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The phthalanilic acid compounds and the.anuno acid compounds have been follnd to havewide application as drug and plant groWth stimulator. Their transition metal complexes haveexcellent biological activities. Supported byNorthwest Highland Biological Research institute of China Academy of Sciellces, we haveachieved remarkable increasing yield of winterwheat at Xining Farm for three years. Thedrixed ligand complexes of this preparation areprobably new kind of the plant growth regulator.1 Ex…  相似文献   

铒氨基酸固态配合物的光声光谱研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨跃涛  张淑仪 《稀土》2003,24(2):1-4
合成了Er(Gly)3Cl3·3H2O、Er(Ala)3Cl3·3H2O和Er(Gly)3Phen·3H2O二元及三元固态配合物微晶粉末,在300nm~800nm范围内测定并解释了其光声光谱。通过对光声相对强度计算得到铒氨基酸固态配合物的光声支量,讨论了氨基酸配体对中心稀土离子铒f-f跃迁的微扰作用。结合Er(Ala)3Cl3·3H2O配合物的光声光谱和吸收光谱研究了其荧光性质及弛豫模型。  相似文献   

Inthelivingbeings ,calciumionpossess esmanykindsofimportantbiologicalfunction .Theradiusandthecoordinateactionoflan thanumionaresimilartothatofcalciumion .Consequently ,lanthanumion ,whichentersthebody ,willreplacecalciumionandshowaseriesofbiologicaleffects…  相似文献   

Five solid rare earth salicylate complexes were synthesized by low hydrated lathanide chloride and salicylic acid. The complexes in this experiment were identified as the general formula RE(Hsal)3·2H2O(RE=La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) by elemental analysis and EDTA volumetric analysis. IR spectra of the complexes show that carboxyl of salicylic acid coordinates to RE3 ions. Electrochemical behaviors of the complexes on the glass-carbon electrode were researched with cyclic voltammetry (CV). It is indicated that the electrochemical process of the complexes is a one-electron redox process and the electrochemical reversibility of complexes is less than that of the lanthanide chlorides. The constant-volume combustion energies of complexes, ΔcU, were determined with a precise rotating-bomb calorimeter at 298.15 K. Their standard molar enthalpies of combustion, ΔcHθm, and standard molar enthalpies of formation, ΔfHθm, were calculated.  相似文献   

Some basic characteristics of lanthanide-oxygen bonds in various trivalent lanthanide metal-organic complexes are quantitatively studied by the bond valence model. Some important relationships among the electronegativity, bond valence parameter, bond length and lanthanide coordination number in these complexes are generally found , which show that for each trivalent lanthanide cation all calculated parameters may well be correlated with its coordination number in their coordination complexes. Specifically ,32 new data for the bond valence parameter are first calculated in this work. An approximate linear relationship between the Ln - O bond valence parameter and the coordination number of Ln^3 is obtained. The Ln - O bond length increases with the increase in the lanthanide coordination number. The difference of electronegative values decreases with the increase in the lanthanide coordination number.  相似文献   

hosphorsthatworkunderVUVexcita tion ,asakindofadvancedfunctionalmateri al ,canbeappliedinmercury lessfluores cencelampsandplasmadisplaypanels .Therareearthborates ,withexceptionaldamagethresholdandhighluminescentefficiency ,arepracticalVUVphosphors .However ,…  相似文献   

近年来,稀土氨基酸配合物因其优异的物理化学性能被广泛的应用在光学、生物工程和医学等方面。稀土氨基酸配合物在药学中的应用极大地推进医学与农业的发展和创新。医药方面,大量实验研究证明稀土氨基酸配合物能抑制癌症、肿瘤细胞的生长,可以用作癌症肿瘤病人的化疗药物;稀土氨基酸配合物可以抑制细菌、真菌的生长,治疗某些细菌真菌引起的疾病;稀土氨基酸配合物可以针对性的选择、改变DNA结构,从而治疗某些基因问题产生的疾病。农业上,稀土氨基酸配合物作为农药,既可直接提高农作物的产量,同时也能抑制真菌类的生长,间接促进农作物生长。  相似文献   

1 ,10 Phenanthrolinehasbeenextensivelyusedasanazaheterocyclicchelateligandinbothanalyticalandpreparativecoordinationchemistry[1] .Asanim portantligand ,1,10 phenanthrolineunitplaysanim portantroleforthedevelopmentofthesupramolecularchemistry .Manynovelsupramolecularcompoundsin clude 1,10 phenanthrolineunit[2~ 4 ] .Furthermore ,consideringtheuniquecombinationofchemicalstabil ities ,redoxproperties ,luminescenceemissionandex citedstatelifetime ,derivativesof 1,10 phenanthrolinehaveplayedama…  相似文献   

水杨酸类稀土配合物的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张秀英  张有娟  雷雪峰 《稀土》2004,25(6):63-67
综述了水杨酸类稀土配合物的类型、合成方法、结构特征和应用。  相似文献   

The synthesis and magnetostriction of PrxTb1-x.Fe2, PrxTb1-x Fe2BO2 and PrxTb1-x(Fe0.6Co0.4)2 alloys were investigated in this study. The addition of boron or cobalt atom in PrxTb1-xFe2 could effectively prevent the formation of non-cubic phases, and Pr concentration limit was successfully increased from 0.2 to 0.4. X-ray step scanning for the PrxTb1-xFe2BO2 and PrxTb1-x(Fe0.6Co0.4)2 alloys showed that PrFe2 possessed a large spontaneous magnetostriction λ1111.  相似文献   

