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超级双相不锈钢S32760生产工艺流程为20tEAF→AOD→LF→30cm模铸。由于S32760成分设计中高铬、低磷、低硫、超低碳这一特点,冶炼后期钢水过氧化程度严重。为改善钢水洁净度、降低钢中氧质量分数,通过采取合理的脱氧造渣工艺,采用Al-Si-Ca复合脱氧,使钢中气体、夹杂物得到了有效控制,改善了钢水洁净度,成品钢中硫质量分数控制在0.002%以下,氧质量分数控制在0.004%以下。  相似文献   

Industrially processed duplex stainless steel sheet was investigated after the reheating, the roughing mill and the finishing rolling. Light optical microscopy revealed that the cast structure that existed before rolling was removed and changed into a banded microstructure. During the process, the ferrite‐austenite volume fraction ratio changed from 72 %a + 28 %γ to 48 %α + 52 %γ. The microhardness was measured for both phases after each process step. Texture measurements were executed by means of the electron backscattering diffraction technique (EBSD). These measurements revealed that extensive static recrystallisation of the austenite occurred during the roughing but that recrystallisation was inhibited during the finishing. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on the finish rolled material indicated that the ferrite softened efficiently by extended dynamic recovery. The dislocations in ferrite grains with rotated cube orientation were often found to be straight screw dislocations which were inclined 55° to the surface of the sheet. The importance of the partitioning of the alloying elements and the strain partitioning on the deformation behaviour is highlighted.  相似文献   

设计及制备了2mm厚S32760超级双相不锈钢冷轧板。对国产及进口冷轧板的化学成分、常温力学性能、金相组织、杯突值、应变硬化指数、腐蚀性能及焊接性能进行了对比测试。结果表明,国产板材各项性能指标达到ASEMSA240标准及工程指标要求,与进口板材相当,可以替代进口产品用于相关设备的生产及制造。  相似文献   

高祥明  裴明德  李国平 《钢铁》2019,54(9):94-98
 为了优化不同厚度冷轧板加热工艺,避免有害相析出,研究了冷硬化对S32750板材析出相的影响。超级双相不锈钢S32750钢板经不同冷轧加工变形后,在850 ℃下进行热处理。利用SEM、EDS、XRD及TEM研究了不同冷轧总压下率对析出相的影响规律。结果表明,随着总压下率的增大,相同退火时间内,析出相增多,当总压下率大于50%时铁素体相几乎全部被析出相覆盖。析出相以σ相为主,伴随着很少量的Cr2N、χ相和γ2。σ相和χ相析出在α/γ相界和铁素体相内,Cr2N析出在α/γ相界处,γ2伴随着σ相析出在铁素体内。随着冷轧总压下率增加,晶体内的位错密度增大,析出数量增加。  相似文献   

Microstructural changes during heating of highly alloyed Cr26Ni7 type super duplex stainless steel( SDSS2607) and its thermal deformation behavior were investigated. At different heating rates,the mechanism of phase transition from γ phase to δ phase and grow th modes of δ phase differed. Variations in microstructures for ascast SDSS2607 during heat preservation at 1 220 ℃ indicated two kinds of transformations from γ phase to δ phase.In-situ observations of microstructural changes during the tensile process at 1 050 ℃ showed a mutual coordination betw een γ and δ phases. When the true strain increased,the mutual coordination between γ and δ phases was damaged. Subsequently,cracks nucleated at the γ/δ interface. With the increase in temperature,the strength of ascast SDSS2607 decreased while its plasticity increased. Its thermoplasticity was poor,and the reduction in area of tensile specimens was less than 80%. When the deformation strain of hot compression increased,the stable deformation zone in the heat processing maps enlarged gradually. Moreover,the unstable deformation zones were extended.  相似文献   

姜雯  赵昆渝  业冬  李俊  苏杰  雍岐龙 《钢铁》2015,50(2):70-75
 试验采用光学显微镜、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、透射电镜(TEM)及能谱分析(EDS)等手段,研究不同铬含量的超级马氏体不锈钢在相同热处理工艺下逆变奥氏体含量、组织形貌及生长规律的异同。结果表明,13Cr和15Cr两试验钢经淬火+回火后的显微组织为回火马氏体和逆变奥氏体,两试验钢中逆变奥氏体含量及尺寸均随着回火温度升高先增加再减小,且在650~700 ℃时达到最大。两试验钢内的逆变奥氏体在回溶过程中会对基体组织产生细化作用。通过对比发现,15Cr钢中的逆变奥氏体含量更多,尺寸更大,回溶时对基体的细化作用更明显。  相似文献   

