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W. A. Pogribny 《Radioelectronics and Communications Systems》2012,55(3):115-123
Paper presents general methods of processing one- and two-dimensional signals that are based on functional transform of signal using corresponding transformation functions, for example, Hilbert transform in DFT, wavelet transform, etc. Fast parallel algorithms for such functional transforms in complete (PCM-PCM) and mixed (∇PCM-PCM or DM-PCM) formats are suggested. The latter ones are obtained using the proven theorems. In real-time scale and assuming the use of the same element base the suggested algorithms provide wider bandwidth of processed signals compared to those based on FFT. Their ability to provide results faster increases even more when substituting multiplication by shift operations. Examples of using the developed methods in parallel calculations structures are presented. 相似文献
We present sampling results for certain classes of two-dimensional (2-D) signals that are not bandlimited but have a parametric representation with a finite number of degrees of freedom. While there are many such parametric signals, it is often difficult to propose practical sampling schemes; therefore, we will concentrate on those classes for which we are able to give exact sampling algorithms and reconstruction formulas. We analyze in detail a set of 2-D Diracs and extend the results to more complex objects such as lines and polygons. Unlike most multidimensional sampling schemes, the methods we propose perfectly reconstruct such signals from a finite number of samples in the noiseless case. Some of the techniques we use are already encountered in the context of harmonic retrieval and error correction coding. In particular, singular value decomposition (SVD)-based methods and the annihilating filter approach are both explored as inherent parts of the developed algorithms. Potentials and limitations of the algorithms in the noisy case are also pointed out. Applications of our results can be found in astronomical signal processing, image processing, and in some classes of identification problems. 相似文献
A novel method for denoising functional magnetic resonance imaging temporal signals is presented in this note. The method is based on progressively enhancing the temporal signal by means of adaptive anisotropic spatial averaging. This average is based on a new metric for comparing temporal signals corresponding to active fMRI regions. Examples are presented both for simulated and real two and three-dimensional data. The software implementing the proposed technique is publicly available for the research community. 相似文献
Wachowiak MP Rash GS Quesada PM Desoky AH 《IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering》2000,47(3):360-368
The purpose of this paper is to present wavelet-based noise removal (WBNR) techniques to remove noise from biomechanical acceleration signals obtained from numerical differentiation of displacement data. Manual and semiautomatic methods were used to determine thresholds for both orthogonal and biorthogonal filters. This study also compares the performance of WBNR approaches with four automatic conventional noise removal techniques used in biomechanics. The conclusion of this work is that WBNR techniques are very effective in removing noise from differentiated signals with sharp transients while leaving these transients intact. For biomechanical signals with certain characteristics, WBNR techniques perform better than conventional methods, as indicated by quantitative merit measures. 相似文献
G. R. Reddy P. Sathyanarayana M. N. S. Swamy 《Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing》1991,10(2):163-173
A few applications of a separable Hartley-like (CAS-CAS) transform in two-dimensional (2-D) signal processing is presented. The applications discussed include (i) the interpolation of signals, (ii) the computation of Hilbert transform, and (iii) the complex cepstrum computation. The computational advantage of the proposed methods over the algorithms using 2-D FFT are discussed. 相似文献
Model based phase unwrapping of 2-D signals 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A parametric model and a corresponding parameter estimation algorithm for unwrapping 2-D phase functions are presented. The proposed algorithm performs global analysis of the observed signal. Since this analysis is based on parametric model fitting, the proposed phase unwrapping algorithm has low sensitivity to phase aliasing due to low sampling rates and noise, as well as to local errors. In its first step, the algorithm fits a 2-D polynomial model to the observed phase. The estimated phase is then. Used as a reference information that directs the actual phase unwrapping process. The phase of each sample of the observed field is unwrapped by increasing (decreasing) it by the multiple of 2π, which is the nearest to the difference between the principle value of the phase and the estimated phase value at this coordinate. In practical applications, the entire phase function cannot be approximated by a single 2-D polynomial model. Hence, the observed field is segmented, and each segment is fit with its own model. Once the phase model of the observed field has been estimated, we can repeat the model-based unwrapping procedure described earlier for the case of a single segment and a single model field 相似文献
Rasiah A.I. Togneri R. Attikiouzel Y. 《Vision, Image and Signal Processing, IEE Proceedings -》1997,144(6):345-354
The paper discusses a method for estimating the Hermite coefficients of a discrete-time one-dimensional signal. To estimate the Hermite coefficients a solution based on Gaussian quadratures is used. The paper also looks at various least mean squared (LMS) estimation methods to estimate two further parameters which are incorporated into the orthonormal Hermite basis function; a spread term and a shift term. In addition, the effects of scaling, dilation and translates of a signal on its Hermite coefficients, spread and shift terms are presented. The paper concludes with a brief discussion on the potential application of the Hermite parameters as features for use in problems requiring shape discrimination within a one-dimensional signal. It also mentions those applications where this was found to be appropriate 相似文献
A concept of multipaired unitary transforms is introduced. These kinds of transforms reveal the mathematical structure of Fourier transforms and can be considered intermediate unitary transforms when transferring processed data from the original real space of signals to the complex or frequency space of their images. Considering paired transforms, we analyze simultaneously the splitting of the multidimensional Fourier transform as well as the presentation of the processed multidimensional signal in the form of the short one-dimensional (1-D) “signals”, that determine such splitting. The main properties of the orthogonal system of paired functions are described, and the matrix decompositions of the Fourier and Hadamard transforms via the paired transforms are given. The multiplicative complexity of the two-dimensional (2-D) 2r×2r-point discrete Fourier transform by the paired transforms is 4r/2(r-7/3)+8/3-12 (r>3), which shows the maximum splitting of the 5-D Fourier transform into the number of the short 1-D Fourier transforms. The 2-D paired transforms are not separable and represent themselves as frequency-time type wavelets for which two parameters are united: frequency and time. The decomposition of the signal is performed in a way that is different from the traditional Haar system of functions 相似文献
