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一条色彩鲜艳的鱼儿,在灯光的照射下,似乎在橱窗悠然游动。驻足细看才发现,那熠熠闪光的鱼儿,原来是一支由钻石和珍珠设计制作而成的胸针。鱼唇和鱼尾巧妙地利用了异型珍珠的奇特外形,维妙维肖的设计,让观者赞叹大自然的神奇魔力同时,不得不钦佩这个品牌--奥特里(AUTORE)设计师的匠心独具。这样类似的作品还有如螃蟹、八爪鱼等等海洋动物,以及极富艺术感的其它设计。  相似文献   

这个不到8平方公里的城市,却被一百多条蛛网般密布的运河割成一百多座小岛,岛与岛之间只凭各式桥梁错落连接,初来乍到很快便会迷失在这座“水城”中。好在有大运河呈S形贯穿整个城市。沿着这条号称“威尼斯最长的街道”,可以饱览威尼斯的精华而不用担心迷路。[编者按]  相似文献   

奥凯和他的《盐与威尼斯之发迹》古钟就中国盐史界来说,大家对让·克劳德·奥凯(J.C.HOCQUET)的名字并不生疏。本刊1993年第2期,曾介绍过他的代表作──《盐与王权》一书,并选登了该书的部分摘译──<法兰西国家垄断和商人市场>。在此,拟简介他的...  相似文献   

意大利珠宝闻名遐迩.意大利珠宝商更是精明热情,这不仅是《威尼斯商人》中的那位安东尼奥留给我的印象.更是我的亲身经历得出的结论。  相似文献   

陈佩斯经典喜剧《托儿》在京开演;《墨攻》在京举行记者会;捷克民族服饰展在京举行;“键盘上的莫扎特”音乐会盛大开幕;三幕歌剧:《茶花女》隆重上映;[编者按]  相似文献   

方振宁 《缤纷家居》2008,(11):62-63
今年威尼斯国际建筑双年展的主题是:"那儿,超越房屋的建筑",但是整个展览最引人注目的作品,和在会场展出最多的倒不是建筑而是装置,那么,建筑到底是什么?不具有建筑学意义的建筑就是房子,而房子是我们向另外一个世界过渡的居所。建筑  相似文献   

董潇 《北京纺织》2013,(10):102-103
相比戛纳电影节上的超级大腕与抢镜怪咖的“齐争艳”,前往威尼斯的星星们显得随性轻松的多。明星们多选择佩戴以简单设计为主的珠宝首饰。虽不乏大牌,但是都很低调。相比其它电影节的闪闪发光,珠宝在威尼斯电影节上扮演的更像配角,但是它们的作用是毋庸置疑的,拨开奢华的外表让我们再次看到本真。就像威尼斯电影节让我们再次感到电影带给我们的感动。  相似文献   


CICI 《中国宝石》2010,(4):64-67
今年秋季.浪漫梦幻的水城威尼斯迎来了第67届电影节.红毯上明星们佩戴的珠宝让人们连连赞叹,仿佛回到了拥有王子公主传奇童话的15世纪。钻石与闪光灯比拼闪耀,彩色宝石与多彩古都争艳。珠宝大赏将美轮美奂的高级珠宝带到你的眼前,为你一一详解这些瑰丽的珍品。  相似文献   

本文介绍了新产品威尼斯精纺细呢的设计生产过程。该产品采用羊毛与涤纶长丝交捻的股纱作经纱,强捻的毛纱作纬纱,染色采用匹染或交染(混纺或交织物分别用不同染料染得不同色泽)。产品风格独特,为毛、化纤混纺交织类产品独树一帜。  相似文献   

