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Two-dimensional (2D) materials can be regarded as potential hydrogen storage candidates because of their splendid chemical stability and high specific surface area. Recently, a new dumbbell-like carbon nitride (C4N) monolayer with orbital hybridization of sp3 is reported. Motivated from the above exploration, the hydrogen adsorption properties of Li-decorated C4N monolayer are comprehensively investigated via first principles calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT). It is found that the Dirac points and Dirac cones exists in the Brillouin zone (BZ) from the calculated electronic structure and indicates the C4N can be used as an excellent topological material. Also, the calculated phonon spectra demonstrate that the C4N monolayer owns a strong stability. Moreover, the calculated binding energy of decorated Li atom is bigger than its cohesive energy and results in Li atoms disperse over the surface of C4N monolayer uniformly without clustering. In addition, the Li8C4N complex can capture up to 24H2 molecules with an optimal hydrogen adsorption energy of −0.281 eV/H2 and achieves the hydrogen storage density of 8.0 wt%. The ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations suggest that the H2 molecules can be desorbed quickly at 300 K. This study reveals that Li-decorated C4N monolayer can be served as a promising hydrogen storage material.  相似文献   

Doping light elements into Mg-based alloy has been viewed as an effective method for improving the hydrogen storage properties without remarkably reducing hydrogen capacity. The influences of interstitial nitrogen doping on the crystal structure, thermal stability, hydrogen adsorption energy and electronic properties of Mg2Ni (0 1 0) surface were investigated by first principles calculations. The calculation results showed that the addition of interstitial N results in an anisotropic expansion in the crystal structure and a better improvement effect on lowering thermal stability of the Mg2Ni surface than the commonly used transition metal. Three stable sites including the NiNi bridge site, the top sites of Mg and Ni atoms, were determined to take in hydrogen in the pure surface. When the nonmetal N is doped into the pure surface, the number of the stable adsorption sites is increased and the adsorption energy of H in the NiNi bridge site is also increased from ?0.9614 eV for the pure to ?0.5441 eV for the N-doped counterpart. The increases in both the stable adsorption sites and the energy caused by the addition of N indicate that more hydrogen could be adsorbed in the weaker NiH bonds of the N-doped Mg2Ni alloy, thereby improving the hydrogen storage behaviors of Mg-based alloy.  相似文献   

In this work, adsorption of H2 molecules on heteroborospherene C2v C4B32 decorated by alkali atoms (Li) is studied by density functional theory calculations. The interaction between Li atoms and C4B32 is found to be strong, so that it prevents agglomeration of the former. An introduced hydrogen molecule tilts toward the Li atoms and is stably adsorbed on C4B32. It is obtained that Li4C4B32 can store up to 12H2 molecules with hydrogen uptake capacity of 5.425 wt% and average adsorption energy of ?0.240 eV per H2. Dynamics simulation results show that 6H2 molecules can be successfully released at 300 K. Obtained results demonstrate that Li decorated C4B32 is a promising material for reversible hydrogen storage.  相似文献   

This work reports DFT calculations for the assessment of metallic decoration of boron substitution Zeolite Templated Carbon vacancy for hydrogen adsorption. The boron substitution on Zeolite Templated Carbon vacancy is characterized by the formation of pentagonal and heptagonal rings. Moreover, the boron substitution can be considered as a promising way for hydrogen storage, this way boron substitution is used on Zeolite Templated Carbon vacancy in order to create an active site for metallic decoration. Once that we develop a Boron substitution on Zeolite Templated Carbon vacancy, the decoration with Lithium, Sodium, and Calcium atoms is also carried out. The analysis reveals that the Na decoration has the best performance for hydrogen storage. The results show that boron substitution on Zeolite Templated Carbon vacancy decorated with 3 Sodium atoms can adsorb up to fifteen hydrogen molecules (5 hydrogen molecules per Sodium atom), this gives a gravimetric storage capacity of 6.55 % wt., which is enough for meeting DOE gravimetric targets. In addition, the average binding energies and adsorption energies are calculated in the range 0.2298–0.2144 eV/H2, which constitute desirable energies for hydrogen adsorption. Besides, the hydrogen adsorption process is carried out by electrostatic interaction between the Na cation and the induced H2 dipole. The calculation performed in this work reveals that the boron substitution on Zeolite Templated Carbon vacancy decorated with Na atoms is a good candidate as a medium for hydrogen storage.  相似文献   

