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Ohne ZusammenfassungMitteilung aus dem Hygienischen Institut der Kgl. Universität Turin.Der Kgl. Medizinischen Akademie in Turin mitgeteilt in der Sitzung vom 23. November 1906.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungDie Versuche wurden auf Anregung von Herrn Prof. Dr. Büttner angelegt.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In Kurzzeit-Bruchversuchen wurde das Festigkeitsverhalten von 27 geleimten Knotenpunktverbindungen für ebene Stabwerke ermittelt. Geprüft wurden verschiedene Knotenpunktformen und je Form unterschiedliche Verbindungstypen. Die L?ngen?nderungen der St?be bzw. an den Knotenplatten wurden mit aufgeklebten Dehnungsme?streifen und neuartigen Dehnungsme?bügeln gemessen. Nach Auswertung der Ergebnisse aus den Prüfungen von Einzelknoten wurden mit insgesamt 12 Stabwerken sowohl Kurzzeit-Bruchversuche als auch Versuche unter dynamischer Dauerbeanspruchung (rd. 106 Lastwechsel) mit abschlie?enden Bruchversuchen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen das sichere Tragverhalten solcher Konstruktionen. Eine Tragf?higkeitsminderung infolge dynamischer Dauerbeanspruchung konnte nicht festgestellt werden.
Structural Frameworks with Glued Nodes
The strength behaviour of 27 glued node joints for plane frameworks was determined in short-time failure tests. The different types of nodes and varying types of joints per node were tested. The longitudinal changes of the members at the nodes were measured, using glue-fixed strain gauge strips and novel strain gauge extensometers. After evaluating the test results from single nodes, not only shorttime failure tests, but also tests under dynamic long-duration load (about 106 cycles) with concluding failure tests were carried out on twelve glued frameworks. The results confirm the reliable bearing behaviour of these types of structure. A reduction in bearing capacity due to dynamic long-duration load could not be detected.

Die Untersuchungen wurden durchgeführt im Rahmen eines Forschungsvorhabens, gef?rdert durch die DGfH, finanziert vom Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Ern?hrung, landwirtschaft und Forsten  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungMitteilung aus dem Laboratorium für landwirtschaftliche Gewerbe an der Technischen Hochschule zu Danzig.  相似文献   

Two different UF-resins (UF 1 and UF 2) with significant differences in their viscosity of their 50% solutions (UF 1: 70 mPa·s, UF 2: 46 mPa·s), but almost the same molar ratio F:U (UF 1: 1,11∶1, UF 2: 1,12∶1) and small differences in the content of free formaldehyde (UF 1: 0,07%, UF 2: 0,09%) and water tolerance (UF 1: 1∶0,90, UF 2: 1∶1,18) were modified with a melamine resin (F:M=1,6∶1), resorcinol, tannin and PMDI. The unmodified and modified resins were tested for some of their technological properties before and after curing using different catalyst systems (ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate/formic acid). The results show:
  1. There are no remarkable differences between the gelation time of the unmodified resins, however, the resin with the higher content of free formaldehyde shows higher reactivity especially at high dilution.
  2. The thermoanalytical data of the two resins (temperature curing maximum and reaction enthalpy) are more or less the same, when the same hardener is used.
  3. The catalyst has a definite influence on the temperature of curing maximum and on the enthalpy of the curing reaction. A big difference in curing temperature was noticed between ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate on the one side and ammonium sulfate/formic acid on the other side.
  4. The unmodified resins show big differences in the formaldehyde release after curing. UF 1 releases more formaldehyde after curing compared to UF 2, as measured by the WKI-flask-method and the Perforator method.
  5. Modification of UF-resins with melamine resin, resorcinol, tannin and PMDI decreases the formaldehyde release of the cured resin significantly. The effect of melamine resin and resorcinol are extremly huge.
  6. Melamine resin and resorcinol have no negative effect on the shelf life of UF-resins, however, tannin and PMDI do negatively affect the storage stability of the UF-resins.

