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Screening guidelines recommend testing all sexually active female adolescents for Chlamydia trachomatis during a pelvic examination at each clinic visit. Such criteria have been based on cross-sectional studies; new evaluations should take into account multiple clinic visits and assess whether criteria are appropriate when a prior test is negative and risk factors are absent. Because repeated observations on an individual may be correlated, the authors used the generalized estimating equation method. Little information exists on subsequent risk of infection; as control programs develop, approaches targeting high-risk populations for recurrent infections are needed. Using data on females aged 15-19 years who visited family planning clinics more than once from 1988 to 1992 (n = 26,921) in Region X (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington), the authors constructed a retrospective cohort. Teens with chlamydia at their first visit were at high risk for subsequent infection (odds ratio = 1.6, 95% confidence interval 1.4-1.7). Among teens uninfected at the first visit and without risk factors at the second, prevalence at the second visit was 6%. When intervisit correlations using the generalized estimating equation method were taken into account, predictors of chlamydial infection were consistent with those in previous cross sectional studies cervicitis, friable cervix, and multiple, new, or symptomatic sex partner(s). These findings support screening sexually active female adolescents at each visit, even if prior tests results are available.  相似文献   

Current reinforced masonry wall construction design practice in residential gable ends was reviewed for compliance with the Standard Building Code and ASCE 7-93 wind provisions. The investigation team reviewed 31 residential structures built in the state of Florida after Hurricane Andrew (1992) and before adoption of the Florida Building Code (2002). The existing bracing techniques used to support the gable-end wall were found inadequate to resist wind-induced suction forces defined according to the applicable building codes. The controlling parameters were the spacing of reinforcing pilaster columns and the methods of lateral support along the top of the masonry wall system. The investigation led in part to revisions in the Florida Building Code with respect to the lateral bracing of gable-end wall systems.  相似文献   

This study explored the mental health repercussions among Asian American adolescents following experiences of violent victimization. Utilizing a subsample of Asian American adolescents from Waves I and II of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), this study examined the relationship between violent victimization and somatic symptoms one year later, as well as moderators of this relationship. Results from a hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that emotional bonds with fathers were negatively related to somatic symptoms. In addition, instrumental bonds with mothers weakened the link between violent victimization and somatic symptoms. The practical implications of these results for addressing the psychosocial needs of Asian American adolescents were discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The role of 2 parenting variables, monitoring and communication, in adolescent deviant behavior was examined within 4 samples: Black Americans living in Montgomery, Alabama, and the Bronx, New York, and Hispanics living in the Bronx, New York, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. The participants comprised 907 14- to 16-year-old adolescents and their mothers recruited through high schools in 3 communities. The results indicated that higher levels of parental monitoring, but not parent-adolescent communication, predicted lower levels of adolescent deviance in each of the samples. The replication of these findings in samples that vary by ethnicity and location provides strong support for the generalizability of the association between parental monitoring and low levels of adolescent deviant behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Weight and body image concerns are prevalent among adolescents across cultures and pose significant threats to well-being, yet there is a paucity of longitudinal research on samples living in non-Western and developing countries. This prospective study assessed the extent to which select sociocultural, psychological, and biological risk factors contributed to changes in weight esteem among adolescent girls and boys living in the People’s Republic of China. Students (181 boys, 320 girls) from middle schools and high schools in Southwest China completed measures of demographics; weight esteem; thin female and lean, muscular male appearance ideals; positive and negative affect; and appearance-based social pressure, teasing, and comparison. Subsequently, weight esteem was reassessed 18 months later. Girls having stronger preferences for thin ideals, a high body mass index, and more negative affect at Time 1 were more likely to experience losses of weight esteem at follow-up. Among boys, high baseline levels of appearance pressure contributed to later reductions in weight esteem—an effect that was also moderated by age. For both sexes, appearance social comparisons also contributed to weight esteem changes in univariate analyses, albeit these effects were attenuated within multivariate prediction models. In sum, this study highlights how specific experiences implicated previously in research on body dissatisfaction in Western samples are also salient in understanding changes in weight esteem for adolescent girls and boys in rapidly developing China. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the longitudinal relation between attributions for relationship events and marital satisfaction. Thirty-four couples were assessed at two points separated by approximately 12 months. Causal and responsibility attributions for marital difficulties and negative spouse behaviors were strongly related to concurrent marital satisfaction. For wives, later marital satisfaction was predicted by both causal and responsibility attributions after the effects of earlier satisfaction were removed. For husbands, attributions did not predict later marital satisfaction. Marital satisfaction did not predict later attributions for either husbands or wives. Marital satisfaction and the two types of attributions were related to concurrent unrealistic relationship expectations, but these expectations did not predict later marital satisfaction. The results are discussed in terms of a possible causal relation between attributions and marital satisfaction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examines how policies targeted to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community impact gender and ethnic/racial diversity within business schools. Specifically, the authors examine domestic-partner benefits, sexual orientation nondiscrimination policies, and gender identity nondiscrimination policies. The cumulative effect of offering multiple policies is also examined. Findings suggest that ethnic/racial diversity of tenure-track business faculty is significantly related to the school offering each of the examined LGBT policies; however, gender diversity was not significantly related. The offering of multiple policies is also a significant predictor of ethnic/racial diversity in business school faculties. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although cross-sectional research has established the link between care demands and various indicators of caregiver adaptation, few studies have examined the impact of care recipients' problematic behavior over time. The present analysis determines the importance of behavior problems when predicting rates of change in subjective stressors (role overload and role captivity) and depression. Using 4-wave longitudinal data (N?=?137) on dementia caregivers, the authors fit individual growth curve models for care demands (i.e., behavior problems, activities of daily living dependencies, and cognitive impairment), subjective stressors, and depression. Subsequent structural equation models found that increases in behavior problems were most likely to predict increases in role overload. The findings emphasize the deleterious long-term impact of behavior problems on individuals' emotional adaptation to caregiving. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the relationship between behavior problems and ethnic factors in indigenous minority Sami and Norwegian majority adolescents in northern Norway. METHOD: The Youth Self-Report (YSR) was completed by 249 Sami and 210 Norwegian students in junior high school, aged 13 to 16 years. Parents completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Behavior problems were assessed in relation to ethnicity and ethnic context (geographic region and family context). RESULTS: Rates of behavior problems (CBCL and YSR) were generally high in both ethnic groups and were highest among girls. Sami adolescents, particularly those living in assimilated ethnic communities, reported more behavior problems than Norwegian adolescents. CONCLUSION: Ethnic factors have significant impact on behavior problems in indigenous minority adolescents living in a multiethnic context.  相似文献   

