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This paper addresses a sensitive issue, of presence experienced by people interacting with a virtual environment (VE). Understanding ‘presence’, both theoretically and empirically, is important for designers interested in building effective computer-mediated environments for learning and work activities. The concept of presence has been treated mostly as a state of mind, to be investigated through ‘objective’ and ‘subjective’ measurement devices. The authors propose to add a different approach, which can address presence as an action-based process. This approach considers presence as the ongoing result of the actions performed in an environment and the local and cultural resources deployed by actors. In this sense, ‘presence’ can be captured by monitoring the sequence of participants’ actions and the aspects of the environment that are involved in this process; discourse/interaction analysis represents a fitting method for this goal. Sequences of interaction with a virtual library are used to illustrate some core aspects of an ethnographic, action-based approach to presence, such as the action possibilities envisaged by participants, the configuration of the virtual objects, the norms that regulate the interaction, the resources that are imported in the VE. These aspects are a necessary step to understand users’ presence in the VE and to plan consequent interventions to ameliorate the design of the interface.  相似文献   

This study aims at highlighting the collaborative activity of two high school students (age 14) in the cases of modeling the complex biological process of plant growth with two different tools: the ‘paper & pencil’ concept mapping technique and the computer-supported educational environment ‘ModelsCreator’. Students’ shared activity in both cases is carried out in the presence of a facilitator providing technical as well as cognitive support when necessary. The objective of the study is to highlight the ways in which the collaborating students are engaged in the plant growth modeling activity in the two cases and also identify the activity’s similar and different aspects in each one. Our analysis is carried out on two complementary axes, the first of which concerns the process of collaboratively creating a plant growth model with each different tool, while the second has to do with the students’ conceptualizations of the biological aspect of the modeling task in each case. A two-level analytic tool for the modeling process has been derived within the theoretical framework of ‘activity theory’ on the basis of the OCAF scheme for basic modeling operations and the scheme of Stratford et al. [Stratford, S. J., Krajcik, J., & Soloway, E. (1998). Secondary students’ dynamic modeling processes: analyzing, reasoning about, synthesizing, and testing models of stream ecosystems. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 7(3), 215–234.] for higher-order modeling actions. According to our results, four major modeling actions (analysis, synthesis, testing-interpreting, technical and cognitive support) performed through a plethora of modeling operations define the steps of the modeling process in both cases, while specific qualitative differences can be actually identified. Finally, the students’ conceptualizations of the biological aspect of the modeling task in the two-case activity is analyzed in regard with their capability of shifting reasoning between macro- and micro-levels, while educational implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper provides an introduction to recent work on the problem of quantifying errors in the estimation of models for dynamic systems. This is a very large field. We therefore concentrate on approaches that have been motivated by the need for reliable models for control system design. This will involve a discussion of efforts that go under the titles of ‘estimation in ’, ‘worst-case estimation’, ‘estimation in ℓ1’ and ‘stochastic embedding of undermodelling’. A central theme of this survey is to examine these new methods with reference to the classic bias/variance tradeoff in model structure selection.  相似文献   

It is known that LTL formulae without the ‘next’ operator are invariant under the so-called stutter equivalence of words. In this paper we extend this principle to general LTL formulae with given nesting depths of both ‘next’ and ‘until’ operators. This allows us to prove the semantical strictness of three natural hierarchies of LTL formulae, which are parametrized either by the nesting depth of just one of the two operators, or by both of them. Further, we provide an effective characterization of languages definable by LTL formulae with a bounded nesting depth of the ‘next’ operator.This paper is a revised and extended version of [6].  相似文献   

The general mixed μ problem has been shown to be NP hard, so that the exact solution of the general problem is computationally intractable, except for small problems. In this paper we consider not the general problem, but a particular special case of this problem, the rank one mixed μ problem. We show that for this case the mixed μ problem is equivalent to its upper bound (which is convex), and it can in fact be computed easily (and exactly). This special case is shown to be equivalent to the so-called ‘affine parameter variation’ problem (for a polynomial with perturbed coefficients) which has been examined in detail in the literature, and for which several celebrated ‘Kharitonov-type’ results have been proven.  相似文献   

We study the spectral properties of a ‘Toeplitz+ Hankel’ operator which arises in the context of the mixed-sensitivity H-optimization problem and whose largest eigenvalue characterizes the optimal achievable performance ε0. The existence of such an operator was first shown by Verma and Jonckheere [26], who also'noted the potential numerical advantage of computing eo through its eigenvalue characterization rather than through the ε-iteration. Here, we investigate this operator in detail, with the objective of efficiency computing its spectrum. We define an ‘adjoint’ linear-quadratic problem that involves the same ‘Toeplitz+ Hankel’ operator, as shown by Jonckheere and Silverman [13–16]. Consequently, a finite polynomial algorithm allows ε0 to be characterized as simply as the largest root of a polynomial. Finally, a computationally more attractive state space algorithm emerges from the Ht8/LQ relationship. This algorithm yields a very good accuracy evaluation of the performance ε0 by solving just one algebraic Riccati equation. Thorough exploitation of this algorithm results in a drastic computation reduction with respect to the standard e-iteration.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of consumer decision support in the context of Internet and in-store applications. A sample (n = 30) of experienced runners made running shoe selections in either ‘product only’, ‘decision support system only’, or ‘decision support system and product’ conditions. Participants’ decisions tended to be more uniform and of better quality when the DSS was available. Decision making was clearly influenced by DSS recommendations, but these were not always accepted. In this latter circumstance participants reported themselves to be relatively less happy with and less confident in their decision. Consistent with previous literature, abstract attributes were considered more frequently and given higher weightings when using the decision support system. However, predicted differences between conditions with respect to the types of attributes considered and the importance ascribed to different types of attributes were not found.  相似文献   

