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We investigate two-party quantum teleportation through noisy channels for multi-qubit Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) states and find which state loses less quantum information in the process. The dynamics of states is described by the master equation with the noisy channels that lead to the quantum channels to be mixed states. We analytically solve the Lindblad equation for \(n\) -qubit GHZ states \(n\in \{4,5,6\}\) where Lindblad operators correspond to the Pauli matrices and describe the decoherence of states. Using the average fidelity, we show that 3GHZ state is more robust than \(n\) GHZ state under most noisy channels. However, \(n\) GHZ state preserves same quantum information with respect to Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen and 3GHZ states where the noise is in \(x\) direction in which the fidelity remains unchanged. We explicitly show that Jung et al.’s conjecture (Phys Rev A 78:012312, 2008), namely “average fidelity with same-axis noisy channels is in general larger than average fidelity with different-axes noisy channels,” is not valid for 3GHZ and 4GHZ states.  相似文献   

Using the axiomatic definition of the quantum coherence measure, such as the \(l_{1}\) norm and the relative entropy, we study the phenomena of two-qubit system quantum coherence through quantum channels where successive uses of the channels are memory. Different types of noisy channels with memory, such as amplitude damping, phase damping, and depolarizing channels effect on quantum coherence have been discussed in detail. The results show that quantum channels with memory can efficiently protect coherence from noisy channels. Particularly, as channels with perfect memory, quantum coherence is unaffected by the phase damping as well as depolarizing channels. Besides, we also investigate the cohering and decohering power of quantum channels with memory.  相似文献   

A pure-loss bosonic channel is a simple model for communication over free-space or fiber-optic links. More generally, phase-insensitive bosonic channels model other kinds of noise, such as thermalizing or amplifying processes. Recent work has established the classical capacity of all of these channels, and furthermore, it is now known that a strong converse theorem holds for the classical capacity of these channels under a particular photon-number constraint. The goal of the present paper is to initiate the study of second-order coding rates for these channels, by beginning with the simplest one, the pure-loss bosonic channel. In a second-order analysis of communication, one fixes the tolerable error probability and seeks to understand the back-off from capacity for a sufficiently large yet finite number of channel uses. We find a lower bound on the maximum achievable code size for the pure-loss bosonic channel, in terms of the known expression for its capacity and a quantity called channel dispersion. We accomplish this by proving a general “one-shot” coding theorem for channels with classical inputs and pure-state quantum outputs which reside in a separable Hilbert space. The theorem leads to an optimal second-order characterization when the channel output is finite-dimensional, and it remains an open question to determine whether the characterization is optimal for the pure-loss bosonic channel.  相似文献   

We study the effect of quantum memory in magic squares game when played in quantum domain. We consider different noisy quantum channels and analyze their influence on the magic squares quantum pseudo-telepathy game. We show that the probability of success can be used to distinguish the quantum channels. It is seen that the mean success probability decreases with increase of quantum noise. Where as the mean success probability increases with increase of quantum memory. It is also seen that the behaviour of amplitude damping and phase damping channels is similar. On the other hand, the behaviour of depolarizing channel is similar to the flipping channels. Therefore, the probability of success of the game can be used to distinguish the quantum channels.  相似文献   

We develop an approximation approach to infinite-dimensional quantum channels based on a detailed investigation of continuity properties of entropic characteristics of quantum channels and operations (trace-nonincreasing completely positive maps) as functions of a pair “channel, input state.” Obtained results are then applied to the problems of continuity of the χ-capacity as a function of a channel, strong additivity of the χ-capacity for infinite-dimensional channels, and approximating representation for the convex closure of the output entropy of an arbitrary quantum channel.  相似文献   

In the first part of the paper we give a representation for entanglement-breaking channels in separable Hilbert space that generalizes the “Kraus decomposition with rank-one operators” and use it to describe complementary channels. We also note that coherent information for antidegradable channel is always nonpositive. In the second part, we give necessary and sufficient condition for entanglement breaking for the general quantum Gaussian channel. Application of this condition to one-mode channels provides several new cases where the additivity conjecture holds in the strongest form.  相似文献   

