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This paper concerns the extreme value of typhoon-induced non-stationary buffeting response of long-span bridges. The framework of non-stationary buffeting analysis is briefly introduced first, in which the non-stationary buffeting response is regarded as the summation of a time-varying mean response and a dynamic response that can be represented by a zero-mean evolutionary Gaussian process characterized by an evolutionary power spectral density (EPSD) function. The formulas for determining approximate probabilistic characteristics of extreme non-stationary responses are then derived by extending the currently-used Poisson and Vanmarcke approximations. By comparing with the Monte Carlo solution, the extended approximations for extreme value of non-stationary responses are found reliable and accurate enough. Particularly, the extended Vanmarcke approximation can give closer results to the Monte Carlo solution than the extended Poisson approximation. The extended Vanmarcke approximation is finally applied to the Stonecutters Bridge to find the extreme value of non-stationary buffeting response of the bridge to a strong typhoon. The results show that the extreme displacement responses of the bridge from the non-stationary buffeting analysis are larger than those predicted by the conventional stationary buffeting analysis, and therefore the non-stationary buffeting analysis is necessary.  相似文献   

大跨度屋盖结构考虑模态耦合的抖振共振响应分析方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
提出了可考虑模态耦合效应的共振响应分量近似形式,并基于此得出用于计算风振响应共振分量的修正SRSS法。最后将该方法运用于上海南站工程屋面结构的共振响应分析以检验其正确性及精度。本方法为进一步建立复杂大跨度屋盖结构等效静力风荷载方法奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A method of reducing the number of degrees of freedom and the overall computing times in finite element method (FEM) has been devised. The technique is valid for linear problems and arbitrary temporal variation of boundary conditions. At the first stage of the method standard FEM time stepping procedure is invoked. The temperature fields obtained for the first few time steps undergo statistical analysis yielding an optimal set of globally defined trial and weighting functions for the Galerkin solution of the problem at hand. Simple matrix manipulations applied to the original FEM system produce a set of ordinary differential equations of a dimensionality greatly reduced when compared with the original FEM formulation. Using the concept of modal analysis the set is then solved analytically. Treatment of non‐homogeneous initial conditions, time‐dependent boundary conditions and controlling the error introduced by the reduction of the degrees of freedom are discussed. Several numerical examples are included for validation of the approach. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文介绍了常见的并联机组管路振动的原因及其排查方式。针对某型号机组排气管路剧烈振动的问题,对机组结构和排气管路进行实验模态分析,确定机组结构和排气管路发生共振,通过结构优化改变其固有频率,使管路振动值降低。  相似文献   

The newly proposed modal distribution method statistically quantifies overall differences between measured time-histories. In this method, power spectra of measured structural response are interpreted as collections of independent modal responses. Each modal response is isolated, re-scaled, and interpreted as a statistical distribution. Data-sets (windows in a measured time-history) are then compared using standard statistical methods, resulting in a quantitative significance level of the differences between power spectra. An example is presented to validate the new method and to quantify how long a time-history is required for the new method to meet confidence level requirements. The modal distribution method is found to be very effective at detecting subtle changes of mean modal frequencies, which may be used to infer changes in structural condition. The method is general and may find a broad variety of applications, but seems particularly well suited for structural health monitoring because it can be used to infer changes in structural condition from measured response data with only limited knowledge of the excitation.  相似文献   

Laboratory simulation of transport vibration has been the object of many studies in recent years due to the financial implications of potential customer claims in respect of damage caused during product distribution and the need for tools for packaging optimization. Most of these works concentrate on the special nature of transport vibrations and how to reproduce them: Power Spectral Density (PSD) profiles related to road and truck characteristics, the non‐stationary aspects of the environment, the non‐Gaussian characteristics of the recorded vibrations and the best procedures for meaningful laboratory testing. In the present work, a different point of view is applied to the issue. The paper deals with the dynamics of different corrugated stacked packaging units by means of operational modal analysis and a 6 degrees of freedom multi‐axis shaker table. The results show the already known non‐linear behaviour of the paperboard containers and the natural frequencies and modes likely to appear in the packaging. The relevance of bending‐like modes in relation to laboratory testing is discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

