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This study investigated the hydrogen-related fatigue fracture in 2Mn-0.1C steel having a lath martensite microstructure. The presence of hydrogen significantly reduced the fatigue life. The transgranular surface was a main component in each stress range of the uncharged specimen, while the intergranular surface was frequently observed in the hydrogen-charged specimen. The crystallographic orientation analysis by electron backscattering diffraction revealed that the cracks mainly propagated along {011} planes regardless of the presence of hydrogen. Compared with the uncharged specimen, however, plastic deformation was localized near the fatigue crack in the hydrogen-charged specimen. According to the reconstructed fracture process by fracture surface topography analysis, the hydrogen-related fatigue fracture was discontinuous and composed of isolated nucleation of intergranular cracks and quasi-cleavage crack propagation initiated at the pre-existing intergranular cracks.  相似文献   

The present study investigated hydrogen-related fractures at different deformation temperatures ranging from ?100 °C to 100 °C in low-carbon martensitic steel. The sensitivity to hydrogen embrittlement increased as the temperature decreased from 100 °C to 0 °C, while it decreased as the temperature decreased further below 0 °C. We characterized the fracture surface types from the morphological and crystallographic aspects and found that the fraction of hydrogen-embrittled surfaces exhibited a similar temperature dependence on the sensitivity to hydrogen embrittlement. The qualitative discussion suggested that the degree of hydrogen accumulation exhibits a peak value in the medium temperature range, which has the same tendency as the sensitivity to hydrogen embrittlement confirmed experimentally. Thus, we proposed that the effect of deformation conditions on the sensitivity to hydrogen embrittlement could be explained on the basis of the hydrogen accumulation behavior.  相似文献   

The present paper investigated crystallographic feature of hydrogen-related fracture in a 2Mn-0.1C steel having a simple ferritic microstructure. We found that the mechanical properties (in particular post-uniform elongation) were degraded by concurrent hydrogen-charging. Most of the fracture surfaces (over 90%) of the concurrently hydrogen-charged specimens showed quasi-cleavage morphologies with serrated markings, but no intergranular fracture surface was observed. Through a detailed crystallographic orientation analysis using EBSD, we have clarified that micro-cracks formed at ferrite grain boundaries and the micro-cracks propagated inside grains along crystallographic {011} planes of ferrite, leading to the quasi-cleavage fracture. Hydrogen micro-print technique revealed that hydrogen accumulated along ferrite grain boundaries under tensile-loading. On the basis of the obtained results, we propose that the fracture on {011} planes is an intrinsic characteristic of hydrogen-related quasi-cleavage fracture in steels having BCC phases.  相似文献   

A two-fold approach is considered to study hydrogen (H) diffusion characteristics in martensitic steels. Initially, a multi-trap stress coupled H diffusion finite element model was developed to investigate the role of various trap states on effective H trapping during a four point bend test. The calculations show that high angle boundaries are more influential in controlling H diffusion in presence of low initial (bulk) H concentrations, while dislocations can have more pronounced impact, when the bulk H concentration is higher. A microstructural model comprising of prior austenite grains and packets was further developed. The study highlights the importance of packet boundaries (PBs) moderating H diffusion in martensite microstructure. The presence of retained austenite content affecting H diffusion paths was also studied. Overall, this parametric study presents complementary techniques in numerical modeling, as well as implications on the role of various microstructural entities affecting H diffusion.  相似文献   

Tensile specimen of several 304 type stainless steels tested under pressurized hydrogen and helium atmospheres were investigated with the focus on the γ → α′ transformation as a function of Ni content. Martensite contents on the fracture surfaces increased with decreasing Ni content and were independent of the test atmosphere (He or H2) despite different macroscopic plastic deformations. This was attributed to similar plastic deformations at the crack tip which governs the γ → α′ transformation at the fracture surface. The severity of hydrogen environment embrittlement was quantified by RA measurements which is a measure of the maximum macroscopic plastic deformation. RA values in H2 decrease with decreasing Ni content and RA is almost exactly inverse proportional to the martensite content measured by Feritscope in the uniform elongation area. This implies that the influence of hydrogen of the steels investigated here is dominated by surface effects.  相似文献   

