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The CO/H2/CO2/O2, CO/H2/CO2/air turbulent premixed flames as the model of syngas oxyfuel and syngas/air combustion were studied experimentally and compared to that of CH4/air mixtures at high pressures up to 1.0 MPa. Hydrogen ratio in syngas was set to be 35%, 50% and 65% in volumetric fraction. Four perforated plates are used to generate wide range of turbulence intensity and scales. The instantaneous flame structure was measured with OH-PLIF technique and then statistic flame structure parameters and turbulent burning velocity were derived to interpret the multi scale turbulence-flame interaction. Results show that the flame structure of syngas is wrinkled and convex cusps to the unburned mixtures are sharper and deeper comparing to that of CH4 flames. Pressure has a dominating effect on flame wrinkling other than mixtures composition at high pressure of 1.0 MPa. The flame surface density, Σ of syngas is larger than that of CH4. The Σ of syngas flames is almost independent on pressure and hydrogen ratio especially when hydrogen ratio is over 50% which is a significant feature of syngas combustion. Larger flame surface density for syngas flames mainly comes from the finer structure with smaller wrinkles which is the result of more intensive flame intrinsic instability. The ST/SL of syngas is larger than CH4 and it slightly increases with the pressure rise. The ST/SL of syngas oxyfuel is similar to that of syngas/air flames in the present study. The ST/SL increases with the increase of hydrogen ratio and keeps almost constant when hydrogen ratio is over 50%.  相似文献   

Instantaneous flame front structure of syngas turbulent premixed flames including the local radius of curvature, the characteristic radius of curvature, the fractal inner cutoff scale and the local flame angle were derived from the experimental OH-PLIF images. The CO/H2/CO2/air flames as a model of syngas/air combustion were investigated at pressure of 0.5 MPa and compared to that of CH4/air flames. The convex and concave structures of the flame front were detected and statistical analysis including the PDF and ADF of the local radius of curvature and local flame angle were conducted. Results show that the flame front of turbulent premixed flames at high pressure is a wrinkled flame front with small scale convex and concave structures superimposed with large scale flame branches. The convex structures are much more frequent than the concave ones on flame front which reflects a general characteristic of the turbulent premixed flames at high pressure. The syngas flames possess much wrinkled flame front with much smaller fine cusps structure compared to that of CH4/air flames and the main difference is on the convex structure. The effect of turbulence on the general wrinkled scale of flame front is much weaker than that of the smallest wrinkled scale. The general wrinkled scale is mainly dominated by the turbulence vortex scale, while, the smallest wrinkled scale is strongly affected by the flame intrinsic instability. The effect of flame intrinsic instability on flame front of turbulent premixed flame is mainly on the formation of a large number of convex structure propagating to the unburned reactants and enlarge the effective contact surface between flame front and unburned reactants.  相似文献   

This paper investigated the hydrogen enriched methane/air flames diluted with CO2. The turbulent premixed flame was stabilized on a Bunsen type burner and the two dimensional instantaneous OH profile was measured by Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF). The flame front structure characteristics were obtained by extracting the flame front from OH-PLIF images. And the turbulence-flame interaction was analyzed through the statistic parameters. The role of hydrogen addition as well as CO2 dilution on the features of turbulent flame were revealed by those parameters. In this work, hydrogen fractions of 0, 0.2 and CO2 dilution ratios of 0, 0.05 and 0.1 were studied. Results showed that hydrogen addition can enhance turbulent burning velocity ST/SL through decreasing the scale of the finer structure of the wrinkled flame front, caused by the smaller flame instability scale. In contrast, CO2 dilution decreased turbulent burning velocity ST/SL due to its inactive response to turbulence perturbation and larger flame wrinkles. For all flames, the probability density function (PDF) profile of the local curvature radius R shows a bias to positive value, resulted from the flame intrinsic instability. The PDF profile of R decreases with CO2 dilution, while the value of local curvature radius corresponding to the peak PDF is larger. This indicates that larger wrinkles structure was generated due to CO2 dilution, which leads to the decrease in ST/SL as a consequence. Hydrogen addition increases the flame volume and results in more intense combustion. CO2 dilution has a decrease effect on flame volume for both XH2 = 0 and XH2 = 0.2 while the decrease is obvious at XH2 = 0.2, ZCO2 = 0.1. In all, hydrogen enrichment improves the combustion while CO2 can moderate combustion. Therefore, adding hydrogen and CO2 in natural gas can be a potential method for adjusting the combustion intensity in combustion chamber during the combustor design.  相似文献   

