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益生菌在冰淇淋中的稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要研究了4株益生菌(嗜酸乳杆菌La14、干酪乳杆菌Lc11、婴儿双歧杆菌B107、两歧双歧杆菌BB02)在冰淇淋生产的各个工艺过程以及冰淇淋配料中的存活率.结果表明:4株菌中,La14和Lc11的加工耐受性及贮藏稳定性较好.通过对冰淇淋配料进行单因素试验以及L9(34)正交实验,最终得出当益生菌冰淇的配方:白砂糖16%,全脂奶粉11%,植物油10%,菊粉0.5%(均为质量分数),维生素C为50mg/L(质量浓度),其益生菌的存活率达到77%.  相似文献   

近年来,益生菌类食品逐渐受到人们的重视,但目前主要还是应用于发酵乳、乳饮料和干酪中,应用于冰淇淋中可以说是个新颖的课题。本文结合益生菌的生理功能及冰淇淋的发展趋势,综述了益生菌冰淇淋的应用潜力和存在的困难。  相似文献   

益生菌对人体的保健作用已经大量的动物试验与临床试验所证实,如改善肠胃功能、润肠通便、调节肠道菌群、增强免疫力等功能。食品中添加益生菌已成为公众共识的发展趋势,而如何在食品中添加益生菌,最大限度地保存益生菌的活性,从而发挥其应有的功能作用,是我们技术人员所需要考虑和解决的问题。本文就冰淇淋添加用益生菌菌种筛选、菌种在冰淇淋中的稳定性及冰淇淋添加益生菌后的风味变化情况,进行了试验研究。结果表明,经过耐胃酸、耐胆汁酸盐及菌种稳定性等考察后的益生菌粉添加到冰淇淋中,其初始菌浓度为8.4×106cfu/g,经过近6个月的保,产品中活菌数仍有9.6×105 cfu/g,并且风味基本保持不变,说明冰淇淋是益生菌的良好介质,适合添加应用。  相似文献   

益生菌冰淇淋的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究益生菌冰淇淋的配方及生产工艺.结果表明:改良后的增菌培养基可以获得3×10(9) cfu/mL的双歧杆菌活菌数,在6500g/5 min的离心作用下,可使活菌收得率达到96.6%;益生菌冰淇淋混合料中乳酸菌活菌数和双歧杆菌数在老化过程中上升到原来的1.1倍~1.2倍,保护剂加入与否差异不显著,但是在凝冻和-20℃贮藏30 d后,空白样、加葡萄糖和加乳糖样乳酸菌总数分别下降到凝冻前的53.2%、79.1%和69.9%,双歧杆菌下降到凝冻前的48.8%,80.0%和67.5%.结果表明加入5.0%的葡萄糖作为乳酸菌保护荆可有效减缓活菌数在凝冻和贮藏过程中的降低,并且最终活菌总数可达到1.2×10(8) cfu/mL;根据口感和活菌数量的综合评定,最终确定冰淇淋配方控制和工艺条件为:酸奶加入量最佳比例40%;老化最佳条件2℃~3℃,8 h;脂肪含量8%;复合乳化稳定剂含量0.6%;冷冻保护剂用葡萄糖(5%).  相似文献   

冰淇淋是优良的益生菌载体,但其加工中的老化、凝冻和硬化等阶段性降温至冷冻的过程,会造成益生菌生理损伤,导致益生菌活力下降,功能性变差。近年,有关冰淇淋中冷冻胁迫致益生菌的损伤,冰淇淋中益生菌活性的保护,以及组学技术推动下的菌株损伤相关代谢研究取得了一定进展,为研究影响冰淇淋中益生菌存活能力、菌体细胞膜特性及代谢酶活性,明确冰淇淋基质中益生菌冷冻胁迫损伤的分子机制,建立冰淇淋加工和贮藏过程中益生菌的保护策略提供了可能,也为未来改善益生菌冰淇淋的功效和品质提供科学依据。  相似文献   

该试验探究分别添加1 g/100 mL和2 g/100 mL的低聚果糖(fructo-oligosaccharides,FOS)与水苏糖(stachyose,STAS)对酸奶冰淇淋的组分、滴定酸度、活菌数、膨胀率以及感官性质的影响.试验表明,添加不同含量的低聚果糖或水苏糖能显著降低冰淇淋的滴定酸度(p≤0.05)、增加...  相似文献   


