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Swedish cities are not only segregated but also segmented along ethnic lines; i.e., different ethnic groups are unevenly distributed across the different tenure segments in the housing market. Immigrants are generally overrepresented in rental housing and underrepresented in home ownership and tenant–owner cooperative housing. In this paper, an attempt is made to evaluate the importance of socioeconomic resources in explaining this segmentation, using the Uppsala housing market as a case. By means of binary logistic regression an evaluation is made of the relative importance of socioeconomic resources and ethnic background, while controlling for demographic factors, in explaining whether a person leaves rental housing for home ownership or cooperative housing or remains in the rental segment. The results show that the socioeconomic situation of the individual is indeed very important. A high income and a stable position in the labor market seem to be crucial in order to advance in the housing market. Demographic and socioeconomic factors cannot, however, fully account for the differences found between Swedes and immigrant groups such as Africans and Eastern Europeans. The results imply that ethnic discrimination cannot be ruled out as an explanation for the underrepresentation of immigrants in the cooperative and owner-occupied segments.  相似文献   


This paper reports on research into the relationship between labour market change and the private rental market in non‐metropolitan South Australia for the period 1990 to 2000. It finds that there is considerable ‘stickiness’ within the market and that there has been a limited supply response to changing levels of demand. This has contributed to housing and labour shortages in some regions and over‐supply in others. Each circumstance has generated considerable dilemmas for public policy.  相似文献   

Conclusion Generally, Swaziland’s stagnant rural economy has contributed to increasing rates of urbanization in Swaziland. In the case of Swaziland, urbanization has been fuelled even more by economic growth, though fluctuating depending on the nature of South Africa’s economic climate. One interpretation of this relationship between rural degradation, growing rural-urban migration and economic development is that for many Swazi people, a life in the city becomes a necessity rather than an option. However, as an indicator of development, housing provision has not met the demands of a growing urban labour force. One of the greatest challenges that the government of Swaziland faces today is therefore to take cognizance of the fact that as long as the rural economy remains unsustainable, the land question remains unresolved, the exodus to the burgeoning center of Manzini and the surrounding areas of the Matsapha industrial site continues, the demand for adequate, affordable housing will continue to rise and the notion of development and housing provision for all will continue to be no more than a fantasy. Already the urgency to establish townships and provide more low-income housing and the need to stimulate the housing industry and provide better services has been acknowledged. A number of studies and recommendations are underway. However as Sihlongonyane (undated paper) aptly remarks, although the housing policy, urban government act, institutions for service provision all together form a broader framework of the national development strategy which aims to correct urban-related problems, as long as development challenges faces Swaziland’s cities remain inextricably linked to (inefficient) traditional central planning systems, the way forward will be difficult to traverse.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the claim that a causal link exists between the inflexibility of land-use planning and low elasticity of housing supply. A theoretical model of factors impacting district-level planning is presented alongside a model of the impact of planning delay on housing supply. The models are estimated for the Tel Aviv district using detailed data covering a 12-year period. Results show significant impacts on planning delay due to plan, municipality and district planning commission characteristics. House prices exert a positive effect on planning speed and municipal funding acts as a supply constraint. While planning delay does not impact housing supply, delay uncertainty has a negative impact and acts as a constraint.  相似文献   

Inadequate housing has become endemic to Latin American cities for over six decades. All that has changed has been who is going where. In the 1960s, the rural poor who came to the city solved their housing needs by building their own informal settlements on peri-urban lands. Today, the urban poor relocate to peri-urban housing complexes built by the private sector with state subsidies. Why have these new housing units for low-income households been built in peri-urban areas? This paper examines some of the mechanisms behind the location of the urban poor in cities, with a specific focus on the role developers have played in the construction of affordable housing in peri-urban areas of Brazil and, Mexico. The paper explores these mechanisms through interviews with affordable housing developers. We found that economies of scale – and not land prices – explain developers' preference for building in peripheral areas. Initial savings that accrue to developers due to lower land prices in the periphery are offset by the cost of having to build basic onsite infrastructure. Plus, large lots – which are available almost exclusively in urban peripheries – enable developers to achieve significant cost savings because these large lots make it possible for developers to build more than 500 units. In addition, weaker municipal regulations and fewer bidders, both of which are typical for projects in difficult-to-access peripheral locations, make for a shorter and easier approval process for these large housing projects.  相似文献   

