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非线性离散系统基于观测器的反馈控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对一类非线性离散系统,首先提出了一种新的容易实现的状态观测器设计了方案,并证明了观测器的收敛性,其次设计了系统基于观测器的输出反馈稳定化控制器,最后给出了数值算例,仿真结果表明,本文设计方法的有效性。  相似文献   

提出一种新型混合励磁导向系统,阐述其结构特点与工作机理,利用等效磁路法得出磁力解析表达式,结合牛顿第二定律和绕组电路方程,推导出混合励磁导向系统的运动方程.建立以气隙、速度、电流为状态变量的线性化电压控制模型,设计出状态反馈控制器并进行仿真.仿真结果表明:新型混合励磁系统的结构是合理的,理论分析和建模方法是切实可行的.设计的反馈控制器在无干扰情况下,控制电流保持为零,在干扰条件下通过调整控制电流能够实现导向系统的稳定导向,研究成果为此类混合励磁导向系统的工业应用提供理论价值和设计参考.  相似文献   

本文研究一类多输入非线性离散系统的线性化问题,给出了非线性离散系统状态反馈线性化的充要条件。  相似文献   

污水生化处理一般以控制溶解氧为手段,但这是一个非线性过程,采用传统PID控制难以实现优化控制。本文就溶解氧的非线性特性提出了一种非线性的研究策略即反馈线性化,解决了溶解氧参数值不稳定的问题,有效地实现了曝气量的合理控制,并通过仿真验证了该控制策略的可行性。  相似文献   

本文引入了基于扩展线性化的非线性反馈控制方法 ,推导了非线性状态反馈控制器的设计 ,并通过对单级倒立摆理想模型的仿真过程中反映出该方法更接近系统实际情况的控制策略。  相似文献   

针对可重复使用运载器设计过程中,气动布局、制导控制系统相互耦合的问题,引入气动控制一体化设计方法。分析该飞行器再入过程的高度-速度飞行剖面,基于反馈线性化方法设计再入跟踪制导律。按照快慢变量分离的原则,设计反馈线性化控制器。以此为基础,对飞行性能进行评估,找出布局存在的不足,给出改进建议,并进行仿真验证。整个设计过程表明,基于反馈线性化的气动控制一体化设计方法能够有效兼顾气动与制导控制约束,实现飞行器性能最优。  相似文献   

In this paper, experimental study of dynamic based trajectory tracking of an autonomous ground vehicle is presented.The vehicle with two front (steering) and two rear (driving) wheels and also an on-board computer, two DC motors, two batteries and two measurement systems is a good example of an autonomous ground vehicle. The dynamic model of this vehicle is presented in the state-space form with steering and driving torques as inputs; kinematic and dynamic parameters of the model and also electrical parameters of the motors are identified, measurement systems are calibrated and the simulation of controlling this model by feedback linearization method is compared with the experiments.The results of simulations and experiments for the feedback linearization technique are compared with those of a simple PID controller and also the results for sharp turn trajectory tracking illustrate the validity of the method used and the usefulness of the built autonomous ground vehicle.  相似文献   

The paper address the problem of approximate linearization of a nonlinear control system by state feedback or dynamic feedback. The main result proved is that if the fast k d-relative degrees are equal to each other, then the input-output response of a nonlinear control system can be linearized to degree k. Any system having linear d-relative degree can be linearized to any degree by dynamic feedbacks. One example of signal tracking using dynamic feedback linearization method to improve the performance is also given.  相似文献   

在随机控制问题中,性能指林常常表示为系统状态协方差的形式.本文将讨论如下问题.即设计线性反馈控制器,使系统的状态协方差在有限拍内达到其稳态值,同时该稳态值达到预先指定值.本文讨论了这类反馈控制器的存在条件及设计方法,并给出了直接的设计步骤.  相似文献   

This paper presents a flight control design for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) using a nonlinear autoregressive moving average (NARMA-L2) neural network based feedback linearization and output redefinition technique.The UAV investigated is non- minimum phase.The output redefinition technique is used in such a way that the resulting system to be inverted is a minimum phase system.The NARMA-L2 neural network is trained off-line for forward dynamics of the UAV model with redefined output and is then inverted to force the real output to approximately track a command input.Simulation results show that the proposed approaches have good performance.  相似文献   

A systematic approach to design a nonlinear controller using minimax linear quadratic Gaussian regulator (LQG) control is proposed for a class of multi‐input multi‐output nonlinear uncertain systems. In this approach, a robust feedback linearization method and a notion of uncertain diffeomorphism are used to obtain an uncertain linearized model for the corresponding uncertain nonlinear system. A robust minimax LQG controller is then proposed for reference command tracking and stabilization of the nonlinear system in the presence of uncertain parameters. The uncertainties are assumed to satisfy a certain integral quadratic constraint condition. In this method, conventional feedback linearization is used to cancel nominal nonlinear terms and the uncertain nonlinear terms are linearized in a robust way. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, a minimax LQG‐based robust controller is designed for a nonlinear uncertain model of an air‐breathing hypersonic flight vehicle (AHFV) with flexibility and input coupling. Here, the problem of constructing a guaranteed cost controller which minimizes a guaranteed cost bound has been considered and the tracking of velocity and altitude is achieved under inertial and aerodynamic uncertainties.  相似文献   

