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The adaptiveness of agents is one of the basic conditions for the autonomy. This paper describes an approach of adaptiveness forMonitoring Cognitive Agents based on the notion of generic spaces. This notion allows the definition of virtual generic processes so that any particular actual process is then a simple configuration of the generic process, that is to say a set of values of parameters. Consequently, generic domain ontology containing the generic knowledge for solving problems concerning the generic process can be developed. This lead to the design of Generic Monitoring Cognitive Agent, a class of agent in which the whole knowledge corpus is generic. In other words, modeling a process within a generic space becomes configuring a generic process and adaptiveness becomes genericity, that is to say independence regarding technology. In this paper, we present an application of this approach on Sachem, a Generic Monitoring Cognitive Agent designed in order to help the operators in operating a blast furnace. Specifically, the NeuroGaz module of Sachem will be used to present the notion of a generic blast furnace. The adaptiveness of Sachem can then be noted through the low cost of the deployment of a Sachem instance on different blast furnaces and the ability of NeuroGaz in solving problem and learning from various top gas instrumentation.  相似文献   

We analyze the Ohya-Masuda quantum algorithm that solves the so-called satisfiability problem, which is an NP-complete problem of the complexity theory. We distinguish three steps in the algorithm, and analyze the second step, in which a coherent superposition of states (a pure state) transforms into an incoherent mixture presented by a density matrix. We show that, if nonideal (in analogy with nonideal quantum measurement), this transformation can make the algorithm to fail in some cases. On this basis we give some general notions on the physical implementation of the Ohya-Masuda algorithm.  相似文献   

A central component of the analysis of panel clustering techniques for the approximation of integral operators is the so-called -admissibility condition min {diam(),diam()} 2dist(,) that ensures that the kernel function is approximated only on those parts of the domain that are far from the singularity. Typical techniques based on a Taylor expansion of the kernel function require a subdomain to be far enough from the singularity such that the parameter has to be smaller than a given constant depending on properties of the kernel function. In this paper, we demonstrate that any is sufficient if interpolation instead of Taylor expansionisused for the kernel approximation, which paves the way for grey-box panel clustering algorithms.  相似文献   

Kumiko Ikuta 《AI & Society》1990,4(2):137-146
The role of craft language in the process of teaching (learning) Waza (skill) will be discussed from the perspective of human intelligence.It may be said that the ultimate goal of learning Waza in any Japanese traditional performance is not the perfect reproduction of the teaching (learning) process of Waza. In fact, a special metaphorical language (craft language) is used, which has the effect of encouraging the learner to activate his creative imagination. It is through this activity that the he learns his own habitus (Kata).It is suggested that, in considering the difference of function between natural human intelligence and artificial intelligence, attention should be paid to the imaginative activity of the learner as being an essential factor for mastering Kata.This article is a modified English version of Chapter 5 of my bookWaza kara shiru (Learning from Skill), Tokyo University Press, 1987, pp. 93–105.  相似文献   

Our starting point is a definition of conditional event EH which differs from many seemingly similar ones adopted in the relevant literature since 1935, starting with de Finetti. In fact, if we do not assign the same third value u (undetermined) to all conditional events, but make it depend on EH, it turns out that this function t(EH) can be taken as a general conditional uncertainty measure, and we get (through a suitable – in a sense, compulsory – choice of the relevant operations among conditional events) the natural axioms for many different (besides probability) conditional measures.  相似文献   

Im Teil II Bildung von Elementarsätzen wird der Teil Namengebung und Kennzeichnung vorbereitet. Seine Überschrift könnte auch lauten: Was sind Nominatoren und wie kommen sie zustande? Teil V ist wie seine Vorgänger Teil III Gleichheit und Abstraktion und Teil IV Objektsprache/Metasprache als eine Erweiterung einer rationalen Grammatik aufzufassen. Der noch folgende Teil VI Logik und Geltungsicherung von Behauptungen schließt die Serie Informatik als Grundbildung ab.  相似文献   

