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Social media has emerged as a significant and effective means of assisting and endorsing activities and communications among peers, consumers and organizations that outdo the restrictions of time and space. While the previous studies acknowledge the role of agents of culture change, it largely remains silent on the role of social media in influencing acculturation outcomes and consumption choices. This study uses self-administered questionnaire to collect data from 514 Turkish-Dutch respondents and examines how their use of social media affects their acculturation and consumption choices. This research makes a significant contribution to consumer acculturation research by showing that social media is a vital means of culture change and a driver of acculturation strategies and consumption choices. This study is the first to investigate the role of social media as an agent of culture change in terms of how it impacts acculturation and consumption. The paper discusses implications for theory development and for practice.  相似文献   

Consumers' perceived value plays a dominant role in determining the adoption of mobile technologies. However, behavior literature suggests that consumer value is context dependent. The current study attempts to understand the effects of use context on consumers' perceived value and adoption of mobile Internet. An adoption model that reflects the unique use context and the utilitarian values (perceived usefulness and perceived mobility) and hedonic values (perceived enjoyment and concentration) of mobile Internet was developed and empirically tested against data collected from 507 mobile Internet users in China. Structural equation analysis results indicate that consumers' values perceptions and adoption decisions are context dependent. The use context fully mediates the effects of utilitarian values and partially mediates the relationship between hedonic values and intention to use mobile Internet. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the integration of IT systems with other organizations (IT integration) on the knowledge absorption and desorption of the focal firm. We ran an empirical study in Spain and found that IT integration enables the firm to absorb and desorb knowledge with other organizations, which in turn improves firm performance. This research provides two key contributions to the IS discipline: 1) We introduce the concept of desorptive capacity in the IS research and provide a scale for its measure, 2) we provide a theory of IT integration impact on the firm’s knowledge absorption and desorption.  相似文献   

From video games to virtual worlds on the World Wide Web, modern media are becoming increasingly spatial, with users traversing artificial spaces and experiencing a kind of immersion known as “spatial presence.” But how do these media induce spatial presence? Are the affordances for movement provided by these technologies responsible for this illusion? Or do narratives that accompany them persuade us to suspend disbelief and transport ourselves into a virtual space? We explore these theoretical questions by pitting the navigability affordances of a video game against narrative transportation and examining their relative contributions to the formation of spatial presence in a virtual reality context. Results from a large experiment (N = 240) reveal that the narrative actually detracts from spatial presence while traversibility (in the form of greater degrees of steering motion) enhances it even without invoking a mental model of the portrayed environment. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Today’s IT personnel must possess business and technology competencies to be effective. As such competent IT personnel are in great demand, it becomes a concern for organizations to develop, manage, and retain them in the long run. This study provides a model of IT managers’ leadership as a critical factor in such dynamics. Empirical analysis with a survey of 217 IT professionals showed that an IT manager’s transformational leadership is positively associated with IT personnel’s intention to stay.  相似文献   

The so-called ‘Adams’ Thesis’ is often understood as the claim that the assertibility of an indicative conditional equals the corresponding conditional probability—schematically:
(AT)                As(A? B)=P(B|A),provided    P(A) 1 0.{({\rm AT})}\qquad\qquad\quad As(A\rightarrow B)=P({B|A}),{\rm provided}\quad P(A)\neq 0.  相似文献   

Cloud computing has become an increasingly common computing infrastructure for contemporary firms. An important decision for firms to make in adopting a cloud computing model is whether to build it in-house (a private cloud) or outsource it (a public cloud). Prior literature has focused on the impact of firms’ characteristics but generated inconsistent results regarding the selection of cloud computing models. To add to this line of inquiry, we consider the relative resource structure, which reflects the importance of physical and knowledge resources for individual firms, and examine their respective effects on the selection of cloud computing deployment models (CCDMs). Using data from 520 companies deploying cloud computing in mainland China, we find that firms with higher physical capital intensity (PCI) tend to outsource cloud computing, whereas those with higher knowledge capital intensity (KCI) tend to use private clouds. Firms with higher codified knowledge capital intensity (CKCI) are found to be more susceptible to the negative relationship between KCI and public cloud selection than those with higher tacit knowledge capital intensity (TKCI). The direct positive influence of regional legal protection on a firm’s preferences for a public cloud is also confirmed, as well as its indirect moderating effect on alleviating the negative relationships between CKCI and deploying a public cloud.  相似文献   

