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作者根据对贵州省贵阳市花溪区的部分小城镇住宅实态调研的第一手资料,简要介绍了贵州省贵阳市花溪区具有代表性的住宅现状,并由此引发出了对于该地小城镇住宅一些问题的初步的探讨,并对于当地未来住宅的产业化发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

景营利  帅焕  孙杨艳 《矿产勘查》2023,14(8):1412-1420
水化学及同位素是研究地热成因机制的重要方法,本文对湖南省84个地下热水点开展水化学与氢氧稳定同位素采样与测试,并基于测试结果开展湖南省地下热水化学及同位素空间分异特征分析,以期为地下水资源勘查、开发提供参考。测试结果表明,湖南省地热水化学类型在空间上具有明显差异,省内地下热水主要属Ca·Mg型、HCO3型,但幕阜山、湘西北、湘东南、宁远—江永盆地有多个地下热水点表现为Na+K型,湘西北、湘东南、衡阳盆地等地有相当一部分地下热水表现为SO4型。雪峰山、湘东南、衡阳盆地地下热水水化学表现为3个主因子,而湘西北和岳阳—长株潭盆地则表现为2个主因子。雪峰山、湘东南与幕阜山—长株潭区的地下热水的地下水化学成分受岩浆岩矿物控制,湘西北地区地下热水成因可能与硫酸盐矿物等有关,衡阳盆地则表现出了明显的蒸发岩特性。湖南省地热水中Na+和K+多来源于硅酸盐矿物的溶解,Ca2+和Mg2+来源于含镁和钙的硅酸盐矿物的溶解。湖南省内地下热水的δ18O和δD散点图具有明显“区内积聚”的特点,湘东南大部分地下热水点、长株潭盆地部分热水点和衡阳盆地部分地下热水δ18O和δD散点沿近水平线分布,这些地下热水点发生明显“δ18O飘移”,其他地下热水点δ18O和δD散点沿蒸发线分布。  相似文献   

今年9月初,天津大学小城镇住宅6人调研组对贵阳市花溪区石板镇镇区、住区、住宅信息,当地的绿色建筑材料、住宅等进行调查研究,获得了石板镇住宅第一手资料。本文试对其住宅建筑体系进行分析。    石板镇距贵阳市中心 18km。全镇面积 51.6km2,镇区28.28hm2。该镇平均海拔 1230m,相对高差 50m。当地气候湿润,境内水资源较为丰富,但河流水位低,自流灌溉面积小。    镇域旅游资源丰富,民风纯朴,溶湖溶洞众多,植被分布广泛。少数民族占全镇总人口的28%,民族风情浓郁。境内有在贵州省闻名的天河潭风景区和少数民族特色的镇山国家…  相似文献   

Groundwater in Scotland is, for the most part, weakly to moderately mineralised and dominated by the Ca and HCO3 ions. The aquifer systems are almost entirely unconfined and most groundwater remains in contact with oxygen; some reducing groundwaters occur in deeper isolated cracks and joints within the many fractured bedrock aquifers such as Devonian sandstones. Groundwater depleted in oxygen is also common in the Coal Measures in the Midland Valley as a direct result of past coal and oil shale mining, when iron and other metals are taken into solution as the abandoned mine workings are allowed to flood. Low pH groundwaters are rare but do occur where calcite is absent in some basement rocks. Marine intrusion of coastal aquifers occurs locally in East Lothian and parts of Morayshire. Deeper circulating groundwaters are responsible for some of the more exotic spa waters, notably at Bridge of Earn near Perth. Nitrate contamination of groundwater is increasing in some areas, and is most prevalent in the south of Scotland. The Devonian aquifer in Fife and parts of the Permian sandstone aquifers of south-west Scotland are the worst affected.  相似文献   

This paper adopts political ecology as an analytical framework, along with a case study approach, to assess environmental development and governance in western China under China’s Western Development Strategy. This study of the Beipan River Basin, Guizhou Province, revealed that not only has environmental quality in the Basin improved, but public awareness and local governments’ willingness regarding environmental protection have been enhanced since the year 2000. Challenges remain. Future environmental effort in western China demands a long term and holistic approach including: financial investment and law enforcement by central and local government, public participation, and the capacity building of local governments.  相似文献   

