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R. M. Andrews 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1996,19(6):755-768
Abstract— The effect of axial misalignment on the fatigue strength of load-carrying transverse cruciform welded joints was investigated using experimental and fracture mechanics methods. Where failure occurred by cracking from the weld toe, misalignment significantly reduced the fatigue strength. The reduction could be predicted using a nominal stress concentration factor (SCF). Misalignment had less effect where failure was due to cracking through the weld metal; an expression was deduced for the SCF in this case. For fracture mechanics assessments, an expression for an effective stress intensity factor using the SCF and stress intensity factors for aligned welds was shown to agree with the finite element (FE) results. Predictions of the effect of misalignment using the FE results agreed with experimental data. Misaligned transverse load-carrying cruciform joints should be assessed for fatigue failure from the toe using the same SCF as for a butt weld with the same misalignment. For failure through the throat, an alternative expression for the SCF is recommended. Fracture mechanics assessments of misaligned joints should be carried out using an effective stress intensity factor derived from the SCF and stress intensity factors for aligned joints. These recommendations are now incorporated in British Standard PD 6493:1991. 相似文献
A Berkovits DW Kelly & S Di 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1998,21(2):159-170
A new class of large, high-speed seagoing ferry-boat is under development for service around the world. The ships, which are built entirely of aluminium-alloy plate and stiffeners, show a propensity for fatigue cracking of the welded structure. Cracks may occur in both the hulls and the superstructure early in their 20-year service life. Early appearance of fatigue cracks is shown to result from the combined stress and strain fields set up in weld zones by the static residual stresses and cyclic loads, beyond the effects of weld and detail geometry. A numerical example demonstrates that conventional methods of fatigue analysis overestimate the lifetime of the welded aluminium structure, while damage tolerance analysis based on fracture mechanics leads to improved prediction. 相似文献
残余应力对金属疲劳强度的影响 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
张定铨 《理化检验(物理分册)》2002,38(6):231-235
残余应力对光滑试样高周疲劳极限的影响可以用Goodman关系来描述,但必须要得到残余应力作用系数m、合理地提取残余应力的表征值和区分开其它因素的影响。残余应力对缺口疲劳极限的作用大于对光滑试样的作用,是由于残余应力也存在应力集中现象,而且不易衰减。残余应力的应力集中系数不仅与缺口几何因素有关,还与材料特性有关。试验研究还表明,表层残余压应力对于承受轴向载荷且疲劳残纹萌生于表面的零件也十分有益。 相似文献
C. M. Sonsino F. Müller J. de Back A. M. Gresnigt 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1996,19(6):703-708
Abstract— Constant amplitude fatigue tests with welded specimens under fully reversed four-point bending as well as under axial loading have shown that vibration stress relieving does not lead to a fatigue life improvement of welded parts when compared to the as-welded state. Thus, a substitution of thermal stress relieving by a vibration treatment is not successful. This was also proved by residual stress measurements in the welded parts studied in this paper. 相似文献
Ichihiko Takahashi Tokuharu Yoshii Hiroo Iidaka Eisuke Fujii Kazuyoshi Matsuoka 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1993,16(1):37-51
The fatigue strength of non-load-carrying fillet welded joints of KE36(TMCP) steel was studied. Both residual stress measurements and fatigue tests were carried out, with the plate thickness, the plate width and the heat input being varied. Specimens given a Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) were also prepared. The plate width had no effect on the fatigue strength, because it hardly affected the transverse residual stresses at the weld toe. However, the heat input influenced the transverse residual stress distribution, and a significant difference in fatigue strength due to the heat input was observed, especially when N≥ 106 cycles. It was also found that PWHT removed almost all the residual stresses at the weld toe, improving the fatigue strength drastically. In this study, the values of stress concentration factor K2 were estimated by Machida's method and it was concluded that the thickness effect resulted from a combination of both stress concentration and residual stresses with the contribution of the latter being particularly significant for N≥ 106 cycles. 相似文献
管节点表面裂纹疲劳扩展的数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文采用线弹簧单元与ADINA程序结合计算了表面裂纹在交变载荷作用下的应力强度因子,首次提出了预埋线弹簧单元法模拟表面裂纹疲劳扩展,并发展了相应的技术和软件。 相似文献
WANG RENZHI 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1979,2(4):413-418
Abstract— The effects of shot-peening residual stresses on bending fatigue behaviour of welded plate and surface-flawed plate were investigated. The results show that shot peening residual stresses may significantly increase fatigue strength as well as the threshold stress- intensity factor range of a surface-flawed plate. This paper presents a simple analytical method for determining the residual stresses. The calculated values are essentially in agreement with the experimental results. 相似文献