移动机器人数学模型近似线性化及反馈镇定   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
研究了非线性控制理论中的近似线性化方法在移动机器人控制上的应用问题。针对机器人控制领域中多输入多输出(MIMO)仿射非线性系统,研究了一种基于平衡流形的近似线性化算法,并用此算法解决了一类完整约束正交轮式全方位移动机器人(WMR)的镇定问题。仿真分析表明,此方法不仅能够实现系统的镇定,而且降低了因平街工作点变动给系统稳定性带来的影响,同时也大大地简化了对非线性系统的综合设计过程,具有良好的控制效果和实用性。  相似文献   

静止同步补偿器(STATCOM)是柔性交流输电系统(FACTS)的重要组成部件,本文建立了静止同步补偿器在三相静止坐标系下的数学模型,通过PARK变换将ABC坐标转化为d-q坐标。鉴于STATCOM在d-q坐标下的强耦合性,采用状态反馈精确线性化方法将该模型线性化解耦,构造出一个伪线性模型。然后,采用一种改进的指数趋近律变结构控进行了STATCOM无功补偿控制器的设计。最后,使用Matlab/Simulink对所设计的控制器进行了计算机仿真,并与传统的PI控制器比较,说明了变结构控制的STATCOM无功补偿控制器设计的可行性和有效性,同时也证明了改进的指数趋近律变结构控制的优越性。  相似文献   

In this paper, fixed‐gain feedback linearization controls are presented to stabilize the vehicle lateral dynamics at bifurcation points for both continuous‐time and discrete‐time cases. Based on the assumption of constant driving speed, a second‐order nonlinear lateral dynamics model is adopted for controller design. Via the feedback linearization scheme and the first‐order Taylor series expansion, a time‐invariant feedback linearization control is proposed as a fixed‐gain linear version of the previously proposed nonlinear one. Furthermore, the conventional linear quadratic regulator (LQR) design is applied to facilitate the choice of the fixed‐gain matrix. Refined controls to compensate the model uncertainty and their local stability analysis are provided. Extension of the continuous‐time design results to discrete‐time cases is also addressed. Numerical simulations for an example model demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed continuous‐time and discrete‐time design results. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

陈浩勋 《自动化学报》1996,22(5):576-580
将Holloway和krogh关于受控标记图的禁态控制方面的结果扩展到更广泛的一类受控Petri网--不可控子网为前后向无冲突的受控Petri网,并去掉了关于初始标记和禁态规范的限制.  相似文献   

李炜  刘微容  李亚洁  赵静  王君 《控制工程》2008,15(2):192-195
针对离散多步时滞系统,基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,采用具有状态反馈及时滞状态反馈的控制律,推出了当执行器或传感器发生失效故障时闭环系统仍能保持渐近稳定需满足的充分条件;并利用LMI给出了不依赖时滞的线性离散多步时滞系统的容错控制器的通用求解方法;讨论了该方法对具有不同时滞步数离散多步时滞系统容错的普适性。以执行器失效故障为例,仿真结果证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对可输入输出(I/O)精确线性化的双线性系统,提出了一种直接的预测控制算法。这种算法无需对系统进行线性化,避免了线性化后再引入线性控制方法而带来的复杂运算,并且由于引入状态反馈预测控制的思想,使用实测状态变量反馈,提高了控制系统抑制未知干扰的能力,改善了控制系统的鲁棒性。给出了算法使用条件和推导过程,针对氮合成反应器设计了相应的控制器。仿真结果表明,控制效果良好。  相似文献   

模块化多电平铁路功率调节器作为一个耦合的多变量非线性系统, 传统PI控制的直接功率控制难以实现对系统的精确解耦. 本文提出了一种基于线性扩张状态观测器的反馈线性化直接功率控制方法, 根据Lie导数构建了模块化多电平铁路功率调节器(MMC-RPC)两输入/两输出功率仿射模型, 设计了精确反馈线性化功率解耦控制器. 针对不确定因素等扰动对精确反馈线性化控制效果的影响, 设计了线性扩张状态观测器对扰动进行观测和补偿, 实现了功率的精确跟踪控制. 最后, 通过MATLAB/Simulink平台搭建仿真模型对所提控制方法进行了验证.  相似文献   

Focus is hid on the adaptive practical output-tracking problem of a chss of nonlinear systems with high-order lower-triangular structure and uncontrollable unstable linearization. Using the modified adaptive addition of a power integrator technique as a basic tool, a new smooth adaptive state feedback controller is designed. This controller can ensure all signals of the closed-loop systems are globally bounded and output tracking error is arbitrary small.  相似文献   

可控DEDS的几类稳定性问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨小军 《控制与决策》1992,7(3):169-175,216

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