Total gaseous mercury in the atmosphere of Guiyang,PR China   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Four measurement campaigns were carried out to monitor total gaseous mercury (TGM) at one site in the Guiyang City, PR China in the following periods: April 19-30, 2000; February 26-March 14, 2001; June 26-July 20, 2001; and October 9-November 22, 2001, respectively. High temporal resolved data were obtained by using automated mercury analyzers Gardis 1A and Tekran 2537A. TGM data from all measurement periods followed the typical log normal distribution pattern. The geometric mean of TGM from different seasons were 8.56, 7.45, 5.20 and 8.33 ngm(-3) in spring 2000, winter 2001, summer 2001 and autumn 2001, respectively. The overall average TGM covering the sampling periods was 7.39 ngm(-3), which is significantly elevated comparing to global background of approximately 1.5-2.0 ngm(-3). The major anthropogenic atmospheric mercury emission sources differed significantly among seasons, which caused the seasonal variability of TGM level. Distinct daily variability of TGM was observed among seasons. The daytime TGM concentrations were larger than that of nighttime in spring and winter seasons, while in summer and autumn the opposite daily TGM distribution pattern was observed.  相似文献   

猪拱塘矿床位于黔西北铅锌矿集区内,累计查明铅锌金属资源量327万t,是贵州省近年来发现的首个超 大型铅锌矿床.区内铅锌矿体受北西向断裂构造控制,F1、F2以及隐伏F20、F30断层为主要控矿断层.本文对矿区北西向断裂构造的演化过程分析表明,该组断裂不仅是含矿热液的运移通道,也是含矿热液交代、沉淀的场所.北西向断裂、北西...  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) exposure in the population from Wuchuan mercury mining area (WMMA), Guizhou, China, was evaluated by human hair Hg investigation. Total gaseous mercury (TGM) in the ambient air and Hg in rice were measured to assess human risk of Hg exposure. High TGM concentrations in the ambient air were found near smelting workshop. Rice not only contained high total mercury (T-Hg) which ranged from 6.0-113 ng/g, but also contained highly elevated methylmercury (Me-Hg) which ranged from 3.1-13.4 ng/g. The means of hair T-Hg concentrations were 33.9 microg/g and 21.5 microg/g at YQG and JXC sites, respectively. Residents from other sites also reflected a certain level of Hg exposure. Age had no significant effect on hair Hg levels, but male had higher hair T-Hg concentrations due to occupational exposure and also higher Me-Hg levels which might be related to larger amount of rice consumption. Hair may be a useful tool for monitoring human exposure of Hg vapor in Hg-mining areas. By a preliminary estimation, the inhalation of Hg polluted air was the main route of inorganic Hg exposure to the smelting workers and vicinal residents; but the population in the study area was also at a potential risk of Me-Hg exposure via rice intake.  相似文献   

湘鄂渝黔边旅游业发展与城镇化建设研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
湘鄂渝黔指湖南湘西土家族苗族自治州、张家界市、怀化市、湖北恩施土家族苗族自治州、重庆黔江地区及贵州钢仁地区,俗称武陵山区,聚居着土家、苗等30多个少数民族。旅游资源丰富,历史文化积淀深厚,民族文化景观荟萃,堪称旅游大观园,被国家列为“中华旅游第一走廊区”。但四省市边区地处山区,城镇建设滞后,  相似文献   

中国贵州民族村镇保护和利用   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文分析了中国贵州民族村镇的基本情况、历史背景和当前掀起保护热的原由,明确提出了民族村镇保护的两项任务:一是保护文化,二是消除贫困。并通过实践总结了贵州民族村镇保护的做法和帮助村民消除贫困、脱贫致富的措施。对保护实践中涉及的一些问题阐明了自己的观点。  相似文献   

青龙洞始建于明洪武年间,至今已有五百来年历史了。青龙洞除外貌神奇壮观外,它的建筑构造也非常奇特。青龙洞的古刹名寺有紫阳书院的圣人殿、老君殿、考祠和灵官殿、吕祖殿、观音殿、玉皇阁、望江楼、半亭、中元禅院的大佛殿、望星楼、六角亭、独柱亭、韦驮庙、燃灯古佛龛、万寿宫的文公祠、万寿宫正殿、客厅、杨泗殿、内戏台、外戏台、观戏厅以及厢楼等二十八幢建筑。此外还有用作山门的石碑坊(阙)两座。青龙洞古刹的建筑装饰不象一些寺庙那样金碧辉煌,而是古朴淡雅,别具一格。  相似文献   