Collins and Popescu realized a powerful analogy between several resources in classical and quantum information theory. The Collins?CPopescu analogy states that public classical communication, private classical communication, and secret key interact with one another somewhat similarly to the way that classical communication, quantum communication, and entanglement interact. This paper discusses the information-theoretic treatment of this analogy for the case of noisy quantum channels. We determine a capacity region for a quantum channel interacting with the noiseless resources of public classical communication, private classical communication, and secret key. We then compare this region with the classical-quantum-entanglement region from our prior efforts and explicitly observe the information-theoretic consequences of the strong correlations in entanglement and the lack of a super-dense coding protocol in the public-private-secret-key setting. The region simplifies for several realistic, physically-motivated channels such as entanglement-breaking channels, Hadamard channels, and quantum erasure channels, and we are able to compute and plot the region for several examples of these channels.  相似文献   

Bennett et al. showed that allowing shared entanglement between a sender and receiver before communication begins dramatically simplifies the theory of quantum channels, and these results suggest that it would be worthwhile to study other scenarios for entanglement-assisted classical communication. In this vein, the present paper makes several contributions to the theory of entanglement-assisted classical communication. First, we rephrase the Giovannetti–Lloyd–Maccone sequential decoding argument as a more general “packing lemma” and show that it gives an alternate way of achieving the entanglement-assisted classical capacity. Next, we show that a similar sequential decoder can achieve the Hsieh–Devetak–Winter region for entanglement-assisted classical communication over a multiple access channel. Third, we prove the existence of a quantum simultaneous decoder for entanglement-assisted classical communication over a multiple access channel with two senders. This result implies a solution of the quantum simultaneous decoding conjecture for unassisted classical communication over quantum multiple access channels with two senders, but the three-sender case still remains open (Sen recently and independently solved this unassisted two-sender case with a different technique). We then leverage this result to recover the known regions for unassisted and assisted quantum communication over a quantum multiple access channel, though our proof exploits a coherent quantum simultaneous decoder. Finally, we determine an achievable rate region for communication over an entanglement-assisted bosonic multiple access channel and compare it with the Yen-Shapiro outer bound for unassisted communication over the same channel.  相似文献   

The general theory of three-party QSS protocols with the noisy quantum channels is discussed. When the particles are transmitted through the noisy quantum channels, the initial pure three-qubit tripartite entangled states would be changed into mixed states. We analyze the security of QSS protocols with the different kinds of three-qubit tripartite entangled states under phase-damping channels and figure out, for different kinds of initial states, the successful probabilities that Alice’s secret can be recovered by legal agents are different. Comparing with one recent QSS protocol based on GHZ states, our scheme is secure, and has a little smaller key rate than that of the recent protocol.  相似文献   

Transmission of quantum entanglement will play a crucial role in future networks and long-distance quantum communications. Quantum key distribution, the working mechanism of quantum repeaters and the various quantum communication protocols are all based on quantum entanglement. On the other hand, quantum entanglement is extremely fragile and sensitive to the noise of the communication channel over which it has been transmitted. To share entanglement between distant points, high fidelity quantum channels are needed. In practice, these communication links are noisy, which makes it impossible or extremely difficult and expensive to distribute entanglement. In this work, we first show that quantum entanglement can be generated by a new idea, exploiting the most natural effect of the communication channels: the noise itself of the link. We prove that the noise transformation of quantum channels that are not able to transmit quantum entanglement can be used to generate distillable (useable) entanglement from classically correlated input. We call this new phenomenon the Correlation Conversion property of quantum channels. The proposed solution does not require any non-local operation or local measurement by the parties, only the use of standard quantum channels. Our results have implications and consequences for the future quantum communications and for global-scale quantum communication networks. The discovery also revealed that entanglement generation by local operations is possible.  相似文献   