In this paper, interpolation formulas are derived for the recovery of a two-dimensional (2-D) bandlimited signal from its isolated zeros. Different constellations of zero locations are considered. The interpolation formulas, based on Lagrange interpolation, are given both in Cartesian and in polar coordinates. 相似文献
Soo-Chang Pei Jong-Jy Shyu 《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》1994,42(4):962-966
An effective method is proposed for the design of recursive digital filters in the time/spatial domain. The method is based on the computation of an eigenvalue and its corresponding eigenvector of an appropriate real symmetric and positive-definite matrix derived from the objective error function of the impulse response in the least-squares sense. The method can be used to design 1D IIR digital filters as well as 2D IIR digital filters. The method is easy and the performance is comparable to those of the existing methods. One of the main advantages of the proposed method is that the solution is obtained directly without the need for iteration 相似文献
In this part, a comparison between the different state-space models is presented. We discuss proper definitions of state, controllability and observability and their relations to minimality of 2-D systems. We also present new circuit realizations and 2-D digital filter hardware implementation of 2-D transfer functions. 相似文献
Jin Liang 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》2000,17(1):31-37
In most wireless communication systems, two-dimensional Directions-Of-Arrival (DOA) of multipath signals need to be found for spatial selective transmission. However, it is quite difficult to find their DOAs due to the coherent nature of multipath signals and considerable computations when performing 2-D searches. In this paper, a new algorithm to estimate 2-D DOA of multiple narrow-band signals is proposed. A DOA cyclic matrix is constructed whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors can be simultaneously used to extract 2-D DOA without 2-D searches. By exploiting the temporal property of cyclostationarity, the signal detection capability is significantly improved. Besides, based on the decorrelation model for mobile terminal signals, the algorithm can be effectively extended to the coherent case without spatial smoothing and the loss of array aperture. Simulation results are given to illustrate the performance of the new algorithm. 相似文献
A new criterion, together with its frequency-domain interpretation for the global asymptotic stability of zero-input one-dimensional (1-D) state-space digital filters under various combinations of overflow and quantization nonlinearities and for the situation where quantization occurs after summation only, is presented. A condition in closed form involving solely the parameters of the state transition matrix for the nonexistence of limit cycles in second-order digital filters is derived. Improved versions of some of the stability results due to Leclerc and Bauer (1994) are established. Finally, the approach is extended to two-dimensional (2-D) digital filters described by the Roesser and the Fornasini-Marchesini second local state-space models 相似文献
An estimation algorithm for 2-D polynomial phase signals. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
We consider nonhomogeneous 2-D signals that can be represented by a constant modulus polynomial-phase model. A novel 2-D phase differencing operator is introduced and used to develop a computationally efficient estimation algorithm for the parameters of this model. The operation of the algorithm is illustrated using an example. 相似文献
Projective analysis of 2-D images 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The use of the heatlike equation has been extended to the projective case in order to find a projective analysis of curves and images; unfortunately, this formulation leads to a fifth-order partial differential equation (PDE) that is not easy to implement. Thanks to the use of a three-dimensional (3-D) homogeneous representation of a picture, we present an alternative. Roughly speaking, it is a kind of decomposition of the heatlike formulation with well-posed second-order PDEs. The number of parameters goes from one to three (the scale parameter and two direction parameters). Moreover, this study allows us to propose a simplified multiscale analysis, which is given by an unique PDE (one parameter), for the subgroup of the projective transformations associated, up to a nonzero scalar factor, to an orthogonal 3x3 matrix. 相似文献
Patel J.N. Khokhar A.A. Jamieson L.H. 《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》2000,48(12):3407-3419
This paper studies the scalability of two-dimensional (2-D) discrete wavelet transform (DWT) algorithms on massively parallel processors (MPPs). The principal operation in the 2-D DWT is the filtering operation used to implement the filter banks of the 2-D subband decomposition. This filtering operation can be implemented as a convolution in the time domain or as a multiplication in the frequency domain. We demonstrate that there exist combinations of machine size, image size, and wavelet kernel size for which the time-domain algorithms outperform the frequency domain algorithms and vice-versa. We therefore demonstrate that a hybrid approach that combines time- and frequency-domain approaches can yield linear scalability for a broad range of problem and machine sizes. Furthermore, we show the effect of processor speed versus communication overhead and the use of separable versus nonseparable wavelets on the crossover points between the algorithm approaches. 相似文献
Recently Rao et al. [13] established the strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimates of the 2-D superimposed exponential signal model under the assumption of normality of the error random variables. In this paper we investigate the theoretical properties of the least squares estimates of the same model under the assumption of general error distribution. The strong consistency and asymptotic distribution of the least squares estimates have been obtained. Further extension to the multidimensional case has been proposed.The work is partly supported by a Grant (No: SR/OY/M-06/93) of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of IndiaThe work is partly supported by the National Board of Higher Mathematics, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India 相似文献