Anatase titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanocrystals with different percentages (up to 95%) of exposed {101} facet and different concentration ratios of bulk single-electron-trapped oxygen vacancies (SETOVs) to surface oxygen vacancies (SOVs) were prepared by alcohol-thermal method with nanotube titanic acid as the precursor in combination with solid-state reduction by NaBH4. The as-prepared TiO2 nanocrystals were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, electron spin resonance spectroscopy, and ultraviolet–visible light spectrometry. The effects of the percentage of crystal facets and the concentration ratio of bulk SETOVs/SOVs on the photocatalytic hydrogen production rate of TiO2 nanocrystals were investigated with positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy as well as photocurrent test. Findings indicate that the percentage of the exposed {101} facets of the as-prepared TiO2 nanocrystals and their concentration ratios of bulk SETOVs/SOVs can be well tuned by properly adjusting the amount of NaBH4 and the reduction reaction time as well. Increasing percentage of the {101} facet of anatase TiO2 nanocrystals contributes to improving their photocatalytic hydrogen production activity, because the {101} facets of the anatase TiO2 nanocrystals possess enriched electrons and can act as the reduction sites to enhance the reduction reaction of H+ affording H2 in the sacrifice system of splitting water. Both the bulk SETOVs and SOVs contribute to the improvement of the light absorption while SOVs can facilitate the separation of photogenerated charges, thereby adding to the photocatalytic activity. However, the bulk SETOVs and excessive SOVs are also the combination centers of photogenerated charges, which means it is essential to maintain a suitable concentration ratio of the bulk SETOVs/SOVs so as to enhance the light absorption and achieve the best separation efficiency of photogenerated charges and achieve the best photocatalytic activity for hydrogen production. Particularly, when anatase TiO2 nanocrystal with a high percentage (95%) of exposed {101} facet is reduced by NaBH4 at a mass ratio of 2: 1 for 20 min, the resultant reduced H-TiO2 nanocrystal (denoted as H-TiO2-R20(2:1)) provides the highest photocatalytic hydrogen productive rate. Furthermore, the combination of 0.5% Pt/H-TiO2-R20(2:1) with 0.5% Pt/WO3 can split water to simultaneously produce H2 and O2, showing promising potential for splitting water affording hydrogen and oxygen.  相似文献   

Ab initio calculations have been carried out to investigate the adsorption, dissociation, and diffusion of atomic and molecular hydrogen on the Fe-doped ZrCo (110) surface. It is found that the adsorption of H2 on doped surface seems thermodynamically more stable with more negative adsorption energy than that on the pure surface, and the dissociation energy of H2 on doped surface is much bigger therefore. However, compared with the pure system, there are fewer adsorption sites for spontaneous dissociation. After dissociation, the higher hydrogen adsorption strength sites would promote the H atom diffusion towards them where they can permeate into the bulk further. Furthermore, the ZrCo (110) surface possesses much higher hydrogen permeability and lower hydrogen diffusivity than its corresponding ZrCo bulk. Moreover, further comparison of the present results to analogous calculations for pure surface reveals that the Fe dopant facilitates the H2 molecule dissociation. Unfortunately, this does not improve the hydrogen storage performance of ZrCo alloy due to the H atom diffusion on the surface and into bulk are prevented with higher reaction energetic barriers by doping Fe. Consequently, ZrCo (110) surface modified with Fe atoms should not be preferred as a result of its terrible hydrogen permeability. A clear and deep comprehending of the inhibiting effect of Fe dopant on the hydrogen storage of ZrCo materials from the perspective of the surface adsorption of hydrogen are obtained from the present results.  相似文献   

Different preparations of complex hydrides lead to different hydrogen uptake and release. Besides, Potassium Aluminum hydride is a structure with different re/dehydrogenation properties than the rest of alanates. Given these considerations, we investigated nine stable cleavages on the (100), (010), (001), (111), and (101)KAlH4 surfaces. The results reveal that, while the (010) surface energy is much higher, all the other surfaces are approximately in the same range of energy. Some of these surfaces would be placed on top of the nanocrystallites and the different decomposition pathways may be originated from the different characteristics of these surfaces, which is one of the central issues of the present study. Our results are in accordance with experimental data indicating that long hours milling of alanates just creates fresh surfaces and the structures remain unchanged. Due to the surface effect, huge changes in electronic and geometric characteristics occur. The band gaps are narrowed up to 2eV, which alongside with massive changes in chemical bonds, lead to an improved dehydrogenation relative to the bulk.  相似文献   