A solution is presented for the previously unsolved diagonally scaled multivariable infinity-norm optimization problem of minimizing D(s)(A(s) + Ψ(s) X(s))D−1(s) over the set of stable minimum-phase diagonal D(s) and stable X(s). This problem is of central importance in the synthesis of feedback control laws for robust stability and insensitivity in the presence of ‘structured’ plant uncertainty. The result facilitates the design of feedback controllers which optimize the ‘excess stability margin’ [3] (or, equivalently, the ‘structured singular value μ’ [4]) of diagonally perturbed feedback systems.  相似文献   

In the existing ‘direct’ white noise theory of nonlinear filtering, the state process is still modelled as a Markov process satisfying an Itô stochastic differential equation, while a ‘finitely additive’ white noise is used to model the observation noise. We remove this asymmetry by modelling the state process as the solution of a (stochastic) differential equation with a ‘finitely additive’ white noise as the input. This enables us to introduce correlation between the state and observation noises, and to obtain robust nonlinear filtering equations in the correlated noise case.  相似文献   

We discuss several aspects of the mathematical foundations of the nonlinear black-box identification problem. We shall see that the quality of the identification procedure is always a result of a certain trade-off between the expressive power of the model we try to identify (the larger the number of parameters used to describe the model, the more flexible is the approximation), and the stochastic error (which is proportional to the number of parameters). A consequence of this trade-off is the simple fact that a good approximation technique can be the basis of a good identification algorithm. From this point of view, we consider different approximation methods, and pay special attention to spatially adaptive approximants. We introduce wavelet and ‘neuron’ approximations, and show that they are spatially adaptive. Then we apply the acquired approximation experience to estimation problems. Finally, we consider some implications of these theoretical developments for the practically implemented versions of the ‘spatially adaptive’ algorithms.  相似文献   

We present a system for rapidly and easily building instructable and self-adaptive software agents that retrieve and extract information. Our Wisconsin Adaptive Web Assistant (WAWA) constructs intelligent agents by accepting user preferences in the form of instructions. These user-provided instructions are compiled into neural networks that are responsible for the adaptive capabilities of an intelligent agent. The agent’s neural networks are modified via user-provided and system-constructed training examples. Users can create training examples by rating Web pages (or documents), but more importantly WAWA’s agents uses techniques from reinforcement learning to internally create their own examples. Users can also provide additional instruction throughout the life of an agent. Our experimental evaluations on a ‘home-page finder’ agent and a ‘seminar-announcement extractor’ agent illustrate the value of using instructable and adaptive agents for retrieving and extracting information.  相似文献   

We present a globally asymptotically stable controller for point-to-point regulation of robot manipulators with flexible joints that uses only position measurement on the motor side. Existing asymptotically stable schemes for the set point regulation problem without velocity measurement address only the rigid robot case. Furthermore, these solutions ensure only local stability provided some bounds on the dynamic part of the robot model are known. Also, they require the injection of high gains into the loop to enlarge the equilibrium domain of attraction. In contrast, our solution is global, applies for robots with flexible joints and assumes only that the gravity forces are known. The underlying rationale of the design is to ‘shape’ the potential energy of the closed loop system so that it has an absolute minimum at the desired equilibrium, and add the required dampingto achieve asymptotic stability. This is attained by adding a (linear) observer that converges to the position required to compensate the gravity forces and injects the damping, and a ‘spring-like’ effect between the observer and the robot that ‘pulls’ the robot to the desired target. This approach to observer-based controller design differs from the classical certainly equivalent approach and effectively exploits the dynamic properties of the physical system.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of deciding bisimulation equivalence of a BPP and a finite-state system. We show that the problem can be solved in polynomial time and we present an algorithm deciding the problem in time O(n4). The algorithm also constructs for each state of the finite-state system a ‘symbolic’ semilinear representation of the set of all states of the BPP system which are bisimilar with this state.  相似文献   

