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该文引进了一种基于奇异性检测的信号去噪方法,并对其在二维降噪中所需进行的复杂的线性内插作了进一步简化,使得整个二维降噪得以大大简化而达到快速运算和节省存储量的目的。文中详细描述了该算法的理论基础并给出其一维计算机仿真,同时也给出了进一步简化后的二维降噪仿真。这种去噪方法不需要信号或噪声的先验信息。仿真结果表明,相比其它小波去噪方法,该方法的主要优势在于:它在某一时刻的脉冲噪声的辨识和去除能力相当强,而且在去噪的同时能很好地保持信号边缘。  相似文献   

This paper presents a very efficient algorithm for image denoising based on wavelets and multifractals for singularity detection. A challenge of image denoising is how to preserve the edges of an image when reducing noise. By modeling the intensity surface of a noisy image as statistically self-similar multifractal processes and taking advantage of the multiresolution analysis with wavelet transform to exploit the local statistical self-similarity at different scales, the pointwise singularity strength value characterizing the local singularity at each scale was calculated. By thresholding the singularity strength, wavelet coefficients at each scale were classified into two categories: the edge-related and regular wavelet coefficients and the irregular coefficients. The irregular coefficients were denoised using an approximate minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) estimation method, while the edge-related and regular wavelet coefficients were smoothed using the fuzzy weighted mean (FWM) filter aiming at preserving the edges and details when reducing noise. Furthermore, to make the FWM-based filtering more efficient for noise reduction at the lowest decomposition level, the MMSE-based filtering was performed as the first pass of denoising followed by performing the FWM-based filtering. Experimental results demonstrated that this algorithm could achieve both good visual quality and high PSNR for the denoised images.  相似文献   

为有效地去除图像噪声而不使图像边缘模糊,文章提出了一种保留边缘信息的小波图像去噪新方法.此方法基于二进小波变换的多分辨率分解,小波系数的分布被模型化为高斯分布,得到每一尺度的收缩因子,连续尺度上的收缩凼子被结合,一致性检测被用于进一步检测边缘.将检测到的边缘点与非边缘点对应的小波系数,分别用不同的方法进行处理,采用不同的收缩因子进行收缩.仿真实验表明,与其它几种传统去噪方法相比,本算法具有更好的重建视觉效果,峰值信噪比也比其它方法有了较大幅度的提高.  相似文献   

It was recently reported that the real-time flat panel detector-based cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) breast imaging can help improve the detectability of small breast tumors with an X-ray dose comparable to that of the conventional mammography. In this paper, an efficient denoising algorithm is proposed to further reduce the X-ray exposure level required by a CBCT scan to acquire acceptable image quality. The proposed wavelet-based denoising algorithm possesses three significant characteristics: 1) wavelet coefficients at each scale are classified into two categories: irregular coefficients, and edge-related and regular coefficients; 2) noise in irregular coefficients is reduced as much as possible without producing artifacts to the denoised images; and 3) for the edge-related and regular coefficients, if they are at the first decomposition level, they are further denoised, otherwise, no modifications are made to them so as to obtain good visual quality for diagnosis. By applying the proposed denoising algorithm to the filtered projection images, the X-ray exposure level necessary for the CBCT scan can be reduced by up to 60% while obtaining clinically acceptable image quality. This denoising result indicates that in the clinical application of CBCT breast imaging, the patient radiation dose can be significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Due to the ill-posed nature of image denoising problem, good image priors are of great importance for an effective restoration. Nonlocal self-similarity and sparsity are two popular and widely used image priors which have led to several state-of-the-art methods in natural image denoising. In this paper, we take advantage of these priors and propose a new denoising algorithm based on sparse and low-rank representation of image patches under a nonlocal framework. This framework consists of two complementary steps. In the first step, noise removal from groups of matched image patches is formulated as recovery of low-rank matrices from noisy data. This problem is then efficiently solved under asymptotic matrix reconstruction model based on recent results from random matrix theory which leads to a parameter-free optimal estimator. Nonlocal learned sparse representation is adopted in the second step to suppress artifacts introduced in the previous estimate. Experimental results, demonstrate the superior denoising performance of the proposed algorithm as compared with the state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Removing noise from audio signals requires a nondiagonal processing of time-frequency coefficients to avoid producing ldquomusical noise.rdquo State of the art algorithms perform a parameterized filtering of spectrogram coefficients with empirically fixed parameters. A block thresholding estimation procedure is introduced, which adjusts all parameters adaptively to signal property by minimizing a Stein estimation of the risk. Numerical experiments demonstrate the performance and robustness of this procedure through objective and subjective evaluations.  相似文献   