In continuation of the work conducted in the first and second part of this series one-layer particleboards (pine wood) were made using three different low-emission UF-resins (UF1, UF2, UF4) and various amounts of different catalysts (ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, a mixture of ammonium sulfate and formic acid). Melamine formaldehyde resin, resorcinol, quebracho-tannin and diphenylmethan diisocyanate (PMDI) were used as modifiers. The investigations led to the following results:
  1. The use of ammonium nitrate as a catalyst led, compared with ammonium sulfate and the mixture from ammonium sulfate and formic acid, to higher mechanical properties and lower thickness swelling of the particleboards.
  2. Particleboards bonded with resin UF1 modified with melamine formaldehyde resin showed, compared with the other investigated modifications, higher resistance in dry state, in the wet state and after water soaking and redrying of the particleboards. Also thickness swelling of these particleboards was lower.
  3. Spraying PMDI prior to UF1 resin (preliminary spray method) improved the physico-mechanical properties of the particleboards (second place in the order of precedence after melamine resin).
  4. Particleboards bonded with UF1 modified with resorcinol showed the lowest formaldehyde release, though this modification has a negative effect on the physico-mechanical properties of the boards.
  5. Modification of UF1 with quebracho-tannin had an adverse effect on all properties of the particleboards.
  6. Modification of the resins UF2 and UF4 during the condensation step of the resin led to similar effects on the properties of the particleboards as the modification by mixing modifier and resin prior to the application of the binder.

Zusammenfassung Es wird die mikroskopische Untersuchung von Erbsenmehl mit einer bisher unbekannten Stärkeform beschrieben.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nach Angabe eines einfachen Verfahrens, um bei der Tr?nkung nach dem Saftverdr?ngungsverfahren die aufgenommene L?sungs- und damit Salzmenge für H?lzer verschiedenster Art und Herkunft schnell zu ermitteln, werden Ergebnisse derartiger Untersuchungen mitgeteilt, die zeigen, da? bei der in Deutschland gebr?uchlichen Durchführung des Saftverdr?ngungsverfahrens mit chromarsenhaltigen Salzgemischen die im Splintholz der Nadelh?lzer aufgenommene Salzmenge das 12- bis 15 fache derjenigen ist, die gerade noch eine F?ulnis verhindert, und nach einer gründlichen Auslaugung die Sicherheit gegen F?ulnis immer noch eine 8- bis 10 fache ist. Mitteilung aus dem Laboratorium der Atlasmaste K.-G.  相似文献   

In continuation of the work conducted in the first part of this series one-layer pine wood particleboards were made using two different low-emission UF-resins (UF 1 and UF 2) using various amounts of different catalysts (ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, a mixture of ammonium sulfate and formic acid) and tested regarding their properties. From the results the following conclusions can be drawn:
  1. With increasing amount of catalyst in the range between 0.8% and 2.4% ammonium chloride and 0.8% and 3.2% ammonium nitrate the physical-mechanical properties of the boards deteriorated. In contrast, the formaldehyde release decreased with increasing amount of catalyst.
  2. Compared with ammonium chloride ammonium nitrate led to higher mechanical properties and lowered thickness swelling of the boards.
  3. Particleboards containing UF 1 as a binder showed, compared with those boards bonded with UF 2, higher mechanical properties and lower thickness swelling in water. However, the formaldehyde release of the boards bonded with UF 1 was above that of boards bonded with UF 2.
  4. Particleboards bonded with UF 1 and UF 2 as a binder and containing ammonium nitrate as a catalyst showed, in general, the highest mechanical properties, those prepared with ammonium sulfate or a mixture of ammonium sulfate and formic acid as a catalyst the lowest.

Zusammenfassung Das übergewicht des tangentialen Schwindma?es αt über das radiale αr kann auf die verschiedene M?cktigkeit der Mittelschichten in radialer und tangentialer Richtung zurückgeführt werden.  相似文献   

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