Rare earth ions doped gadolinium oxybromide phosphors GdOBr:RE3+ (RE=Eu, Tb, Ce) were synthesized by the method of solid-state reaction at high temperature, and the VUV-VIS spectroscopic properties of the phosphors were systematically investigated. Under the excitation of VUV or UV source, the phosphors doped with Eu3+ and Tb3+ show a bright and sharp emission at around 620 nm corresponding to the forced electric dipole 5D07F2 transition of Eu3+, and at around 544 nm corresponding to the 5D47F5 transition of Tb3+, respectively. For GdOBr:Ce3+, a broader and intense emission spanned 370–500 nm corresponding to the d-f transition of Ce3+ was observed. The excitation spectra were also analyzed.  相似文献   

Polyhedral analysis is used to study the geometrical limits of the crystal structure on isomorphic substitutionof rare earths.The rare earth sites in the structure may be distinguished into six groups on the basis of meanionic radii of the substituting cations in each rare earth site:Y,Y+Ca,REE,REE+Ca,Ce+Ca,Ce.The calcula-tion of volumes of 70 rare earth polyhedra indicates that the polyhedral volumes of the heavy rare earth are in arange of 13×10~(-3)~28×10~(-3) nm~3,the volumes of light rare earth polyhedra are in 20×10~(-3)~40×10~(-3) nm~3,and the polyhedral sizes suitable to isomorphic substitution of all REE are about 21×10~(-3)~29×10~(-3) nm~3.Thesize of REE polyhedra depends on mean ionic radii in REE sites,coordination number and linkage of polyhedra.In structures where exist two kinds of polyhedra,with the change of composition in REE site,both REEpolyhedron and anion group polyhedron tend to be more distorted,leading to the change of structural symmetry.The contrary distortion tendencies of both polyhedra favours the stability of the structure.The phenomena maybe interpreted by the potential energy distribution or the potential energy compensating mechanism of thecrystal.  相似文献   

Rare earth ions doped gadolinium oxybromide phosphors GdOBr:RE3 (RE=Eu, Tb, Ce) were synthesized by the method of solid-state reaction at high temperature, and the VUV-VIS spectroscopic properties of the phosphors were systematically investigated. Under the excitation of VUV or UV source, the phosphors doped with Eu3 and Tb3 show a bright and sharp emission at around 620 nm corresponding to the forced electric dipole 5D0→7F2 transition of Eu3 , and at around 544 nm corresponding to the 5D4→7F5 transition of Tb3 , respectively. For GdOBr:Ce3 , a broader and intense emission spanned 370-500 nm corresponding to the d-f transition of Ce3 was observed. The excitation spectra were also analyzed.  相似文献   

Sinceaza crownethershowsspecialcoordinationpropertiestotransitionmetalandheavymetalions[1,2 ] ,therearemanyreportsofthecomplexesinhost guestchemistry ,molecularrecognition[3 ,4] andionophoreinmembranetransportation[5] ,butthereislittlereportontheirrareearthscomplexesandthefluorescenceaboutthecomplexes[6] ,andthefluorescenceintensityoftheircomplexesarenotverystrong .Weinsetbenzoylgroupintothemacrocycle ,expectingthatitsrareearthscomplexeshavebetterfluorescenceproperties .Inthispaperthesynthesis…  相似文献   

The phase transformation temperature of ordered β' to disordered β in the Cu-Zn alloy was tested by DSC. The transformation activation energy was calculated and the effect of deformation of the phase transformation was discussed. The results show that the phase transformation temperature and activation energy of ordered β' to disordered β in the Cu-Zn alloy can be decreased going through deformation, and the phase transformation time can be also decreased. As a result, the order-disorder phase transformation occurs more easily.  相似文献   

Therareearthelements,fromlanthanumtolute tium(atomicnumbers57~71),aremembersof GroupIIIAintheperiodictableandallhavevery similarchemicalandphysicalproperties.Thisuni formityarisesfromthenatureoftheirelectroniccon figurations,leadingtoaparticularlystabl…  相似文献   

Thecomplexesofrareearthwithaminoacidsareofmanyspecialfunctions[1 ] ,andtheyhaveveryextensiveapplicationsinbiolo gy ,agricultureandpharmacologicalsci ence[2 ,3 ] .Inrecentyears ,thecomplexesofrareearthwithaminoacidsbecomethehotspotsofrareearthbiologicalinorgani…  相似文献   

我国稀土化合物产业现状和展望   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
从我国稀土资源特点出发,介绍了我国稀土化合物的主要生产工艺和企业状况、单一或混合稀土化合物、特殊物理性能的稀士化合物和复合稀土化合物等稀土化合物产品的生产、研发及应用情况。预测了稀土化合物产业的发展趋势,并提出我国在该领域应加强应用产品研究开发,特别是Ce、La、Y、Pr等稀土元素的应用研究,保持稀土元素的消费平衡,扩大应用领域:提高企业自动控制水平,改善产品的稳定性和一致性;注意保护生态环境。  相似文献   

NotoccommunefiagellghrmebelongstoNostocfamilyofprocary0te,andmainlygrOwsinInnermongoliaAuton0mousRegion,NingXiaHuiAutonom0usRegion,GanshuProvinceandXin-jiangWeiwuerAutonomousRegionetcinChina-Nostoccommunefiagelldormecontainsthehighercontentsofprotein,manykindsofaminoacidsandmineralelementsslichasCa,P,Fe,Mn,Zn,CuandCo.Uptonow,theec0l0gical.i....t....[lj,...[2,3]maincomp0sitionandgrOWth...diti..[4jofN0toccommunefiagelldonnehavebeenstudiedsystematically,buttherehavebeennorep0rts0ntheliq…  相似文献   

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