Transformation of sedimentary organic matter (OM) to hydrocarbons is best modeled by assuming the total reaction suite consists of parallel degradations of ‘i’ hypothetical components following the Arrhenius equation and first order kinetics. A kerogen can be defined by characterizing each constituent component by its activation energy (Ei) their initial potentials (Xios) and a single frequency factor (A). We present a user friendly Lotus 1-2-3 program to determine A, Ei and Xio distribution of OMs using a multiple linear regression utility and programmed macros. Rock Eval (RE) S2 curves of three heating rates are required. Equally spaced time/temperature and peak height data for S2 curves of ‘n’ temperature steps in increasing order of heating rates are the inputs for the program. The fraction of hydrocarbon generated (f) from 19 hypothetical components of Ei 30, 32,34…78 Kcal/mole for ‘n’ temperature/time steps, by using frequency factor (A) value and assuming Xios=1, are calculated and set up in a ‘n×19’ matrix (matrix M). The fraction of total hydrocarbon generated (f) at ‘n’ temperature steps, obtained from the observed peak heights, are set up in a ‘n×1’ matrix (matrix L). Matrix M is suitably reduced by the program to ‘n×k’ matrix (matrix N) where ‘k’ is a variable, facilitating matrix inversion. Regressing matrix N against matrix L by the program, gives the Xios for ‘k’ Ei components along with a standard error (ERR) of Y estimates and R2. Xios and A are then optimized iteratively by varying A values and selecting the solution associated with the lowest ERR value. Results of applying the program on data sets of two widely different types of samples from Indian basins are shown. They match the results obtained from the more sophisticated proprietary software.  相似文献   

In April 1992, the Singapore Government announced its information technology (IT) vision and plan for the next 15 years to turn Singapore into ‘an intelligent island’, providing a strategic regional switching centre for expertise, goods, services and information. At the heart of this plan is a national information infrastructure that would capitalize on information as a key factor of production and an important ingredient for enhancing the quality of life of its people. Code named ‘IT2000’, the plan was developed by 60 senior managers at the National Computer Board in 1991 with participation and inputs from about 200 business and industry leaders, domain experts and academics. This paper describes the background of Singapore's drive into the information age, the IT2000 planning process, the roles of various participants and the main recommendations of the plan. An evaluation of IT2000 is made in terms of its objectives, its unanticipated results and its impacts on industry participants. Implications and lessons are drawn for strategic IT planning at the national or sectoral level.  相似文献   

The importance of solving the problem of integrating deliberative (“planning”) capabilities and reactive capabilities when building robust, ‘real-world’ robot systems is becoming widely accepted (Bresina and Drummond, 1990; Fraichard and Laugier, 1991; McDermott, 1991). This paper presents a solution to this problem: cast planning as the incremental adaptation of a reactive system to suit changes in goals or the environment. Our application domain is a manufacturing problem - robotic kitting. This paper represents an advance on existing work in two ways: It presents and formally examines an architecture that incorporates the benefits of a deliberative component without compromising the reactive component. Secondly, it provides the first set of performance statistics in the literature for this class of system. In our approach, the reactive system (the reactor) is a real-time system that continually interacts with the environment, and the planner is a separate and concurrent system that incrementally ‘tunes’ the behavior of the reactor to ensure that goals are achieved. We call this the planner-reactor approach. The reactor is described using a formal framework for representing flexible robot plans, the model (Lyons, 1990; Lyons and Arbib, 1989). Thus, the behavior of the reactor, and the rules by which the reactor can be modified, become open to mathematical analysis. We employ this to determine the constraints the planner must abide by to make safe adaptations and to ensure that incremental adaptations converge to a desired reactor. We discuss our current implementation of planner and reactor, work through an example from the kitting robot application, and present implementation results.  相似文献   

We first consider a finite-buffer single server queue where arrivals occur according to batch Markovian arrival process (BMAP). The server serves customers in batches of maximum size ‘b’ with a minimum threshold size ‘a’. The service time of each batch follows general distribution independent of each other as well as the arrival process. We obtain queue length distributions at various epochs such as, pre-arrival, arbitrary, departure, etc. Some important performance measures, like mean queue length, mean waiting time, probability of blocking, etc. have been obtained. Total expected cost function per unit time is also derived to determine the optimal value N* of N at a minimum cost for given values of a and b. Secondly, we consider a finite-buffer single server queue where arrivals occur according to BMAP and service process in this case follows a non-renewal one, namely, Markovian service process (MSP). Server serves customers according to general bulk service rule as described above. We derive queue length distributions and important performance measures as above. Such queueing systems find applications in the performance analysis of communication, manufacturing and transportation systems.  相似文献   

The organization of talent in online communities has been pivotal for the development of open source software. We are currently witnessing a related phenomenon that is at least of equal importance: the ‘open-sourcing’ of digital content through a dramatic increase in user-generated content and the development of appropriate licenses for users to share their works and build on each other's creativity. This article compares and contrasts (a) the objectives of software development vis-à-vis the development of new media content, (b) the organizational forms that have developed in respective online communities, and (c) the role that licensing plays in the production of ‘functional’ vis-à-vis ‘cultural’ goods.  相似文献   

We show how stability of models can be guaranteed when using the class of identification algorithms which have become known as ‘subspace methods’. In many of these methods the ‘A’ matrix is obtained (or can be obtained) as the product of a shifted matrix with a pseudo-inverse. We show that whenever the shifted matrix is formed by introducing one block of zeros in the appropriate position, then a stable model results. The cost of this is some (possibly large) distortion of the results, but in some applications that is outweighed by the advantage of guaranteed stability.  相似文献   

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