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The high-rise housing market in Melbourne has been undergoing dramatic growth in the last ten years. This emerging housing style is in stark contrast to the familiar traditional low-density suburban dwelling scouring Australian metropolitan cities. This paper traces the representations of high-rise housing since its first appearance in the 1960s to today. Discourses of high-rise housing that have seen this housing type change from one characterised by urban decay and family disorganisation to that which unproblematically glorifies this new housing form will be explored. These new and inviting images of high-rise living today are juxtaposed with the understandings of high-rise public housing that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s. High-rise public housing was once seen as a solution to housing the impoverished and arresting the spread of slum conditions. High-rise housing today is being celebrated amongst government, developers, planners and occupiers as saving the inner city from decay and indicative of a re-vitalised CBD.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that resident participation has become central to the Dutch policy discourse on ‘good’ urban planning, it is unclear to what degree new participation mechanisms have created opportunities for residents to actually influence neighbourhood governance and contribute to the improvement of their neighbourhood. This paper explores how residents in the neighbourhood of Transvaal (Amsterdam) have been involved in regeneration since 1999. Although residents have been successful in putting everyday concerns about safety on the agenda and contributed to small-scale improvements of public space, they were unable to contribute to regeneration plans at the scale of the neighbourhood, in particular strategic decisions about state-led gentrification.  相似文献   

Landscape characterisation has become an important tool in the interpretation of the distinctive features, patterns and identity of a region for planning purposes. However, conventional assessment methods that focus upon visual character may overlook some cultural values. This study investigates how toponymy—the analysis of place names—can be undertaken as a contribution to landscape characterisation. The study focus is Otago Region, New Zealand, which has a diverse landscape and a reliable database of place names. The study reported here involves analysis of 696 place names relating to 31 types of landscape feature derived from maps. The majority of names were connected with symbolic historic and cultural associations, mainly people. Biophysical characteristics including landform and hydrological features were also prominent. Names associated with the indigenous culture, Maori, were layered with those from European colonisation. Systematic analysis of place names highlights both presence and displacements of cultural memory and offers potential for an additional rich layer of interpretation in landscape characterisation.  相似文献   

Melbourne's “Greening the West” (GTW) initiative is a successful example of water utilities actively supporting urban greening through facilitating collaboration between stakeholders. GTW was convened by City West Water in 2011, to bring together 23 partner organisations to protect and enhance urban greening to support community wellbeing. This research involved interviews to determine how GTW works, its challenges, factors for success, achievements, areas for improvement, future directions, and implications. It is found that the existence of GTW has resulted in an additional one million trees planted in Melbourne's western suburbs, and has caused a significant cultural shift within local government.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether and how living in a poor neighbourhood results in “network poverty”. Through a detailed analysis of the formation of personal networks of people living in a poor neighbourhood and those living in an affluent neighbourhood in Rotterdam, I examine the role of the neighbourhood in the formation of personal networks. I address three issues. First, whether resource-poor people who live in a poor neighbourhood form relationships with fellow-residents to compensate for their otherwise small network. I find that they do not and that their small network is primarily caused by non-participation in settings such as study, work, leisure and associations. Second, I distinguish locally maintained relationships that have originated in other settings from locality-based relationships that originated in the neighbourhood. The study shows that high network localness is more a matter of maintaining relationships in the neighbourhood than forming many new locality-based relationships with fellow-residents. Third, I examine how the neighbourhood facilitates relationship formation and conclude that this happens not in “the neighbourhood” but in neighbourhood settings, which attract a particular segment of a neighbourhood population. I conclude that the problem of network poverty is not in the first place spatial but rather lies in lack of participation in certain settings. Furthermore, social mixing policies can only be successful if they are accompanied by initiatives to draw a mixed population to neighbourhood settings and facilitate routine encounters between resource-rich and resource-poor people.  相似文献   