PM10 samples were collected during 5 days in Guiyang, China in July 2003. A total of about 2300 particles was analyzed by an automated Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy-Dispersive Spectrometer (SEM-EDS). Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) was used to identify different particle types that occurred in the aerosol. Seventeen particle types were identified and presented in the order of decreasing number abundance as: silicomanganese slag, soil and fly ash, coal burning, silicomanganese, quartz, syngenite, S-bearing iron, calcium rich, gypsum, sphalerite, dolomite, iron, alloy, lead sulfate, zinc rich, sulfur-rich particles and aluminum manufacturing dust. The majority of the particles in the studied size range are of anthropogenic origin, especially from metallurgical industry. The study illustrates the complexity of particle pollution in air of an industrial Chinese city and the results should be useful in planning mitigation measures.  相似文献   

Soil monoliths were treated with artificial acid rain (pH 3.71). The acidity load was 40 times higher than the present acidity load. Surface water chemistry was modelled on the basis of atmospheric deposition and organic and mineral soil horizon contributions to drainage water. Contributions were calculated using 87Sr/86Sr ratios measured in Sr sources and drainage water. In the early stages of acidification the contribution of organic horizons to surface water chemistry increased by up to 70%. This increase was accompanied by increases in Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. The amount of DOC washed out from mineral horizons was higher than from organic horizons, in contrast to base cations. In the range of acidity loads from 1.4 to 2.1 keq/ha, organic anions were predominant in solution. Further acidification resulted in a reduction of all solute concentrations and an increase in the contributions by deposition and mineral horizons.  相似文献   

Seasonal sampling was conducted on 13 sites involving the lower stem of the Xijiang river and its three tributaries to determine the spatial patterns of the riverine water chemistry and to quantify the chemical weathering rates of carbonate and silicate of the bedrock. Results indicate that the major ions in the Xijiang river system are dominated by Ca2+ and HCO3 with a higher concentration of total dissolved solids, characteristic of the drainages developed on typical carbonate regions. Obvious spatial variations of major ion concentrations are found at various spatial scales, which are dominantly controlled by the lithology particularly carbonate distribution in the region. The four selected rivers show similar seasonal variations in major ions, with lower concentrations during the rainy season. Runoff is the first important factor for controlling the weathering rate in the basin, although increasing temperature and duration of water-rock interaction could make positive contributions to the enhancement of chemical weathering. The chemical weathering rates range from 52.6 to 73.7 t/km2/yr within the lower Xijiang basin and carbonate weathering is over one order of magnitude higher than that of silicates. CO2 consumption rate by rock weathering is 2.0 × 1011 mol/yr, of which more than 60% is contributed by carbonate weathering. The flux of CO2 released to the atmosphere-ocean system by sulfuric acid-induced carbonate weathering is 1.1 × 105 mol/km2/yr, comparable with the CO2 flux consumed by silicate weathering.  相似文献   

魏皎  汪永平  王盈 《华中建筑》2010,28(3):157-160
贵州安顺屯堡聚落在特定的地域和时代产生.它的建造具有明显的防御保卫的特点,是冷兵器时代防御建筑的典例。因此,该文从聚落外部空间、聚落内部结构、建筑单体空间三个层次,通过实地调研和测绘,试图对屯堡聚落建筑的防御性经行分析归纳,研究在明代卫所制度影响下,防御聚落的特点。  相似文献   