Direct numerical simulations of the interaction of a premixed flame with driven, subsonic, homogeneous, isotropic, Kolmogorov-type turbulence in an unconfined system are used to study the mechanisms determining the turbulent flame speed, ST, in the thin reaction zone regime. High intensity turbulence is considered with the r.m.s. velocity 35 times the laminar flame speed, SL, resulting in the Damköhler number Da = 0.05. The simulations were performed with Athena-RFX, a massively parallel, fully compressible, high-order, dimensionally unsplit, reactive-flow code. A simplified reaction–diffusion model, based on the one-step Arrhenius kinetics, represents a stoichiometric H2–air mixture under the assumption of the Lewis number Le = 1. Global properties and the internal structure of the flame were analyzed in an earlier paper, which showed that this system represents turbulent combustion in the thin reaction zone regime. This paper demonstrates that: (1) The flame brush has a complex internal structure, in which the isosurfaces of higher fuel mass fractions are folded on progressively smaller scales. (2) Global properties of the turbulent flame are best represented by the structure of the region of peak reaction rate, which defines the flame surface. (3) In the thin reaction zone regime, ST is predominantly determined by the increase of the flame surface area, AT, caused by turbulence. (4) The observed increase of ST relative to SL exceeds the corresponding increase of AT relative to the surface area of the planar laminar flame, on average, by ≈14%, varying from only a few percent to as high as ≈30%. (5) This exaggerated response is the result of tight flame packing by turbulence, which causes frequent flame collisions and formation of regions of high flame curvature ?1/δL, or “cusps,” where δL is the thermal width of the laminar flame. (6) The local flame speed in the cusps substantially exceeds its laminar value, which results in a disproportionately large contribution of cusps to ST compared with the flame surface area in them. (7) A criterion is established for transition to the regime significantly influenced by cusp formation. In particular, at Karlovitz numbers Ka ? 20, flame collisions provide an important mechanism controlling ST, in addition to the increase of AT by large-scale motions and the potential enhancement of diffusive transport by small-scale turbulence.  相似文献   

Ammonia is one of the most promising alternative fuels. In particular, ammonia combustion for gas turbine combustors for power generation is expected. To shift the fuel for a gas turbine combustor to ammonia step-by-step, the partial replacement of natural gas by ammonia is considered. To reveal the turbulent combustion characteristics, CH4/NH3/air turbulent premixed flame at 0.5 MPa was experimentally investigated. The ammonia ratio based on the mole fraction and lower heating value was varied from 0 to 0.2. The results showed that the ratio of the turbulent burning velocity and unstretched laminar burning velocity decreased with an increase in the ammonia ratio. The reason for this variation is that the flame area decreased with an increase in the ammonia ratio as the flame surface density decreased and the fractal inner cutoff increased. The volume fractions in the turbulent flame region were almost the same with ammonia addition, indicating that combustion oscillation can be handled in a manner similar to that for the case of natural gas for CH4/NH3/air flames.  相似文献   

The interacting partially premixed methane and hydrogen flames established in a one-dimensional counterflow field were investigated numerically with the OPPDIF code and GRI-v3.0 was used to consider both fuels. The flame structure and response of the maximum flame temperature, heat-release rate, and flame speed to the equivalence ratios (Φ) and global strain rate (ag) were investigated. The maximum temperature decreased with increasing ag. The maximum temperature for cases with a stoichiometric hydrogen-side flame was higher than for other cases with the same ag.The hydrogen-side flame played a key role in determining the maximum temperature. The maximum heat-release rates (MHRRs) for all cases show different trends. The MHRR of the methane-side flame was affected considerably by the interacting flame structure and hydrogen-side flame condition. However, the MHRRs of the hydrogen were independent of methane-side flame condition. For the cases where Φ of the methane-side flame was varied while the hydrogen-side flame was kept stoichiometric (Var-S), the MHRR and flame speed of the hydrogen-side flame were independent of the methane-side flame conditions. However, the methane-side flames had a negative flame speed except near-stoichiometric conditions. On the other hand, in the cases where Φ of the hydrogen-side flame was varied while the methane-side flame was kept stoichiometric (S-Var), the hydrogen-side flames had the MHRR and flame speed similar to those of an unstretched partially premixed hydrogen flame.  相似文献   

