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Human-specific Bacteroides HF183 (HS-HF183), human-specific Enterococci faecium esp (HS-esp), human-specific adenoviruses (HS-AVs) and human-specific polyomaviruses (HS-PVs) assays were evaluated in freshwater, seawater and distilled water to detect fresh sewage. The sewage spiked water samples were also tested for the concentrations of traditional fecal indicators (i.e., Escherichia coli, enterococci and Clostridium perfringens) and enteric viruses such as enteroviruses (EVs), sapoviruses (SVs), and torquetenoviruses (TVs). The overall host-specificity of the HS-HF183 marker to differentiate between humans and other animals was 98%. However, the HS-esp, HS-AVs and HS-PVs showed 100% host-specificity. All the human-specific markers showed >97% sensitivity to detect human fecal pollution. E. coli, enterococci and, C. perfringens were detected up to dilutions of sewage 10−5, 10−4 and 10−3 respectively. HS-esp, HS-AVs, HS-PVs, SVs and TVs were detected up to dilution of sewage 10−4 whilst EVs were detected up to dilution 10−5. The ability of the HS-HF183 marker to detect fresh sewage was 3-4 orders of magnitude higher than that of the HS-esp and viral markers. The ability to detect fresh sewage in freshwater, seawater and distilled water matrices was similar for human-specific bacterial and viral marker. Based on our data, it appears that human-specific molecular markers are sensitive measures of fresh sewage pollution, and the HS-HF183 marker appears to be the most sensitive among these markers in terms of detecting fresh sewage. However, the presence of the HS-HF183 marker in environmental waters may not necessarily indicate the presence of enteric viruses due to their high abundance in sewage compared to enteric viruses. More research is required on the persistency of these markers in environmental water samples in relation to traditional fecal indicators and enteric pathogens.  相似文献   

Six polycyclic musks (PCMs) and five nitro musks (NMs) were analyzed in dewatered sludge samples from 13 municipal, 4 livestock and 1 pharmaceutical wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in South Korea. 1,3,4,6,7,8-Hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethylcyclopenta-(g)-2-benzopyran (HHCB; Galaxolide®, Abbalide®), and 7-acetyl-1,1,3,4,4,6-hexamethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene (AHTN; Tonalide®, Fixolide®) were the two predominant PCMs in the sludge samples, at concentrations ranging from 0.52 to 82.0 mg/kg dry weight (dw) and 0.12 to 28.8 mg/kg (dw), respectively, suggesting the extensive use of these two PCMs in South Korea. Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) revealed the different usage patterns of PCMs between livestock cultivating farm and household. The levels of HHCB and AHTN in the effluent discharged from the WWTPs were lower than the threshold effect levels derived for fish, suggesting low potential risks to aquatic organisms. Nevertheless, the calculated discharge of synthetic musks (SMs) from sludge in each target WWTP ranged from 36 to 10,961 g/d. These results indicate the necessity of conducting monitoring studies in marine ecosystems due to ocean disposal of sludge, particularly focused on the two prevailing PCMs.  相似文献   

