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通过对天津市风电园污水处理厂水量和水质的论证,并分析了项目取水对区域水环境及其它用水户的影响。结果表明:建设项目取水水量充足,水质可以满足要求,对区域水资源和其他用水户都不会有负面影响,而且对保护区域水资源有积极意义。  相似文献   

黑臭是水质有机污染的一种极端现象,是由于水体缺氧,有机物腐败而造成的。伴随着城市快速扩张、工业化进程加快、人口急剧膨胀,珠三角河网水体受到严重污染,其中有许多河涌特别是断头涌出现季节性或常年性黑臭现象。实践证明,引清调水对改善水体黑臭效果明显。分析黑臭及其影响改善效果的各个因素的相关关系,结果表明:污染源是影响河涌水体黑臭改善效果的主要影响因素,污染源的数量、排污口的面积与黑臭的相关系数分别达到了0.861、0.925;涨潮时引水流量是对河涌黑臭改善有利的主要影响因素,其相关系数为-0.542。实施截污和清淤,通过长期引清调水,可以根本解决河涌水体的黑臭问题。  相似文献   

本文在江汉平原河网区纳污水体水环境容量研究的基础上,进一步对其的水环境容量价值进行了研究。研究过程中采用恢复费用法估算纳污水体被破坏后使其恢复原状所要支出的污水处理费用,并建立了费用函数。以湖北省某市河网为例,选择合适的费用函数计算出对应的污水处理总费用,即为各纳污水体的环境容量价值。本文的研究为江汉平原河网区水环境容量资源市场化问题的研究、促进经济、社会和环境的协调持续发展提供了依据。  相似文献   

走马塘拓竣延伸工程是2008年5月国务院批复的《太湖流域水环境综合治理总体方案》安排实施的重要引排工程之一。工程主要是解决望虞河引江济太期间西岸地区的排水出路问题:在望虞河引江济太期间,望虞河西岸地区涝水不入望虞河改由走马塘拓浚延伸工程北排长江。笔者重点分析了走马塘排水对长江水环境的影响。  相似文献   

京津冀的水资源短缺与水环境污染问题已经成为制约区域协同发展战略实施的重大因素。本文在综合分析京津冀区域水资源调控及水环境安全现状与挑战的基础上,提出区域水资源及水环境调控与安全保障策略:通过技术途径打造山水林田湖海水生态格局,构建水健康循环与高效利用模式,发展与水生态承载力相适应的生产生活方式,提升水环境质量与保障区域水生态健康,建立区域水环境质量协同管理体系,加强京津冀产业协同调配与污染减量化以及推进"半城市化"与农村污染治理。相关研究可为京津冀区域生态环境综合治理与国家生态文明建设提供决策支撑。  相似文献   

如何实现人类社会经济的可持续发展是本世纪的重大挑战之一。近几十年来,中国经济实力大幅提升,国际影响力显著增强。然而,经济社会高速发展可能会给生态环境造成诸多不利影响,其中之一就是人类活动污水排放总量的快速增长。长江经济带作为中国高质量发展的重点区域,科学评估和揭示沿江城市群污水治理成效及影响因素至关重要。本研究核算了2007–2017年间长江流域主要污染物的浓度变化趋势,利用数据驱动型技术对影响污染物通量变化的关键因子及其贡献开展了系统解耦和量化分析,揭示了污染物排放强度的时空异质性,解析了沿江城镇污水系统发展对污染物通量削减的作用效果。研究发现,长江流域水污染治理成效总体向好,长江经济带国内生产总值和沿江人类活动污水排放强度之间的强耦合在2013年之后呈现脱钩趋势,这主要得益于城镇排水和污水厂基础设施建设的快速发展。研究提出,长江流域城镇污水治理如何实现以水载资源再生利用为导引的“绿色零碳模式”转变,对于全面改善长江流域的水环境质量具有关键作用,同时也能为区域生态环境保护与经济高质量发展提供有益启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

黎兰  曾德龙 《材料保护》2001,34(10):5-6
南水北调工程是在长江流域综合利用水资源的基础工程,规划从长江上游(西线)、中游(中线)、下游(东线)三条线向北方缺水地区引水,是优化资源配置、合理利用水资源、改善水环境、促进国民经济和社会发展的重大工程。介绍了南水北调中线工程的整体布置和金属结构工程量,提出了中线工程金属结构防腐措施的基本要求。  相似文献   

本文结合杏十二联目前的生产实际,从油系统和污水系统人手对影响我站水质指标的因素进行了分析,找出污水站在目前运行状态下影响外输水质的垦誊:并尊过技术措施对水质进行改善,通过个性化加药、严格的老化油回收制度等将技术改进与管理措施相结合,改善了污水处理效果,保证外输水水质。  相似文献   