2008奥运会期间,意大利对外贸易委员会请来了西西里大厨Vincenzo Contichllo先生.由他在京城10家意大利餐厅演绎了正宗意大利美食.  相似文献   

We define ‘feeling’ as the subjective, affective experience of an emotion or a mood. People seek out feelings that are positive because it is rewarding for them to do so. It follows that manufacturers of branded goods should be concerned about the feelings that predispose consumers to buy their products and also about the feelings that their products help consumers to attain, perpetuate, enhance, diminish or dissipate, in pursuit of reward. Towards this end, practical procedures are required that will allow researchers to capture the prevailing feelings that individuals are experiencing at a particular moment in time and to track the transitions induced by products, brands, advertising etc. In order to develop and apply such research tools, researchers need an appropriate and well-focused lexicon through which they can access and explore feelings.This study describes a data-driven classification of feelings. An initial word list comprising 544 terms, of which 209 were notionally positive and 335 were notionally negative, was developed in English, French, German and Italian. In Phase 1 of the study, approximately 350 respondents were recruited in each of France, Germany, Italy and the UK to participate in a self-report feelings questionnaire. This yielded 55 feeling clusters of which 23 were notionally positive and 32 were notionally negative. In Phase 2 of the study, 60 exemplar terms in English were extracted from the previous cluster analysis and subjected to a similarity sorting exercise using 70 UK respondents. This yielded 25 lower-level clusters and 12 higher-level clusters, all of which were intuitively interpretable, along with a map derived using MDS that resembled a circumplex with the usual dimensions of affect and arousal.Frequency counts based on respondents’ self-reported feelings revealed that 64% of endorsements were of notionally positive and 36% notionally negative terms. This supports previous findings that the majority of people seem to exist in a generally positive state of mind. Findings were consistent across the four countries.The key outputs from this research are a lexicon of feelings comprising 59 terms in English, French, German and Italian along with a highly intuitive classification of these terms into 25 lower-order and 12 higher-order clusters. It is envisaged that the lexicon and the classification scheme will find application in consumer research and in brand and product development.  相似文献   

北蔚 《中国食品》2008,(4):22-23
上海菜原材料丰富,有独特的烹调方法.它在保持和发扬本地域特色的同时,不断地汲取其他菜系和西菜的长处,并且随着各种外来原材料和外来调味料雨后春笋般不断涌现,而日益形成了鲜明的海派风味,它的制作不拘泥于传统,善于吸收新事物,选料广而精,口味适应性强,烹调考究,刀工精细,菜式清新秀美,色、香、味、形、质并举,以滋味媚人  相似文献   

水晶牛肉 主料:酱牛健肉、青豆瓣、枸杞、肉皮. 调料:盐、味精、料酒. 做法:1、将牛健肉切成小丁,青豆飞水冲凉,肉皮飞水后把油脂去净切丝.  相似文献   

Concentrations of gas-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied over one year at two sites of the Venice lagoon (designated Marine and Industrial) and at a mainland station (designated Rural) in Italy. Average sigmaPAH concentrations, calculated as sum of 16 PAHs, at Marine are about three and five times lower than those at Industrial and Rural, respectively. The seasonal trends, the temperature-PAH relationship, and principal component analysis indicate that at Industrial and Marine sites several local sources (vehicle and industrial emissions, etc.) could be the PAH sources in the warmer months, whereas in the colder months the main PAH sources could alternate between vehicle emissions and residential heating. At Rural the main PAH sources are: vehicle emissions in the spring and autumn; vehicle emissions, field burning, and wood combustion in the summer; and vehicle emissions and fuel consumption for residential heating in the winter. To evaluate the contribution from different sources to the Venice Lagoon air, horizontal fluxes of PAHs have been obtained. The estimated annual flux of PAHs is about 9 times greater at Industrial (193.5 mg m(-2) y(-1)) than at Marine (20.6 mg m(-2) y(-1)). These results show that study of the chemical contamination of the Venice atmosphere must take into account the PAH flux derived from marine sources as well as the continental input.  相似文献   

主要介绍了JWF1415型粗纱机生产过程中常见的机械故障和所采取的针对性措施,由此提高了产品质量和生产效率,同时使操作工劳动强度得以大大降低.  相似文献   

Consumers’ satisfaction is important for the food industry to ensure product success. Determinants to food satisfaction are multifactorial and a method approaching the multiple determinants would provide a detailed picture of determinant behind consumers’ hedonic food appreciation.The aims of this study were (1) to develop a method that could give detailed information about sensory- and food satisfaction (2) to study differences in sensory satisfaction in a case study, and (3) to study the factors related to food satisfaction. Focus group interviews and a literature study provided an overview of factors with potential to affect food satisfaction. A total of four questionnaires, covering factors before-, during- and after intake as well as demographics, were developed to measure factors related to satisfaction. The questionnaires were utilised in a cross-over consumer study with 79 subjects consuming two sensory different variants of chicken soup. Soups were sensory evaluated utilising expert statements. The consumer study showed that sensory satisfaction was highly influenced by liking of taste and appearance, whereas liking of odour and texture influenced sensory satisfaction moderately. Food satisfaction was influenced by factors measured during- and post intake; sensory satisfaction, fulfilment of expectations, reason for ending intake, product performance relative to expectations, hunger and fullness after intake were found highly influential in food satisfaction. Pre-intake factors did not substantially influence food satisfaction. Though the use of multiple variables gave a detailed picture of factors involved in food satisfaction, there was still variation in food satisfaction that remained unaccounted.  相似文献   

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