芦飞  王瑛 《冶金分析》2015,35(7):67-72
由于不锈钢标渣在市场上很难购买,且熔融制样-X射线荧光光谱(XRF)无法满足炉前不锈钢渣样的快速分析要求,实验利用转炉渣、高炉渣、平炉渣等标准样品和文献方法定值的不锈钢渣生产样品,建立熔融制样-X射线荧光光谱的校准曲线,并用于不锈钢渣样的定值分析,将此定值分析结果用于压片制样-X射线荧光光谱校准曲线的绘制,从而实现不锈钢渣中CaO、SiO2、Al2O3、MnO、MgO、TFe、P2O5、TiO2、Cr2O3和NiO的炉前快速分析。对熔融制样的条件及方法的精密度和准确度均进行了考察,保证了绘制校准曲线用不锈钢渣测定结果的准确性。通过试验确定压片制样-X射线荧光光谱的分析条件为:研磨时间50 s;40 g试样中添加5粒粘合剂;100 kN压力,保压时间15 s进行压片。各组分校准曲线的相关系数均大于0.999。对同一不锈钢渣进行压片制样-XRF的精密度考察,各组分测定结果的相对标准偏差为0.43%~4.6%;准确度验证结果表明,压片制样的测定结果同熔融制样的测定结果一致,但压片制样XRF满足炉前不锈钢渣分析量大、分析速度快的要求。  相似文献   

日益增长的工业需求推动着超级奥氏体不锈钢的研发,以研发时间为序阐述超级奥氏体不锈钢3个发展阶段。第1个阶段主要是为解决硫酸介质环境的耐腐蚀性而开发的不锈钢;第2个阶段是在第1阶段研发钢的基础上添加质量分数约为0.2%的N元素、并将Mo元素质量分数增加到约6%而研发的几种耐腐蚀性能良好的超级奥氏体不锈钢;第3个阶段是在6%Mo钢的基础上将Cr、Mo、N含量都进行较大幅度的提高,其中Mo元素质量分数增加到约7%,N元素质量分数控制在0.5%左右,并加入适量Mn元素而研发出耐腐蚀性优异的超级奥氏体不锈钢。阐述了超级奥氏体不锈钢研发过程中的2个重要技术,即炉外精炼与氮合金化技术,并展望了超级奥氏体不锈钢的未来发展及推广应用。  相似文献   

Present study concerns the effect of deformation and heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a duplex stainless steel. While hot rolling causes the coarse distribution of the constituent phases (ferrite and austenite), 50% cold rolling results into the elongated and splintered two — phase structure. Supersaturated ferrite structure established by water quenching from 1300°C results into the strengthening due to the formation of fine dispersed austenite precipitates within ferrite grain after isothermal heat treatment (1000°C, 0.5 hour). Duplex structure consisting of ferrite and austenite in a fine-grained form is obtained after isothermal heat treatment of cold rolled sample. Cold deformed and heat treated steel exhibits best combination of strength and ductility among all the investigated steel samples.  相似文献   

介绍了抚钢超级双相不锈钢冶炼工艺流程,进行了VOD炉真空吹氧去碳、包底吹氮、二次造渣及喂线处理生产实践。研究表明,通过设定合理的吹氧、吹氮工艺,实现了低碳含量、准确氮含量的控制。通过在还原过程中调整合适的炉渣碱度,对钢液进行喂线处理,强化脱硫脱氧,从而改性夹杂物形貌,以确保钢液精准的化学成分及良好的纯净度控制,为热加工创造有利条件。  相似文献   

介绍了某核电厂海水管道系统用S32750焊接管道的制造方法,采用等离子弧焊并添加填充金属制造Φ610 mm×6.35 mm管道,可以实现单道次单面焊、双面成型,焊缝质量稳定,提高了生产效率.在不经热处理的情况下,管材的各项性能(拉伸、弯曲、硬度、耐腐蚀等)均能满足标准及一般工况要求,可以避免管材因不恰当的热处理带来的一系列问题.  相似文献   

Super duplex stainless steels(SDSS) show complex precipitation and transformation behavior during heat treatment processes,which affects both mechanical and corrosion properties. This report presents some data on the microstructures that develop after folding and subsequent precipitation during heat treatment of UNS S32750 SDSS sheet samples.The microstructural and textural changes have been followed using SEM/EBSD techniques.Upon folding,both a texture and strain gradient form in the folded/bent region,subsequent heat treatment at 845℃results in the ferrite phase to transform to sigma,austenite and chi phases.Transformation was found to be accelerated by strain.Complete transformation of the ferrite phase occurred within half the annealing time required in the unstrained regions.The local mis-orientations in the ferrite and austenite phases reduced during annealing,however,the reduction in the austenite was not very high and a significant amount remained even after the longest annealing time.The texture components that developed during the folding process remained unchanged even after one hour annealing at 845℃.The implication of these findings could have a bearing on the formation of sigma phase during welding of SDSS that may have residual stresses introduced during final processing.  相似文献   

