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Glass  R.L. 《Software, IEEE》1985,2(4):82-85
Modular decomposition offers a way to ascertain a software theft. Morevoer, the method is straightforward enough for a software-illiterate judge or jury to understand  相似文献   

Plattner  B. Nievergelt  J. 《Computer》1981,14(11):76-93
Progress in this realm of performance measurement has lagged behind advances in the general field of programming languages: careful study of its capabilities and limitations is long overdue.  相似文献   

The reusable tool was designed to improve man-machine interaction. Its tool-oriented environment also enforces standards better than any list of rules can.  相似文献   

Belady  L.A. 《Computer》1979,12(2):79-82
To reach a better balance between free innovation and disciplined construction, we must bring an experimental element to software engineering, creating a modifiable and configurable software inventory composed of reusable and verified program parts.  相似文献   

Tajima  D. Matsubara  T. 《Computer》1981,14(5):89-96
Traditionally, Japanese users have defined their own systems, but reliance on software houses is increasing.  相似文献   

Reifer  D.J. Trattner  S. 《Computer》1977,10(7):52-60
Software tools can serve as powerful aids in the design, development, test, and maintenance of computer software. So, in light of the recent growth in cost of software relative to total system cost, it should come as no surprise that the subject of software tools has sparked a good deal of interest throughout the computer industry. In response to that interest, this paper provides a comprehensive listing of the software tools and techniques currently available.  相似文献   

Identifying crucial problems in SEPM, this summary of Survey results challenges the computing community to address and solve them.  相似文献   

Munson  J.B. 《Computer》1981,14(11):103-109
Software modifiability doesn't just happen. It must be designed, tested, and paid for just like any other software requirement.  相似文献   

Wasserman  A.I. Freeman  P. 《Computer》1977,10(6):85-91
The field of software engineering is beginning to emerge as an area of study dealing with the problems and methods involved in producing software systems. Within recent years, it has become apparent that programming is a much harder task than it was once thought to be, especially for large production-oriented systems involving a number of people. This concern has led to the need for educating software engineering specialists to work on the construction of such systems.  相似文献   

The Rex approach to software architecture views executives as independently programmable machines that execute conventional-language application procedures as individual instructions of a higher-level program.  相似文献   

软件故障静态预测方法综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
软件故障静态预测通过从项目数据中提取度量信息预测故障,以便于测试和验证资源的分配。从可用度量数据和预测模型两个方面总结了软件故障静态预测方法,可用度量包括方法层、类层、构件层、文件层以及过程层度量,预测模型分为机器学习和统计方法两类;总结了性能评价指标、度量数据可得性以及故障分类对故障预测的影响等需要进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

软件构件表示与检索形式化的研究与进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 引言软件复用被认为是提高软件生产效率和软件质量较为现实的途径。尽管软件复用的思想已经提出了30多年,但软件复用的现状离人们最初的设想仍然相距甚远。阻碍大规模软件复用的技术与非技术因素很多,主要的技术因素有构件分类、构件表示、构件检索、构件更改及构件库的管理与维护等。其中,软件构件表示与检索是软件复用获得成功的重要前提。  相似文献   

The release of the B876/B866 Systems and Communications Processors significantly increases Burroughs' capabilities in the distributed processing marketplace. The initial announcement identified two models of the B866 and a single model B876. The B866-1 is a 1 MHz processor, while the B866-2 and the B876 are 2 MHz processors. The two B866 processors are capable of supporting a maximum of seven data communications lines while the B876 can be equipped with a maximum of 32 lines.  相似文献   

Efforts to develop better estimation tools must address two issues: First, are more accurate tools necessarily better? Second, how can we measure a new estimation method's accuracy?  相似文献   

特征选择方法综述   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
本文总结并提出了较为完备的特征提取定义。根据特征子集形成过程将特征选择分为穷举式、启发式和随机式三类;根据特征评价标准将特征选择分为距离测度、信息测度、相关性测度、一致性测度和分类器错误率五类。通过分析特征选择的影响因素,提出了选择特征、选择方法应该遵循的原则。  相似文献   

形状特征的编码描述研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
段立娟 《计算机科学》2007,34(8):215-218
形状特征的提取、编码与描述是图像处理中的重要研究方向.常用的形状编码描述主要分为两类:基于轮廓和基于区域的形状描述方法.本文描述和分析了常用的形状编码描述方案.  相似文献   

The results of a survey of software development practice are reported and analyzed. The problems encountered in various phases of the software life cycle are measured and correlated with characteristics of the responding installations. The use and acceptance of the term "software engineer" is investigated, and the functions and background of persons identified as software engineers are reported. The usage of a wide variety of software engineerilng tools and methods is measured; conclusions are drawn concerning the usefulness of these techniques.  相似文献   

Achieving Quality in Open-Source Software   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Software, IEEE》2007,24(1):58-64
The open source software community has published a substantial body of research on OSS quality. Focusing on this peer-reviewed body of work lets us draw conclusions from empirical data rather than rely on the large volume of evangelical opinion that has historically dominated this field. This body of published research has become much more critical and objective in its efforts to understand OSS development, and a consensus has emerged on the key components of high-quality OSS delivery. This article reviews this body of research and draws out lessons learned, investigating how the approaches used to deliver high-quality OSS differ from, and can be incorporated into, closed-source software development  相似文献   

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