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INTRoDUCTIONCaPillaryPumpedLoop(CPL)isakindofheat-transferdevicewithhighefficiencyandhighreliabilityItcanmeettherequlrmellts0fthefuturelargespace-craftandisconsideredtobeoneofthemostpromisingthermal-Controlequlpmentinthefuturel1'2'3].Inthec0nventi0nalCPLanalysism0del,itiscon-sideredthattheheat-transfercapabilityofCPLisoalydetendnedbythecaPinarYf0rceofthewickintheeVaPor8tor.Thelo0PwinoperatenormallywhenPc@ishigherthantheresistanceofthewholel00pAPont,i.e.,Pc@>APont.However,sincethe…  相似文献   

The disturbance, caused by the boiling phenomena in the inverted meniscus type evaporator, is of great importance in the normal operation of the CPL, especially when the heat load is low. By theoretical and experimental studies on this issue, it shows that the evaporator of the CPL operates in a mode of boiling in the wick. By solving a set of momentum equations, it concludes that, this kind of boiling phenomena in the wick cause no notable negative influence on the normal performance of the CPL, although there really exists some adverse influence during the CPL start-up. Additionally, the causes of the dry-out of the evaporator under low heat load are conducted in the paper. The conclusions are verified by subsequent experiments. More details about the experiments are also described in the paper.  相似文献   

ExperimentalStudiesonHeatTransferintheTipGapofaSectorialTurbineCascadeExperimentalStudiesonHeatTransferintheTipGapofaSectoria...  相似文献   

ExperimentalStudyonHeatTransferandPressureDropCharacteristicsofFourTypesofPlateFin-and-TUbeHeatExchangerSurfaces¥H.J.Kang;W.L...  相似文献   

This paper reports the experiments of evaporation study in 6 mm inner copper diameter tubes using HFC-134a, HCFC-22 and CFC-12 as working fluid. The results show that the evaporation heat transfer coefficient increases with the decreasing of inner diameter of tubes. A new concept of non-dimensional tube diameter U is proposed in this paper for correction of the influence of the tube diameter on the evaporation heat transfer coefficient. And further, a convenient empirical correction method is presented.  相似文献   

ExperimentalResearchonHeatTransferandPressureDropofTwoConfigurationsofPinFinned-TubesinIn-lineArrayShouGuangYao;DeShuZhu(Depa...  相似文献   

INTRoDUCTIONTheremovalofheatfr0melectroniccomp0nelltisessentialtothereliableoperationofelectronicequiP-mellt.TurnerandFlarkl1],Kelleheretal.l2]andotherinvestigatorsreportedtheirexperimentalresultsonairnaturalc0nvecti0nheattransferinrectangularenclDesurewithconcentratedheatsources,simulatingtheliaturalcoolingofchipsmouned0nprintedcircuitboard.Theirresultsshownthatthecoolingcapac-ity0fairnaturalc0nvecti0nisqultelimited.UsingsolidniquldphasechangetocoolelectroniccompDenelltsmaybeaprondsinga…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTwo-phaseCapillaryPUmpedLoopasanewthermalcontrolsysteminspacetechniqueshasmanyadVantages.Ittransportsrelativelylargeamountofheatforalongdistance.TheevaporatorandreservoirofCPLactasimportantpartsinthedevice,thesteadyandunsteadyoperationalperformancesofCPLstronglydependonbothofthemli'2].T'heCPLunsteadycharacteristicsconsistofsac-upandoperationalunsteadycharacteristics.WhenthemeasuredtemperatureoftypicalCPLpointdeviatesfromitsnormalvalueanddisplayscontinualoscillationchara…  相似文献   

StudyonCharacteristicsofSteadyFlowCondensationHeatTransferinaTubeunderZero-GravitationQnWei(HarbinInstituteofTechnology,Harbi...  相似文献   

ExperimentalandNumericalInvestigationofEnhancementofHeatandMassTransferinAdsorbentBedsLiuZhenyan;FuZhuman;GeXinshi;SuYuehong;...  相似文献   

An overall two-dimensional numerical model of the miniature flat plate capillary pumped loop (CPL) evaporator is developed to describe the liquid and vapor flow, heat transfer and phase change in the porous wick structure, liquid flow and heat transfer in the compensation cavity and heat transfer in the vapor grooves and metallic wall. The entire evaporator is solved with SIMPLE algorithm as a conjugate problem. The effect of heat conduction of metallic side wall on the performance of miniature flat plate CPL evaporator is analyzed, and side wall effect heat transfer limit is introduced to estimate the performance of evaporator. The shape and location of vapor-liquid interface inside the wick are calculated and the influences of applied heat flux, liquid subcooling, wick material and metallic wall material on the evaporator performance are investigated in detail. The numerical results obtained are useful for the miniature flat plate evaporator performance optimization and design of CPL.  相似文献   