One major task in requirements specification is to capture the rules relevant to the problem at hand. Declarative, rule-based approaches have been suggested by many researchers in the field. However, when it comes to modeling large systems of rules, not only for the behavior of the computer system but also for the organizational environment surrounding it, current approaches have problems with limited expressiveness, flexibility, and poor comprehensibility. Hence, rule-based approaches may benefit from improvements in two directions: (1) improvement of the rule languages themselves and (2) better integration with other, complementary modeling approaches.In this article, both issues are addressed in an integrated manner. The proposal is presented in the context of the Tempora project on rule-based information systems development, but has also been integrated with PPP. Tempora has provided a rule language based on an executable temporal logic working on top of a temporal database. The rule language is integrated with static (ER-like) and dynamic (SA/RT-like) modeling approaches. In the current proposal, the integration with complementary modeling approaches is extended by including organization modeling (actors, roles), and the expressiveness of the rule language is increased by introducing deontic operators and rule hierarchies. The main contribution of the article is not seen as any one of the above-mentioned extensions, but as the resulting comprehensive modeling support. The approach is illustrated by examples taken from an industrial case study done in connection with Tempora.C. List of Symbols Subset of set - Not subset of set - Element of set - Not element of set - Equivalent to - Not equivalent to - ¬ Negation - Logical and - Logical or - Implication - Sometime in past - Sometime in future - Always in past - Always in future - Just before - Just after - u Until - s Since - Trigger - Condition - s State condition - Consequence - a Action - s State - Role - Actor - ¬ - General deontic operator - O Obligatory - R Recommended - P Permitted - D Discouraged - F Forbidden - (/–) General rule - t R Real time - t M Model time  相似文献   

Agent-based technology has been identified as an important approach for developing next generation manufacturing systems. One of the key techniques needed for implementing such advanced systems will be learning. This paper first discusses learning issues in agent-based manufacturing systems and reviews related approaches, then describes how to enhance the performance of an agent-based manufacturing system through learning from history (based on distributed case-based learning and reasoning) and learning from the future (through system forecasting simulation). Learning from history is used to enhance coordination capabilities by minimizing communication and processing overheads. Learning from the future is used to adjust promissory schedules through forecasting simulation, by taking into account the shop floor interactions, production and transportation time. Detailed learning and reasoning mechanisms are described and partial experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es geht in dieser Arbeit in der Hauptsache darum, ein vorgelegtes Differentialgleichungssystem so zu skalieren, daß in der zugehörigen Analogrechnerschaltung die Spannungen an den Ausgängen der Integratoren die durch die Referenzspannung einerseits und durch das Auflösevermögen andererseits gesetzten Schranken nicht über- bzw. unterschreiten. Es werden Abschätzungssätze hergeleitet, die diese Frage im Apriori-Sinn, also ohne die Lösung des Differentialgleichungssystems zu kennen, zu lösen gestatten. Zur Abschätzung werden zunächst Normen, dannKamke-Normen verwendet. Der im Titel erwähnte Satz vonPerron ergibt sich durch spezielle Normengebung und Verzicht auf Abschätzung nach unten. Erschwert werden die Betrachtungen durch die relative Schwäche der Forderung, daß die rechte Seite des Systemsdx/dt=f(x,t) der Bedingung aus xa folgt f(x,t)v(t)x genüge (...:=Norm,a positiv reell). Dadurch scheint es bei Abschätzungen mitKamke-Normen nicht mehr möglich, von den in der Literatur über Existenzbeweise und Abschätzungssätze üblichen Methoden Gebrauch zu machen. Zur Lösung dieser Frage wird eine bedingte Form des bekannten Satzes vonGronwall (auch Satz vonBellman genannt) entwickelt.
A conditional version of the integral inequality of gronwall, a slight generalization of a stability theorem of perron, and overflow-free scaling of analogue computer set-ups
Summary The main subject of this paper is the scaling of a given set of differential equations in such a way that the output voltages of the integrators of the associated analogue computer set-up do not exceed certain upper and lower bounds imposed by the reference voltage and the limited power of resolution of the elements of the analogue computer. The paper gives a priori bounds on the solution of the differential set. Some of these bounds work with norms, others withKamke-norms.Perron's stability theorem mentioned in the title of this paper results by inserting special norms and neglecting lower bounds. A difficulty arises by the relative weakness of the condition xa implies f(x,t)v(t)x on the right hand side of the setdx/dt=f(x,t), where ... is any norm anda is a positive real constant. As a consequence of this, it seems no longer possible to use the usual techniques known from the literature on existence theorems and bounds for the solution of differential equations. To cope with this situation, a conditional version of the well-known theorem ofGronwall (also known by the name of Lemma ofBellman) will be derived.