温度变化下复合材料层合板的试验模态分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过动力测试试验研究了环境条件变化对复合材料层合板振动特性的影响 , 这对于复合材料结构基于动力响应健康监测和振动控制系统设计使用的安全性具有重要意义。在不同温度条件下利用锤击以及激振器实验方法测定复合材料层合板的动力响应 , 采用随机子空间法 (SSI) 识别了其固有频率、 阻尼以及模态振型。研究结果表明 , 复合材料层合板结构固有频率及阻尼比与温度变化存在逆相关关系 , 而所识别的模态振型变化并没有非常清晰的相关关系。分析结果进一步表明 , 复合材料结构振动控制和健康监测系统设计过程中需要考虑上述影响。   相似文献   

This paper presents a viscoelastic finite element approach to the vibration analysis of viscoelastic Timoshenko tubes conveying inviscid incompressible fluid, within which the temperature‐dependent functions of material properties are assumed known. The derivation of a viscoelastic finite element model, applied to a time‐domain solution, is detailed. The dynamic behaviour of viscoelastic tubes conveying fluid is investigated for several initial axial tensions and fluid velocities. Numerical results are presented and discussed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The frequency‐dependent effective dielectric permittivity of microstripline with tuning septum is derived using the transverse modal analysis (TMA) technique. Numerical results are presented and compared with open literature.  相似文献   

推进剂与贮箱液固耦合振动的动力学分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分析液体燃料运载火箭的推进剂及贮箱的耦合振动时,为了精确建模、工程化快速计算及为火箭整体系统提供液固耦合燃料系统等效模态参数,根据有限元方法得到包含液体节点压力和结构节点位移的非对称形式的耦合动力学方程组,将表征液体运动的节点压力缩聚到液体自由面,使得方程对称化。通过等价Laplace方程边值问题的求解,得到耦合动力学方程中液体对结构的附加质量矩阵、附加刚度矩阵及耦合项。简易贮箱液固耦合模态分析的算例结果表明,该分析方法能够精确、快速地获得液固耦合系统的模态频率等动力学特性。从而使得高效率的液固耦合动力学分析在工程上应用成为可能,并为运载火箭等复杂液固耦合结构的有限元建模由简化模型向三维精确模型建立和工程化应用建立了基础。  相似文献   

大功率船用齿轮箱试验模态分析*   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
由于大功率船用齿轮箱的特殊使用工况,其性能要求远远高于其他齿轮箱。论文对某大功率船用齿轮箱结构和传动原理进行分析,根据试验模态分析的基本原理和方法,利用最小二乘法对频响函数进行优化,并利用单模态识别法对大功率船用齿轮箱进行模态参数识别,得出系统的前20阶固有频率和阻尼,结果表明该船用齿轮箱系统的转频、啮合频率远离固有频率,系统不存在共振现象。但考虑齿轮箱实际工作的复杂性,在系统转速变化达到临界转速时存在较为剧烈的共振现象。试验结果可为进一步系统研究动态特性提供分析依据。  相似文献   

基于试验模态分析的薄壳塑件刚度研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以大型薄壳塑件显示器后壳为研究对象,在壳体刚度变形理论分析的基础上,结合试验模态所得到的显示器后壳前二十阶振型图,分析了显示器后壳的振动及翘曲变形并提出相应的结构修改方案.解决了以往由于有限元模拟时存在的很多理论假设和边界条件而难以对壳体塑件的刚度及强度进行准确分析的问题.为对其结构设计作正确修改,减少结构的不合理性,提高塑件刚度等作重要指导.  相似文献   


The transverse modal method is extended to analyze the dispersion characteristics of dominant and higher order modes in finlines with finite metallization thicknesses. The approach is based on a hybrid mode formulation. Numerical data are presented to show the effect of metallization thickness for unilateral and bilateral finlines. The results are also compared with those from other methods to verify the accuracy.  相似文献   

辐射制冷器主要为红外探测器提供合适的低温工作条件,是星载红外遥感探测系统的重要组成部分,其可靠性的高低和制冷性能的好坏将直接影响红外成像质量和遥感卫星的成败.建立了W型辐射制冷器结构的有限元模型,应用MSC/Nastran软件完成了模态、静力、正弦振动响应计算,进行了结构强度和振动模态分析,预示和验证了辐射制冷器的结构性能,为其结构设计改进提供了可靠理论依据.  相似文献   