我国平原河网地区地势低洼,河道比降平缓,水动力弱,加上密集的人类活动,水安全问题十分突出,比如洪涝频发、水体自净能力差、水生态系统脆弱等。本文研究发现这些问题都与水动力有关,水流能量时空分布失衡是产生这些水问题的共同本源,由此,创建了平原河网区水动力重构理论。该理论在水量调控的基础上,深挖水动力及有限能量在水生态环境改善中的作用,优化布局水闸、泵站等水利工程体系,充分挖潜工程的综合效益,通过重构水动力时空分布来满足平原河网区复杂水问题统筹治理的需求。在此基础上,建立了完整的弱动力平原河网区多尺度水动力重构、多目标水力调控的理论方法和技术体系,提出了平原河网区水问题统筹治理原则。最后以扬州主城区河网活水提质为例,介绍该理论的实际应用及效果。  相似文献   

祁连山脉处于青藏高原的东北部,在我国的二级阶梯山,也是黄土高原向青藏高原的过渡地带,是青海省和甘肃省的分界地段,是维系我国高原生态环境持续发展的重要屏障,通常是为河西走廊、河湟地区等提供淡水,也孕育了我国干旱和半干旱区域的绿岛。由于受到大气环境的影响,祁连山生态环境的不断恶化,也给西北地区的生存造成一定的影响。本文将从青海祁连山生态治理工程水资源的监测方面进行分析,针对当前存在的生态环境情况,提出相应的措施。  相似文献   

引黄工程是从根本上解决山西水资源紧缺,促进山西经济社会发展和生态环境可持续发展,维系国家新型能源和重化工基地发展的大型跨流域引水工程。介绍了万家寨引黄工程的线路组成和水工建筑物布置情况。介绍了三项高新技术:隧道掘进、预应力钢筒混凝土管道输水及预应力数字化张拉技术在引黄一期工程中的应用。研究了三项技术的关键技术环节,针对实际应用时的工程条件及施工难点,提出相应的施工方法及对策,为今后类似水工建设工程项目施工提供参考。  相似文献   

In order to commission a large hydroelectric power plant in 1992, the Republic of Slovakia diverted the Danube River with a dam at a common section between Hungary and Slovakia. The dam is located at Gabcikovo in what now is Slovakian territory. The diversion, known as the Gabcikovo Barrage System (GBS), subsequently impacted one of the most ecologically important and unique alluvial floodplains of the Danube Basin. This, in turn, affected the hydrological regime of the Danube downstream and so, potentially, water supplies and water quality for millions of people. The potential environmental impacts of the diversion to the floodplain and downstream were not thoroughly studied prior to construction of the dam. The project was originally started jointly between Hungary and Slovakia in 1977 and conflicts arose between the two countries resulting in a case before The International Court of Justice (IJC) in 1993. In 1997, the IJC rendered a decision that a compromise solution had to be worked out accommodating the needs of both Hungary and Slovakia. The IJC said, in essence, that the dam would remain in place, but must be modified so as to minimize environmental impact. This paper reviews the history of the project and describes some impacts of the river diversion that may be attributed to changes in the water regime. In order to assess environmental impacts to the region due to diversion of water from the natural channel of the Danube, this study assessed, using satellite imagery, land cover change between 1988 and 1997. This study also correlated the satellite-derived data with reports from the Hungarian Ministries of Agriculture and the Environment and the North-Transdanubian Environmental Inspectorate. The analysis determined that, although land cover change occurred in the region during this period, not all of the changes could, necessarily, be related to the hydroelectric facility. The results of the analysis show that: (i) there were land cover changes in the study period within the study area; (ii) more time is needed in order to establish a link between the hydroelectric facility and environmental changes; (iii) satellite imagery could provide useful information in studies of this type, but the imagery must be used in conjunction with ground observations. This paper represents the views and opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of either the National Science Foundation or the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The textile-printing industry in China makes an important contribution to the national economy. However, the associated pollution problems have caused gradual deterioration to the environment and adverse impacts on the local community. The indicator system of cleaner production gives a powerful tool to measure the level of cleaner production of textile-printing enterprises. In China, it has been a big problem of the textile-printing enterprise that consuming large amounts of fresh water and discharging large number of pollutants, and it is lacking in a scientific water-conservation and waste-reduction cleaner production evaluation system. To solve such problems, the establishment of water-conservation and waste-reduction cleaner production indicator system in textile-printing industry is proposed and assessed by the means of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in this article. The judgement matrix is then determined with the Delphi Method combined. Finally, with the Yaahp software, the weight of each indicator is obtained. As an effective way to save water resource and reduce waste emission, the cleaner production technique integration is provided for the enterprises to solve the above problems and achieve the goals of saving water and decreasing the amount of disposed pollutants.  相似文献   