Sewage contamination in shallow lake sediments is of concern because the pathogens, organic matter and nutrients contribute to the deterioration of the water-bodies' health and ecology. Sediment cores from three shallow lakes (Coneries, Church and Clifton Ponds) within Attenborough nature reserve located downstream of sewage treatment works were analysed for TOC, C/N, δ13C, δ15N, bacterial coliforms and faecal sterols. 210Pb and 137Cs activities were used to date the sediments. Elemental analysis suggests that the source of organic matter was algal and down profile changes in δ13C indicate a possible decrease in productivity with time which could be due to improvements in sewage treatment. δ15N for Coneries Pond are slightly higher than those observed in Church or Clifton and are consistent with a sewage-derived nitrate source which has been diluted by non-sewage sources of N. The similarity in δ15N values (+ 12‰ to + 10‰) indicates that the three ponds were not entirely hydrologically isolated. Analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) reveals that Coneries Pond had sterol concentrations in the range 20 to 30 μg/g (dry wt.), whereas, those from Clifton and Church Ponds were lower. The highest concentrations of the human-sourced sewage marker 5β-coprostanol were observed in the top 40 cm of Coneries Pond with values up to 2.2 μg/g. In contrast, Church and Clifton Pond sediments contain only trace amounts throughout. Down-profile comparison of 5β-coprostanol/cholesterol, 5β-coprostanol/(5β-coprostanol + 5α-cholestanol) and 5β-epicoprostanol/coprostanol as well as 5α-cholestanol/cholesterol suggests that Coneries Pond has received appreciable amounts of faecal contamination. Examination of 5β-stigmastanol (marker for herbivorous/ruminant animals) down core concentrations suggests a recent decrease in manure slurry input to Coneries Pond. The greater concentration of β-sitosterol in sediments from Church and Clifton Ponds as compared to Coneries is attributed in part to their greater diversity and extent of aquatic plants and avian faeces.  相似文献   

Sewage sludges obtained from seven wastewater treatment plants from the province of Salamanca, Spain, were periodically sampled to determine seasonal and time variation of their elemental composition over 2000 to 2002. The aim of this paper was to provide additional insight to evaluate the potential environmental impact following soil incorporation of these materials as amendments. Aqua regia extractable metals (pseudo total content) of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined and furthermore, the main chemical forms of metals within the sludge were evaluated using a five-step fractionation procedure. All the studied sludges displayed high fertility properties due to their richness of OC, P and K. Total mean concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in the sludges were within the regulation of the Spanish legislation. Using an multifactor analysis of variance, significant differences between Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn pseudo total contents (p<0.01) of sludges at different sites were found while the Cd content was statistically similar. Also significant differences were found between these pseudo total contents of heavy metals in samples collected along the time after three years (0.001相似文献   

Detailed gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric analyses have been applied to sediment samples of the Havel and Spree River, tributaries to the Elbe River, in order to identify specific molecular markers of anthropogenic activities. Despite a wide variety of lipophilic organic compounds from diffuse anthropogenic contamination, a local emission of an industrial point source was reflected by specific markers including halogenated compounds and nitrogen containing substances (4-ethylnitrobenzene, formyl piperidine, acetyl piperidine). In addition to well-known anthropogenic markers various new molecular tracers were detected and are discussed, namely plasticizers (alkylsulfonic acid aryl esters, tributyl and tricresyl phosphates), synthetic fragrances (galaxolide, tonalide, 4-oxoisophorone), additives of personal care products (4-methoxycinnamic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester, benzyl benzoate, dibenzyl ether, benzophenone), occurring due to sewage treatment plant input.  相似文献   

Gallert C  Henning A  Winter J 《Water research》2003,37(6):1433-1441
In the City of Karlsruhe/Germany anaerobic digestion of 7200 ta(-1) of separately collected biowaste has proven its feasibility at an organic loading rate (OLR) of up to 8.5 kg CODm(-3)d(-1). An extension of biowaste collection over the whole city area would increase the amount of biowaste to 12,000 ta(-1), leading to an OLR of the existing anaerobic reactor of up to 15 kg CODm(-3)d(-1). To test, whether the increased amount of biowaste could be stabilized in the existing plant, biowaste suspensions were digested in a laboratory reactor at a maximum OLR, that exceeded the future OLR of the full-scale plant.The laboratory reactor was started with effluent of the full-scale biowaste digester. Like in full-scale, biowaste suspension from the hydropulper was added in a fed-batch mode. The elimination of organic material (measured as COD, chemical oxygen demand) and the volumetric gas production were linearly increasing with the OLR from 4.3 to 19 kg CODm(-3)d(-1). Thus, safe operation of the full-scale plant at an OLR of 15 kg CODm(-3)d(-1) should be possible, leaving still some reserve capacity.To determine the metabolic reserves for fatty acid degradation during digestion at an OLR of 10 kg CODm(-3)d(-1), digester effluent was supplemented with either 40 mmoll(-1) acetate, propionate, i-butyrate or n-butyrate. Results of these batch assays indicated a rapid degradation of all fatty acids and fatty acid conversion rates, that would allow a stable anaerobic fermentation at 15 kg CODm(-3)d(-1)OLR.On the basis of the laboratory results the OLR of the full-scale methane reactor was increased to 15 kg CODm(-3)d(-1). After 7 months, results of full-scale digestion were still consistent with the previously obtained laboratory results.  相似文献   