为探究微胶囊技术在冰淇淋生产中的可行性,本研究以乳蛋白为壁材,应用乳化法制备嗜酸乳杆菌CICC 6075微胶囊。以未加菌的冰淇淋(冰淇淋A组)为空白对照,探讨了微胶囊(冰淇淋C组)及裸菌(冰淇淋B组)的添加对冰淇淋理化性质、感官性状等指标的影响。结果表明,添加CICC 6075裸菌及微胶囊均未对冰淇淋的性质产生明显影响。但在冰淇淋的加工及贮藏过程中,微胶囊由于致密的结构可对菌体提供良好的保护,因而明显提高了CICC 6075的活菌数。搅拌凝冻使冰淇淋B中的CICC 6075活菌数下降(1.20±0.08)lg CFU/g,而冰淇淋C中仅下降(0.09±0.07)lg CFU/g;在-18 ℃的条件下贮藏150 d,冰淇淋B中的活菌数降至(5.54±0.03)lg CFU/g,低于益生菌发挥健康功效的最低阈值;而冰淇淋C中仅下降了(0.60±0.08)lg CFU/g,最终活菌数高达(8.09±0.03)lg CFU/g。此外,在消化特性检验中发现,150 d的低温贮藏,使冰淇淋B中CICC 6075的耐胃酸性和对小肠上皮细胞的粘附性均明显下降(6.16%±0.04%,16.76%±0.05%),明显高于冰淇淋C的下降率(1.92%±0.07%,4.47%±0.09%)。综上,微胶囊技术可以明显提升益生菌对不良环境(如低温、胃液)的抗性,因而可以在保证冰淇淋良好品质特性的同时,提升其功能活性,具有一定的应用前景。


冰淇淋是将经过巴氏杀菌的混合料通过均质、成熟(老化)凝冻制成的冷冻食品。花生冰淇淋的特点在于有着浓郁的花生清香,而且将烘烤食品与冷冻食品有机地结合在一起。因花生本身含有丰富的蛋白质和人体必须的不饱和脂肪酸,从而大大提高了冰淇淋的营养价值,风味更加独特。  相似文献   

保健冰淇淋的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着消费者对健康的关注,人们不仅要求冰淇淋风味美好,尚希具有保健功能。由于近年甜味剂、脂 肪替代物等的不断开发和投入应用,市场上出现了众多低脂冰淇淋,低糖冰淇淋及低乳糖冰淇淋等。  相似文献   

本研究在保加利亚乳酸杆菌和嗜热乳酸链球菌发酵的基础上,研制出一种新型活性乳酸菌冰淇淋的制取 工艺。利用本工艺生产出的产品不仅口感细腻、滑润、酸甜适口、香味浓郁,而且含有足够量的活性乳酸菌,具有一 定的营养、保健功能,定将深受广大消费者的欢迎。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of 5 dietary fibers (apple, orange, oat, bamboo, and wheat) on the physicochemical, rheological, and textural characteristics; sensory properties; and culture viability of probiotic ice cream stored at ?18°C for 180 d. The presence of orange and apple fibers increased the titratable acidity, decreased the lightness (color) value of the ice creams, and enhanced the red and yellow coloration. Compared with the control sample, the consistency indices and apparent viscosities of the experimental samples increased with the addition of all dietary fibers except oat fiber. The highest viscosity was obtained in the sample fortified with apple fiber, whereas the ice cream containing orange fiber showed the highest hardness after d 60 of storage. The addition of orange and apple fibers significantly increased melting resistance; however, panelists did not generally like these samples in terms of taste-flavor. All ice creams had viable counts of Lactobacillus acidophilus of ≥7 log cfu/g during storage except the samples with orange and bamboo fiber. Bifidobacterium lactis counts were also found to be >6 log cfu/g in those samples until d 150 of storage.  相似文献   

The effect of different overrun levels on the sensory acceptance and survival of probiotic bacteria in ice cream was investigated. Vanilla ice creams supplemented with Lactobacillus acidophilus were processed with overruns of 45%, 60%, and 90%. Viable probiotic bacterial counts and sensory acceptance were assessed. All the ice creams presented a minimum count of 6 log CFU/g at the end of 60 d of frozen storage. However, higher overrun levels negatively influenced cell viability, being reported a decrease of 2 log CFU/g for the 90% overrun treatment. In addition, it was not reported an influence about acceptability with respect to appearance, aroma, and taste of the ice creams (P > 0.05). Overall, the results suggest that lower overrun levels should be adopted during the manufacture of ice cream in order to maintain its probiotic status through the shelf life.  相似文献   

