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In this paper, we assess the capabilities of an unmanned/uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) to characterize the channel morphology and hydraulic habitat of a 1‐km reach of the Elbow River, Alberta, Canada, with the goal of identifying the advantages and challenges of this technology for river research and management. Using a small quadcopter UAV to acquire overlapping images and softcopy photogrammetry, we constructed a 5‐cm resolution orthomosaic image and digital elevation model (DEM). The orthomosaic was used to map the distribution of geomorphic and aquatic habitat features, including bathymetry, grain sizes, undercut banks, forested channel margins, and large wood. The DEM was used to initialize and run River2D, a two‐dimensional hydrodynamic model, and resulting depth and velocity distributions were combined with the mapped physical habitat features to produce refined estimates of available habitat in terms of weighted usable area. Based on 297 checkpoints, the vertical root‐mean‐squared error of the DEM was 8.8 cm in exposed areas and 11.9 cm in submerged areas following correction of the DEM for overprediction of elevations as a result of the refractive effects of water. Overall, we find several advantages of UAV‐based imagery including low cost, high efficiency, operational flexibility, high vertical accuracy, and centimetre‐scale resolution. We also identify some challenges, including vegetation obstructions of the ground surface, turbidity, which can limit bathymetry extraction, and an immature regulatory landscape, which may slow the adoption of this technology for operational measurements. However, by enabling dynamic linkages between geomorphic processes and aquatic habitat to be established, we believe that the advantages of UAVs make them ideally suited to river research and management. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In‐channel large woody debris (LWD) promotes quality aquatic habitat through sediment sorting, pool scouring and in‐stream nutrient retention and transport. LWD recruitment occurs by numerous ecological and geomorphic mechanisms including channel migration, mass wasting and natural tree fall, yet LWD sourcing on the watershed scale remains poorly constrained. We developed a rapid and spatially extensive method for using light detection and ranging data to do the following: (i) estimate tree height and recruitable tree abundance throughout a watershed; (ii) determine the likelihood for the stream to recruit channel‐spanning trees at reach scales and assess whether mass wasting or channel migration is a dominant recruitment mechanism; and (iii) understand the contemporary and future distribution of LWD at a watershed scale. We utilized this method on the 78‐km‐long Narraguagus River in coastal Maine and found that potential channel‐spanning LWD composes approximately 6% of the valley area over the course of the river and is concentrated in spatially discrete reaches along the stream, with 5 km of the river valley accounting for 50% of the total potential LWD found in the system. We also determined that 83% of all potential LWD is located on valley sides, as opposed to 17% on floodplain and terrace surfaces. Approximately 3% of channel‐spanning vegetation along the river is located within one channel width of the stream. By examining topographic and morphologic variables (valley width, channel sinuosity, valley‐side slope) over the length of the stream, we evaluated the dominant recruitment processes along the river and often found a spatial disconnect between the location of potential channel‐spanning LWD and recruitment mechanisms, which likely explains the low levels of LWD currently found in the system. This rapid method for identification of LWD sources is extendable to other basins and may prove valuable in locating future restoration projects aimed at increasing habitat quality through wood additions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The granting of rights to the Whanganui River in 2017 emerged as an outcome of Tribunal hearings relating to breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi, signed between Māori chiefs and the British Crown in 1840. As this expression of a river as having legal personhood with rights reflects a distinctively Māori perspective upon river systems, it offers the prospect for a new era of sociocultural approaches to river management in Aotearoa New Zealand. Using the Whanganui River as a case study, this paper explores prospective geomorphic meanings of river rights. The paper asks, “What role can geomorphology play in identifying, articulating and protecting the rights of a river?” Ancestral Māori relations to the river based upon mutual codependence (reciprocity) are juxtaposed against geomorphic understandings of a river's agency as expressed through self‐adjustment, diversity of form, evolution, and catchment‐scale connectivities. Relations between river science and indigenous concepts of rivers, framed under the auspices of river rights, present opportunities for different approaches to river management.  相似文献   