十一·五期间为了加强城市污水治理,保护水环境,中央和贵州省人民政府增加了贵州省城市污水处理工程设施的投资力度,截止2010年底,89个县级以上城镇污水处理设施建设全部完成。针对目前贵州省各地县在兴建城市污水处理厂的过程中所暴露出来的问题,从建设规模、工艺技术、建设模式、运营机制等角度进行剖析,并对十二.五期间应注意的环...  相似文献   

We report the results of a nationwide survey of commonly used human and veterinary antibiotics (7 sulfonamides, trimethoprim, and 4 macrolides) in 37 Japanese rivers. Concentrations of the sum of the 12 target antibiotics ranged from undetectable to 626 ng/L, with a median of 7.3 ng/L for the 37 rivers. Antibiotics concentrations were higher in urban rivers than in rural rivers and were correlated with those of molecular markers of sewage (crotamiton and carbamazepine). Macrolides were dominant over sulfonamides in urban rivers. Sulfonamides, especially sulfamethazine (used in animals), were dominant in a few rivers in whose catchment animal husbandry is active. However, these signals of veterinary antibiotics were overwhelmed by those of human antibiotics in lower reaches of most rivers. The analysis of the antibiotics in all 88 samples showed that the target antibiotics in Japanese rivers are derived mainly from urban sewage, even though larger amounts of antibiotics are used in livestock. Most of the livestock waste-derived antibiotics are unlikely to be readily discharged to surface waters.  相似文献   

The potential risks associated with antibiotics present in the Swedish environment were assessed using concentrations found in hospital effluent, and sewage treatment waters and sludge, in combination with data on their environmental effects obtained from the literature. For the aqueous environment, measured environmental concentrations and effect/no observed effect concentration ratios were much lower than one in most cases. The only exceptions, where concentrations of the investigated substances were high enough to pose potential risks, were the concentrations of the two fluoroquinolones, ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin, in the hospital effluent. Treating digested dewatered sludge by heat did not fully eliminate norfloxacin or ciprofloxacin, thus pellets may still contain high amounts of these substances (sub to low mgkg(-1)dw). In leaching tests less than 1% of the amounts of these fluoroquinolones in the sludge or pellets reached the aqueous phase, indicating that their mobility is limited if sludge is used to fertilize soil.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(4):263-273
Increased impervious surface area is a consequence of urbanization, with correspondent and significant effects on the hydrologic cycle. It is intuitive that an increased proportion of impervious surface brings with it shorter lag times between onset of precipitation and subsequently higher runoff peaks and total volume of runoff in receiving waters. Yet, documentation on quantitative relationships between the extent and type of impervious area and these hydrologic factors remains dispersed across several disciplines. We present a literature review on this subject to better understand and synthesize distinctions among different types of impermeable surface and their relative impacts, and describe the manner in which these surfaces are assessed for their putative impacts on landscape hydrology.  相似文献   