The API 5L X70 and X52 pipeline steel weld fracture toughness parameters are measured in a hydrogen environment and compared to the ones in air. The hydrogen environment is created by in situ hydrogen charging, using as an electrolyte a simulated soil solution, with three current densities, namely 1, 5 and 10 mA/cm2. A specially designed electrolytic cell mounted onto a three-point bending arrangement is used and hydrogen charging is performed during the monotonic loading of the specimens. Ductility is measured in terms of the J0 integral. In all cases a slight change in toughness was measured in terms of KQ. Reduction of ductility in the base metal is observed, which increases with increasing current density. A more complex phenomenon is observed in the heat affected zone metal, where a small reduction in ductility is observed for the two current densities (1 and 5 mA/cm2) and a larger reduction for the third case (10 mA/cm2). Regarding microstructure of tested X70 and X52 base and HAZ metal, it is observed that the hydrogen degradation effect is enhanced in banded ferrite-pearlite formations. The aforementioned procedure is used for calculating the fracture toughness parameters of a through-thickness pipeline crack.  相似文献   

Crack growth rate in two high strength martensitic steels with the Mo contents of 0.43 wt.% and 1.06 wt.% was investigated by means of slow strain rate tests (SSRT) on compact tensile specimens after hydrogen pre-charging. It was found that the crack growth rate increased and the values of stress intensity factors KIH and KImax decreased with the increase of pre-charged hydrogen concentration. The steel with higher Mo content showed much lower crack growth rate than the steel with lower Mo content. It could be attributed to more nano-sized precipitates that can act as the hydrogen trapping sites and mitigate hydrogen deleterious effects on crack growth rate and the KIH and KImax values.  相似文献   

Slow strain rate tensile tests under hydrogen cathodic charging are conducted on 17-4 PH steel with two surface conditions: mirror polished and ball-burnished. In both cases, significant subcritical cracking initiating at the surface is observed leading to considerable reduction in elongation to fracture. However, ball-burnished specimens show better elongation and much less secondary cracking than the polished ones. Ball-burnishing introduces high compressive residual stresses in the specimen sub-surface. However, EBSD showed a very limited impact of ball-burnishing on the microstructure, so little effect on hydrogen trapping is expected. The beneficial effect of ball-burnishing on the resistance of the hydrogen assisted cracking is mainly explained by the high compressive longitudinal stress at the specimen surface, which makes crack initiation more difficult and hence delays specimen failure. In addition, it is estimated that the amount of hydrogen introduced at the specimen surface is decreased by approximately 30% due to the high compressive hydrostatic stress.  相似文献   

Hydrogen trapping behavior has been investigated by means of thermal desorption spectrometry (TDS) for a high strength steel after it is austenitized at the temperature range of 880–1250 °C, oil quenched, and tempered at 200 °C. Results show that with increasing austenitizing temperature, the pre-charged hydrogen concentration in the steel first decreases and then increases, being the lowest value at the austenitizing temperature of 1050 °C. The variation of hydrogen concentration with austenitizing temperature is related to the differences in the prior austenite grain size and solute Nb content, which may act as shallow hydrogen traps in the steel. The difference in the pre-charged hydrogen concentration can account for the previously reported result on delayed fracture resistance of the steel after austenitized at different temperatures.  相似文献   

Micro-tensile tests were performed on high-pressure-torsion-processed specimens of type 304 steel with grain sizes in the range of 0.1–0.5 μm to clarify the effect of ultrafine grain refinement on the hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of metastable austenitic steel. The ultrafine-grained (UFG) specimens with average grain sizes < ~0.4 μm exhibited a limited uniform elongation followed by a steady-stress regime in the stress–strain curves, which was attributed to a martensitic transformation. A high yield stress and a moderate elongation to failure were attained for the UFG specimens with an average grain size of ~0.5 μm in the uncharged state. Hall–Petch relationships well hold between the yield stress and the average grain size for each uncharged and hydrogen-charged specimen. Hydrogen charging increased the friction stress by 40% but did not change the Hall–Petch coefficient. Hydrogen-induced ductility loss was mitigated by ultrafine grain refinement. Ductility loss due to hydrogen charging manifested in the local deformation after a martensitic transformation. This indicates that hydrogen does not significantly affect the martensitic transformation, but shortens the subsequent local deformation process.  相似文献   

Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) together with the hydrogen transport behavior in hydrogen-charged type 304 stainless steel was investigated by combined tension and outgassing experiments. The hydrogen release rate and HE of hydrogen-charged 304 specimens increase with the hydrogen pressure for hydrogen-charging (or hydrogen content) and almost no HE is observed below the hydrogen content of 8.5 mass ppm. Baking at 433 K for 48 h can eliminate HE of the hydrogen-charged 304 specimen, while removing the surface layer will restore HE, which indicates that hydrogen in the surface layer plays the primary role in HE. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and scanning tunnel microscopy (STM) observations show that particles attributed to the strain-induced α′ martensite formation break away from the matrix and the small holes form during deformation on the specimen surface. With increasing strain, the connection among small holes along {111} slip planes of austenite will cause crack initiation on the surface, and then the hydrogen induced crack propagates from the surface to interior.  相似文献   

In this work, a practical numerical model with few parameters was proposed for the prediction of environmental hydrogen embrittlement. The proposed method adopts hydrogen enhanced plasticity-based mechanism in a fracture strain model to describe hydrogen embrittlement. Fracture toughness degradation of three commercial steels SA372J70, AISI4130 and X80 in high pressure hydrogen environment were investigated. Firstly, governing equations for hydrogen distribution and material damage evolution was established. Hydrogen enhanced localized flow softening effect was coupled within fracture strain dependency on stress triaxiality. Then, the numerical implementation and identification process of model parameters was described. Model parameters of the investigated steels were determined based on experiment results from literatures. Finally, with the calibrated model, fracture toughness reduction of the steels was predicted in a wide range of hydrogen pressure. The prediction results were compared with experimental results. Reasonable accuracy was reached. The proposed method is an attempt to reach balance between physical accurate prediction and engineering practicality. It is promising to provide a simplified numerical tool for the design and fit for service evaluation of hydrogen storage vessels.  相似文献   

In this study, the feasibility of the fusion sensing of eddy current testing (ECT) and ultrasonic testing (UT) as effective tools to clarify the hydrogen-embrittlement mechanism of austenitic stainless steels was investigated. Fatigue testing was conducted on hydrogen-charged and uncharged AISI 304 specimens. The effect of hydrogen exposure on the martensitic transformation, and crack closure and crack face morphology were investigated by ECT and UT. The results suggest that a comparison of ECT and UT results can evaluate martensitic transformation and crack closure and crack face morphology, which are important in understanding the hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic stainless steels.  相似文献   

In this study, stress intensity factor range (ΔK) decreasing tests were conducted and the in-situ observations were used to investigate the fatigue crack growth behavior of JIS SCM440 steel near the fatigue threshold in a 9-MPa hydrogen gas environment. The fatigue crack growth rate reflected the threshold behavior of the material, although the crack propagation knee point immediately before the threshold stress intensity factor range (ΔKth) could not be distinctly identified. The fatigue crack was also observed to exhibit uneven propagation immediately before ΔKth. In contrast, the knee points in a helium gas environment and air were very distinct. Fractographic analysis further revealed the existence of intergranular facets, which were observed immediately before ΔKth in the hydrogen gas environment. Conversely, no facet was observed immediately before ΔKth in the helium gas environment and air. The formation of the facets was considered to be one of the causes of the uneven crack propagation immediately before ΔKth in the hydrogen gas environment.  相似文献   