Many Australian river ecosystems have been, and continue to be, adversely affected by increased channel dimensions and sediment supplies occurring in the period since European settlement. One of the key aims of river rehabilitation in these rivers is to help reduce sediment yield by preventing ongoing bank erosion and remobilization of instream bed material stores. While various tools have been developed to help identify sediment sources at the catchment scale, this is often at a resolution that is too coarse to be translated directly to on‐ground rehabilitation works, as most riverworks programs are designed and implemented at the reach or within‐reach scale. This paper provides a method of prioritizing rehabilitation at the within‐reach scale by using a high‐resolution reach‐scale modelling approach to examine the relative entrainment potential of sediment stores. The method has been developed for a 10 km reach of the upper Hunter River, NSW, Australia. Shear stress distribution is examined using the widely available model HEC‐RAS, and incorporating a detailed, LiDAR‐derived, representation of the in‐channel vegetation into a spatially distributed Manning's roughness layer. At the geomorphic unit scale, the results highlight that the elevated ‘bench’ units, which represent significant stores of sand and silt, are much more vulnerable to remobilization than the lower elevation gravel bar units. At the sub‐reach scale (500–2000 m) shear stresses are greatest in the most confined sections. While instream geomorphic heterogeneity has been significantly reduced in these locations, ongoing erosion is limited by bedrock and buried coarse gravel terrace material in the bed and banks. These results highlight the need for targeted rehabilitation strategies that account for within‐reach variability in entrainment potential as well as on‐the‐ground knowledge of sediment supply and geological controls. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River classification is a useful tool for researchers and managers wishing to organise, to simplify and to understand the forms and processes within freshwater systems. Many classifications require surveyors to classify reaches into specific channel types in a field environment. Channel types should be identifiable on the basis of a field surveyor's judgement of channel characteristics and landscape settings; these include channel planform, valley confinement, dominant bed material and/or instream geomorphic features (e.g. gravel bars). An accurate classification of reaches into the correct channel type is important to ensure consistency in management strategies and to assess the impact of engineering activities on the physical and ecological status of rivers. In this article, we examine the variation in professional judgement of geomorphologically based channel types by scientists with different disciplinary backgrounds and varying levels of involvement in classification systems using a photo‐questionnaire. Results indicate that there can be a large level of discrepancy in typing rivers; the choice of the modal channel type for each reach varied between 25.9% and 75.1% of the respondent selections. There were also differences in the level of agreement between earth scientists (with hydrogeomorphological or geological training), ecological scientists (with freshwater biology training) and practitioners involved in river conservation and management. A high level of experience in classification systems translates to a lower number of channel types being chosen per reach. In response to these results, the use of a photographic approach to typing needs to be fully tested and users fully trained before operational use. Furthermore, we advocate that designers of geomorphic typologies should aim to have a representative and workable number of classes within a typology with an emphasis for rationalisation of classes rather than expansion of numbers. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To determine whether large wood (LW, ≥1‐m length, ≥10‐cm diameter) plays a role in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) redd (i.e. egg nest) placements in a regulated, Mediterranean‐climate, medium‐sized river (where channel width is less than the upper quartile of length of potential instream wood pieces), characteristics of 527 large wood pieces, locations of 650 redds, and mesohabitat delineations (riffle, run, glide, pool) were collected during a spawning season along a 7.7 km reach directly below Camanche Dam on the Mokelumne River, CA. LW was regularly distributed across the study reach an average 70 LW pieces km‐1. Some LW clustering was evident at islands and meander bends. Spawners built 85% of redds within one average channel width (31 m) of LW. Spawners utilized LW within a 10 m radius 36% of the time in the upper 3 km rehabilitated reach, and 44% of the time in the lower 4.7 km marginal habitat reach. A greater percentage of LW was utilized in riffles in the upper 3 km reach where 90% of redds were built, while a larger percentage of spawners used LW in riffles in the lower 4.7 km reach. LW‐redd interactions occurred at greater rates than by random chance alone in the lower 4.7 km reach, which implies that LW aids spawning in marginal habitats. River managers and salmonid spawning habitat rehabilitation (SHR) projects should take LW additions into consideration as an important component of river