The stability characteristics of attached hydrogen (H2) and syngas (H2/CO) turbulent jet flames with coaxial air were studied experimentally. The flame stability was investigated by varying the fuel and air stream velocities. Effects of the coaxial nozzle diameter, fuel nozzle lip thickness and syngas fuel composition are addressed in detail. The detachment stability limit of the syngas single jet flame was found to decrease with increasing amount of carbon monoxide in the fuel. For jet flames with coaxial air, the critical coaxial air velocity leading to flame detachment first increases with increasing fuel jet velocity and subsequently decreases. This non-monotonic trend appears for all syngas composition herein investigated (50/50 → 100/0% H2/CO). OH chemiluminescence imaging was performed to qualitatively identify the mechanisms responsible for the flame detachment. For all fuel compositions, local extinction close to the burner rim is observed at lower fuel velocities (ascending stability limit), while local flame extinction downstream of the burner rim is observed at higher fuel velocities (descending stability limit). Extrema of the non-monotonic trends appear to be identical when the nozzle fuel velocity is normalized by the critical fuel velocity obtained for the single jet cases.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics and properties of a turbulent flame, formed in the presence of subsonic, high-speed, homogeneous, isotropic Kolmogorov-type turbulence in an unconfined system. Direct numerical simulations are performed with Athena-RFX, a massively parallel, fully compressible, high-order, dimensionally unsplit, reactive flow code. A simplified reaction-diffusion model represents a stoichiometric H2-air mixture. The system being modeled represents turbulent combustion with the Damköhler number Da=0.05 and with the turbulent velocity at the energy injection scale 30 times larger than the laminar flame speed. The simulations show that flame interaction with high-speed turbulence forms a steadily propagating turbulent flame with a flame brush width approximately twice the energy injection scale and a speed four times the laminar flame speed. A method for reconstructing the internal flame structure is described and used to show that the turbulent flame consists of tightly folded flamelets. The reaction zone structure of these is virtually identical to that of the planar laminar flame, while the preheat zone is broadened by approximately a factor of two. Consequently, the system evolution represents turbulent combustion in the thin reaction zone regime. The turbulent cascade fails to penetrate the internal flame structure, and thus the action of small-scale turbulence is suppressed throughout most of the flame. Finally, our results suggest that for stoichiometric H2-air mixtures, any substantial flame broadening by the action of turbulence cannot be expected in all subsonic regimes.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that radiation heat loss may be a large source of experimental uncertainty in flame speed measurements using the outwardly propagating spherical flame method. Thermal radiation is usually not considered in interpretation of these experiments, yet it may contribute significantly to uncertainty especially for model-constraining conditions at low flame temperature and high pressure. In the present work, a conservative analytical estimate of the effects of radiation heat loss is derived and validated against detailed numerical simulations. A solver with a graphical interface is provided in the Supplemental material to allow implementation of these analytical results. The analytical estimate considers the radiation induced burned gas motion as well as the decreasing flame temperature due to conduction to the radiating burned gas and radiation loss from the flame zone. The results show that previous measurements of hydrogen flame speeds at low flame temperature by Burke et al. (2010) [3] are minimally affected by radiation, but flames with low flame speeds can be strongly inhibited by radiative loss. Future laminar spherical flame measurements and interpretation of existing determinations with low adiabatic flame speeds must include consideration of radiation effects to avoid large uncertainties.  相似文献   

The present study numerically investigated the effect of oxygen enrichment on the precise structure and NOx formation characteristics of turbulent syngas non-premixed flames. The turbulence-chemistry interactions were represented by a Lagrangian flamelet model. In context with the Lagrangian flamelet model, the NO concentration was obtained directly from the flamelet calculation based on full NOx chemistry, with radiative heat loss being accounted for through the flamelet energy equation. Computations were performed for three different syngas compositions with a designated nitrogen dilution level. Numerical results indicated that, for the CO-rich composition with the lowest LHV yielding the highest scalar dissipation rate and shortest flight time, the flame structure was dominantly influenced by turbulence-chemistry interactions. On the other hand, with regard to the H2-rich composition with the highest LHV yielding the lowest injection velocity and longest flight time, the flame structure was strongly influenced by radiative cooling. The peak NO level was remarkably elevated by increased oxygen level due to the elevated temperature of the oxygen-enriched flame. In the enhanced oxygen level (30%), the H2-rich case produced the highest NO level due to a higher temperature and longer residence time within the hot flame zone, while the CO-rich case yielded the lowest NO level due to a lower temperature and shorter residence time. It was also found that, by enhancing the oxygen level, contributions of NNH and N2O to total NO emission rapidly decreased while the contributions of the thermal NO path were progressively dominant for all cases.  相似文献   