Diese Arbeit ist Teil einer am Institut für Angewandte Mathematik der Technischen Hochschule München unter Anleitung von Herrn o. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.J. Heinhold angefertigten Dissertation.  相似文献   

Let (X, #) be an orthogonality space such that the lattice C(X, #) of closed subsets of (X, #) is orthomodular and let (, ) denote the free orthogonality monoid over (X, #). Let C0(, ) be the subset of C(, ), consisting of all closures of bounded orthogonal sets. We show that C0(, ) is a suborthomodular lattice of C(, ) and we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for C0(, ) to carry a full set of dispersion free states.The work of the second author on this paper was supported by National Science Foundation Grant GP-9005.  相似文献   

A well-known problem in default logic is the ability of naive reasoners to explain bothg and ¬g from a set of observations. This problem is treated in at least two different ways within that camp.One approach is examination of the various explanations and choosing among them on the basis of various explanation comparators. A typical comparator is choosing the explanation that depends on the most specific observation, similar to the notion of narrowest reference class.Others examine default extensions of the observations and choose whatever is true in any extension, or what is true in all extensions or what is true in preferred extensions. Default extensions are sometimes thought of as acceptable models of the world that are discarded as more knowledge becomes available.We argue that the notions of specificity and extension lack clear semantics. Furthermore, we show that the problems these ideas were supposed to solve can be handled easily within a probabilistic framework.  相似文献   

Given a finite setE R n, the problem is to find clusters (or subsets of similar points inE) and at the same time to find the most typical elements of this set. An original mathematical formulation is given to the problem. The proposed algorithm operates on groups of points, called samplings (samplings may be called multiple centers or cores); these samplings adapt and evolve into interesting clusters. Compared with other clustering algorithms, this algorithm requires less machine time and storage. We provide some propositions about nonprobabilistic convergence and a sufficient condition which ensures the decrease of the criterion. Some computational experiments are presented.  相似文献   

Earlier work on scheduling by autonomous systems has demonstrated that schedules in the form of simple temporal networks, with intervals of values for possible event-times, can be made dispatchable, i.e. executable incrementally in real time with guarantees against failure due to unfortunate event-time selections. In this work we show how the property of dispatchability can be extended to networks that include constraints for consumable resources. We first determine conditions for insuring that resource use does not exceed capacity under dispatchable execution for a single sequence of activities, or bout, involving one resource. Then we show how to handle interactions between resource and temporal constraints to insure dispatchability, how to enhance flexibility of resource use under these conditions, and how to handle multiple bouts interspersed with instances of resource release. Finally, we consider methods for establishing the necessary dispatchability conditions during schedule creation (planning stage). The results demonstrate that flexible handling of resource use can be safely extended to the execution layer to provide more effective deployment of consumable resources.  相似文献   

Summary A new hybrid analytic framework, based on the principle of maximum entropy, is used to derive a closed form expression for the queue length distribution of a G/G/1 finite capacity queue. It is shown that Birth-Death homogeneous recursions for a single resource queue are special cases of maximum entropy one-step transitions which can be applied either in an operational or stochastic context. Furthermore, an equivalence relationship is used to analyse two-stage cyclic queueing networks with general service times, and favourable comparisons are made with global balance and approximate results. Numerical examples provide useful information on how critically system behaviour is affected by the distributional form of interarrival and service patterns. Comments on the implication of the work to the performance analysis and aggregation of computer systems are included.Some of the material included in this paper has been presented to the Performance '86 and ACM Sigmetrics 1986 Joint Conference on Computer Modelling, Measurement and Evaluation, May 28–30, 1986, University of North Carolina, USA  相似文献   