rehabilitation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The installation of 517 river works in the upper Hunter catchment, New South Wales over the last 50 years is linked to geomorphic river adjustment and flood history at catchment and reach scales. Nineteen types of works are classified into three categories consisting of engineering, heavy machinery and vegetation works. Since 1952, a transition in techniques has been detected from engineering‐based approaches, to river training/maintenance, to more ecosystem‐based approaches. From the 1950s to the mid‐1980s extensive river engineering was undertaken. Projects were concentrated along laterally unconfined rivers and were generally implemented after major phases of geomorphic river adjustment. Neither the type of river nor the type of river adjustment guided the implementation of differing management techniques or their distribution in the catchment. A blanket approach was adopted, applying the same types of works across all types of river. Emphasis was placed upon concerns for bank instability rather than bed instability. Hence in many cases, river works addressed the symptoms (i.e. bank erosion) rather than the underlying causes of river change (i.e. bed incision). Since the mid 1980s, techniques have evolved towards vegetation‐based procedures. The development of more effective river rehabilitation programmes requires that greater consideration is given to proactive strategies which build upon an understanding of geomorphic river adjustments at the catchment scale. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the causes and effects of the hydrogeomorphological alteration of the central reach of the Ebro River (NE Spain). The Ebro River is one of the largest Mediterranean rivers. In this reach, it develops a meandering planform in a wide floodplain. Geographic Information System (GIS) analyses of historic aerial photographs, analysis of hydrologic data and measurement of various indicators linked to the fluvial morphology and the structure and distribution of the riparian vegetation led to the establishment of the prevailing processes in the dynamics of this river. Statistical analyses conducted on some of the main components of the flow regime, including floods, droughts and flow duration curves, showed a role for these components in river dynamics. Similarly, a thorough analysis of the evolution of the aforementioned indicators was performed to identify and measure the effects of the hydrological regulation of the river. These indicators were measured in 1927, 1956 and 2003 for a 106 km reach. The geomorphic dynamics of the Ebro River in its central reach reflect a remarkable tendency for stabilization and rigidification of the channel. The active river corridor has largely been modified, primarily in the second half of the twentieth century. The corridor lost a huge portion of its width and extension, the channel suffered an intense narrowing and the natural mobility of the meander train decayed proportionally. The structure and distribution of the riparian vegetation were completely transformed. The riparian forest lost its original function, behaving as a linear corridor and was notably continuous and very close to the channel thalweg. The vegetation colonized most of the previously active channel, contributing to the loss of the natural dynamics of the river. The hydrological analyses suggest that the large morphological modification of the river planform and the parallel alteration of the riparian forests are not to be seen as a consequence of a loss of the attributes of natural floods. On the contrary, these extreme hydrological events only generate slight alterations due to river regulation and are not capable of enhancing the aforementioned evolution. Nevertheless, a profound change in the attributes of the low (summer) flows was found. The modification of the low flows was studied through its relationship with the global evolution of the geomorphic indicators and the riparian forest indicators. The results show the relative role played by high and low flows in the evolution of the river dynamics. These results are used to propose a future scenario of ecohydrological management in the central reach of the Ebro River. This scenario is intended to improve its ecological status and recover, at least partially, its natural dynamics. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River restoration is widely applied, although its effects are poorly understood, and degraded habitats might be difficult to improve. Moreover, there is a lack of monitoring as well as few systematic comparisons of restoration methods. This study presents results of a 4‐year monitoring on River Inn (southern Germany) investigating restoration by gravel or sand addition or embankment removal. The results were compared with reference sites that represent the pre‐restoration conditions. At the landscape scale, we analysed vegetation types based on aerial photographs, whereas at a smaller scale, we undertook vegetation surveys and evaluated species composition, growth, and life form, as well as the proportion of the target vegetation. After 4 years, the data indicated a “negative resilience” of the vegetation back to the state prior to restoration. The structural analysis revealed an extensive spread of reed at expense of bare soil. Thus, the species composition largely regressed to the pre‐restoration conditions, and neither annuals nor other pioneer species showed a long‐term benefit of river restoration. There were differences among the three restoration treatments after 2 years, but no longer after 4 years. However, the river restoration had three positive outcomes: (a) There was a temporary benefit for pioneer vegetation that most likely replenished the seed bank of the respective species, (b) the valuable reed communities showed resilience, and (c) the measures allowed some practical learning as expected for adaptive restoration.  相似文献   