The self-acceleration characteristics of a syngas/air mixture turbulent premixed flame were experimentally evaluated using a 10% H2/90% CO/air mixture turbulent premixed flame by varying the turbulence intensity and equivalence ratio at atmospheric pressure and temperature. The propagation characteristics of the turbulent premixed flame including the variation in the flame propagation speed and turbulent burning velocity of the syngas/air mixture turbulent premixed flame were evaluated. In addition, the effect of the self-acceleration characteristics of the turbulent premixed flame was also evaluated. The results show that turbulence gradually changes the radius of the premixed flame from linear growth to nonlinear growth. With the increase of turbulence intensity, the formation of a cellular structure of the flame front accelerated, increasing the flame propagation speed and burning speed. In the transition stage, the acceleration exponent and fractal excess of the turbulent premixed flame decreased with increasing equivalence ratio and increased with increasing turbulence intensity at an equivalence ratio of 0.6. The acceleration exponent was always greater than 1.5.  相似文献   

A commercial swirl burner for industrial gas turbine combustors was equipped with an optically accessible combustion chamber and installed in a high-pressure test-rig. Several premixed natural gas/air flames at pressures between 3 and 6 bar and thermal powers of up to 1 MW were studied by using a variety of measurement techniques. These include particle image velocimetry (PIV) for the investigation of the flow field, one-dimensional laser Raman scattering for the determination of the joint probability density functions of major species concentrations, mixture fraction and temperature, planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) of OH for the visualization of the flame front, chemiluminescence measurements of OH* for determining the lift-off height and size of the flame and acoustic recordings. The results give insights into important flame properties like the flow field structure, the premixing quality and the turbulence–flame interaction as well as their dependency on operating parameters like pressure, inflow velocity and equivalence ratio. The 1D Raman measurements yielded information about the gradients and variation of the mixture fraction and the quality of the fuel/air mixing, as well as the reaction progress. The OH PLIF images showed that the flame was located between the inflow of fresh gas and the recirculated combustion products. The flame front structures varied significantly with Reynolds number from wrinkled flame fronts to fragmented and strongly corrugated flame fronts. All results are combined in one database that can be used for the validation of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

The effect of nonspherical (i.e. cylindrical) bomb geometry on the evolution of outwardly propagating flames and the determination of laminar flame speeds using the conventional constant-pressure technique is investigated experimentally and theoretically. The cylindrical chamber boundary modifies the propagation rate through the interaction of the wall with the flow induced by thermal expansion across the flame (even with constant pressure), which leads to significant distortion of the flame surface for large flame radii. These departures from the unconfined case, especially the resulting nonzero burned gas velocities, can lead to significant errors in flame speeds calculated using the conventional assumptions, especially for large flame radii. For example, at a flame radius of 0.5 times the wall radius, the flame speed calculated neglecting confinement effects can be low by ∼15% (even with constant pressure).A methodology to estimate the effect of nonzero burned gas velocities on the measured flame speed in cylindrical chambers is presented. Modeling and experiments indicate that the effect of confinement can be neglected for flame radii less than 0.3 times the wall radius while still achieving acceptable accuracy (within 3%). The methodology is applied to correct the flame speed for nonzero burned gas speeds, in order to extend the range of flame radii useful for flame speed measurements. Under the proposed scaling, the burned gas speed can be well approximated as a function of only flame radius for a given chamber geometry - i.e. the correction function need only be determined once for an apparatus and then it can be used for any mixture. Results indicate that the flow correction can be used to extract flame speeds for flame radii up to 0.5 times the wall radius with somewhat larger, yet still acceptable uncertainties for the cases studied. Flow-corrected burning velocities are measured for hydrogen and syngas mixtures at atmospheric and elevated pressures. Flow-corrected flame speeds in the small cylindrical chamber used here agree well with previously reported flame speeds from large spherical chambers. Previous papers presenting burning velocities from cylindrical chambers report performing data analysis on flame radii less than 0.5 or 0.6 times the wall radius, where the flame speed calculated neglecting confinement effects may be low by ∼15 or 20%, respectively. For cylindrical chambers, data analysis should be restricted to flame radii less than 0.3 times the wall radius or a flow correction should be employed to account for the burned gas motions.With regard to the design of future vessels, larger vessels that minimize the flow aberrations for the same flame radius are preferred. Larger vessels maximize the relatively unaffected region of data allowing for a more straightforward approach to interpret the experimental data.  相似文献   