Concentrations of total mercury and methylmercury (MeHg) were measured in soil and vegetation samples collected from a small area with a long history of Hg-mining. Hg distributions were determined in stream-waters during two sampling periods. Total Hg concentrations in soil and vegetation samples were highly elevated ranging from 0.41 to 610 mg kg(-1) and from 0.02 to 55 mg kg(-1), respectively. MeHg concentrations varied from 0.41 to 8.8 microg kg(-1) in soil samples and from 0.65 to 5.5 microg kg(-1) in vegetations. The concentrations of total Hg in stream waters varied from 55.0 to 7020 ng L(-1) in the flood-flow regime and from 24.8 to 679 ng L(-1) in the base-flow regime, respectively. Average dissolved Hg concentration was 15.7 ng L(-1) in the wet season and 21.0 ng L(-1) in the dry season. However, particulate Hg was typically >70% of total Hg in the flood-flow regime. Higher concentrations of particulate Hg primarily originated from summer floods were the major pathway of Hg transportation, which were evidenced by the positive correlation between particulate Hg and total suspended solids (TSS). The contaminated soils and distribution patterns of Hg in the stream-waters may serve as an important source of Hg to the local environment in the study area.  相似文献   

雨补鲁村位于贵州省黔西南布衣族苗族自治州兴义市清水河镇,属于联丰村的一个自然村寨,位于兴义市北部约30km处.雨补鲁是一个以陈氏家族为主的宗族村落.村内汉族人占人口总数的80%以上,另有布依族、苗族、彝族和壮族等少数民族近百人.据《陈氏族谱》记载,村内陈姓家族是明初农民起义的代表人物陈友谅的后人,后辗转迁居于此,距今已有300多年历史.雨补鲁村地处雨补鲁自然天坑,天坑呈喇叭花形,底部平坦,高差600多米.从地质学角度看,天坑发育非常成熟,是典型的喀斯特负地形,半山腰有一处较大的泉眼,满足全寨人畜饮水,灌溉坑内300余亩良田,生产生活污水通过坑底3处地漏排走.整个村寨依山傍水,进寨只有唯一的一条道路.  相似文献   

古城门与石牌坊 青岩原有东、南、西、北四座城门,今存南、北两座。南门现在称为“定广门”。 清代中期,汉族人口在青岩占据主导地位后,汉文化在原为少数民族聚居区的青岩迅速传播开来,大量石牌坊的出现,便是汉文化在青岩广泛  相似文献   

Baihua Reservoir in Guizhou Province, China, experienced serious Hg contamination from Guizhou Organic Chemical Plant (GOCP) between 1971 and 1997. However, the biogeochemical cycling of Hg in this reservoir is not well studied. Sediment cores were collected in fall 2002, spring 2003 and in spring and fall 2004. THg and MeHg concentrations in all sediment profiles ranged from 0.26 to 38.9 mg/kg and from 0.5 to 27.5 μg/kg (d.w.), respectively. The distribution of THg in sediment cores was characterized by a few peaks, which may correspond to the Hg-containing wastewater discharge history of the GOCP. The average THg concentrations in sediments cores decreased from upstream to downstream due to the deposition of particulate Hg, which is the major form of Hg in water. THg and MeHg concentrations in pore water varied from 6.1 to 5860 ng/L and from 0.3 to 15.4 ng/L, respectively, which were significantly higher than levels in the overlying water column. Average diffusive flux from sediment to water is 1642 and 36 ng/m2/day for THg and MeHg. The spatial distribution of THg in pore water from upstream to downstream showed the same trend as the sediment, but MeHg in pore water did not show a declining pattern with distance from the GOCP. These results suggested that sediments experienced serious contamination of Hg, and the contaminated sediment is an important Hg contamination source to the overlying water.  相似文献   

Concentrations of total mercury (HgT), methylmercury (MeHg), and its speciation in water samples as well as fish collected from abandoned Hg mines in Wanshan, Guizhou province, China, were measured to show regional dispersion of Hg contaminations that are not well known. High HgT and MeHgT (total methylmercury) concentrations obtained in waters from mining areas, ranged from 15 to 9300 ng/l and 0.31 to 25 ng/l, respectively. MeHgT were not correlated with HgT, whereas, peak values in both cases were in accord with high concentrations of particulate fraction, which appeared to be enhanced during high-flow regime with ratios reaching to 99%. Elevated Hg concentrations in the particulate form indicated that particles released from Hg mining tailings (calcines) might be an important pathway of Hg to the aquatic system. The concentrations of total Hg in fish muscle were elevated ranging from 0.061 to 0.68 mg/kg, but MeHg were generally low ranging from 0.024 to 0.098 mg/kg with a mean ratio of 28%. The concentrations and distribution patterns of Hg in aquatic systems suggested derivation from historic Hg mining sites in the Wanshan area.  相似文献   

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