Inspired by both alkaline metal borohydrides and organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite, we predict a pair of complex structures of (CH3NH3)BH4 with tremendous high hydrogen capacity (21.27 wt.%). Through comparison and analysis of the electronic structures of alkali metal atoms, CH3NH3, NH4, and NH3BH3 molecule, it is concluded that similar spatial and electronic structures show the feasibility of synthesizing (CH3NH3)BH4 by a substitution reaction. Firstly, theoretical structures (S1 and S2 in P1) with stable configurations have been reconstructed by cation substitution followed by a series of restrictive structural optimizations, and both the lattice parameters and the position coordinate information of (CH3NH3)BH4 are obtained. Ignoring the relatively mobile hydrogen, the structural symmetries of S1 and S2 are I4mm and P4/nmm, respectively. X-ray diffraction characterizations of S1 and S2 are consistent with the experimental results. Secondly, the calculated elastic constants of (CH3NH3)BH4 (S1 and S2) with P1 symmetry indicate that angles α, β and γ oscillate at right angles due to the influence of the cation orientation. The calculated spatial dependence of bulk (B), Young's (E), and shear (G) modulus obviously show that the two P1 phases all have strong elastic anisotropy. Thirdly, the calculated electronic properties show that the protonic amine-H, hydridic borane-H, and neutral methane-H are widely distributed in (CH3NH3)BH4, which allow for weaving in a planar dihydrogen bonding network, which in turn influences the dehydrogenation reaction. Last and most important, we propose the following dehydrogenation process of (CH3NH3)BH4 via the intermediate compounds: 2(CH3NH3)BH4 → CH3NH2BH2NHCH3BH3+3H2. For each dehydrogenation step, the free energy change is negative, which means (CH3NH3)BH4 can decompose spontaneously, similar to ammonium borohydride, which is strongly related to the planar dihydrogen bonding network.  相似文献   

Using first principles study, we have investigated the hydrogen storage capacity of Ca-coated B40. Our result shows that Ca prefers to adsorb on the top hollow center of heptagonal ring of B40 due to the large binding energy of ?2.820 eV. Bader charges calculation indicates that charges transfer from Ca to B40 result in an induced electric field so that H2 molecules are polarized and adsorbed onto the surface of B40 without dissociation. The Ca6B40 complex can adsorb up to 30 H2 molecules with average adsorption energy of ?0.177 eV/H2 and the hydrogen storage gravimetric density reaches up to 8.11 wt.%, higher than the goal from DOE by the year 2020. These findings will suggest a new and potential structure for hydrogen storage in the future.  相似文献   

The stability and hydrogen adsorption behaviors of Mg/Mg2Ni interface were studied by first principles calculations. Results demonstrated that the interaction between Ni (from Mg2Ni compound) and Mg (from Mg metal) is the key factor stabilizing the interface, and the interface provides a medium to capture hydrogen atoms originating from the accumulation of electrons in the interface zone by the formation of the interface. Hydrogen atoms adsorbed in the interface zone tend to form covalent bonds with metal atoms (Ni and Mg atoms), which deliver negative adsorption energies in the range of ?0.831 to ?0.019 eV for most possible adsorption sites. However, the strength of the H-metal bonds depends on the environment the H located. The present study illustrates that the Mg/Mg2Ni layered structure could be a potential medium for reversible de/hydrogenation processes.  相似文献   

The “hydroxyl-oxygen vacancy model” was of great importance for the catalytic and physicochemical properties of metal oxides. Here, we proposed a simple method to construct a hydroxyl-oxygen vacancy model for one-step reduction of palladium chloride through ascorbic acid rich in hydroxyl, loaded on rod, spherical, nanoparticles and cubic CeO2, to achieve the Ce4+/Ce3+ transition and the generation of Pd NPs. The surface-loading Pd ions activated the lattice oxygen of CeO2, and promoted the overflow of reverse oxygen at the Pd–O–Ce interface. The increasing in Ce3+ occupancy altered the reduction performance, oxygen vacancy number and active Pd valence state of the catalyst, and greatly contributed to the response and recovery times. Among the obtained sensors, the 0.50 wt % Pd/CeO2–C/R sensor show a response amplitude of 190/196% to 1000 ppm H2 at 120 °C with a response/recovery time of only 1/3 s. These excellent results are mainly attributed to the chemisorbed oxygen and Ce3+ after ascorbic acid reducing Pd are found to be 4.84 and 1.57 times higher than pure CeO2. The hydroxyl-oxygen vacancy model may open up a new avenue for detecting hydrogen sensing.  相似文献   

