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Mild head trauma     
Patients with mild traumatic brain injury constitute the overwhelming majority of head-injured patients seen in the emergency department. The indications for radiologic imaging in these patients are still undergoing study and revision. The Glasgow Coma Scale is a widely used triage score for head injury, but is less useful at identifying which patients with mild head injuries have intracranial pathology. There have been several retrospective studies and a few prospective studies examining the indications for imaging in mild to moderate head trauma. They all show that it is not easy to predict which patients will have CT abnormalities, and that some of these patients do go on to require neurosurgery. No set of clinical predictors have yet been put together that is capable of identifying all patients who are safe to be discharged without a CT scan. Pharmacologic therapy to help reduce axonal damage after head trauma and thus minimize the postconcussive sequelae of mild traumatic brain injury remains a challenge for physicians and neurobiologists into the next century.  相似文献   

The advent of CT in the early 1970s revolutionized the diagnosis and management of head trauma patients. CT remains to be the imaging modality of choice in the evaluation of patients with acute head trauma. High resolution CT is excellent for evaluating facial and skull fractures. Neurosurgically significant lesions such as epidural hematomas, subdural hematomas, or depressed skull fractures are already detected by CT. The early detection of extra-axial hematomas made possible by the increased availability of CT, results in early surgical interventions with marked improvement in morbidity and mortality in head trauma patients.  相似文献   

This report followed the management of a 56-year-old female suffering from TMD caused by trauma to her temporal head area. The management consisted of occlusal devices until her condition stabilized followed by prosthodontic rehabilitation to obtain and maintain a physiologic maximum intercuspation.  相似文献   

A newly advanced MRI pulse sequence, the FLAIR (fluid-attenuated inversion recovery) imaging, in which a long TE spin echo sequence is used with suppression of the CSF with an inversion pulse, displays the CSF space as a no signal intensity area. We examined 45 cases of mild head trauma with posttraumatic amnesia by FLAIR images and could detect some findings which could not be detected by CT scan and conventional MR images. These findings could be detected in many patients with long post-traumatic amnesia (over 2 hours), but they could not be detected in patients with short posttraumatic amnesia (within 30 mins). These findings existed surrounding lateral ventricles and we classified them into 3 types: type 1 is anterior horn of lateral ventricle, type 2 is the base of frontal lobe, type 3 is cerebral deep white matter. Some of them were examined again by FLAIR images a month later, and these findings had disappeared. We suspect that these lesions were brain edema or mild contusion without hemorrhage.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is controversy in the literature regarding the importance of risk factors in developing epilepsy and seizure outcome following anterior temporal lobectomy. Some of the existing studies may be biased because of patient selection and limitations in determining predisposition. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of risk factors for epilepsy in determining outcome following anterior temporal lobectomy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We identified 102 patients in a consecutive surgery series for epilepsy from a tertiary center with a minimum of 1-year postoperative follow-up. Risk factors for epilepsy were determined prospectively on at least 3 occasions before anterior temporal lobectomy. Risk factors investigated were a history of febrile convulsions, family history of epilepsy, significant head trauma, history of meningitis, history of encephalitis, or significant perinatal insult. Foreign tissue lesions on magnetic resonance imaging was also included if an anterior temporal lobectomy was performed for presumed dual pathologic findings (hippocampus and lesion). Outcome was determined using Engel's classification. For statistical analysis we used successive logistic regression analysis, chi(2) test, Fisher exact test, and t test. RESULTS: Of the 102 patients, 13 had no identified risk factor for epilepsy, 49 had 1 identified risk factor, and 40 had more than 1. Frequencies were 39 febrile convulsions (15 complex febrile convulsions), 29 head trauma, 22 with lesions seen on magnetic resonance imaging, 12 history of meningitis, 2 history of encephalitis, 19 family history of epilepsy, and 4 perinatal insult. Seventy-one (70%) were classified as Engel's class I, with 56 patients continuously free of seizures at follow-up. Those without risk factor were as likely to be rendered free of seizures following anterior temporal lobectomy as those with a risk factor (P = .27). No risk factor alone or in combination was correlated with complete freedom from seizures following anterior temporal lobectomy, but the presence of head trauma, alone or in combination, was correlated with continued seizures following anterior temporal lobectomy (P = .03; odds ratio, 2.6). Better outcomes were not seen in those with head trauma before the age of 5 years (P = .57). These findings did not change if all those with lesions on magnetic resonance imaging were excluded in the analysis. Those with a history of head trauma were as likely to have pathologic evidence of mesial temporal sclerosis as others (P = .82). CONCLUSIONS: Patients with a history of significant head trauma are less likely to become free of seizures following anterior temporal lobectomy. No other risk factor correlated with a statistically significant greater or lesser chance of freedom from seizures. This information may be used in preoperative counseling of patients.  相似文献   

