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研究了添加玉米膳食纤维蛋糕的生产工艺、配方以及玉米膳食纤维对蛋糕质量的影响.结果表明.玉米膳食纤维添加量为面粉含量的5%时,加水量为8%及泡打粉用量为1%,通过调整生产工艺,生产出的蛋糕色、香、味和组织结构均比较理想. 相似文献
W.D. HOLLOWAY J.A. MONRO J.C. GURNSEY E.W. POMARE N.H. STACE 《Journal of food science》1985,50(6):1756-1757
Components of dietary fiber (soluble nonstarch polysaccharide, pectin, hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin), water, energy, protein, lipid and starch were measured in banana, breadfruit, cassava, coconut, mango, pawpaw, plantain, sweet potato, taro and Pacific yam, all from the Pacific Island Kingdom of Tonga. The Tongan foods were generally higher in dietary fiber than New Zealand foods, consistent with the hypothesis that dietary fiber is an important factor contributing to a lower incidence of certain gastrointestinal disorders in Tonga, than in New Zealand. 相似文献
高膳食纤维面团热机械学及面包的烘焙特性 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
研究大豆纤维粉(soybean dietary fibre,SDF)和玉米抗性淀粉(resistant starch,RS)及其混合物以20%、30%比例部分替代小麦粉在高膳食纤维面包中的应用,并分析高膳食纤维对面团热机械学特性及面包烘焙特性的影响。结果表明:SDF与RS的引入可提高面团持水性与吸水率(分别提高43.3%~63.3%和5%~7.6%),降低C5-C4值,对淀粉回生产生一定的抑制作用。两者对面团稳定时间和C1-C2的影响不同,RS会显著降低面团稳定时间(为对照组的53.52%~66.46%),增大C1-C2值24.14%~27.59%,蛋白质弱化度提高,而SDF对此则具有积极作用;通过对面包的烘焙特性分析发现,SDF与RS共用时具有协同作用,生产的面包不仅膳食纤维与蛋白质含量高,质构与风味较单独添加SDF有所改善,且提高了RS单独应用时的面包水分含量,提高得率。综合面包比容、色泽、质构与营养而言,5%SDF-15%RS和10%SDF-10%RS组制作的高膳食纤维面包品质最佳,且口感良好。 相似文献
《International Journal of Food Properties》2013,16(3):647-657
Abstract The effects of dietary fiber inclusion on biscuit texture, cooking properties, and sugar release after in vitro degradation were investigated. Inulin, β-glucan enriched fraction (BGEF), potato fiber, and a resistant starch were used. Effects of the dietary fibers on the pasting properties of flour based mixtures were investigated using a rapid visco analyzer. Results showed a reduction in visco-pasting properties (peak viscosity and final viscosity) of the flour–dietary fiber systems with increasing fiber content. Addition of dietary fiber into the biscuits affected biscuit shrinkage and height development during cooking, as well as generally reducing the resistance of biscuits to snapping during texture analysis tests. Sugar release during in vitro degradation studies showed a highly significant decline when comparing dietary fiber enriched biscuits to the control samples. This would have a beneficial effect in potentially reducing the glycaemic index and subsequent glycaemic loading of such foods. 相似文献
研究洋蓟膳食纤维经超微粉碎(高能纳米冲击磨)和高压均质改性预处理后,提取洋蓟可溶性膳食纤维(Soluble Dietary Fiber,SDF),采用单因素和响应面试验设计,优化高压均质改性工艺,以得到更高的得率。单因素实验考察均质温度、均质压力和物料浓度对洋蓟SDF得率的影响。用响应面法以三因素三水平对洋蓟SDF提取工艺进行优化,建立洋蓟SDF提取条件与得率之间的模型并进行分析,以得到最优的工艺参数,提高洋蓟SDF的得率。结果表明:经超微粉碎-高压均质复合改性后,洋蓟SDF的得率受复合改性的影响显著,其提取洋蓟SDF的最佳工艺为均质温度41℃、均质压力97 MPa、物料浓度2.5%,洋蓟SDF理论最高得率为20.70%。采用该工艺,实际洋蓟SDF得率的均值为20.13%。傅里叶变化红外光谱图显示经复合改性后,洋蓟膳食纤维的化学成分没有发生变化。 相似文献