In the present study, NaXH3 (X = Mn, Fe, Co) perovskite type hydrides have been investigated by performing first-principles calculation. The results of the structural optimizations show that all these compounds have negative formation energy implying the thermodynamic stability and synthesisability. The mechanical stability of these compounds has been studied with the elastic constants. Moreover, the polycrystalline properties like bulk modulus, Poisson's ratio, etc. have been obtained using calculated elastic constants of interest compounds. The electronic properties have been studied and band structures have been drawn with the corresponding partial density of states. These plots indicated that NaXH3 hydrides show metallic characteristics. The charge transfer characteristics in these compounds have been studied with the Bader partial charge analysis. The phonon dispersion curves and corresponding density of states indicated that NaXH3 compounds are dynamically stable compounds. The investigation on hydrogen storage characteristics of NaXH3 compounds resulted in hydrogen storage capacities of 3.74, 3.70 and 3.57 wt% for X = Mn, Fe and Co, respectively. The present study is the first investigation of NaXH3 perovskite type hydrides as known up to date and may provide remarkable contribution to the future researches in hydrogen storage applications.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of dopants (Li, Na, Mg, and Al) influence on hydrogen uptake in COF-108 were investigated by means of first principles. The binding energy of dopants in COF-108 was estimated from the first principles total energy calculations. All doped systems are shown positive binding energies with the metallic state of the dopant as the reference. The lowest binding energy of 0.518 eV appeared in the Na-doped system while a large amount of energy (2.692 eV) is required for Al to dope into COF-108. Electronic structure analysis shows that dopants Li and Na move the conduction band crossing the Fermi energy level and introduce weakly bonded electrons near the Fermi energy, which may polarize the hydrogen molecules. It is expectable that interaction between hydrogen molecule and the host COF-108 could be enhanced by the polarization of hydrogen molecule. Therefore the hydrogen uptake will be improved in the doped systems. Dopant Mg slightly reduces the band gap between the valence and conduction bands, but is hard to build chemical bonds with the host atoms owing to the less overlaps between the bond peaks of Mg and the COF-108. It hardly affects the electron distributions of the COF-108 and therefore weakly changes the chemical interactions between atoms in COF-108.  相似文献   

First principles calculation reveals that the TiAlH phases become relatively less stable after the addition of more H atoms, and that the H migration from tetrahedral interstitial site to octahedral site in gamma TiAl should be much easier than that between octahedral sites. Calculation also shows that H concentration has an important effect on mechanical properties of TiAlH phases, and that the energetically favorable TiAlH phase should possess bigger E, G, and G/B values as well as lower elastic anisotropy. Moreover, it is found that the heat capacities of TiAlH phases increase with the increase of H concentration, and that the coefficients of thermal expansion of TiAl and TiAlH phases decrease with the increase of pressure.  相似文献   

In this work, we predict a range of favorable functional properties of (LiBH4)2NH3BH3, a relatively new member of the boron-containing metal borohydride ammonia borane family, by means of ab initio calculations, as well as its parent compounds, LiBH4 and NH3BH3, for comparisons. Both the mechanical and dynamical stabilities of this new compound have been demonstrated theoretically for the first time. Results from elastic modulus calculations show that the mechanical properties of (LiBH4)2NH3BH3 are remarkably improved compared with its parent compounds. Secondly, Electronic structure results show that it remains to an insulator with large band gap typical of the boron-containing hydrogenous family, but the band gap can be tuned by the compositions of NH3BH3 and LiBH4. Charge analysis demonstrates that charge transfers in individual layers of LiBH4 and NH3BH3 are similar to LiBH4 and NH3BH3, respectively. A measurable amount of charge transfers from the LiBH4 layers to the NH3BH3 layers result in enhanced activation properties for hydrogenation and dehydrogenation in (LiBH4)2NH3BH3. Thirdly, Free energies of six possible dehydrogenation reactions have been calculated from 0 K to 700 K, and the results show that combination of NH3BH3 and LiBH4 can reduce the dehydrogenation energies compared with the parent compounds, a result consistent with recent experiments. Meanwhile, the N–B bond strengths increase and thereby borazine and diborane formation are reduced upon dehydrogenation.  相似文献   