Discusses recent trends toward the application of neuropsychology in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with mild to moderate closed-head trauma (CHT). Neuropsychological examinations of these patients should assess basic areas of problem solving, information processing, learning and memory, mental speed and tracking, manual dexterity, cognitive fluency, and attention and concentration. Formal personality assessment should be included. Such assessment can aid in identifying and diagnosing deficits, patient education, formulating rehabilitation goals and treatment, reducing stress, providing coping skills training, and initiating prevention. Since sequelae in mild CHT are subtle, a necessary intervention is the recognition and legitimization of true sequelae, which should be followed by enlisting the family as a tool for structuring a maximizing environment and encouraging the patient to gradually resume former activities. A case study is given. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We compared the activity and tolerance profile of a 0.05% retinaldehyde cream with a 0.05% retinoic acid cream and the retinaldehyde vehicle in patients with photodamaged skin of the face. METHODS: A silicone replica of the left crow's feet area was taken at baseline and at weeks 18 and 44. Skin replicas were then analyzed by means of an optical profilometry technique. Standard wrinkle and roughness features were then calculated and statistically analyzed. The tolerance profile of the test products was also clinically evaluated during the entire study. RESULTS: A total of 125 patients (40 in the retinoic acid group, 40 in the retinaldehyde group, and 45 in the vehicle group) were studied. At week 18, a significant reduction of the wrinkle and roughness features was observed with both retinaldehyde and retinoic acid. At week 44, a less pronounced reduction was demonstrated in both active groups. No statistically significant changes were observed with the retinaldehyde vehicle at any assessment point. A total of 135 patients constituted the safety population. Retinaldehyde was well tolerated during the entire study. In contrast, retinoic acid caused more local irritation, and affected compliance of the patients. CONCLUSION: Retinaldehyde was efficacious and well tolerated in patients with photodamage.  相似文献   

This study compared the tensile bond strengths of soft lining materials polymerized by using conventional water bath methods and microwave energy. The soft lining materials used in this investigation were heat temperature vulcanizing (H.T.V.) silicon material Molloplast-B, and room temperature vulcanizing (R.T.V) acrylic material Getz Soft Oryl. The H.T.V. specimens were prepared with retention, additional retention and without retention, and the R.T.V. specimens were prepared by using bonding agent and bonding agent plus retention. All were cured by both conventional water bath and microwave energy. Results showed that the mean bond strength of H.T.V. specimens ranged from 9.6 to 13.12 kg/cm2, while the mean bond strength of R.T.V. specimens ranged from 0.36 to 1.75 kg/cm2. In both conventional and microwave groups, the specimens prepared with retention, additional retention and without retention or using bonding agent and bonding agent plus retention did not show any significant difference when they were compared separately. But the difference between conventional and microwave groups was found significant in both H.T.V. and R.T.V. specimens. It showed that conventional water bath technique is better than microwave technique.  相似文献   

A 30-year-old woman, who was involved in an automobile accident two years before admission, presented with hypopituitarism. Deficits of ACTH, FSH, LH, GH, and borderline TSH were demonstrated. Normal TRF response and elevated prolactin levels indicated residual normal anterior pituitary tissue with inadequate hypothalamic control. We have briefly reviewed the subject of posttraumatic hypopituitarism.  相似文献   

A series of 72 severely head injured patients are reported, 24 (33%) with surgical intracranial hematomas. All patients were intensively cared for under the same therapeutic regime; intracranial pressure (ICP) was monitored and treated if increased. The series mortality was 39%. Uncontrollable increase of ICP (UI-ICP), always fatal, was observed in 18% of patients and in 13 of 28 deaths (46%); the incidence of UI-ICP among deaths was higher in patients less than in those more than 40 years old (55% vs 25%). Patients with UI-ICP were frequently deeply comatose and with arterial hypotension on admission; almost all died in the first days. Patients directly admitted from the scene with well staffed Life Flight Helicopter Emergency Care compared with those directly admitted from the scene with different type of ambulance service (paramedics, police, firemen and private) had a mortality rate significantly less (20% vs 54%) and an incidence of UI-ICP strongly lower both among patients (5% vs 29%) and among deaths (25% vs 54%). Thus in this small series intensive care after admission was not effective to obtain good results if patients had received poor preadmission emergency care. Review of the literature on main clinical predictors of outcome in severe head injury, have made possible some observations. Ischemic and intracranial hypertension brain lesions were generally present in patients killed by head trauma; while diffuse axonal injury, frequently responsible for vegetative, severe disability survival and late deaths, was observed only in 20-30% of postmortem examinations. Old age, poor neurological status and cardiocirculatory and respiratory disturbances prior to and upon admission positively worsened the outcome, while intracranial hematomas had a more variable predictive value. Intracranial hypertension was a definitively ominous predictor only if very high when the risk to be or become uncontrollable seems to be much elevated. UI-ICP, often fatal despite any aggressive therapy, was the single most frequent killer after severe head injury, responsible for about half of all deaths after admission. The different outcome among severe head injury series could be conceivably related to a different frequency of UI-ICP. Besides the severity of head injury and delay and mode of admission, we suggest that preadmission respiratory and cardiocirculatory and the quality of emergency medical system could strongly affect the incidence of uncontrollable increase of ICP in admitted patients and thus the mortality rate and favorable recovery of the series. The advanced preadmission emergency care service with intensive care after admission could significantly explain the better results often observed in severe head injury series.  相似文献   

From 1982 to 1992, 2766 brain injury patients were admitted to the University Hospital San Cecilio of Granada, Spain. In 873 cases head injury was concomitant with other injuries but the association of severe head injury and combined orthopedic and vascular trauma of the limbs was observed only in 23 cases (incidence 2%). Thirteen patients were scheduled for revascularization, and of these secondary amputation was mandatory in two cases to keep rising intracranial pressure under control. Except for epidural hematomas which constitute an absolute neurosurgical emergency, combined orthopedic and vascular trauma of the limbs can be treated before head injury. However, we prefer to work with two operating teams simultaneously. Physical examination and judicious arteriography provide means for prompt diagnosis and treatment of the injured limb. The compartment syndrome should be anticipated and fasciotomy should be used routinely. Vascular repairs normally using reverse autogenous vein are the first priority, but we must always bear in mind the deleterious effects of the revascularization syndrome which expose the brain to a second aggression, and amputation, when necessary, should be undertaken to reduce mortality.  相似文献   

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