In this paper we use a validated CFD model to calculate the inhalation exposure, expressed as an intake fraction (iF), of a seated person in an office with different contaminant sources, a floor diffuser, and a ceiling vent. These sources include the floor, the walls, a desk, and the human body. First, experimental data is used to determine the correct turbulent Schmidt number for the computational model to predict the transport of the species in an indoor environment. It was found at a turbulent Schmidt number of ∼0.9 produced the best fit when compared to experimental data. Then, the iF was calculated for two representations of the computer simulated person (CSP): a CSP with detailed surface geometry, and a simplified CSP with multi-block geometry. It was found that the simplified multi-block geometry is not adequate for predicting iF because it radically changes the flowfield of the thermal plume in the breathing zone (BZ). Next, the effect of personal ventilation systems on iF was investigated. The results show that such systems can reduce the iF by an order of magnitude compared with conventional mixing and displacement ventilation systems. Finally, a comparison of iF results were made for a surface body temperature of 32 °C and 28 °C. It was found that a 4 °C change in body surface temperature influenced the iF by less than 10%.  相似文献   

Endocrine disorders associated with sewage effluents have been documented in aquatic species from various regions of the world and sewage treatment works (STWs) are now widely recognized as one of the major discharge source of endocrine disrupting compounds. Steroid estrogens usually emerge as the main contributors to the endocrine disrupting capacity of municipal sewage effluents. Because human wastes are believed to be the primary source of release of steroid estrogens in watercourses, the presence of these compounds in aquatic systems is likely to constitute a pervasive ecological problem. In spite of that, the endocrine disrupting impact of sewage effluents has rarely been investigated in South America. In this paper, we used Johnson and Williams' predictive model to estimate the concentration of steroid estrogens in effluents released from 38 municipal STWs of central-southern Chile and to assess steroid estrogen concentrations in rivers. In STW effluents, we estimated the estrogen concentrations to range from 9.35 to 739.92 ng/L for estrone, 1.03 to 81.74 ng/L for estradiol and 0.38 to 30.56 ng/L for ethynylestradiol. Overall, the predicted estrogen concentrations are significantly higher than those reported for STW effluents in the literature. This can be explained by demographic and sewage flow differences between Chile and industrialized western countries. Predicted steroid estrogen concentrations at river sites indicate that endocrine disruption in fish is likely to occur in the Itata catchment. However, future research is needed to attest this and to evaluate the real impact of the STW discharges into central-southern Chile's marine and freshwater environments.  相似文献   

Dilling J  Kaiser K 《Water research》2002,36(20):5037-5044
In this study, we tested a simple and rapid method for the estimation of carbon in the hydrophobic fraction of dissolved organic matter (DOM) of different origin (spruce, pine, and beech litter) in soil water. The method is based on the fact that the hydrophobic fraction of DOM contains almost entirely the aromatic moieties of DOM. Thus, it showed a clearly distinct light absorption at 260 nm compared to the hydrophilic fraction. This light absorption was directly proportional to the concentration of the hydrophobic fraction. Moreover, it was independent of the concentration of the hydrophilic fraction. We compared the concentrations of hydrophobic DOM estimated by the UV method with those of the conventional fractionation using chromatographic columns of XAD-8 macroporous resin and found an excellent agreement between the two methods for both solutions from laboratory sorption experiments and field samples of forest floor leachates and subsoil porewaters. In addition, the absorption at 260 nm of hydrophobic DOM proved to be independent of pH values ranging from 2.0 to 6.5. Compared to the conventional chromatographic fractionation, the method using the UV absorption at 260 nm is less time consuming, needs a much smaller sample volume, and showed a better reproducibility. However, its use is restricted to water samples of low nitrate (<25 mg L−1) and Fe (<5 mg L−1) concentrations and, probably, with the hydrophobic fraction dominated by aromatic compounds deriving from degradation of lignin.  相似文献   