Examined the extent of the influence of adaptive behavior on academic achievement in 801 children (aged 2.5–12.5 yrs). Ss were administered both the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales—Interview Edition, Survey Form. Path analysis was used to determine the effect of adaptive behavior on achievement while controlling for other important background influences (e.g., ethnicity, socioeconomic status (SES), intellectual ability). Results suggest that adaptive behavior has a significant and important effect on achievement, thus strengthening support for its inclusion in psychoeducational assessments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined gender and ethnic differences in social constraints both on and off the job among 372 police officers from the New York City Housing Authority. Positive and negative social interactions with supervisors and coworkers, and perceptions of the work environment as well as support and resentment of the job from family and significant others, were included. 73% of the sample were White, 11% were Black or African American, 11% were Hispanic, and 1% were Asian American; women comprised 22% of the sample. Women and minority men reported more negative social interactions on the job, such as criticism, bias, and sexual harassment. Few differences were observed for positive social interactions on or off the job, and where differences emerged, women and minority men reported more favorable social interactions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effect of alcohol consumption on sexual behavior was examined in a sample of 123 heterosexually active single women who consume alcohol moderately to heavily. Via event-based methodology, women were asked to describe 2 recent sexual encounters with a new or occasional partner, 1 involving alcohol and 1 not involving alcohol. Women were significantly more likely to have sex with a partner they had just met in the encounter involving alcohol than in the encounter not involving alcohol. However, women were no less likely to discuss birth control or AIDS prevention during the alcohol encounter, nor did they perceive less risk of pregnancy, HIV, or sexually transmitted diseases in the alcohol encounter. Although women were more likely to use condoms if they had discussed birth control or HIV prevention, condom use was not affected by alcohol consumption. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study we explore the biographical disruption resulting from a diagnosis of an abnormal Pap smear and the consequent process of biographical reconstruction. This is a qualitative study of thirteen women between the ages of 19 and 54 years who were diagnosed with an abnormal Pap smear and underwent colposcopy treatment. Data collection was through individual in-depth interviews, which were transcribed and analyzed by a team of researchers for important themes. An opportunistic sampling strategy was used. The inherent ambiguity in the diagnosis, its treatment strategies, the prognosis of their condition, and patients' fear of cancer all made the process of biographical reconstruction more problematic. By putting their faith in medicine and mobilizing their personal resources, women attempted to reestablish a positive personal and social self. Further exploration of the long-term psychosocial impact of this diagnosis is warranted so that women's emotional as well as medical needs are adequately addressed.  相似文献   