Diversity has increasingly emerged as the core focus of many studies concerning factors impacting on social cohesion. Various scholars have concluded that diversity is detrimental to cohesion. Most of this research, however, draws generalisations based upon quantitative data and fails to account for the impact of inequality, segregation and discrimination, and their interconnectedness to diversity. This research provides an in-depth qualitative analysis of the perceptions of inhabitants of a diverse Toronto neighbourhood regarding formal and informal interactions, common values and attachment. The findings suggest that the internalisation of gendered and class-based racism by inhabitants plays a crucial role in shaping perceptions and interactions.  相似文献   


A process-based approach is used to examine the deployment of two neighbourhood-scale sustainability assessment systems and their tools in two European cities. It explores how these sustainability assessment systems and their tools are contextualized within a larger design and planning process by considering how stakeholders collaborate, how they set design problems, how they make decisions and how they propose design solutions in the early design phases. Specifically, using interviews conducted with key project actors in Malmö, Sweden, and Barcelona, Spain, this paper examines how the sustainability assessment systems in each respective case study were framed, and how this framing impacted upon the design process. A key finding is that how sustainability assessment systems are framed has just as significant an impact as the nature of the tools, especially on the processes entailed. Community participation can have a strong, positive impact on the design process and on outcomes. The case studies confirm that context and players cannot be divorced from tools.  相似文献   


The paper analyses the three major public housing programmes which have been operating within Melbourne since 1945 within the framework of the theory of the state. The paper also reviews the functions and causes of state intervention and assesses the utility of the theory of the state.  相似文献   

Within the housing segregation literature major disagreements have developed over two fundamental issues: (1) the role that whites' aversion to racially mixed neighbourhoods plays in causing modern segregation in the US; and (2) the factors that underlie this aversion, including the effects of inter‐racial contact on whites' neighbourhood racial preferences and whether these preferences reflect neighbourhood stereotyping as opposed to pure racial prejudice. Extant evidence on these issues is either old or indirect. This paper provides direct evidence on these issues using new data from the Multi‐City Study of Urban Inequality. The results suggest that (1) whites' neighbourhood racial preferences play an important role in explaining the racial composition of their neighbourhoods; (2) inter‐racial contact in neighbourhoods and workplaces leads to a greater willingness among whites to live with blacks; and (3) although younger and more educated whites express a stronger taste for integration than other whites, the magnitude of these differences leads to only a small increase in the black percentage of the neighbourhood. In addition, the results provide no evidence in support of the hypothesis that whites stereotype black neighbourhoods rather than blacks per se.  相似文献   

Urban planning in the Gaza Strip faces several challenges as a result of rapid population growth and limited available resources. Planning for housing development in Gaza is based on the neighbourhood unit concept. However, it is not clear to what extent this trend is responsive to local housing needs, and what should be done to improve it. This paper presents the results of a survey of local housing specialists followed by a real-time case study of neighbourhood planning. The study concludes that the use of neighbourhood unit concept as a planning base is appropriate for the Gaza Strip, considering the social context and the limited size of the local housing projects, which requires an incremental development policy. However, several challenges remain, including the absence of a national housing policy and unified legislation, fund shortages, and land limitations. The study recommends to policy makers that adequacy of this social-oriented planning model should be investigated considering the principle of localisation instead of standardisation. This is essential in avoiding the absolute rejection or adoption of this model on the one hand, and in ensuring a subjective process of reinventing rather than mere borrowing on the other one.  相似文献   

澳大利亚的建筑与室内设计公司McBride Charles Ryan(MCR)常常设计一些很别致的建筑和室内设计项目,这些项目在外形、颜色和结构上常常会有不一样的组合方式。他们特别擅长在设计中运用几何学和数学的概念,创造一些极具视觉效果的作品。他们最近在澳大利亚完成了一个小别墅的设计。别墅坐落在墨尔本附近的海滩上,这个项目为他们带来了很多荣誉,包括2008年AIA颁布的Victorian Arc Ntecture Award和Harold Desbrowne-Annear Award。  相似文献   