Ecological compensation is a new resource and environment management model. As one of the main areas for implementing ecological compensation policies, basin ecological compensation has become an important measure for encouraging basin pollution control projects and improving the quality of regional economic development. By applying the basic game analysis of evolutionary game theory and building an evolutionary game model with a “reward–punishment” mechanism, this paper compares the interest-related decision-making behaviors of the upstream and downstream stakeholders of basin ecological compensation. By using data on the water quality of Xiangjiang River Basin, this paper calculates the rewards and penalties in different intervals by building a parametric regression mathematical model and employing the local linear regression method. Results show that a decline in water quality should be fined RMB 925500 yuan, an improvement in water quality should be awarded RMB 1227800 yuan, and a deteriorating water quality should be severely fined RMB 5087600 yuan.  相似文献   

Landfill siting should take into account a wide range of territorial and legal factors in order to reduce negative impacts on the environment. This article describes a landfill siting method, which is based on EVIAVE, a landfill diagnosis method developed at the University of Granada. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology is also used to generate spatial data for site assessment. Landfill site suitability is assessed on a scale based on territorial indices that measure the risk of contamination for the following five environmental components: surface water, groundwater, atmosphere, soil, and human health. The method described in this article has been used to evaluate an area in Granada (Spain) where there is a currently operating landfill. The results obtained show that suitable locations for the disposal of municipal waste were successfully identified. The low environmental index values reflect the suitability of this landfill site as well as its minimal negative impacts on the environment.  相似文献   

武汉长江隧道是长江上第一条江底隧道.隧道穿越的地质条件复杂,地层透水性强,水压高;盾构直径大,一次推进距离长;地面和地中环境复杂.介绍了武汉长江隧道工程研究与设计经过,工程建设模式,隧道的总体设计、施工概况.着重阐述了盾构的选型和沿线建筑物的保护技术.  相似文献   

水利水电工程施工初期导流标准多目标风险决策研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
水电工程施工导流的成败直接影响到主体工程的建设,与导流标准选择密切相关,而导流标准的择优必须综合协调导流建筑物的建设投资、工期、系统风险率及其风险损失。文章系统全面地分析了水电工程施工初期导流标准选择涉及的控制性因素,提出了因素定量化方法,运用多目标决策理论,建立了初期导流标准风险决策模型。通过实例分析,说明导流标准风险因素定量化刻划方法及决策模型是有效的,很好地解决了导流工程工期、投资与风险之间的关系。  相似文献   

Based on the citation data of journals covered by the China Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database (CSTPCD), we obtained aggregated journal-journal citation environments by applying routines developed specifically for this purpose. Local citation impact of journals is defined as the share of the total citations in a local citation environment, which is expressed as a ratio and can be visualized by the size of the nodes. The vertical size of the nodes varies proportionally to a journal’s total citation share, while the horizontal size of the nodes is used to provide citation information after correction for the within-journal (self-) citations. In the “citing” environment, the equivalent of the local citation performance can also be considered as a citation activity index. Using the “citing” patterns as variables one is able to map how the relevant journal environments are perceived by the collective of authors of a journal, while the “cited” environment reflects the impact of journals in a local environment. In this study, we analyze citation impacts of three Chinese journals in mathematics and compare local citation impacts with impact factors. Local citation impacts reflect a journal’s status and function better than (global) impact factors. We also found that authors in Chinese journals prefer international instead of domestic ones as sources for their citations.  相似文献   

The assessment of the social impacts of road traffic is usually based on objective indicators or on expert judgement, without input from the affected communities. This paper considers the perceptions and priorities of local residents about traffic impacts and possible mitigation measures, using as a case study a rural area that will be affected by traffic associated with the construction of a nuclear power station. The study consisted of a qualitative phase followed by a stated preference survey. Econometric models were used to measure the relative priority of different impacts and mitigation measures. The most impactful aspects were noise, vibration and increased car or bus travel times. The most preferred measures were night-time restrictions to HGVs, parking restrictions and safety measures for pedestrians and cyclists. There were significant differences in preferences according to residence location, gender, employment status and household composition. The results provide information about aspects that tend to be aggregated in existing assessment frameworks, separating the reduction in the utility of some activities (like walking and driving) and the suppression of those activities.  相似文献   

三峡地下电站引水隧洞斜井开挖施工方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三峡右岸地下电站引水隧洞斜井的开挖是引水系统开挖的难点项目,也是制约3#施工支洞上游半幅扩挖、岩塞开挖、进水口自流排水及后续混凝土浇筑、金结安装等进度的瓶颈项目。本文对斜井开挖的一些施工经验进行了总结,包括施工程序和方法、爆破方案与参数优化,以及斜井开挖安全与爆破振动控制等措施诸方面。  相似文献   

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