Katsoyiannis A  Samara C 《Water research》2004,38(11):2685-2698
The occurrence and the removal of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) during the conventional activated sludge treatment process were investigated in the wastewater treatment plant of the city of Thessaloniki, northern Greece. POPs of interest were seven polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 19 organochlorine pesticides. Target compounds were determined at six different points across the treatment system. Most abundant compounds in raw wastewater at all treatment stages were PCB-52, PCB-110, PCB-180 and Heptachlor-exo-epoxide. Quintozene occurred frequently but in relatively low concentrations. Hexachlorocyclohexanes, DDT and its metabolites (DDE, DDD) and Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endrin, Isodrin ("Drins") were found at medium or low frequencies and in concentrations close to their detection limits. Removal percentages throughout the whole treatment process ranged from 65% to 91% for individual POP species. Significant linear relationship was observed between removal efficiency and log Kow for PCBs suggesting that compounds with a strong hydrophobic character are principally removed through sorption to sludge particles and transfer to the sludge processing systems. Total PCBs' concentrations in sewage sludge ranged between 185 and 765 ng g(-1) dw being below the EU limit for use of sludge in agriculture.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate to what degree polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) determines sewage sludge toxicity in relation to Heterocypris incongruens. Six differing sewage sludges with increasing contents of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were selected for the present study. As well as total PAH content, the content of the potentially bioavailable fraction was also determined in the sewage sludges using a method of mild-solvent extraction (with n-butanol). The PAH content was also calculated in the sewage sludge pore water by the equilibrium partitioning method. The total PAH content in the sewage sludges studied were in the range 3.60 to 27.95 mg kg(-1). The contribution of the n-butanol extracted fraction was in the range 38.7 to 75.4%. In the group of individual PAHs, 4- and 5-ring compounds had the highest content in the potentially bioavailable group. H. incongruens mortality in the range 6.7 to 100%, depending both on the sewage sludge and the dose applied. An increase of the sewage sludge dose usually resulted in an increase in toxicity. At the highest dose, a 100% mortality of H. incongruens was found in half of the sludges. The lowest dose, irrespective of the sludge type, caused over 40% growth inhibition. However, the results obtained did not allow for the establishing of an unambiguous relationship between various sludge toxicity levels and the content of potentially bio-available PAHs. In some cases only, the extraction using n-butanol explained the high difference in toxicity despite a slight differentiation in the PAH content.  相似文献   

Nickel presence was determined in 170 samples of 43 different convenience and fast foods widely consumed in Spain. Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry was used as analytical technique. Reliability of the procedure was checked. Ni levels ranged from 18.50 to 95.00 ng g− 1 (fresh weight of edible portion). The most elevated Ni concentrations were found in egg- and pork-based foods and in sauces but there is a high variability inside of each one of these foods. Ni content increases in products that contain spices and aromatic herbs, whole cereals, dry fruits, cheese and mushrooms. Mean Ni dialyzable fraction estimated by in vitro assays ranged from 4.50 to 7.75%. This study shows that the probability of exposure to health risks from these foods is overall small. However, the present findings are of potential use in food composition tables and to estimate the Ni dietary intake and tolerable intake levels in accordance with the current dietary habits.  相似文献   

We evaluated the levels of aluminum in a total of 120 samples of 35 different convenience and fast foods that are widely consumed in Spain. Aluminum was determined in the samples mineralized with HNO3, HClO4 and V2O5, using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry as the analytical technique. Reliability of the procedure was checked by statistically comparing the results with those obtained with a previous microwave oven mineralization stage and by analysis of several certified reference materials. No matrix effect was observed and aqueous standard solutions were used for calibration. The detection limit was 4.0 pg and the characteristic mass of 10.0 pg. Aluminum concentrations ranged from 0.85 to 38.10 microg/g, refereed to fresh weight of the edible portion. The presence of this metal was detected in all the samples we analyzed, but the most elevated levels were encountered in pork- and chicken- based foods (mean 8.45 and 13.94 microg/g, respectively). The more elevated Al concentrations were detected in foods with a greater content of spices and aromatic herbs, pasta, certain vegetables and additives, and foods packaged in Al vessels. The absorbable fraction of Al estimated with in vitro assays was between 0.85 and 2.15%. The growing popularity of these products in recent years requires additional data and a periodical control. In addition, the present findings are of potential use to efforts aimed at determining tolerable levels of Al intake from the diet.  相似文献   