The `libertarian' argument of PeterKing aims to put tenure neutrality and a negativeincome tax in place of current government supportfor housing. However, formulating rules for tenureneutrality is hard and the negative income tax mayrequire unacceptably high taxes. Real worldcomplexity makes such simple rules with regard tohousing difficult to achieve. Such complexity alsohelps to make a case for social housing.  相似文献   

This paper considers the need for conceptual renewal in comparative housing research. Since the mid-1990s, Kemeny’s model of ‘unitary’ and ‘dualist’ rental markets and Harloe’s classification of ‘mass’ and ‘residual’ social housing provision have been repeatedly recycled in comparative studies of ‘social’ and ‘public’ housing provision. Amidst international neoliberal policy mobilities, their models based on liberal welfare regimes wield particular power. Conceived during neoliberal cutbacks of public services, Kemeny’s ‘dualist’ rental market and Harloe’s ‘residual’ model of social housing similarly depict state-subsidised rental housing provision as bureaucratic, and targeted to the poor. Despite empirical change, these models are still used to describe liberal welfare regimes, and to theorise international policy convergence. Based on a review of recent market-oriented reforms of state-subsidised rental housing provision in the US, Australia and England; original neoliberal ‘sites of production’, this contribution asks whether these conceptual models still reflect the empirics. Findings diverge from the models, undermining their assumptions about how neoliberal reforms progress.  相似文献   

Achieving spatial equity in the distribution of public facilities has been explored over the last two decades. The direction of these attempts was to offer an integrated index of spatial equity to decrease inequalities between cities. This study seeks to explore an integrated model for spatial inequity measurement (SIM), with a particular focus on inequalities resulting from a) mismatch of population demand (need) and population that can be supported by a facility; b) spatial mismatch of population distribution in relation to facility distribution; and c) mismatch of human deprivation in relation to spatially located “nonenjoyment.” The SIM was examined in 15 kinds of facilities together with different service areas in Hamadan city by integrating geographic information system (GIS) and spatial analysis models. This model identifies and calculates spatial inequities in all city units, in regard to whole facilities, distinct sets of facilities, or an individual facility; it then maps these facilities to determine the areas and the extent to which they experience inequity, for rational prioritization of the distribution of facilities in future planning. The results show that the majority of the city population experienced “nonenjoyment,” indicating a widespread spatial inequity among different groups of people. They also indicated the importance of public facilities in determining the level of inequalities and subsequent deprivation of the poor that can occur from inequitable spatial distribution. This model is an integrated spatial analytical tool that is capable of determining and mapping the level of spatial inequity of all facilities in a disaggregated and aggregated manner for an urban area.  相似文献   

Housing deprivation is central to economic deprivation. Identifying disadvantaged group(s) suffering from housing deprivation is a necessary step before the government can design effective housing assistance programmes. Using a nationwide micro-level data-set from the Chinese Family Panel Studies, we evidence the disadvantage that internal migrants face related to extreme overcrowding. We find that renters, whether natives or internal migrants, are more likely to suffer extreme overcrowding than homeowners, nationally and in most Chinese regions. However, both rural and urban migrants are less likely to be owner-occupiers than native residents. By comparing homeowners vs. renters, we further discover that migrant homeowners are less likely to suffer extreme overcrowding than the native residents of China’s cities. Conversely internal migrant renters face the highest odds to live in extremely overcrowded dwellings. Overall, findings suggest that the Chinese government needs pay special attention to improve internal migrant tenants’ living condition, particularly so for those renting.  相似文献   

The traditional Dutch rental contract is permanent (i.e. time unlimited), but there are indications that in recent years the number of temporary rental contracts has increased considerably. Dutch housing policy appears to be responding to this by pursuing deregulation of the conditions under which temporary rent is permitted. It is in this regard startling that there is no reliable data available about the size or character of the temporary sector, and it has thus far not attracted any scholarly attention. Given that temporary rent can be viewed as a form of precarisation, a transfer of risk to citizens, with corresponding negative effects on the lives of those involved, it is imperative to close this knowledge gap. This paper is a first attempt to do this. Firstly, I systematically review the scarce evidence that is currently available, and secondly, I explore why the rise of temporary rent has thus far failed to stimulate any social debate; it appears to constitute a silent precarisation that contrasts with the politically sensitive issue of labour precarisation. In doing so, I will identify the research questions that must be answered if the significance of this process for both tenants and wider welfare-state restructuring is to be fully understood.  相似文献   