在冰激凌中添加益生菌,既可以丰富冰激凌产品的种类,制作兼顾健康与美味的功能性产品,又为益生菌合理利用找到新的载体。益生菌冰激凌可以改善人体肠道吸收营养物质的情况,但是益生菌在冰激凌搅打过程和冷冻保存条件下容易受到机械损伤从而降低其益生活力。为此,通过在冰激凌配方中添加益生元,蛋白质等固形物以改善菌种的生存条件,从而保护益生菌的益生作用。配方固形物种类繁多,对益生菌抗冷冻胁迫的方式亦有不同,本文从酸乳冰激凌的添加配方出发,对各类对益生菌在冷冻胁迫条件下起保护作用的固形物的理化特性和作用机理进行综述,为益生菌冷冻胁迫保护和益生菌冰激凌的生产提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Production of functional probiotic, prebiotic, and synbiotic ice creams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this work, 3 types of ice cream were produced: a probiotic ice cream produced by adding potentially probiotic microorganisms such as Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus rhamnosus; a prebiotic ice cream produced by adding inulin, a prebiotic substrate; and a synbiotic ice cream produced by adding probiotic microorganisms and inulin in combination. In addition to microbial counts, pH, acidity, and physical and functional properties of the ice creams were evaluated. The experimental ice creams preserved the probiotic bacteria and had counts of viable lactic acid bacteria after frozen storage that met the minimum required to achieve probiotic effects. Moreover, most of the ice creams showed good nutritional and sensory properties, with the best results obtained with Lb. casei and 2.5% inulin.  相似文献   

魏旭晖 《饮料工业》2000,3(5):42-43
介绍了高淀粉冰淇淋的配方和工艺要点,并对实际制作过程中的操作要点进行了论述,为冰淇淋生产厂降低生产成本,寻找新的原料和食品添加剂提供了一种方法。  相似文献   

研究了在传统冰淇淋的基础上加入大豆汁混合而成的大豆冰淇淋的技术工艺,该产品营养丰 富,味道可口,具有保健功能,是老少皆宜的冷饮食品。  相似文献   

发酵黑小麦冰淇淋的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以黑小麦为原料,对发酵黑小麦冰淇淋加工中的麦汁糖化、乳酸菌驯化、发酵、稳定剂配方和生产工艺进行了探讨,经实验确定黑小麦酸奶在发酵温度为37℃时,发酵所需时间为6h,发酵黑小麦冰淇淋稳定剂的组成为0.4%耐酸CMC、0.8%的黄原胶、0.8%的瓜尔豆胶,该产品乳酸菌数为5.2×10℃FU/mL,具有良好的膨化率和抗融性。  相似文献   

Spinning disc reactor (SDR) technology was tested to produce an ice cream base, which was subsequently used to make model ice cream. The ice cream base containing butterfat, lecithin, xanthan gum, sugar, skimmed milk and double cream was passed over the SDR disc spinning at 2900 rpm, heated at 80 °C and at a flow rate 6 mL s−1. The physical properties of the SDR-processed ice cream base such as particle size and viscosity measurments, and of model ice cream including overrun, meltdown rate and sensory perception were investigated. The SDR-processed ice cream base exhibits narrow particle-size distribution (average particle d 32 = 1.65 μm, d 43 = 2.98 μm) and the viscosity was found to be similar at zero and 18 h ageing, whilst the model ice cream requires zero-hour ageing and has a high overrun value (∼85%) and slow meltdown rate as compared with a commercial sample. The results reveal that the SDR is capable of producing a highly stable ice cream base that requires significantly less ageing than the 18 h typically associated with the traditional process of making ice cream. The SDR process provides intense mixing of ingredients which facilitates the hydration of milk proteins and stabilisers.  相似文献   

Efficiency of a nonfermented ice cream for delivering Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus rhamnosus to consumers was evaluated. Both of the microorganisms survived at the populations of greater than 107 CFU g?1 during 12 weeks of storage at ?19 °C. Addition of the microorganisms had no significant effect on the overrun, viscosity, firmness and melting behaviour; it changed the acidity, pH and sensory properties of the finished product. Resistance to acid and sensitivity to bile of both bacteria were tested separately on fresh harvested cells before inoculation to ice cream and then on the frozen‐thawed cells after 12 weeks of cold storage in ice cream. Ice cream processing followed by cold storage reduced acid resistance of both bacteria at pH 2.5. Resistance to bile in L. rhamnosus was not affected in frozen‐thawed ice cream when compared to fresh cell, whereas resistance to bile in L. acidophilus appeared to be more susceptible to the process and cold storage.  相似文献   

杨生辉 《食品科技》2007,32(10):192-194
以"米邦塔"仙人掌为特色原料,合理设计配方,确定加工工艺条件,经调配制成风味独特、具有特定营养保健功能的仙人掌冰淇淋。研究结果表明,其最佳配方为稀奶油8%、牛奶42%、奶粉8%、糖15%、仙人掌原汁15%、明胶0.5%、水11.5%、老化温度1~4℃、老化时间5h。  相似文献   

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