Consideration was given to the open networks of single-server nodes of two types. The nodes of the first type are characterized by bypasses, those of the second type, by the possibility of arrival of negative customers. Servicing of the positive customers is done in the nodes according to the FCFS discipline. Positive and negative customers make up simplest flows. Invariance of the stationary distribution of network states to the functional form of the distributions of times of customer servicing in the nodes of first type under fixed first moments of these distributions was established.  相似文献   

Summary Reasoning about programs involves some logical framework which seems to go beyond classical predicate logic. LAR is an extension of predicate logic by additional concepts which are to formalize our natural reasoning about algorithms. Semantically, this extension introduces an underlying time scale on which formulas are considered and time shifting connectives. Besides a full model-theoretic treatment, a consistent and complete formal system for LAR is given. The pure logical system can serve as a basis for various theories. As an example, a theory of while program schemes is developed which contains Hoare's correctness proof system.  相似文献   

Summary For a family of languages , CAL() is defined as the family of images of under nondeterministic two-way finite state transducers, while FINITE · VISIT() is the closure of under deterministic two-way finite state transducers; CAL0()= and for n0, CAL n+1()=CAL n (CAL()). For any semiAFL , if FINITE · VISIT() CAL(), then CAL n () forms a proper hierarchy and for every n0, FINITE · VISIT(CALn()) CAL n+1() FINITE · VISIT(CAL n+1()). If is a SLIP semiAFL or a weakly k-iterative full semiAFL or a semiAFL contained in any full bounded AFL, then FINITE · VISIT() CAL() and in the last two cases, FINITE · VISIT(). If is a substitution closed full principal semiAFL and FINITE · VISIT(), then FINITE · VISIT() CAL(). If is a substitution closed full principal semiAFL generated by a language without an infinite regular set and 1 is a full semiAFL, then is contained in CALm(1) if and only if it is contained in 1. Among the applications of these results are the following. For the following families , CAL n () forms a proper hierarchy: =INDEXED, =ETOL, and any semiAFL contained in CF. The family CF is incomparable with CAL m (NESA) where NESA is the family of one-way nonerasing stack languages and INDEXED is incomparable with CAL m (STACK) where STACK is the family of one-way stack languages.This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. DCR74-15091 and MCS-78-04725  相似文献   

The concept of information is virtually ubiquitous in contemporary cognitive science. It is claimed to be processed (in cognitivist theories of perception and comprehension), stored (in cognitivist theories of memory and recognition), and otherwise manipulated and transformed by the human central nervous system. Fred Dretske's extensive philosophical defense of a theory of informational content (semantic information) based upon the Shannon-Weaver formal theory of information is subjected to critical scrutiny. A major difficulty is identified in Dretske's equivocations in the use of the concept of a signal bearing informational content. Gibson's alternative conception of information (construed as analog by Dretske), while avoiding many of the problems located in the conventional use of signal, raises different but equally serious questions. It is proposed that, taken literally, the human CNS does not extract or process information at all; rather, whatever information is construed as locatable in the CNS is information only for an observer-theorist and only for certain purposes.Blood courses through our veins, andinformation through our central nervous system.— A Neuropsychology Textbook.  相似文献   

Processing of a set of multi-level digital certificates, particularly path construction and validation, can be excessively resource consuming, and even impractical in some cases. This article introduces classifications of certificate sets as minimal, surplus, and deficient and explains the new paradigm of a recursive certificate structure designed to provide the equivalent of a minimal set of conventional certificates containing only the necessary and sufficient information to minimize the effort to validate a certificate sequence, with a potential avoidance of duplication of validation previously handled by related Certification Authorities.  相似文献   

In this paper I consider how the computer can or should be accepted in Japanese schools. The concept of teaching in Japan stresses learning from a long-term perspective. Whereas in the instructional technology, on which the CAI or the Tutoring System depends, step-by-step attainments in relatively short time are emphasized. The former is reluctant in using the computer, but both share the Platonic perspective which are goal-oriented. However, The Socratic teacher, who intends to activate students' innate disposition to be better, would find another way of teaching and use of the computer.  相似文献   

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