Collaboration in virtual project teams heavily relies on interpersonal trust, for which perceived professional trustworthiness is an important determinant. In face to face teams colleagues form a first impression of each others trustworthiness based on signs and signals that are ‘naturally’ available. However, virtual project team members do not have the same opportunities to assess trustworthiness. This study provides insight in the information elements that virtual project team members value to assess professional trustworthiness in the initial phase of collaboration. The trustworthiness formed initially is highly influential on interpersonal trust formed during latter collaboration. We expect trustors in virtual teams to especially value information elements (= small containers for personal data stimulating the availability of specific information) that provide them with relevant cues of trust warranting properties of a trustee. We identified a list with fifteen information elements that were highly valued across trustors (n?=?226) to inform their trustworthiness assessments. We then analyzed explanations for preferences with the help of a theory-grounded coding scheme for perceived trustworthiness. Results show that respondents value those particular information elements that provide them with multiple cues (signaling multiple trust warranting properties) to assess the trustworthiness of a trustee. Information elements that provide unique cues (signaling for a specific trust warranting property) could not be identified. Insight in these information preferences can inform the design of artefacts, such as personal profile templates, to support acquaintanceships and social awareness especially in the initial phase of a virtual project team.  相似文献   

Asimov’s “three laws of robotics” and machine metaethics   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Using Asimov’s “Bicentennial Man” as a springboard, a number of metaethical issues concerning the emerging field of machine ethics are discussed. Although the ultimate goal of machine ethics is to create autonomous ethical machines, this presents a number of challenges. A good way to begin the task of making ethics computable is to create a program that enables a machine to act an ethical advisor to human beings. This project, unlike creating an autonomous ethical machine, will not require that we make a judgment about the ethical status of the machine itself, a judgment that will be particularly difficult to make. Finally, it is argued that Asimov’s “three laws of robotics” are an unsatisfactory basis for machine ethics, regardless of the status of the machine.
Susan Leigh AndersonEmail:

The promise of mobile devices lies not in their capacity to duplicate the capabilities of desktop machines, but rather in their promise of enabling location-specific tasks. One of the challenges that must be addressed if they are to be used in this way is how intuitive interfaces for mobile devices can be designed that enable access to location-specific services usable across locations. We are developing a prototype mobile valet application that presents location-specific services organised around the tasks associated with a location. The basic elements of the interface exploits commonalties in the way we address tasks at various locations just as the familiar “file” and “edit” menus in various software applications exploit regularities in software tasks.  相似文献   


The design of humanoid robots’ emotional behaviors has attracted many scholars’ attention. However, users’ emotional responses to humanoid robots’ emotional behaviors which differ from robots’ traditional behaviors remain well understood. This study aims to investigate the effect of a humanoid robot’s emotional behaviors on users’ emotional responses using subjective reporting, pupillometry, and electroencephalography. Five categories of the humanoid robot’s emotional behaviors expressing joy, fear, neutral, sadness, or anger were designed, selected, and presented to users. Results show that users have a significant positive emotional response to the humanoid robot’s joy behavior and a significant negative emotional response to the humanoid robot’s sadness behavior, indicated by the metrics of reported valence and arousal, pupil diameter, frontal middle relative theta power, and frontal alpha asymmetry score. The results suggest that humanoid robot’s emotional behaviors can evocate users’ significant emotional response. The evocation might relate to the recognition of these emotional behaviors. In addition, the study provides a multimodal physiological method of evaluating users’ emotional responses to the humanoid robot’s emotional behaviors.  相似文献   

This paper contributes an interpretation of Domberger's theory of The Contracting Organization for use in an IT outsourcing context, then presents a preliminary test of the validity of that theory using data from an Australian survey of 235 senior IT managers. Our conclusion is that Domberger's theory appears to be a useful lens for understanding IT outsourcing, and that further research using purpose-collected data is therefore warranted. Phrased differently, Domberger's four types of benefit of contracting – namely Specialization, Market Discipline, Flexibility, and Cost Savings – appear to be a good way of summarizing senior IT managers’ explanations of why their organizations chose to outsource IT. The paper also conducts a preliminary test of the extent to which these four factors explain the purchasing organization's satisfaction with IT outsourcing.  相似文献   