Effects of strain rate and hydrogen on crack propagation from a notch were investigated using a Fe-33Mn-1.1C steel by tension tests conducted at a cross head displacement speeds of 10−2 and 10−4 mm/s. Decreasing cross head displacement speed reduced the elongation by promoting intergranular crack initiation at the notch tip, whereas the crack propagation path was unaffected by the strain rate. Intergranular cracking in the studied steel was mainly caused by plasticity-driven mechanism of dynamic strain aging (DSA) and plasticity-driven damage along grain boundaries. With the introduction of hydrogen, decrease in yield strength due to cracking at the notch tip before yielding as well as reduction in elongation were observed. Coexistence of several hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms, such as hydrogen enhanced decohesion (HEDE) and hydrogen enhanced localized plasticity (HELP) were observed at and further away from the notch tip resulting in hydrogen assisted intergranular fracture and cracking which was the key reason behind the ductility reduction.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is to enhance the hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of the commercial martensitic steel (QT220). For this purpose, the heat treatments of quenching tempering and quenching partitioning are conducted, labeled as QT400 and Q&QP400, respectively. Compared to QT220, the mechanical properties of the both heat-treated specimens are reduced, nevertheless, the HE resistance is extremely promoted, resulting from the lesser dislocations, the more MoyCx, and the existence of the strained interface of cementite. Besides the above favorable factors, the presence of the ferrite is another important factor which contributes to the lowest HE susceptibility in Q&QP400, resulting from the propagation's inhibition of hydrogen induced cracks (HICs) by ferrite. The HICs behavior of QT220, QT400 and Q&QP400 are mainly influenced by the dislocation glide, the cementite at the high angle boundaries and ferrite, respectively, mainly resulting in the fractographs of quasi-cleavage, intergranular and finely fragmented quasi-cleavage, respectively. In addition, HICs always deflect when propagating to the RD//<112~114> orientations, providing a valuable direction for research to enhance the HE resistance in the future.  相似文献   

The effect of high-pressure gaseous H2 on the fracture behavior of pipeline steel X70 and austenitic stainless steel type 304L and 316L was investigated by means of notched-tensile tests at 10 MPa H2 gas and various test speed. The notch tensile strength of pipeline X70 steel and austenitic stainless steels were degraded by gaseous H2, and the deterioration was accompanied by noticeable changes in fracture morphology. The loss of notch tensile strength of type 316L and X70 steels was comparable, but type 304L was more susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement than the others. In the X70 steel, hydrogen embrittlement increased as test speed decreased until the test speed reached 1.2 × 10?3 mm/s, but the effect of test speed was not significant in 304L and 316L steels.  相似文献   

The effect of precipitate type and distribution to mitigate the hydrogen embrittlement of high strength martensitic steels containing different levels of C, Nb, and V was studied. Even low additions of Nb and V contributed to an increase of the material resistance. The steel with a more homogeneous distribution of carbides, higher Nb, and lower V showed increased hydrogen solubility and presented a lower level of loss of ductility in tensile tests with hydrogen pre-charging. The presence of segregation of precipitates was responsible for a rise in the amount of diffusible hydrogen, thus increasing the hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility.  相似文献   

Intense pulsed ion beams (IPIB) have been applied on the surface of a lath martensitic steel with aim to improve its hydrogen embrittlement resistance and reveal the key cmaterial factors leading to failure. Hydrogen charging slow strain rate tensile tests show that IPIB can increase the ultimate fracture strength. The main fracture mode changes from intergranular fracture (untreated) to quasi-cleavage fracture (treated). Atomic probe tomography reveals that C atoms segregate at prior austenite grain boundaries for the untreated steel. After IPIB treatment, the C content at the PAGBs is reduced and high-carbon martensite forms in the treated layer, which improves the HE resistance. This study suggests that C segregation at grain boundaries is one of the main factors to cause the high HE susceptibility for the investigated lath martensitic steel and C segregation should be avoided when developing high strength steels with high HE resistance.  相似文献   

The effects of hydrogen on the tensile properties and fracture surface morphologies of Type 316L stainless steel were investigated using virgin and prestrained specimens. Hydrogen gas exposure at 10 MPa and 250 °C for 192 h resulted in its uniform distribution in the specimens. Such internal hydrogen degraded the tensile ductility of the specimens. Cup–cone fracture occurred in the non-, Ar-, and H-exposed specimens. The fracture surfaces were covered with large and small dimples. The H-exposed specimens exhibited larger small-dimple areas than the non- and Ar-exposed ones. The diameter of the large dimples decreased with increasing small-dimple area. Three-dimensional analysis of the dimples showed that the small-dimple regions were void sheets produced by local shear strain. Hydrogen accelerated nucleation of voids and formation of the void sheets by enhancing localization of shear deformation, thereby reducing the average size of the dimples.  相似文献   

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