Examined the effect of employment on delinquent behavior in over 2,000 6th–12th grade students who were surveyed on their work experiences and the extent of their involvement during the last year in drug use and other delinquent activities. Regression analysis was used to examine the effect of working while attending secondary school on 1982 self-reported delinquency. Evidence from this study implies that teenage working does not increase delinquency and does not have a detrimental effect on commitment to education, involvement in extracurricular activities, time spent on homework, attachment to school, or attachment to parents. The models examined suggest that working decreases school attendance and dependence on parents for some subgroups, but these effects are not translated into increases in delinquency. (39 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This commentary highlights previous literature (see record 2005-03637-001) focusing on cultural and environmental explanations for the racial/ethnic group hierarchy of intelligence. Assumptions underlying definitions of intelligence, heritability/genetics, culture, and race are noted. Historical, contextual, and testing issues are clarified. Specific attention is given to studies supporting stereotype threat, effects of mediated learning experiences, and relative functionalism. Current test development practices are critiqued with respect to methods of validation and item development. Implications of the genetic vs. culture-only arguments are discussed with respect to the malleability of IQ. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Despite considerable clinical interest, attempts to link perceived self-efficacy with successful weight control have had mixed success. Definitive data on prospective associations between self-efficacy and weight loss are particularly sparse. This study examined relationships between self-efficacy beliefs, weight control behaviors, and weight change among individuals participating in a weight loss trial (N = 349, 87% women). Cross-sectionally, eating and exercise self-efficacy beliefs were strongly associated with corresponding weight loss behaviors. Self-efficacy beliefs prospectively predicted weight control behavior and weight change during active treatment but not during follow-up. Mediational models indicate that people's weight control behaviors mediate the impact of self-efficacy on weight change. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: This longitudinal study examined the prevalence and demographic correlates of unprotected insertive and receptive anal intercourse among HIV-positive gay and bisexual men who were aware of their serostatus. METHODS: Participants (n = 395), sampled randomly at two HIV outpatient clinics in Los Angeles, completed two waves of self-administered questionnaires (separated by approximately 7-9 months) that measured sexual behaviors in the previous 60 days. RESULTS: The cross-sectional prevalence of unprotected insertive anal intercourse was 11.2% at time 1 and 7.1% at time 2. Longitudinal analysis indicated that nearly 15% of the participants had engaged in that high-risk behavior either at time 1 or time 2 and approximately 4% had engaged in the behavior at each time period. Similar rates of unprotected receptive anal intercourse were observed. These high-risk activities were more prevalent with seropositive and unknown serostatus partners than with seronegative partners. The rate of anal intercourse risk behaviors was higher among asymptomatic men and among those who were exclusively gay. CONCLUSION: The findings demonstrate considerable differences in the prevalence of stable and occasional high-risk sexual behaviors among HIV-positive gay and bisexual men. Simple cross-sectional analyses cannot capture the stability or variation in behavior across time and, thus, may generate misleading conclusions about disease transmission, especially if the partner's HIV serostatus is not considered in the analysis. The findings indicate a need for focused safer-sex interventions for seropositive men. The HIV outpatient clinic is an ideal setting for such interventions.  相似文献   

The authors tested a theoretical model of how exposure to alcohol cues in movies predicts level of alcohol use (ever use plus ever and recent binge drinking) and alcohol-related problems. A national sample of younger adolescents was interviewed by telephone with 4 repeated assessments spaced at 8-month intervals. A structural equation modeling analysis performed for ever-drinkers at Time 3 (N = 961) indicated that, controlling for a number of covariates, movie alcohol exposure at Time 1 was related to increases in peer alcohol use and adolescent alcohol use at Time 2. Movie exposure had indirect effects to alcohol use and problems at Times 3 and 4 through these pathways, with direct effects to problems from Time 1 rebelliousness and Time 2 movie exposure also found. Prospective risk-promoting effects were also found for alcohol expectancies, peer alcohol use, and availability of alcohol in the home; protective effects were found for mother's responsiveness and for adolescent's school performance and self-control. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined the natural history of threshold, subthreshold, and partial eating disorders in a community sample of 496 adolescent girls who completed annual diagnostic interviews over an 8-year period. Lifetime prevalence by age 20 years was 0.6% and 0.6% for threshold and subthreshold anorexia nervosa (AN), 1.6% and 6.1% for threshold and subthreshold bulimia nervosa (BN), 1.0% and 4.6% for threshold and subthreshold binge-eating disorder (BED), and 4.4% for purging disorder (PD). Overall, 12% of adolescents experienced some form of eating disorder. Subthreshold BN and BED and threshold PD were associated with elevated treatment, impairment, and distress. Peak age of onset was 17–18 years for BN and BED and 18–20 years for PD. Average episode duration in months was 3.9 for BN and BED and 5.1 for PD. One-year recovery rates ranged from 91% to 96%. Relapse rates were 41% for BN, 33% for BED, and 5% for PD. For BN and BED, subthreshold cases often progressed to threshold cases and diagnostic crossover was most likely for these disorders. Results suggest that subthreshold eating disorders are more prevalent than threshold eating disorders and are associated with marked impairment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors tested 2 mechanisms for the relation of movie smoking exposure with onset of cigarette smoking in adolescence. Longitudinal data with 8-month follow-up were obtained from a representative sample of 6,522 U.S. adolescents, ages 10-14 years. Structural modeling analysis based on initial nonsmokers, which controlled for 10 covariates associated with movie exposure, showed that viewing more smoking in movies was related to increases in positive expectancies about smoking and increases in affiliation with smoking peers, and these variables were both related to smoking onset. A direct effect of movie exposure on smoking onset was also noted. Mediation findings were replicated across cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Tests for gender differences indicated that girls showed larger effects of movie exposure for some variables. Implications for policy and prevention research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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