants and increases the participation of base-load plants. Moreover, storage negates some of the CO2 emissions reduction of the wind generation. It was also found that the wind and storage output can significantly reduce the variability of the net load under certain operational strategies and the optimal strategy depends on the installed wind capacity. However, in the absence of any supporting mechanism none of the storage devices were economically viable when they were combined with the wind generation on the Irish power system.  相似文献   

One of the main advantages of fuel cell based mobility over other sustainable mobility concepts is the flexible production of hydrogen via electrolysis. To date, it is unclear how electrolysis at hydrogen refueling stations should be operated in order to achieve the lowest possible costs despite the constraints of hydrogen demand. This study proposes and evaluates an intelligent operating strategy for electrolysis capable of exploiting times of low electricity prices while participating in the spot market and maximizing wind energy utilization when combined with a wind farm. This strategy is based on a simulation model considering imperfect forecasts (e.g. of wind availability or energy prices) and non-linear electrolyzer behavior. Results show that this approach reduces hydrogen production costs by up to 9.2% and increases wind energy utilization by up to 19%, respectively.  相似文献   

NEOM City is supposed to be a renewable-energy-only city in Saudi Arabia. The project has planned a huge capacity of non-dispatchable wind and solar photovoltaic but has not addressed yet the issue of a long time, large storage of energy. Battery energy storage is the only product off-the-shelf, and we know already only works for the storage of small amounts of energy over short time frames. The other solutions for energy storage are not off-the-shelf products, but in many cases, only nice ideas to be proven workable. The only other opportunity to make NEOM a truly renewable-energy-only City today is to use the extra wind and solar photovoltaic power to produce hydrogen through electrolyzers, and then partially use this hydrogen to produce the missing electricity to stabilize the grid, and export the excess hydrogen. Adopting extra wind and solar photovoltaic to make NEOM a hydrogen production hub in addition to a renewable-energy-only city is an even more attractive proposition. As NEOM has not fully acknowledged this issue, same as the scientific community, the most likely solution without an urgent debate within the scientific community will be to import electricity from the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels while paying carbon credits, with is inconsistent with the renewable-energy-only aspiration.  相似文献   

The deployment of wind energy is constrained by wind uncontrollability, which poses operational problems on the electricity supply system at high penetration levels, lessening the value of wind-generated electricity to a significant extent. This paper studies the viability of hydrogen production via electrolysis using wind power that cannot be easily accommodated on the system. The potential benefits of hydrogen and its role in enabling a large penetration of wind energy are assessed, within the context of the enormous wind energy resource in Ireland. The exploitation of this wind resource may in the future give rise to significant amounts of surplus wind electricity, which could be used to produce hydrogen, the zero-emissions fuel that many experts believe will eventually replace fossil fuels in the transport sector. In this paper the operation of a wind powered hydrogen production system is simulated and optimised. The results reveal that, even allowing for significant cost-reductions in electrolyser and associated balance-of-plant equipment, low average surplus wind electricity cost and a high hydrogen market price are also necessary to achieve the economic viability of the technology. These conditions would facilitate the installation of electrolysis units of sufficient capacity to allow an appreciable increase in installed wind power in Ireland. The simulation model was also used to determine the CO2 abatement potential associated with the wind energy/hydrogen production.  相似文献   

To date, hydrogen generation and storage are two separated processes. We report on a new concept where photocatalytically generated hydrogen is simultaneously stored in-situ within the material photo-generating hydrogen. To this aim, we successfully synthesised a “forest” of vertically aligned TiO2 nanotubes decorated with Pd nanoparticles acting as the hydrogen store. Upon illumination of TiO2, hydrogen was effectively generated and full storage of hydrogen within the Pd nanostructures was achieved within 100 min. This result demonstrates new avenues on the possibility of designing hybrid nanostructures for the effective use of hydrogen as an energy vector.  相似文献   