The development in research, production, applications, and national standards of Chinese duplex stainless steel (DSS) in recent years was introduced in light of the worldwide development in the field of DSS.The results showed that the output of Chinese DSS increased greatly, and at the same time its grade gradually evolved into a collaborative developing series including the main grade type 2205 and other DSS types in recent years.Economical DSS and super DSS underwent rapid development, especially after 2010.In re-cent years, the application of Chinese DSS has been expanded further not only in traditional application ar-eas such as the petrochemical industry, but also in diverse new fields such as oil and gas transportation, chemical tanker manufacturing, nuclear power plants, and construction.Moreover, due to the increase in output and improvement in quality, as well as applications in Chinese projects, Chinese DSS has also been exported to the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and other regions.  相似文献   

A determination of stacking fault energy (SFE) of the austenite phase of a duplex stainless steel, material no. 1.4462, has been carried out using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Furthermore, cold rolling tests and microstructural analysis have been realized in order to allow a detailed discussion of the obtained SFE-values. The results of this Investigation indicate that the stacking fault energy of the austenite phase within the duplex stainless steel Is lower than those of single-phase austenitic stainless steels. This is justified by the chemical composition; mainly by the Cr and Ni alloying contents. Nevertheless, work hardening of the austenite during cold deformation is not as accentuated as expected by the low SFE-values, because at higher deformation levels the deformation mainly occurs within the ferrite phase.  相似文献   

80 years has passed since duplex stainless steels were first produced and now they have developed into an integral series with the efforts on R & D and development of technology.In the recent decade, duplex stainless steels have been accepted by more and more customers and increasingly used. The first duplex grade produced in Sweden was 453E(26Cr-5Ni) in the 1930s,and then developed into 329.These two grades were characterized by high carbon content and called the first generation of duplex stainless steels.At that time,it was very difficult to add nitrogen into the steels and maintain the phase equilibrium,thus influencing the application properties,for example,intergranular corrosion post welding. One method to solve this problem is to alter the chemical composition,like adding nitrogen,etc.And that came to reality with the development of AOD and metallurgical theory of stainless steels.New series of duplex grades,called the second and third generations duplex,have successively emerged since the 1980s. These grades are characterized by high amounts of alloying elements,like chromium,molybdenum and nitrogen.Furthermore,super duplex stainless grades,like S32750,S32760 and S32707,were developed for various harsh service environments with their outstanding corrosion resistance and workability.These grades possess corrosion resistance corresponding to super austenitic grades,or close to nickel-base alloys, and are used in ocean-engineering,sea water desalination and oil industries,etc. And the application of duplex stainless steel is expending into other industries.For instance,453E is used in the pulp & paper industry.2205(S32205),a medium-alloyed grade,has become the most typical one in the duplex stainless steel family and widely used in many industries like pulp & paper,chemical and oil.New applications are emerging with better understanding of the duplex grades. Modern duplex stainless steels features most the corrosion resistance and strength,making them most cost-efficient in more and more projects. In this paper,the history of duplex stainless steels is recalled and reviewed from R&D,production to application,and latest grades like S82441 are also introduced.  相似文献   

Laboratory corrosion fatigue studies on smooth and precracked samples indicated that two duplex stainless steels would have similar service lives in a paper-processing environment; but, in service, one of these alloys has exhibited premature failures. Since corrosion fatigue experiments had proven unable to detect this failure mechanism, electrochemical measurements and slow strain rate tensile tests were used to evaluate four alloy composition-dependent failure mechanism hypotheses. No significant differences were found in the dissolution rates or hydrogen fugacities produced when mechanical processes expose bare surface, and slow strain rate tensile tests found no indication of a difference in cracking susceptibility for the same hydrogen fugacity. Electrochemical experiments found that pits nucleate in one phase of the duplex microstructure at lower potentials in the failure prone alloy, but do not propagate beyond the microscopic dimensions of this phase. These microstructurally limited “micropits” were found to nucleate fracture in slow strain rate tensile tests, and examination of a service failure confirmed the presence of microscopic pits at crack initiation sites. The premature failures are attributed to the lower pitting resistance of the failure prone alloy, and the failure of laboratory experiments to predict this behavior is attributed to the slow kinetics of pit nucleation in these experiments. A laboratory testing methodology is suggested that will ensure detection of similar susceptibilities in future corrosion fatigue testing programs.  相似文献   

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