Public–private partnership in urban renewal in France concerns mainly housing, transport infrastructure and large public facilities. The distinction between public, private and civil actors does not concern social and economic development. This situation tends to limit the integration of different issues and approaches in renewal projects. Also, French urban renewal projects do not produce a new type of partnership between public and private actors and the regulatory framework. These projects remain publicly dominated policy-making procedures because of the uneven distribution of resources and assets and despite a policy discourse emphasising the need for a new division of work between state, market and civil society. The current French situation cannot be understood without bearing in mind the history of urban planning policies in France. Using a historical analysis and the path-dependence approach, we highlight the resilience of inherited structures of interaction between public and private actors.  相似文献   

The paper draws on a recent research project ‘Design at the Heart of Housebuilding’, commissioned by the Scottish Government and undertaken in 2006–7; subsequently published in early 2008. This research focused on the conceptions and practice of design within private sector house developers in Scotland, which is used here as a basis for speculatively exploring opposing values between private sector housing developers and architects in housing design. Drawing initially on reviews of this relationship in the initial mass private sector housing provision in the inter-war period in the UK the paper then compares this with the more recent position as evidenced in the research, two generations later. It identifies and analyses the basis for a perpetuated mutual wariness as a way to understand the potential for change in current trends, and ends by highlighting some examples of alternative collaborations, where the skills and values of architects are more fully articulated with those of developers and manufacturers in innovative housing provision, including forms of mass customisation.  相似文献   

The global economic and financial crisis has hit the Spanish economy hard, creating an unstable framework for employment and growth. Since 2007, housing markets have been deeply affected by the crisis. The private rented market has exhibited two specific consequences: on the one hand, the bursting of the real estate bubble has inhibited profit gains in the homeownership sector, providing better incentives to operate in the rented market. On the other hand, huge social conflict has emerged in relation to the lack of proper shelter for certain households which can be seen in the increase in evictions and in homelessness. We want to focus on the latter: since Spain lacks a critical mass of social housing, low-income households have been attracted by the private rented sector, particularly during expansion periods, as quite often there is no available (and affordable) alternative. In periods of economic recession, the substantial pressure that rents put on the financial situation of these households might even cause them to move out of their homes. The hypothesis we will test in this paper is that private rented markets fill several aspects of the role of social housing provision in Spain reinforcing the negative effects the lack of social housing creates in the country, highly visible during recession periods.  相似文献   



Housing indicators in europe, a tool for housing research and housing policy?  相似文献   

Rapidly aging society is a global phenomenon with serious societal impact. With the rapid growth in the aging population in Hong Kong, it is foreseeable that every flat unit will accommodate one senior citizen. To address this looming problem, the Hong Kong Government has introduced several aged friendly home design elements and care facilities to redeveloped public rental housing estates. This study aimed to investigate the implementation of the “aging in place” philosophy, through evaluating the applicability and effectiveness of those facilities. A redevelopment project, the Un Chau Estate in Hong Kong was selected as a case study. Ecological theory is applied to evaluate the case study at micro, meso and macro scales. The methodological approaches include (a) a questionnaire survey, (b) face-to-face group discussions and (c) in-depth interviews. Results reveal that senior satisfaction levels with the new elements investigated were below the levels of perceived importance. In particular, the seniors emphasized the lack of a sense of home and privacy in their residences. They were, however, moderately satisfied with the independence and dignity and comfort and health elements. The results also reveal that the provision of common facilities is not up to standard in meeting the needs of the elderly. The majority of the elderly consistently opined that aging in place is their priority. To some extent, the extreme case of Hong Kong as a showcase of a dense populated aged Asian city, sheds light on how public housing (re)development can be designed to facilitate aging in place. A more comprehensive and refined approach at micro, meso, and macro scales is necessary to guarantee the satisfactory implementation of aging in place.  相似文献   