We consider three different communication tasks for quantum broadcast channels, and we determine the capacity region of a Hadamard broadcast channel for these various tasks. We define a Hadamard broadcast channel to be such that the channel from the sender to one of the receivers is entanglement-breaking and the channel from the sender to the other receiver is complementary to this one. As such, this channel is a quantum generalization of a degraded broadcast channel, which is well known in classical information theory. The first communication task we consider is classical communication to both receivers, the second is quantum communication to the stronger receiver and classical communication to other, and the third is entanglement-assisted classical communication to the stronger receiver and unassisted classical communication to the other. The structure of a Hadamard broadcast channel plays a critical role in our analysis: The channel to the weaker receiver can be simulated by performing a measurement channel on the stronger receiver’s system, followed by a preparation channel. As such, we can incorporate the classical output of the measurement channel as an auxiliary variable and solve all three of the above capacities for Hadamard broadcast channels, in this way avoiding known difficulties associated with quantum auxiliary variables.  相似文献   

As one of important research branches of quantum communication, deterministic remote state preparation (DRSP) plays a significant role in quantum network. Quantum noises are prevalent in quantum communication, and it can seriously affect the safety and reliability of quantum communication system. In this paper, we study the effect of quantum noise on deterministic remote state preparation of an arbitrary two-particle state via different quantum channels including the \(\chi \) state, Brown state and GHZ state. Firstly, the output states and fidelities of three DRSP algorithms via different quantum entangled channels in four noisy environments, including amplitude-damping, phase-damping, bit-flip and depolarizing noise, are presented, respectively. And then, the effects of noises on three kinds of preparation algorithms in the same noisy environment are discussed. In final, the theoretical analysis proves that the effect of noise in the process of quantum state preparation is only related to the noise type and the size of noise factor and independent of the different entangled quantum channels. Furthermore, another important conclusion is given that the effect of noise is also independent of how to distribute intermediate particles for implementing DRSP through quantum measurement during the concrete preparation process. These conclusions will be very helpful for improving the efficiency and safety of quantum communication in a noisy environment.  相似文献   

The dynamics of classical and quantum correlations under nondissipative and dissipative decoherences are analytically and numerically investigated with both one-side measures and two-side measures. Specifically, two qubits under local amplitude damping decoherence and depolarizing decoherence channels are considered. We show that, under the action of amplitude damping decoherence, both the entanglement and correlations of the different types of initial states with same initial values, suffer different types of dynamics. Moreover, the transfers of the entanglement and correlations between the system and the environment for different types of initial states are also shown to be different. While for the action of depolarizing decoherence, there does not exist sudden change in the decay rates of both the classical and quantum correlations, which is different from some other nondissipative channels. Furthermore, the quantum dissonance can be found to keep unchanged under the action of depolarizing decoherence. Such different dynamic behaviors of different noisy quantum decoherence channels reveal distinct transmission performance of classical and quantum information.  相似文献   

A coding theorem for entanglement-assisted communication via an infinite-dimensional quantum channel with linear constraints is extended to a natural degree of generality. Relations between the entanglement-assisted classical capacity and χ-capacity of constrained channels are obtained, and conditions for their coincidence are given. Sufficient conditions for continuity of the entanglement-assisted classical capacity as a function of a channel are obtained. Some applications of the obtained results to analysis of Gaussian channels are considered. A general (continuous) version of the fundamental relation between coherent information and the measure of privacy of classical information transmission via an infinite-dimensional quantum channel is proved.  相似文献   

A complete classification of one-mode Gaussian channels is given up to canonical unitary equivalence. We also comment on the quantum capacity of these channels. A channel complementary to the quantum channel with additive classical Gaussian noise is described, providing an example of a one-mode Gaussian channel which is neither degradable nor antidegradable.  相似文献   