In their joint paper entitled “The Replication of the Hard Problem of Consciousness in AI and BIO-AI” (Boltuc et al. Replication of the hard problem of conscious in AI and Bio- AI: An early conceptual framework 2008), Nicholas and Piotr Boltuc suggest that machines could be equipped with phenomenal consciousness, which is subjective consciousness that satisfies Chalmer’s hard problem (We will abbreviate the hard problem of consciousness as “H-consciousness”). The claim is that if we knew the inner workings of phenomenal consciousness and could understand its’ precise operation, we could instantiate such consciousness in a machine. This claim, called the extra-strong AI thesis, is an important claim because if true it would demystify the privileged access problem of first-person consciousness and cast it as an empirical problem of science and not a fundamental question of philosophy. A core assumption of the extra-strong AI thesis is that there is no logical argument that precludes the implementation of H-consciousness in an organic or in-organic machine provided we understand its algorithm. Another way of framing this conclusion is that there is nothing special about H-consciousness as compared to any other process. That is, in the same way that we do not preclude a machine from implementing photosynthesis, we also do not preclude a machine from implementing H-consciousness. While one may be more difficult in practice, it is a problem of science and engineering, and no longer a philosophical question. I propose that Boltuc’s conclusion, while plausible and convincing, comes at a very high price; the argument given for his conclusion does not exclude any conceivable process from machine implementation. In short, if we make some assumptions about the equivalence of a rough notion of algorithm and then tie this to human understanding, all logical preconditions vanish and the argument grants that any process can be implemented in a machine. The purpose of this paper is to comment on the argument for his conclusion and offer additional properties of H-consciousness that can be used to make the conclusion falsifiable through scientific investigation rather than relying on the limits of human understanding.  相似文献   

One of the more unusual revelations of the Snowden leaks was the discovery that UK and US security services had also targeted popular online gaming platforms for surveillance activity. While the British press had a field day coming up with creative headlines about “undercover Orcs”, public reaction was muted. Anger about “wasting taxpayer’s money” more than privacy concerns dominated the debate. But can we really dismiss surveillance of gaming as “not quite serious”? Using insights from psychology, anthropology and cultural studies, we argue that on the contrary, surveillance of people at play can be seen as a paradigmatic illustration of the dangers of the surveillance society, and give us insights in the values privacy law ought to protect.  相似文献   

This article examines how peer communication among adolescents (14–16 years) affects the evaluation of social advertising (i.e. targeted ad that adopts the social proof heuristic by using an individual’s social ties as endorsers for a brand) on social networking sites (SNSs). More precisely, the focus lies on how engaging in online peer chatting on these social platforms alters persuasion knowledge and attitude towards the ad. In order to test this, two between-subjects experiments were conducted in which adolescents chatted with peers on a mock SNS that contained a social ad. In Experiment 1, results reveal that a social ad generates a more positive attitude among adolescents when they have engaged in online peer communication, and at the same time, triggers less persuasion knowledge. In Experiment 2, the depth of the relationship between the chatters (tie strength) plays a significant moderating role as peer communication with strong ties yields greater effects, compared to communication with weak ties. These findings reveal important social influence dynamics that may alter the elaboration of persuasive communication, leading to valuable theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

Floridi’s chapter on relevant information bridges the analysis of “being informed” with the analysis of knowledge as “relevant information that is accounted for” by analysing subjective or epistemic relevance in terms of the questions that an agent might ask in certain circumstances. In this paper, I scrutinise this analysis, identify a number of problems with it, and finally propose an improvement. By way of epilogue, I offer some more general remarks on the relation between (bounded) rationality, the need to ask the right questions, and the ability to ask the right questions.  相似文献   

Interaction forms are beginning to make more use of the way we move our bodies in the physical and social world. This paper aims to contribute to a new generation of personal computing by showing how the medium of everyday clothing and dress can bring valuable perspectives to the study of human embodiment and movement. The author refers to ideas from fashion theory and clothing design that can contribute to a richer understanding of the many influences that convene emotions of style and identity. In order to indicate the potential of personal style as a social medium with relevance to human computer interaction (HCI), some existing artefacts that entail interaction through movement are referenced, along with research outcomes from biomechanics, dance and performance. In conclusion design strategies are constructed for new movement-based interaction concepts that can have relevance to the changing meanings of identity in twenty-first century mass society.
Fiona Jane CandyEmail:

This study applies social capital theory to investigate how a player’s network centrality in an online gaming community (i.e., a guild) affects his/her attitude and continuance intention toward a Massive Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG). Analysis of 347 usable responses shows that players’ network centrality has a negative impact on their ties to players who belong to other guilds (i.e., non-guild interaction), but a positive effect on players’ access to resources. However, players’ network centrality fails to increase their perceived game enjoyment directly. Players’ resource accessibility and perceived game enjoyment play mediating roles in the relationship between network centrality and attitude toward playing an MMOG, which in turn influences game continuance intention. The results also show that although players’ non-guild interaction is negatively related to their resource accessibility from the networks, it is positively associated with perceived game enjoyment. The article concludes with implications and limitations of the study.  相似文献   

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