Mogens Henze 《Water research》1987,21(12):1521-1524
Theories for the estimation of the fraction of denitrifiers in active biomass are proposed and discussed. Two concepts are used for decay. One is the decay-growth concept, where organic matter cycles between substrate and biomass, and the second is the traditional decay concept, where biomass decays without any recycling of substrate. It is shown that the fraction of denitrifiers is a function of three variables, the potential inlet fraction of denitrifiers (the fraction of the influent material which after primary growth upon the substrate is denitrifiers) the anoxic solids retention time ratio and the total solids retention time. The potential inlet fraction of denitrifiers is the dominating variable. In order to maximize the fraction of denitrifiers in the activated sludge, the influent wastewater should be anoxic treated as the first step of the process and the anoxic fraction of the total solids retention time should be as high as possible.  相似文献   

Li Z  Wrenn BA  Venosa AD 《Water research》2005,39(13):3109-3119
Freshwater sediment microbial communities enriched by growth on vegetable oil in the presence of a substoichiometric amount of ferric hydroxide (sufficient to accept about 12% of the vegetable-oil-derived electrons) degrade vegetable oil to methane faster than similar microbial communities that develop when sediments are enriched by growth on vegetable oil in the absence of ferric hydroxide. This study examined the effects of enrichment in the presence of Fe(III) on the fatty-acid sensitivity of several important members of anaerobic triglyceride-degrading microbial communities in freshwater sediments. The fatty-acid sensitivity of three groups of microorganisms-hydrogenotrophic methanogens, acetate consumers, and hydrogen-producing acetogens-were investigated by comparing the rates of hydrogen, acetate, or butyrate consumption in the presence and absence of oleic acid. Methanogenesis from hydrogen was not affected by sediment enrichment conditions or by the presence of oleic acid, suggesting that hydrogenotrophic methanogens were insensitive to fatty acid inhibition in these sediments. Oleic acid inhibited the anaerobic degradation rates of acetate and butyrate by 38% and 63%, respectively, but enrichment in the presence of Fe(III) eliminated the fatty-acid sensitivity of acetate degradation and reduced the sensitivity of butyrate degradation by about half. These results suggest that iron-reducing bacteria may provide an alternative pathway through which vegetable oil can be converted to methane in anaerobic freshwater sediments.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) can play a key role in many environmental processes, including carbon cycling, nutrient transport and the fates of contaminants and of agrochemicals. Hydrophobic acids (Ho), the major components of the DOM, were recovered from the drainage waters from well-drained (WDS) and poorly-drained (PDS) Irish grassland soils in lysimeters, amended with N fertiliser (F) and with bovine urine (U) and were studied using 1D and 2D solution-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The Diffusion Edited (DE) 1H NMR spectra indicated that the Ho consisted largely of larger molecules, or of molecules that formed rigid aggregates, and the 1D and the 2D (Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Coherence - HMQC, the Total Correlation Spectroscopy - TOCSY, and the Nuclear Overhauser Effect - NOESY) spectra indicated that the samples were composed of lignin residues, carbohydrates, protein/peptides, and aliphatic components derived from plant waxes/cuticular materials and from microbial lipids. The F amendments increased the concentrations of Ho in the waters by 1.5 and 2.5 times those in the controls in the cases of WDS and PDS, respectively. The lignin-derived components were increased by 50% and 300% in the cases of the Ho from the WDS and PDS, respectively. Applications of F + U decreased the losses of Ho, (compared to the F amendments alone) and very significantly decreased those of the lignin-derived materials, indicating that enhanced microbial activity from U gave rise to enhanced metabolism of the Ho components, and especially of lignin. In contrast the less biodegradable aliphatic components containing cuticular materials increased as the result of applications of F + U. This study helps our understanding of how management practices influence the movement of C between terrestrial and aquatic environments.  相似文献   

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