The Saint‐Sauveur dam was built in 1992 in the middle section of the Buëch River. Downstream of the dam, a channel incision by several meters was observed. A gravel replenishment operation was planned in order to restore the active channel. An equivalent of two times the mean annual bedload‐transport capacity (43,500 m3) was replenished downstream of the dam in September 2016. The aim of this paper is to quantify morphological change associated with sediment remobilization in order to evaluate the efficiency of the restoration works. The monitoring was based on a combination of (a) change detection using sequential high‐resolution digital elevation models (from airborne LiDAR data), (b) bedload tracing using active ultrahigh‐frequency radio‐frequency identification technology, and (c) complementary field surveys of channel grain‐size distribution and morphology for bedload‐transport computation. Field monitoring allows us to capture a net aggradation along a 2‐km reach after the first post‐replenishment flood. A sediment balance analysis was performed to back‐calculate bedload supply coming from the sluicing operation during the flood. Although the sediment replenishment operation clearly had a positive impact on the morphological conditions of the starved river reach, the effective bedload supply from artificial berms (22,650 m3) was insufficient to initiate substantial channel shifting along the restored reach and a subsequent amplification of the sediment recharge. The combination of high‐resolution topographic resurveys and sediment tracing was successful to evaluate the downstream propagation of sediment replenishment effects.  相似文献   

本文对浙江省瓯江典型河段的地貌过程进行了分析,包括典型河段水沙特性和边界条件、河道演变状况等。通过地貌过程分析,可为瓯江典型河段生态保护与修复措施的选取提供科学依据,从而提高河流生态修复工程的成功率。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the relationship between river flow and wetland inundation at a reach‐scale is important for effective flow management, particularly, for environmental outcomes. Historical remotely sensed data, such as Landsat TM, provide the potential to determine the relationship between flow and wetland inundation for extended river reaches. In this paper we apply, adapt and evaluate a technique using sets of before‐flood and after‐flood image pairs to relate river flow to wetland inundation on a 640 km reach of the mid‐Murrumbidgee River, Australia. Stratification of the complete reach into relatively uniform sub‐reaches on the basis of hydrology and geomorphology was undertaken as a key pre‐analysis step. Analysis of flood wave attenuation within each sub‐reach showed that flood peaks entering and leaving a reach were highly correlated. Therefore, we argue that a flood peak measured at a single gauge within the reach can be used to provide a reliable indication of the behaviour of similar sized floods within the reach. The remote sensing technique proved capable of producing a model relating wetland inundation thresholds to flood peak discharge for each sub‐reach within the extended river reach. Although the model simplifies the complex relationship between river flow and wetland inundation, reliable key wetland inundation flow thresholds were determined. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Upper Mississippi River is maintained in its current navigable state through impoundments, dredging, and other engineering projects. These stressors, along with anthropogenic impacts and natural system processes, led to declines in aquatic vegetation and the loss of fish and wildlife habitat, with a major downturn the late 1980s and early 1990s. Large‐scale restoration projects, such as the one evaluated here, are primarily designed to rehabilitate and enhance fish and wildlife habitat. We determined whether an individual restoration project, construction of an island complex, fulfilled a programmatic goal of re‐establishing diverse and abundant native aquatic vegetation. Eighteen years of aquatic vegetation monitoring data from impact and reference areas were compared to evaluate the anticipated direct effects (within 400 m of the constructed islands) and indirect effects (>400 m downstream of constructed islands) of restoration. Impact areas were also compared with an unrestored negative reference area ~200 km downstream of the project and with a positive reference area in adjacent, relatively natural backwaters. Only indirect effects of restoration were evident. Prevalence and species richness of aquatic vegetation in both of the impact areas and in the negative reference area increased prior to restoration, suggesting large‐scale improvement independent of the project examined here. Indirect effects were demonstrated as further increases in both prevalence and species richness coinciding with restoration in the area >400 m downstream of the restoration. We conclude that increased abundance and diversity of aquatic vegetation was partially achieved, with observed improvements potentially linked to reduced wind fetch.  相似文献   