The paper describes the findings of a study conductedduring 1997–1998 on changes to the structure of rentalhousing provision in two post-communist cities,Budapest and Sofia. After nearly a decade of `transition' to market economies, the public rentalsectors have shrunk dramatically and becomeresidualised. Despite the rapid privatisation andassociated growth of owner-occupation there is littlesign that the privately rented sector (PRS) isregaining any of its pre-communist stature as theprincipal form of housing provision. There is almostno company landlordism and 80 percent of thelandlords in both cities let out only one property.They are mainly `incidental' landlords who haveinherited or previously owned the property. Few havebought it as an investment. There are few signs ofinstitutional support for the PRS in either city.Despite this common context, the reasons for thedevelopment of the PRS in the two cities aresignificantly different. In both cities the PRSaccounts for about 4 percent of households. But inSofia nearly half the landlords let out their ownhouse for income, depressing their housing consumptionagainst a back-cloth of poverty and desperate need forincome. `Landlords' move in with relatives or to`second homes'. Thus a large number of landlords arealso tenants in another property. In Budapest, unlikeSofia, new entrants to this market have fallen sharplyin the last 18 months. High taxation, falling realhouse prices and over-supply of property, followingthe rapid privatisation of the state rental housingstock, are the underlying problems inhibiting thegrowth of this sector. There is no sign of a return tothe tenure that was the foundation of their urbandevelopment, although explanations for this differbetween the two societies. The `transition to themarket', at least in housing, continues to be parlousand immature.  相似文献   

The post-1989 objectives of the Slovak housing policy have resulted in the large-scale privatisation of state rental flats and the reduction in new rental housing. State-subsidised social rental housing programmes have been unable to meet the social demand for affordable rental dwellings. Socially marginalised groups, in particular Roma people, have been hit the most by the post-1989 changes and the lack of official social housing construction. Project Building Hope is an alternative integrated housing approach, offering Roma people better life conditions by integrating housing issues with other policies related to social empowerment. In order to implement the innovative project, a broad coalition between public and private sector actors is established, which is able to change the perception of Roma in the community and influence local policy-making processes.  相似文献   

This paper critically analyzes the Spanish privatization model of urban water management implemented over the last three decades. The high concentration of private participation in the industry, the absence of competition, and regulatory deficiencies appear to have put the interests of water customers at risk. Improvement of governance is not guaranteed simply by changing water-system management from public to private. In Spain, an array of institutional reforms are needed to rationalize a change in management structure for this service, reorganize technical operations, improve the administrative framework, increase transparency, and promote citizen participation. This paper moves beyond the simple public–private controversy and contributes to the literature by using fieldwork conducted by the authors to assess private participation in the management of urban water services in Spain; by identifying gaps in the privatization processes as well as failures in the industry; and, above all, by proposing reforms to Spain's institutional and regulatory frameworks for the industry.  相似文献   

New Zealand's largest city, Auckland, is currently facing a housing affordability crisis. Policy makers have attempted to address housing supply issues by creating Special Housing Areas (SHAs), intended to streamline consent processes and fast-track development. SHAs are predicted to accommodate around 40,000 additional dwellings over 10 or more years.This study evaluates the impact of the SHAs on measures of environmental sustainability. Using a variety of datasets we estimate the impacts of SHA development on four indicators; weighted population density, carbon emissions from commuting, active transport share, and zinc and copper pollution from storm water runoff.The research finds that SHAs' location results in marginally higher population density and lower commute emissions (given business-as-usual transport behaviour) overall. However, the small projected emissions' saving is well short of the goals for emission reduction set out by Auckland Council and New Zealand's central government. The SHAs' location is likely to mean that a smaller proportion of their commuters will be active compared to the Auckland average. The average impact per dwelling of the SHAs on stormwater pollution (zinc and copper) is lower for high density and infill developments than for greenfield developments and overall the SHAs will contribute to a higher average level of stormwater pollution. These findings are placed in the context of key policy documents, and emphasise the importance of coordinating land use, transport and infrastructure planning in order to address health, environmental and climate change concerns, while also addressing housing needs.  相似文献   

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