基于相邻尺度积系数的半软阈值小波滤波   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对相邻尺度积系数硬阈值滤波后的MSE函数不连续,最优阈值选取困难,该文构造了一种基于相邻尺度积系数的半软阈值函数。其为收缩因子函数与小波系数的乘积,对小波系数无穷可导、可在阈值邻域内对小波系数自适应收缩。进而通过极小化SURE(Stein Unbiased Risk Estimate)估计得到MSE意义下自适应于信号和噪声的最优阈值。大量仿真实验表明:采用本文构造的半软阈值函数,可改善基于相邻尺度积系数的滤波算法性能。  相似文献   

自适应小波阈值去噪方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对未知含噪信号的小波去噪理论,提出了一种新的阈值方程,并基于斯坦恩无偏估计(SURE)优化算法和阈值方程寻找最优门限值,以确保去噪后的信号是对未知原信号的最优估计。同时,注意到使用正交小波去噪,容易在信号奇异点处产生Gibbs振荡。为解决该问题,在信号分解和重构时使用了平稳小波变换算法。最后,应用以上方法与基于SURE的正交小波去噪方法对2种含噪信号进行去噪分析,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

彭自然  王国军 《信号处理》2017,33(8):1122-1131
小波消失矩阶数的不同,对应的小波滤波器的幅频曲线也不相同,因此选用不同的小波滤波器对信号进行滤波,去噪效果会有明显差异。本文通过数学建模研究分析小波滤波器的幅频特性,明确小波幅频特征及与小波滤波器消失矩的阶数之间的关系,为选择最优小波滤波器提供理论依据。本文提出针对ECG噪声的频率特点实现精确陷波去噪,有效的保留了信号的奇异点与特征值,减少了信号失真。实验结果表明,选择具有相对最优消失矩阶数的提升小波滤波器对ECG进行去噪处理,可以使信号能量分布更加集中,去噪效果更好。   相似文献   

基于小波变换的图像去噪方法是小波应用较成功的一个方面,阈值大小的确定是该方法最终去噪效果好坏的一个决定性因素.基于图像边缘信息的多小波闽值去噪方法充分研究了信号与噪声在小波变换各分解层上的不同传播特性,在保留代表边缘信息的小波系数的基础上,对不同方向、不同分解层的小波系数分别选取最佳阈值处理.与Donoho等人提出的Visu shrink去噪方法相比,此方法提高了去噪后图像的峰值信噪比(PSNR),使图像更加清晰,去噪效果更好.  相似文献   

非均匀噪声图像的小波去噪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前的小波阈值去噪一般考虑单幅均匀噪声样本,针对非均匀噪声模型,提出基于邻域估计法的逐点阈值去噪算法;并将多幅均匀噪声样本的联合去噪法推广到非均匀噪声模型下。其中。阈值函数的选取是:基于信号方差和噪声方差的自适应的逐噗Bayes阈值;对多幅非均匀噪声样本采用阈值去噪与加权平均结合的方案,加权系数由各象素点的噪声方差确定,并比较了图像域和变换域两种加权方法的性能。  相似文献   