陈玉  陆燕 《热科学与技术》2022,21(5):437-445
针对环路热管内部工质相变及流动换热问题,设计了环路热管蒸发器中心通道可视化实验平台,研究了不同加热方式对热管内工质状态和传热特性的影响。结果表明:加热方式直接影响热管10W启动过程,双面加热启动速度最快。相同热载荷时,不同加热方式下环路热管热阻及蒸发器中心通道内液面高度和成核情况存在差异。10W - 40W热载荷时,随着热载荷的增大,三种加热方式的传热热阻均在减小。40W-50W热载荷时,顶部加热方式下的热管性能出现恶化,底部加热传热性能出现停滞,仅双面加热性能稳定并有提高趋势。随着热负荷的增加,蒸发器中心通道内气液界面升高、气泡的产生变得更加剧烈,蒸发器通过吸液芯向储液器的漏热量增加,进而影响环路热管的性能。  相似文献   

通过补充相变蒸发界面传热传质热力学关系式,构建了回路热管(loop heat pipe,LHP)圆盘式蒸发器的流动与传热多区域耦合分析三维数学物理模型,并基于FLUENT软件对某种甲醇-不锈钢平板型蒸发器内的流动与传热情况进行了数值求解。数值分析结果表明,蒸发器内的传热与流动受几何结构影响明显,表现出较强的方向差异;不同热负荷条件下,补偿腔内流体的流动与传热特性呈现出较大差别,受到回流液速度和温度、毛细芯界面蒸发质量流量、毛细芯反向导热和侧壁漏热等多种因素共同影响。计算方法和研究结果,可以为平板型蒸发器内流动与传热特性的定量分析提供依据。  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of evaporator geometry on the loop thermosyphon's heat transfer coefficient is experimentally verified by using water as a working fluid with three filling ratios (50%, 70%, 90%), constant heat input (185 W), and condenser cooling water flow rate remaining constant at 2 Lpm. Three evaporator pipes are used (I: straight; II: helical coil evaporator with a diameter of 100‐mm coil and two turns; III: helical coil evaporator with a diameter of 50‐mm coil and four turns). From the experimental results, it can be observed that the performance of evaporator III is higher than the two other forms. A greater heat transfer coefficient value is found in case of type III evaporator and is equivalent to 2456 W/m2·°C. The maximum thermal resistance reduction occurs in the type III evaporator (37.32%), and the highest effective thermal conductivity for the same type is 6.123e + 05 W/m·°C. The experimental results demonstrate good agreement with the empirical equations.  相似文献   

The effects of biofouling on air-side heat transfer and friction characteristics under wet conditions of three biofouled finned tube heat exchangers and one clean finned tube heat exchanger were investigated experimentally. Experimental results indicate that the biofouled fin efficiency of the evaporator decreases by 15.5% compared with the clean evaporator under the condition of the biofouled area ratio of 60% at the inlet air velocity of 2.0m/s; The ranges of friction fouling factor and heat transfer fouling factor are 19.8%―43.1% and ―15.6%―13.1%, respectively; a small quantity of biofouled particles can enhance heat transfer at low Reynolds number, and the enhancement effect decreases with the increase of Reynolds number.  相似文献   

结合环路热管系统的优点与太阳能的广泛利用前景,设计并搭建了以太阳能利用为背景的新型毛细芯平板蒸发器环路热管系统,采用泡沫镍为毛细芯、乙醇为工质,实验研究了系统的启动运行特性,以及不同的工质充灌率对环路热管系统性能的影响。结果显示,在实验条件下,环路热管热源功率在300~1 600 W时具有良好的启动运行特性,55%的充灌率为最佳充灌率,具有更短的启动时间,相对更低的蒸发器温度与热阻。  相似文献   

环路热管作为一种高效的相变传热装置,其性能与位于蒸发器和储液槽之间的毛细芯结构密切相关。为了更深入研究双层毛细芯对环路热管传热性能的影响,利用不同颗粒直径铜粉制备双层毛细芯,在毛细芯总厚度为5 mm的条件下,通过调整大粒径和小粒径层的相对厚度来改变毛细芯厚度比,对平板型蒸发器环路热管启动和变工况运行进行实验测试。实验结果表明:在同一工况下,不同厚度比的双层毛细芯启动特性存在显著差异,启动过程中出现小粒径层蒸发效率低引起的温度过冲和环路热管中气液两相流变化导致的温度振荡;同时存在一个较优的双铜层毛细芯厚度比,大粒径(180~280μm)铜层厚度为3 mm可提高蒸发效率,小粒径(56~71μm)铜层厚度为2 mm可提供足够毛细抽吸力保证环路热管稳定运行。搭载该厚度毛细芯的环路热管不仅启动速度快(125 s),而且总热阻和蒸发器壁面温度均最低,最大加热功率达到120 W(21.10 W/cm~2),对应热阻为0.17 K/W。  相似文献   

High‐powered satellites need larger heat rejection areas. A deployable radiator is one of the key technologies for a high‐powered satellite bus. A Reservoir Embedded Loop Heat Pipe (RELHP) is a two‐phase heat transfer device that constitutes a deployable radiator. RELHP has an evaporator core which is used as a liquid reservoir to enhance operational reliability. This paper presents the heat transport characteristics of a RELHP under changing evaporator orientation against gravity and charged ammonia weight by experiment and calculation. Liquid slug position in the reservoir has a great influence on heat transport characteristics, caused by changing heat transfer coefficients between returned liquid into the evaporator and vapor in the reservoir. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 36(3): 143– 157, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20150  相似文献   

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