To study the dihydrogen storage capacity of Sc6O8 and Y6O8 complexes, the stability and hydrogen adsorption behavior have been investigated by using density functional theoretical calculations. The lowest-lying isomers are cage-like complexes Sc6O8 01 and Y6O8 01, which are energetically much low-lying by at least 40.43 kcal/mol than the other isomers, respectively. Sc6O8 01 can adsorb 26H2 with gravimetric uptake capacity of 11.64 wt%. The average adsorption energy (ΔEave) is 0.12 eV/H2, which is in the reversible adsorption range. The Y6O8 01 seem have little ability to adsorb hydrogen molecules, because the ΔEave Y6O8 01 (1H2) is just only 0.065 eV. However, the binding capacity increases with the number of adsorbed H2 increasing. Y6O8 01 can adsorb 32H2 with ΔEave of 0.11 eV/H2, and the gravimetric uptake capacity is 8.89 wt%. Various characterization methods indicate that both transition metals and nonmetals in Sc6O8 01 and Y6O8 01 can effectively adsorb hydrogen molecules, and these two compounds can be regarded as candidate materials of dihydrogen adsorption under suitable condition.  相似文献   

The capability of hydrogen to be an energy source has made the hydrogen storage as one of the most investigated research fields during the recent years, and novel perovskite materials have become the current focus for hydrogen storage applications. Here we study the AeVH3 (Ae = Be, Mg, Ca, Sr) perovskite-type hydrides to explorer their potential for hydrogen storage applications using the density functional theory (DFT) implemented CASTEP code along with exchange correlation potential. The study examines the electronic structure, optical properties, elastic features and mechanical stability of the materials. The crystal structure of AeVH3 compounds is found to be cubic with lattice constant as 3.66, 3.48, 3.76 and 3.83 for Ae = Be, Mg, Ca and Sr compounds, respectively. The calculated electronic structures of these compounds show ionic bonding and no energy bandgap. The mechanical characteristics of compounds are also investigated as to meet the Born stability criterion, these compounds should be mechanically stable. The Cauchy pressure and Pugh criteria revealed that these materials have a brittle character and rather hard. In low energy range, all optical properties are found to be suitable as needed for storing the hydrogen. Furthermore, the gravimetric ratios suggested that all the compounds are suitable for hydrogen storage as a fuel for a longer time and may provide remarkable contributions in diversity of power and transportation applications.  相似文献   

Calculations using the SIESTA code have been performed to study the location of one and two hydrogens in a vacancy zone of a Fe50Ni50 cell. H debilitates the original metal–metal bonds by forming strong interactions with the metallic matrix. The Fe–H interaction is stronger than the Ni–H interaction. The H–metal exchange contributes to this process. After first H atom adsorption, the strength of the nearest Fe–Fe, Fe–Ni and Ni–Ni bonds decreases to about 89%, 15% and 1%, respectively. Then, the Fe–Fe bond is the most affected. The adsorption of an additional H atom modified the metal–metal strength in a lesser percent. Then, no additional decohesion is observed in the metallic bonds when two H atoms are present but in this case more metallic bonds are affected. The H–H interaction is small; an H2 molecule is not formed in the vacancy zone of the Fe50Ni50 cell.  相似文献   

Hydrogen storage alloys are usually susceptible to poisoning by O2, CO, CO2, etc., which decreases the hydrogen storage property sharply. In this paper, the adsorption characteristics of oxygen on the ZrCo(110) surface were investigated, and the effect of oxygen occupying an active site on the surface on the hydrogen adsorption behavior was discussed. The results show that the dissociation barrier of H2 is increased by more than 26% after O occupies the active sites on the ZrCo(110) surface, and the probability of H2 adsorption and dissociation decreases significantly. The adsorption energy of H atoms on the O–ZrCo(110) surface decreased by 18–56%, and the adsorption stability of H decreased. In addition, H atom diffusion on the surface and into bulk are prevented with higher reaction energetic barriers by O occupying active sites. Eventually, the ability of the ZrCo surface to adsorb hydrogen is seriously reduced.  相似文献   

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