针对焊接接头的半椭圆表面裂纹的应力强度因子SIF 的计算公式, 该文介绍了目前常用的Newman-Raju-Maddox 模型和Yamada-Hirt-Albert模型以及两种模型的异同性。经过分析, 发现Yamada-Hirt-Albert模型存在不足, 其SIF 公式难以合理地计算均匀受拉状态下的SIF 值。在对现有文献中研究数据的分析基础上, 改进了Yamada-Hirt-Albert 模型, 提出了新的SIF 计算公式。经与Benchmark 数据以及其他国外试验结果的比较, 验证了该文所提出的SIF 改进公式具有更好的可靠性。 相似文献
采用与焊接空心球半径等长的刚臂来模拟节点的体积,在刚臂与杆件之间设置弹簧单元来模拟节点的刚度,推导了考虑刚臂和节点刚度的梁的单元刚度矩阵;根据焊接球节点刚度的回归公式,计算出符合施工构造要求的焊接球节点对杆件轴向刚度和弯曲刚度的影响范围,发现当焊接球的直径小于杆件几何中心长度的12%时,焊接球对轴力刚度的影响较小,而对弯曲刚度的影响很大;采用能量范数分析了弯曲刚度和轴力刚度误差应力解和位移解的影响,给出了焊接球对网壳位移解的误差估计公式。采用多尺度有限元法验证了该结论。 相似文献
Abstract— Biaxial fatigue tests were conducted on a high strength spring steel using hour-glass shaped smooth specimens. Four types of loading system were employed, i.e. (a) fully reversed cyclic torsion, (b) uniaxial push—pull, (c) fully reversed torsion with a superimposed axial static tension or compression stress, and (d) uniaxial push—pull with a superimposed static torque, to evaluate the effects of mean stress on the cyclic stress—strain response and short fatigue crack growth behaviour. Experimental results indicate that a biaxial mean stress has no apparent influence on the stress—strain response in torsion, however a superimposed tensile mean stress was detrimental to torsional fatigue strength. Similarly a superimposed static shear stress reduced the push—pull fatigue lifetime. A compressive mean stress was seen to be beneficial to torsion fatigue life. The role of mean stress on fatigue lifetime, under mixed mode loading, was investigated through experimental observations and theoretical analyses of short crack initiation and propagation. Using a plastic replication technique the effects of biaxial mean stress on both Stage I (mode II) and Stage II (mode I) short cracks were evaluated and analysed in detail. A two stage biaxial short fatigue crack growth model incorporating the influence of mean stress was subsequently developed and applied to correlate data of crack growth rate and fatigue life. 相似文献
A. Freddi D. Veschi M. Bandini G. Giovani 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1997,20(8):1147-1157
Abstract— The careful design of experiment (DOE) technique has been utilized to analyze the residual stress state and to investigate the fatigue life improvement of a material (nitriding steel) subjected to thermal and mechanical treatment.
Nitriding treatments have been performed on several specimens which have been subsequently shot- peened, varying the main parameters controlling the process. The design of experiment method has been accomplished in order to evaluate the influence of the main shot-peening parameters on the distribution and values of the residual stresses close to the surface, and also in order to estimate the influence of these parameters on fatigue resistance. 相似文献
Nitriding treatments have been performed on several specimens which have been subsequently shot- peened, varying the main parameters controlling the process. The design of experiment method has been accomplished in order to evaluate the influence of the main shot-peening parameters on the distribution and values of the residual stresses close to the surface, and also in order to estimate the influence of these parameters on fatigue resistance. 相似文献
Y. Mutoh G. H. Fair B. Noble R. B. Waterhouse 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1987,10(4):261-272
Abstract— The crack initiation lives of peened specimens of aluminium alloys 7010 and 8090 are shorter than those of unpeened specimens. This is caused by the acceleration of crack initiation due to stress concentration in the rough peened surface, especially at fold-like defects. The crack growth rate in peened specimens is significantly reduced with increasing Δ K , i.e. with increasing crack length. At a crack length of approximately 0.3 mm this trend is reversed and the crack growth rate rapidly increases and attains the same level of crack growth rate as that in unpeened specimens. The point of smallest crack growth rate roughly corresponds to the point of maximum residual stress. The crack growth rate in a peened specimen has been modelled by assuming the effect of residual stress reduces to the equivalent stress ratio. The predicted results agree well with the experimental data. 相似文献
X射线衍射法(XRD)是一种常用的测试金属表面残余应力的无损检测法。依据X射线应力测试的原理,对试验中遇到的衍射强度“突变”现象进行了初步探讨,并对其产生的原因和定峰中的处理方法进行了具体分析,为进一步发展和完善铝合金焊接残余应力的X射线分析技术提供了参考。 相似文献
Y. N. Lenets 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1997,20(2):249-256
Abstract— The behaviour of fatigue cracks in an Al-alloy under cyclic compression, either with or without overloads, was studied. For constant-amplitude compressive cycling, a non-catastrophic (saturation) character of the fatigue crack behaviour was confirmed, with the final depth of a crack depending on the applied load level. Single (tensile or compressive) intermittent overloads were shown to re-activate a previously arrested crack while reversed (tensile—compressive or compressive—tensile) ones were also shown to maintain continual fatigue crack extension under otherwise fully compressive cycling. 相似文献
400MPa级超级钢主要特征是高洁净度和超细晶粒组织。采用钨极氩弧焊对400MPa级超级钢施焊,并对其空冷和水冷两种冷却方式下的显微组织和力学性能进行分析。结果表明,空冷条件下焊接接头热影响区(HAZ)晶粒严重长大、强度下降,并出现软化区;焊接过程采用喷水冷却加快了冷却速度,有效抑制了焊接接头热影响区晶粒的长大,改善了接头组织,提高了贝氏体和低碳马氏体的含量,进而改善了接头的综合力学性能,满足实际焊接要求。 相似文献
残余应力测定的基本知识——第五讲 金属材料与零件的表面完整性与疲劳断裂抗力间的关系 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
王仁智 《理化检验(物理分册)》2007,43(10):535-539
论述了金属材料/零件的表面完整性与其疲劳断裂抗力之间的关系.试验结果表明,表面完整性中的残余应力、组织结构与表面粗糙度这三个因素对疲劳断裂抗力是最有影响力的三个因素. 相似文献