Renewable power (photovoltaic, solar thermal or wind) is inherently intermittent and fluctuating. If renewable power has to become a major source of base-load dispatchable power, electricity storage systems of multi-MW capacity and multi-hours duration are indispensable. An overview of the advanced energy storage systems to store electrical energy generated by renewable energy sources is presented along with climatic conditions and supply demand situation of power in Saudi Arabia. Based on the review, battery features needed for the storage of electricity generated from renewable energy sources are: low cost, high efficiency, long cycle life, mature technology, withstand high ambient temperatures, large power and energy capacities and environmentally benign. Although there are various commercially available electrical energy storage systems (EESS), no single storage system meets all the requirements for an ideal EESS. Each EESS has a suitable application range.  相似文献   

The present study combines methylcyclohexane dehydrogenation and toluene hydrogenation systems to produce steam for power generation. Methylcyclohexane dehydrogenation requires heat input, which has been accomplished using heat, released from toluene hydrogenation system, and heat exchange with steam, produced from the steam generator. The integration of these systems results in the generation of 5 MW electricity, which is used to run the electrolysis unit. The overall process does not require an extra source of energy, decreasing the external utility requirement. Both the systems have been investigated against various catalysts for the selection of best catalyst, thus enhancing overall process efficiency. The study has been carried out using Aspen HYSYS v 9. Aspen Energy Analyzer v 9 has been used to do the energy analysis of the system. Overall plant costing has been carried out using Aspen Economic Analyzer v 9.  相似文献   

The curbing of greenhouse gases (GHG) is an important issue on the international political agenda. The substitution of fossil fuels by renewable energy sources is an often-advocated mitigation strategy. Wind energy is a potential renewable energy source. However, wind energy is not reliable since its electricity production depends on variable weather conditions. High wind energy penetration rates lead to losses due to power plant operation adjustments to wind energy. This research identifies the potential energetic benefits of integrated hydrogen production in electricity systems with high wind energy penetration. This research concludes that the use of system losses for hydrogen production via electrolysis is beneficial in situations with ca. 8 GW or more wind energy capacity in the Netherlands. The 2020 Dutch policy goal of 6 GW will not benefit from hydrogen production in terms of systems efficiency. An ancillary beneficial effect of coupling hydrogen production with wind energy is to relieve the high-voltage grid.  相似文献   

Wind energy and the hydrogen economy—review of the technology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The hydrogen economy is an inevitable energy system of the future where the available energy sources (preferably the renewable ones) will be used to generate hydrogen and electricity as energy carriers, which are capable of satisfying all the energy needs of human civilization. The transition to a hydrogen economy may have already begun. This paper presents a review of hydrogen energy technologies, namely technologies for hydrogen production, storage, distribution, and utilization. Possibilities for utilization of wind energy to generate hydrogen are discussed in parallel with possibilities to use hydrogen to enhance wind power competitiveness.  相似文献   

In this paper, a typical-operation-curve generation method of a hydrogen energy storage system operating under the mode of stabilizing wind power fluctuations is proposed. This method is used to optimize the power and capacity configuration of the energy storage system. The time series curves of the charging and discharging powers of the hydrogen energy storage are obtained by EMD decomposition, and the curves are classified according to the similarities and differences of the characteristic par...  相似文献   

Penetration of renewable energy sources (RESs) in power systems increase all over the world to overcome current challenges, most importantly environmental issues. Beside advantages of RESs, their integration into the power systems have imposed various challenges considering uncertain and intermitted power output. To cope with these challenges, utilizing energy storage systems with renewable energy sources alongside the demand response (DR) programs are considered as reliable solutions. On the other hand, in an uncertain environment, minimizing worst-case cost or regret is counted as an important criterion to evaluate operation of any system under uncertain parameters. Therefore, in this paper, optimal operation of power systems is solved under penetration of wind turbines, hydrogen storage system, and DR programs in an uncertain environment. To guarantee robust operation of the system under the worst-case scenario, a novel stochastic p-robust optimization method (SPROM) is proposed which combines both stochastic programming and robust optimization approaches where minimizes the worst-case cost or regret level. The performance of the developed model is evaluated considering a six-bus test system under two cases as stochastic optimization (SO) and SPROM. Obtained results show that the maximum regret level is reduced considerably using the proposed SPROM comparing with pure stochastic method.  相似文献   

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