Freshwater fish communities are structured through complex interactions among multiple spatial scales. Efforts to conserve and rehabilitate fish communities in riverine systems can benefit from an understanding of how processes across spatial scales influence species diversity patterns. We assessed species diversity at different hierarchical spatial scales and changes in species composition along the longitudinal gradient of the Niobrara River basin, Great Plains, USA. We assessed the contribution of α‐ and β‐diversity components to γ‐diversity at five spatial scales (i.e., mesohabitat, site, reach, segment, and river) using an additive partitioning approach. The observed mean β‐diversity was significantly greater than expected at the site, reach, and segment spatial scales. The most significant difference between expected and observed β‐diversity occurred at the segment spatial scale and suggests differences in community structure along the Niobrara River. Additive partitioning of diversity components provided a framework with which to assess patterns at multiple hierarchical levels. Our results suggest that changes in channel geomorphic and hydrologic conditions provide the impetus for species sorting resulting in unique fish assemblages along the Niobrara River. Conservation of species diversity for Great Plains fishes and other similar systems will likely benefit from considering species filtering processes at multiple spatial scales and maintaining intact hydrologic regimes across unique geomorphic boundaries.  相似文献   

As more hydroelectric dams regulate rivers to meet growing energy demands, there is ongoing concern about downstream effects, including impacts on downstream benthic macroinvertebrate (BMI) communities. Hydropeaking is a common hydroelectric practice where short‐term variation in power production leads to large and often rapid fluctuations in discharge and water level. There are key knowledge gaps on the ecosystem impacts of hydropeaking in large rivers, the seasonality of these impacts, and whether dams can be managed to lessen impacts. We assessed how patterns of hydropeaking affect abundance, taxonomic richness, and relative tolerance of BMIs in the Saskatchewan River (Saskatchewan, Canada). Reaches immediately (<2 km) downstream of the dam generally had high densities of BMIs and comparable taxonomic diversity relative to upstream locations but were characterized by lower ratios of sensitive (e.g., Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera) to tolerant (e.g., Chironomidae) taxa. The magnitude of effect varied with seasonal changes in discharge. Understanding the effects of river regulation on BMI biodiversity and river health has implications for mitigating the impacts of hydropeaking dams on downstream ecosystems. Although we demonstrated that a hydropeaking dam may contribute to a significantly different downstream BMI assemblage, we emphasize that seasonality is a key consideration. The greatest differences between upstream and downstream locations occurred in spring, suggesting standard methods of late summer and fall sampling may underestimate ecosystem‐scale impacts.  相似文献   

A total of 436 logs were used to create 20 engineered log jams (ELJs) in a 1.1 km reach of the Williams River, NSW, Australia, a gravel‐bed river that has been desnagged and had most of its riparian vegetation removed over the last 200 years. The experiment was designed to test the effectiveness of reintroducing woody debris (WD) as a means of improving channel stability and recreating habitat diversity. The study assessed geomorphic and ecological responses to introducing woody habitat by comparing paired test and control reaches. Channel characteristics (e.g. bedforms, bars, texture) within test and control reaches were assessed before and after wood placement to quantify the morphological variability induced by the ELJs in the test reach. Since construction in September 2000, the ELJs have been subjected to five overtopping flows, three of which were larger than the mean annual flood. A high‐resolution three‐dimensional survey of both reaches was completed after major bed‐mobilizing flows. Cumulative changes induced by consecutive floods were also assessed. After 12 months, the major geomorphologic changes in the test reach included an increase in pool and riffle area and pool depth; the addition of a pool–riffle sequence; an increase by 0.5–1 m in pool–riffle amplitude; a net gain of 40 m3 of sediment storage per 1000 m2 of channel area (while the control reach experienced a net loss of 15 m3/1000 m2 over the same period); and a substantial increase in the spatial complexity of bed‐material distribution. Fish assemblages in the test reach showed an increase in species richness and abundance, and reduced temporal variability compared to the reference reach, suggesting that the changes in physical habitat were beneficial to fish at the reach scale. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River management in New Zealand's laterally active gravelly rivers has permitted floodplain development and protection of agricultural resources and infrastructure. Management of these dynamic systems has been hailed as a success for the approaches adopted, namely straightening and confining the river using bank protection and managing riverbed levels by gravel extraction. However, this activity also impacts river morphological/habitat diversity and potential gravel resource, by replacing broad riparian corridors with narrower channels and reducing lateral connectivity with the floodplain. This paper quantifies river behaviour in three laterally confined reaches in the upper Motueka River over a 7‐year period, using annual high‐resolution ground surveys to address the nature of morphological change and associated sediment flux in these reaches with a view to informing management of the gravel resource. Surveys between 2004 and 2010 acquired data to construct digital elevation models (DEMs) of the active riverbed in three ~1‐km‐long reaches. Morphological budgeting based on differencing between successive DEM surfaces reveals complex spatial and temporal patterns of erosion and deposition, demonstrating complex reach dynamics. Overall, volumetric changes suggest these narrowed reaches have been net exporters of sediment, associated with continued channel degradation. This has left bar features, traditionally the focus of gravel extraction in the reaches, relatively isolated from all but extreme flows, limiting replenishment of the gravel resource. The paper demonstrates the utility of riverbed DEMs as a potential tool to frame river character and behaviour at the reach scale in gravel‐bed rivers, thereby providing an important contribution to holistic river management in these systems. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

城市河段水电开发与城市协调发展的几点经验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
攀枝花市是金沙江边一座大型重工业城市,沿江两岸敏感对象众多、水环境问题复杂。金沙江攀枝花河段水电规划,首次提出在我国大江大河的重要城市河段开发水力资源,利用水利工程打造沿江亲水景观带,消除或缓解上游水电站下泄非恒定流对城区的影响,全面提升城市建设质量,探索与尝试传统水利工程与现代城市建设相协调的关系。规划将改善城市水域景观列入河段开发任务;贯彻城市建设和水资源合理利用无缝结合理念;坚持规划环评和水电规划并重的原则,否决了以往提出的在雅砻江口以下河段建坝的方案。可供今后类似规划参考借鉴。  相似文献   

We employed an integrated system of airborne remote sensing and ground surveys for regional mapping of instream habitats under variable flows over a 70 km section of the Lower Yakima River in southern Washington, USA. Airborne multispectral digital imagery was obtained in conjunction with field survey measurements and used to quantify the spatial extent, condition and temporal changes of selected river habitat characteristics under two different flows (14 and 28 m3 s?1). Under each flow, geomorphic measures were quantified (e.g. channel complexity, number and size of habitats). Water depth and velocity were also classified for instream habitats, and temperature and turbidity were recorded. Remote sensing classification accuracies for islands, exposed rocks and water surfaces were greater than 99%, while more detailed depth/flow classifications were less accurate (68% and 72%, for the high and low flows, respectively). While high turbidity (>4 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU)), shadows and bidirectional reflectance factor reduced classification accuracies, the overall effect of these factors was minimal. Under the low‐flow situation, off‐channel habitats were less abundant, more isolated and had shallower depths and warmer temperatures. Our analysis suggests that airborne multispectral imagery, coupled with appropriate ground truth data, can be a viable method for regional mapping of diverse riverine habitats under variable flows. We concluded from this analysis that the higher flow situation provided substantially better habitat than currently exists in the Lower Yakima River. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite the hypothesized benefits to age‐0 Scaphirhynchus sturgeon, the role that slow, shallow water plays during early life history remains uncertain. Although several studies have reported the depths and velocities observed at age‐0 sturgeon capture sites, conditions at larger spatial scales beyond the immediate capture location may also be important. Therefore, the specific objectives of this study were to (a) compare catch among large reaches (26–37 km in length) that varied in the availability of water <1.5 m deep and (b) identify the local habitats that best promote use by age‐0 sturgeon within each reach. Results from the reach‐scale analysis suggested that increased availability of water <1.5 m did not yield increased age‐0 sturgeon catch. At the local‐scale, age‐0 sturgeon were routinely captured from a wide variety of depths, velocities, and microhabitats (L‐dike, wing‐dike, rootless‐dike, and channel sandbar); these results coupled with previous research suggest that age‐0 sturgeon may not require specific depth and velocity criteria but further study is needed to test this hypothesis. Although the prevalence of water <1.5 m had little effect on catch rates, this habitat may still be important to age‐0 sturgeon. Additional research should investigate the potential effects of shallow water, at local and broad scales, on prey consumption and condition of age‐0 sturgeon.  相似文献   

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