Local propagation speeds and stretch rates were measured along a premixed flame that undergoes unsteady wrinkling in order to see if these two quantities correlate in the manner that is predicted by the theory of flame stretch. The Markstein number, which relates these two quantities, also was measured. Previous studies had considered the simple geometries of counterflow or spherical flames, but in this case a complex geometry was generated by interacting a flame with a vortex, such that both the strain and curvature components of the stretch rate are present. The diagnostics used were shadowgraph movies and simultaneous particle imaging velocimetry and OH planar laser-induced fluorescence. The overall conclusion is that the theory of flame stretch remains valid for these unsteady complex conditions, because the measured trends are found to be in agreement with trends predicted by the theory. That is, propagation speeds decrease at locations where positive stretch is applied to stable (lean propane-air and rich methane-air) flames. Conversely, propagation speeds increase where positive stretch was applied to unstable (lean methane-air) flames. The shape of the profiles of propagation speed along stable flames is opposite to that of unstable flames, as is predicted by the theory. However, values of Markstein number show large variations and are much larger than that of an outwardly propagating spherical flame. Negative strain regions are of particular interest because they previously had not been studied experimentally; these regions yield the largest propagation speeds for the stable cases and some negative speeds for the unstable cases.  相似文献   

To study the effects of different diluents on the propagation characteristics of H2/CO/air mixture turbulent premixed flames, a series of experiments were carried out in a turbulent premixed flame experimental system. The effects of turbulence intensity (0.49–1.31 m/s), dilution gas content (10%, 20%, and 30%), hydrogen fraction (50%, 70%, and 90%), and equivalence ratio (0.6, 0.8, and 1.0) on the turbulent premixed flame were studied. The results show that with the increase in hydrogen fraction or turbulence intensity or equivalence ratio, the ST and ut increase at the same radius. Compared with N2 dilution, CO2 dilution showed a more obvious inhibition effect on ST. With the increase of Ka, ST;35mm/u’ gradually decreased, and the extent of ST;35mm/u’ decrease gradually became smaller. As the intensity of turbulence increases or the hydrogen fraction increases, the slope of ST,35mm/u’ with Da/Le gradually decreases. In the turbulence intensity range of this experiment, the ut,35mm/μl under nitrogen dilution condition has a larger floating range. The growth rate of ut,35mm/μl at a low equivalence ratio is significantly higher than that at a high equivalence ratio.  相似文献   

A numerical study of hydrogen turbulent diffusion flame structure is carried out in the pressure range of 1-10 atm with a special emphasis on mixing. The investigation is conducted under constant volumetric fuel and air flows. Mixing is characterized by mixture fraction, its variance and the scalar dissipation rate. The flow field and the chemistry are coupled by the flamelet assumption. Mixture fraction and its variance are transported by computational fluid dynamic (CFD). Computational predictions are analysed at two radial stations (the first one represent the near-field region and the second one the far-field region). The computational results indicate a deterioration of mixing with pressure rise. As a result, flame reaction zone becomes thicker. In addition, mixing and flame structure sensitivity to pressure are found to be high in the first location. Further analysis revealed that the gas becomes increasingly heavy with pressure rise, which hampered its ability to mix.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of flame inherent instabilities on the flame structural characteristics of H2/CO/air mixtures, experiments were conducted in a constant combustion bomb at various hydrogen fraction and equivalence ratio at room pressure and temperature. Wavelet transform was adopted to decompose the disturbances with different scales in the flame front. To study quantitatively the flame geometric structure characteristics, the maximum and minimum fluctuation radius growth rate, fluctuation range growth rate and energy of decomposition component were defined. The results indicated that with the flame development the disturbances at different scales all get greatly promotion. The higher the scale of the decomposition, the greater the amplitude and the energy of the disturbances. The disturbances at lower decomposition scales are the dominant component of the flame geometric structure characteristics; the ones at higher decomposition scales have a significance influence on the flame local geometric structure characteristics. When the flame development approached to a certain degree, the fluctuation range growth rate increased with the flame development. With the decrease of the equivalence ratio or the increase of hydrogen fraction, the thermal-diffusive instability enhances, leading to an increase of the fluctuation range growth rate and the relative energy of the approximate component at decomposition scale nine.  相似文献   

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