Wind turbine blades’ dynamic behavior must be well investigated during the design process in order to avoid resonance. Modal analysis and nonlinear dynamic analysis of a rotating wind turbine blade are presented in this paper to study the effects of rotation speed on the natural frequencies and displacements. Accordingly, an enhanced finite element formulation based on uncoupled translational and rotational displacements’ kinetic energy was developed. A twisted wind turbine blade was discretized using beam elements with different cross sections; each has six degrees of freedom per node. At rest, the model results were validated using ABAQUS software. Furthermore, the effects of geometrically non-linear phenomena produced by blade displacement on the vibration characteristics of the rotating blade have been discussed. The blade non-linear problem was solved by applying the Newmark method combined with the Newton-Raphson schema. Results show that the blade natural frequencies and displacements increase under angular rotation speed augmentation. This work highlights the significant sensitivity of the blade vibration characteristics to the geometric non-linearity. Accordingly, a modal and a linear analysis are insufficient to precisely estimate the dynamic behavior of a rotating turbine blade.  相似文献   

黏弹性Pasternak地基梁振动的复模态分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
彭丽  丁虎  陈立群   《振动与冲击》2013,32(2):143-146
运用复模态分析研究了有限长黏弹性Pasternak地基梁的振动特性,将梁的振动方程写成状态方程,利用复模态的正交性解耦为常微分方程组,得出复频率和复模态及任意初始条件下外激励的响应。通过两个具体算例对比,分析了简支边界条件下的Pasternak地基梁的固有频率和模态函数的特征,并通过文中给出的复模态函数,计算了两种典型外激励作用下的动力响应。  相似文献   

Wind modes for structural dynamics: a continuous approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Load on structural systems is often represented by a multi-dimensional and/or multi-variate random process. The cross-correlation often existing between loading components acting in different points of the structure introduces conceptual and computational difficulties in many practical problems. It is the case, for example, of the projection of the external load on the vibration modes in the modal analysis of linear systems or of the simulation of multi-correlated time series for a Monte Carlo-based analysis of non-linear structures. The use of the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) introduces some formal simplifications in the solution of the aforementioned problems, but requires the evaluation of the eigenquantities of some statistical representations of the loading process. The knowledge of such quantities in analytic form yields computational advantages and enables important physical interpretations. In the present paper, an analytic expression of POD is developed for a class of processes, which includes models usually adopted to represent the atmospheric turbulence. Examples of linear analysis of a wind-excited slender structure and of simulation of turbulence fields are presented.  相似文献   

高进  袁奇  李浦  张宏涛  吕智强 《振动与冲击》2012,31(12):9-13,18
燃气轮机转子一般是由多个层叠的轮盘通过拉杆组合而成,各轮盘接触面由磨削加工形成。粗糙度测试结果表明磨削加工的实验拉杆转子轮盘面具有两个不同分形结构的区域。利用结构函数法计算了这种双重分形面的轮廓曲线的分形维数D1、D2和分形粗糙度参数G1、G2 。采用双重分形几何描述接触表面的拓扑结构,并根据赫兹接触理论导出接触微凸体的切向接触刚度。弹塑性双重分形面的切向接触刚度等于所有微观弹性接触点的切向接触刚度的总和。粗糙层是由相接触的微凸体所构成的,其抗扭刚度模化为接触转子轮盘间的一个抗扭弹簧。通过三维有限元模态分析和实验模态分析得到了拉杆转子在不同预紧力下的扭振模态频率。通过上述计算和实验结果识别了粗糙层的抗扭刚度,实验测试结果和理论计算结果相一致,这表明上述接触层抗扭刚度的双重分形模型实合理的,可以有效地考虑接触效应对拉杆转子扭转振动模态频率的影响。  相似文献   

This paper proposes modal criteria to represent various noise sources within a complex structure, such as an automobile. By optimizing a complex system using criteria linked to modal mass and stiffness matrices, different modes of noise propagation can be investigated separately. Several criteria are thus suggested, each related to a vibrational propagation path. Since the system is studied using modal analysis, criteria can be found based on modes associated with the structure's hollow parts, plates, and cavities. These different criteria are analysed based on the assumption of a complex vibroacoustic system. It is shown that by analysing such criteria, one can determine which part of the structure needs to be optimized. The optimization of such a system could constitute a research topic in its own right, and is beyond the scope of the present paper. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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