An important type of firm location decision is the in site or in place locational adjustment. The dynamic nature of the economic milieu necessitates continued reassessment and reorganization of internal resources by the firm. Economic geographers have become increasingly interested in the in site adjustment process and the conditions associated with various types of adjustment paths followed by firms. This study of twenty-one Pacific Northwest iron and steel firms during an eight year period identifies two types of in site locational adjustments made under varied conditions of economic growth by firms of different size, product mix and competitive position.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, one of the most important parts of Australian microeconomic reform has been the restructuring of the country’s government owned utilities - including water supply and wastewater disposal. This process was encouraged by the perception that the state owned authorities performed poorly in the 1970s and 1980s. This paper analyses economic performance of the Melbourne water and wastewater industry from the early 1970s. Over the longer term, the industry has improved its economic performance in terms of productivity and returns to the shareholder, however, consumers have not substantially benefited from this process in terms of lower prices.  相似文献   

Clacton St. John's primary school in Essex, UK, resulted from a development exercise which studied different design options. Built last year, the school is now being rigorously monitored for thermal performance. Peter Page, Assistant County Architect, and Brian King, Environmental Engineer in the Architects' Department, Essex County Council, here explain the step-by-step evaluation process which led to a design with a selective solar passive approach combined with a groundwater-to-water heat pump for underfloor heating, with controlled ventilation. The design is expected to halve the applied energy requirements for a primary school compared to the maximum values in the current DES design note.  相似文献   

Geographic information systems (GIS) play a crucial role in the management of the environment and allocation of resources in many application domains. We discuss appropriate technologies and their requirements including the GIS technology issues such as data acquisition, database technology and interoperability tools as well as the availability of suitable models. In this paper, the project I-VOIR is discussed which is a prototype for GIS inquiries via the Internet for inland shipping traffic. Our conclusions are based on the evaluation of this project.  相似文献   

The Localism Act 2011 created an opportunity for local communities to form neighbourhood forums and to prepare their own neighbourhood development plans in urban and rural areas in England. Initial reactions suggested that, rather than leading to the development of more housing, these initiatives would confirm all the stereotypes of local residents blocking unwanted development in their defined neighbourhoods. However, neighbourhood plans need to be in general conformity with the core strategies of higher-tier plans and often make provision for more new homes than planned before 2011. This article discusses the role and purpose of neighbourhood plans, the evidence base on which they are founded and some of the legal challenges which have helped clarify procedures. It then identifies two types of plan based on the ways housing strategies and evidence of need are reflected in a sample of 10 plans which have been made to date. It concludes that the voluntary nature of localism to date tends to favour more rural and affluent areas and ends with an assessment of the impact of neighbourhood plans on the planning process. It suggests that the implications for spatial planning may be far-reaching.  相似文献   

This paper describes the recent changes in housing in Prague, capital of the Czech Republic. It focuses on the three main restructuring processes, restitution, privatisation and rent deregulation. The outcome of these processes is analysed in the light of so‐called ‘gap theory’ as developed by Neil Smith, Eric Clark and others. This theory is subjected to some minor adaptations and extensions for the sake of a better understanding of the specific Prague context. Moreover, the contemporary trends are more or less speculatively extrapolated into the future, in order to draw attention to the challenges for the housing sector in transforming a post‐Communist capital.  相似文献   

A small cardboard building with a 25-year intended lifetime was developed as a live innovation project to explore and resolve the practical problems surrounding the design, fabrication and construction, costs, and use of an alternative building material. The primary aim to reduce environmental impacts was based on developing the potential of a recycled material as the main structural and cladding component that could be further recycled at the end of its working life. This case study of a small school building presents both the research and development undertaken by the project team and the practical implications of realizing this as a building for a client.  相似文献   

A small cardboard building with a 25-year intended lifetime was developed as a live innovation project to explore and resolve the practical problems surrounding the design, fabrication and construction, costs, and use of an alternative building material. The primary aim to reduce environmental impacts was based on developing the potential of a recycled material as the main structural and cladding component that could be further recycled at the end of its working life. This case study of a small school building presents both the research and development undertaken by the project team and the practical implications of realizing this as a building for a client.  相似文献   

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