Effect of Dietary Fiber on the Texture and Cooking Characteristics of Restructured Pork 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
S. L. TODD F. E. CUNNINGHAM J. R. CLAUS J. R. SCHWENKE 《Journal of food science》1989,54(5):1190-1192
Pure cellulose (Solka-Floc), microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel), and a soluble gum (Nutriloid Fiberplus) were added to ground pork at 3.5% and 7.0% based on total dietary fiber content of each ingredient. Texture and cooking characteristics were determined on the patties from all treatments and compared to a control. The two cellulose products at 3.5% most closely resembled the control. The two cellulose products at 7.0% exhibited more hardness, whereas the gum products at 3.5% and 7.0% showed less springiness (elasticity). Cooking losses declined as fiber concentration increased from 3.5% to 7.0% for the cellulose products, but increased for the gum products. The Avicel products at 3.5% and 7.0% and Solka-Floc product at 7.0% exhibited significantly less change in diameter (patty shrinkage). 相似文献
本文对酸碱法、酶法及生物发酵法对以莲藕副产物为原料所制备的膳食纤维的含量及特性进行了比较研究.其中酶处理法对纤维素和半纤维素均有降解,总膳食纤维含量为79.6%,产品膨胀力明显提高,由5.0mL/g增加到9.0mL/g;酸碱处理法降解纤维素类物质最彻底,得率只有17.33%,总膳食纤维含量为98.2%,以不溶性膳食纤维为主;生物发酵法处理原料,得率最高,达到59.23%,总膳食纤维含量和水溶性膳食纤维含量分别为82.7%和18.8%.对于莲藕副产物加工而言,三种方法均能获得较好的膳食纤维产品,在原料利用和产品特性方面具有差异. 相似文献
膳食纤维(dietary fiber,DF)是一类多聚物的复合混合体。现在学者大多同意将其定义为“不被人体胃肠道分泌物消化的植物组分”。DF组分主要包活:①纤维素,是一种由葡萄糖分子以β-糖苷键连接起来的长链聚合物;②半纤维素,是由一些单糖如阿拉伯糖、半乳糖和木糖混合组成的一种聚合物;③木质素,并非多糖,而是以苯丙烷为单位的多聚物;④果胶,这是由半聚糖醛酸残基组成的聚合物,其中分布有鼠李糖,且含有中性糖支链;⑤粘液和树胶,它们多是一些半纤维素。按水溶性又可将DF分为可溶性纤维(SDF)和不可溶性纤维(IDF)两类,SDF包括:果胶、部分半纤维素、树胶和粘液;IDF包括部分半纤维素、纤维素和木质素。 相似文献
The use of aged milled rice with an intermediate amylose content (20–25%) in the preparation of fermented rice cake yielded a steamed cake with a greater volume and an optimum softness as compared with similar cakes prepared from rice with a lower or higher amylose content. Aging of the rice decreased gas (CO2) retention during fermentation, but improved gas retention and cake volume during steaming. 相似文献
紫红薯渣、膳食纤维和漂白膳食纤维物化特性分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对紫红薯渣、膳食纤维和漂白膳食纤维的物化特性进行了测试与分析。结果表明,紫红薯膳食纤维的水合性质与紫红薯渣相比差异极显著(P<0.01),H2O2处理极显著地降低了紫红薯膳食纤维的水合性质;酶法和H2O2处理降低了样品吸附胆酸钠的能力,但提高了吸附亚硝酸钠的能力;紫红薯渣、膳食纤维和漂白膳食纤维的水合性质分别为:膨胀力4.36、14.3、9.30 mL/g,持水力2.65、8.39、6.49 g/g,结合水力1.89、3.12、2.05 g/g;紫红薯渣、膳食纤维和漂白膳食纤维的阳离子交换能力分别为0.12、0.88、0.48 mmol/g;紫红薯渣、膳食纤维和漂白膳食纤维吸附胆酸钠的能力分别为35.03、24.12、17.84 mg/g;紫红薯渣、膳食纤维和漂白膳食纤维吸附NaNO2的能力分别为1.08、2.81、2.98 mg/g。结果显示,紫红薯膳食纤维是一种天然的优质膳食纤维,具有广阔的应用前景。 相似文献
介绍了GB/T 29862-2013《纺织品纤维含量的标识》新国家标准的技术内容特点,提出了新标准在使用过程中应注意的事项及其修改建议,以便有关部门对新标准的理解和运用. 相似文献