基于小波分析的光电脉搏波奇异性处理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘玉良  李刚  林凌  王焱 《信号处理》2007,23(1):64-68
高精度的光电脉搏波信号,对于动态光谱法血液成分无创检测非常重要。要获得高精度的脉搏波信号,首先就要对信号中的噪声奇异点进行定位和修正。本文选择Marr小波,针对信号中的单个脉冲噪声和窄带脉冲噪声。研究了基于小波分析的光电脉搏波奇异性处理。利用脉搏波信号极大值线的周期性,在每个周期段内,首先利用单个脉冲噪声与有用信号截然不同的李氏指数特性,对单个脉冲噪声进行了处理。然后利用窄带脉冲的小波系数极大值线的特点对常规小波方法难以处理的窄带脉冲噪声进行分析定位。鉴于模极大值重构算法比较复杂,本文利用线性插值法对被定位的噪声奇异点进行了修正。仿真实验表明,利用小波分析和线性插值相结合的方法可以完成对光电脉搏波信号的奇异性处理,提高了脉搏波信号的幅值检测精度。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a combinational algorithm for the removal of zero-mean white and homogeneous Gaussian additive noise from a given image. Image denoising is formulated as an optimization problem. This is iteratively solved by a weighted basis pursuit (BP) in the closed affine subspace. The patches extracted from a given noisy image can be sparsely and approximately represented by adaptively choosing a few nearest neighbors. The approximate reconstruction of these denoised patches is performed by the sparse representation on two dictionaries, which are built by a discrete cosine transform and the noisy patches, respectively. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm outperforms both BP denoising and Sparse K-SVD. This is because the underlying structure of natural images is better captured and preserved. The results are comparable to those of the block-matching 3D filtering algorithm.  相似文献   

Here, we present an efficient method for movie denoising that does not require any motion estimation. The method is based on the well-known fact that averaging several realizations of a random variable reduces the variance. For each pixel to be denoised, we look for close similar samples along the level surface passing through it. With these similar samples, we estimate the denoised pixel. The method to find close similar samples is done via warping lines in spatiotemporal neighborhoods. For that end, we present an algorithm based on a method for epipolar line matching in stereo pairs which has per-line complexity O(N) , where is the number of columns in the image. In this way, when applied to the image sequence, our algorithm is computationally efficient, having a complexity of the order of the total number of pixels. Furthermore, we show that the presented method is unsupervised and is adapted to denoise image sequences with an additive white noise while respecting the visual details on the movie frames. We have also experimented with other types of noise with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Development of EMD-Based Denoising Methods Inspired by Wavelet Thresholding   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
One of the tasks for which empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is potentially useful is nonparametric signal denoising, an area for which wavelet thresholding has been the dominant technique for many years. In this paper, the wavelet thresholding principle is used in the decomposition modes resulting from applying EMD to a signal. We show that although a direct application of this principle is not feasible in the EMD case, it can be appropriately adapted by exploiting the special characteristics of the EMD decomposition modes. In the same manner, inspired by the translation invariant wavelet thresholding, a similar technique adapted to EMD is developed, leading to enhanced denoising performance.   相似文献   

Denoising of the uterine EHG by an undecimated wavelet transform   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The authors propose two original methods of denoising of the uterine electrohysterography (EHG) signal by wavelets. This external electrophysiological signal is corrupted by electronic, electromagnetic noises and by the remaining electrocardiogram of the mother. The interfering signals have overlapping spectra. Therefore, a classical filtering is unusable. Wavelets should be a very well-suited denoising tool. The first proposed method uses the algorithm “a trou” with nonsymmetrical filters. The computation is rapid and the results are satisfying compared to the classical denoising techniques. The second algorithm is an improvement of the first method. It uses orthogonal wavelets and the result of the thresholding corresponds to the average of all circulant shifts denoised by a decimated wavelet transform. Results are compared to traditional denoising algorithms by wavelet (orthogonal, maximally decimated). The proposed algorithms are more efficient on simulated signals as well as on uterine EHG  相似文献   

In Doppler radar scoring systems,the echo can be represented as a gray image by time-frequency transform, so Doppler frequency extraction becomes curve detection in the image-view. In order to improve the performance of curve detection in low signal-noise-ratio environment, this paper proposes an image denoising method based on curvelet transform. Firstly, the gray image is divided into a nolse-image and a signal-linage by region partition. The noise-image is used to estimate the noise level of the signal-image in curvelet domain. And the signal- image is denoised in curvelet domain with processes as signal judgment, orientation detection and soft-threshold detection block by block. Inside each block~ signal judgment is used to check true signal,orientation detection is used to determine the direction and soft-threshold detection is used to filter the curvelet coefficients. The experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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