This paper points out design confusion existing in all the arbitrated quantum signatures (AQS) that require public discussions over authenticated classical channels. Instead, an AQS scheme of classical messages without using authenticated classical channels is proposed here. A cryptographic hash function is used in combine with quantum mechanics to check the existence of an eavesdropping or to verify a signature. In addition, by using only single photons, this scheme provides higher efficiency both in quantum transmissions and generations. The proposed AQS scheme is shown to be immune to several well-known attacks, i.e., the Trojan-horse attacks and the existential forgery attack.  相似文献   

We have proposed a scheme of the generation and preservation of two-qubit steady-state quantum correlations through quantum channels where successive uses of the channels are correlated. Different types of noisy channels with memory, such as amplitude damping, phase damping, and depolarizing channels, have been taken into account. Some analytical or numerical results are presented. The effect of channels with memory on dynamics of quantum correlations has been discussed in detail. The results show that steady-state entanglement between two initial qubits whose initial states are prepared in a specific family states without entanglement subject to amplitude damping channel with memory can be generated. The entanglement creation is related to the memory coefficient of channel \(\mu \). The stronger the memory coefficient of channel \( \mu \) is, the more the entanglement creation is, and the earlier the separable state becomes the entangled state. Besides, we compare the dynamics of entanglement with that of quantum discord when a two-qubit system is initially prepared in an entangled state. We show that entanglement dynamics suddenly disappears, while quantum discord dynamics displays only in the asymptotic limit. Furthermore, two-qubit quantum correlations can be preserved at a long time in the limit of \(\mu \rightarrow 1\).  相似文献   

A new line of investigation known as quantum neurology has been born in recent years. One of its objectives is to accomplish a better explanation of psychism. It basically explains the unity of consciousness, its holistic character, and the indeterminism of its responses. How is this “phenomenological explicandum” explained in classical neurological architecture? After commenting on the properties of classical architecture, we focus on the proposal of Edelman, since we consider it as probably one of the better proposals explaining psychism. The discussion of Edelman’s proposal, from the viewpoint of the problem about the “physical support” of psychism in classical physics, allows us to evaluate the strengths of his proposal, as well as the remaining insufficiencies in his explanation. The “heuristic” way of quantum neurology offers a new approach to the “phenomenological explicandum” that does not contradict, but completes classical architecture. The discussion regarding the Hameroff–Penrose hypothesis allows us to propose that the psycho-bio-physical ontology would have an architecture with three levels (or sub-architectures) and two (or three) interface systems among them. This hypothetical architecture permits us to reflect on the production of ontologies, architectures, and functional logics (real and artificial). In any case, the new quantum neurology would suggest new formulations of the psycho-bio-physical ontology by means of the graph theory (classical neurology) and of topology (quantum neurology).  相似文献   

为了实现量子密钥分配协议在几种不同的量子噪声信道上的仿真分析。基于量子力学的有关知识。通过密度矩阵的变化。依靠数学方法,推出量子态在发送和接收期间的变化,提出一个量子噪声信道模型的新算法,相对其他基于密度矩阵的算法而言.能更直观.更简单的实现量子密钥分配协议在计算机上的仿真。  相似文献   

Semiquantum communication permits a communication party with only limited quantum ability (i.e., “classical” ability) to communicate securely with a powerful quantum counterpart and will obtain a significant advantage in practice when the completely quantum world has not been built up. At present, various semiquantum schemes for key distribution, secret sharing and secure communication have been proposed. In a quantum dialogue (QD) scenario, two communicants mutually transmit their respective secret messages and may have equal power (such as two classical parties). Based on delegated quantum computation model, this work extends the original semiquantum model to the authenticated semiquantum dialogue (ASQD) protocols, where two “classical” participants can mutually transmit secret messages without any information leakage and quantum operations are securely delegated to a quantum server. To make the proposed ASQD protocols more practical, we assume that the quantum channel is a collective noise channel and the quantum server is untrusted. The security analysis shows that the proposed protocols are robust even when the delegated quantum server is a powerful adversary.  相似文献   

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