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Dams represent one of the major forms of river alteration. As these structures reach the end of their lifespan, they often require extensive refurbishments or removal. A small‐scale water supply dam in Banff National Park (Alberta, Canada) was partially removed, creating a breach that allowed water to scour a new passage resembling a nature‐like fishway. We investigated the permeability of the partially removed dam as a means of validating the conservation benefits of the partial dam removal. We quantified the proportion of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus), a threatened species in Canada, that approached and passed the fishway using radio telemetry receiver stations. The proportion of bull trout that approached the fishway was low (37.0%; N = 27 of 73), but was consistent with upstream reference sites (33%; N = 20 of 60). For those that did approach, the proportion of bull trout that passed yielded a high passage efficiency (77.8%; N = 21 of 27 that approached). The probability that a fish passed the fishway was related to water depth and time of day. Bull trout were more likely to pass when water depths were high (>0.40 m), and at night. Passage duration ranged from 5‐mins to 13‐days, suggesting that this resident species used the fishway for a variety of purposes (e.g., station holding and foraging) and not just transiting. Some individuals underwent large‐scale movements 2‐km upstream (15.1%; N = 11 of 73), or 2‐km downstream (2.7%; N = 2 of 73) following a successful passage event. This study provides new insight on how, in some instances, a breach in a dam can function as a nature‐like fishway, accommodating year‐round stream flows and providing hydraulic conditions suitable for fish passage without costly engineering or construction.  相似文献   

Effective dam management requires an understanding of the ecological impact of a facility and its operations on individual fish and fish populations. Traversing high flows downstream of dams is an energetically challenging activity that could influence survival and spawning success following passage. Carryover effects, however, are an underappreciated consequence of dam passage that have been overlooked by researchers and natural resource managers. We conducted a large‐scale management experiment to determine if the operation of dam attraction flows could be changed to reduce high sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka mortality following passage and increase spawning success. We tested two flow conditions: (i) a baseline condition—currently used by managers—that released high attraction flows directly adjacent to the entrance to a vertical‐slot fishway and (ii) an alternative condition that released attraction flows 10 m away from the fishway entrance to reduce the flows fish swim through while approaching the passage structure. We tagged 637 sockeye salmon with telemetry tags to monitor dam passage, post‐passage survival to spawning grounds and spawning success under the two flow conditions. Validated fish counters at the exit of the fishway and on spawning grounds were used to generate population level estimates of survival to spawning grounds. Individuals exposed to baseline flow conditions spent two times longer recovering from dam passage and exhibited 10% higher mortality following passage than those exposed to alternative flows. Release of alternative flows for 10 days assisted approximately 550 fish (or 3% of total spawners) in reaching spawning grounds. Once on spawning grounds, female spawning success was strongly influenced by individual spawning characteristics (longevity and date of arrival on spawning grounds) and not dam flow condition. Our findings highlight a cost‐effective solution that decreases mortality following passage simply by altering the location of dam flow releases and not reductions in discharge. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fishways are hydraulic structures that allow passage of fish across obstructions in rivers. Vertical slot fishways—VSFs—are considered the most efficient and least selective type of technical fishway solutions, especially due to their ability to remain effective even when significant upstream and/or downstream water level fluctuations occur. The scope of the present study is to perform numerical simulations in order to investigate and compare the hydraulic turbulent flow field in a standard and a simplified version of the most common VSF design. Implications in relation to fish swimming behaviour and fish passage performance are discussed. Different water depths (as well as discharges) were investigated, using a bed slope of 5%, as a reference for low‐gradient VSFs with a very limited selectivity that can be used in multispecies rivers in grayling‐barbel regions. Results show that maximum values of velocity, turbulent kinetic energy, and Reynolds stresses are higher in the standard design. However, corresponding to slot geometry and orientation, the direction of the main jet in the simplified design is more inclined towards the left side of the pool. This causes the eddy to split into 2 smaller ones; the minimum eddy dimension is reduced from 0.4–0.5 to 0.2–0.3 m. These dimensions are detrimental for fish passage efficiency, being more comparable with fish length (0.15–0.40 m), thus affecting migrating fish stability and orientation. Furthermore, the standard design provides a more straightforward upstream path and wider areas of low flow velocities and turbulence, useful for fish resting. Therefore, it is recommended that the standard design should be preferred over its simplified version, even if its construction costs are around 10–15% higher than the simplified one.  相似文献   

Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) passage through 3 fishways was assessed during the 2013–2016 spawning runs in 3 rivers of the Isthmus of Chignecto, Canada. From April 24 to June 10, 5,423 alewife with a mean ± SD fork length of 227 ± 18 mm were tagged with passive integrated transponders. During their tagging year, approximately half of individuals (40% to 64%) went undetected whereas those detected used fishways from April 16 to July 8. Detected alewife were significantly longer than those undetected. Attraction rates to fishway entrances in 2015 and 2016 ranged from 85% to 98%. Annual fishway passage rates for pooled fish tagged that year and returnees, varied from 64% to 97% for 2 Denil style fishways. A pool‐and‐weir fishway that was dysfunctional (2013), repaired (2014), and replaced (2015–2016) yielded 0.5%, 25%, 60%, and 73% annual pooled passage rates, respectively. Larger individuals, previously tagged returnees, and males compared to females of a similar size had higher passage success suggesting some fishways may apply population‐level selective pressures. Alewife passage rates related to fishway style, design, and proper function, with greater passage for the 2 Denils than the pool‐and‐weir fishway in our study. Regular structural maintenance and fish passage reviews are essential management considerations to ensure fishway functioning and river connectivity. Replacement of a fishway with poor fish passage may be the best option to improve passage rates. Future research should address the effects of multiple anthropogenic instream obstructions, environmental variables, negative sublethal post‐tagging effects, and the importance of returnees on fish passage rates in fishways.  相似文献   

The restoration of fish passage has been focused on anadromous fish species, whilst studies accommodating passage of coarse species have often been considered incidental, yet frequently these are the predominant group of species encountered in rivers. In addition, fishway designs depend greatly on the interplay between hydraulics and biomechanics, yet very little data are available on the responses to specific hydraulic settings for these species. This study aims to explore the effects of water velocity and turbulence on the behaviour of a cyprinid species ‐ the Iberian barbel Luciobarbus bocagei (Steindachner, 1864) ‐ particularly their upstream movements upon different discharges (38.5 to 77.0 L · s?1), through an indoor full scale pool‐type fishway prototype. Larger adults had a higher passage success (mean = 79%) and took less time (mean ± SD (min): 5.7 ± 1.3) to negotiate the entire six pool fishway, when compared to small adults. Correlation analysis between hydraulic variables and fish transit time yielded different results. Correlations were found to be the highest between the horizontal component of Reynolds shear stress and fish transit time, particularly for smaller size‐individuals (r = ?0.45; p < 0.001), highlighting this variable as a key‐parameter which strongly determines the movements of Iberian barbel. The present study identified key factors on Iberian barbel movements that may have direct application to future fishway designs for this species and for other ‘weak’ swimmers. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study evaluated attraction and passage of native fish through an automated fish lock on the tropical Fitzroy River in north‐eastern Australia. In 69 samples (24 h each) taken at the exit and entrance of the fish lock, 17 fish species and 13 402 individuals were collected, at a maximum rate of 3317 fish per day. During low river flows, the fish lock transferred a broad size range of fish (35–710 mm long), though migratory biomass was small. Removal of a vertical fish‐crowding device did not affect the passage rate. Netting studies and observations of fish migrating below the weir suggested that the entrance was poorly located during high flows and another fishway near the spillway would enhance fish passage. The fish lock was inoperative for 48% of the time, due to mechanical and software failure, and a narrow operational range unsuited to the variable hydrology. Nevertheless, these design issues are site specific and reflect that fish lock technology is in its infancy in Australia. The operational reliability of the fish lock is now greatly improved but further work is needed to optimize the automatic cycling. To accommodate the inherently variable hydrology of lowland tropical/sub‐tropical rivers into fishway design, we highlight important research needs for fishways and migratory fish communities. Fish locks are often considered a less favourable fish passage option but with the operational reliability issues partially resolved, they appear to have considerable potential for tropical river systems with low minimum flows and low biomass; with further research and design, they may have wider application. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

鱼道进口水流对草鱼幼鱼上溯行为的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为使鱼类能够快速发现和顺利进入鱼道进口并成功过坝,设计了鱼道进口概化模型。以草鱼幼鱼为研究对象,在18±1℃的条件下研究了鱼道进口流速对鱼类上溯行为的影响。研究发现:鱼道进口水流存在一个最佳流速,在该流速下,鱼类进入鱼道进口的效率最高。利用诱鱼流道补水有助于进一步提高鱼道进鱼效率,诱鱼流道水流与鱼道进口水流之间存在一个最优流速比。针对草鱼幼鱼的鱼道进口最佳流速约为0.3 m/s,诱鱼流道水流与鱼道进口水流的最佳流速比约为2.3。通过对洄游区鱼类游泳轨迹以及流场耦合,可知草鱼幼鱼上溯的喜好流速范围是0.20~0.30 m/s。研究成果对于鱼道进口水力设计具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of a rehabilitation project, whose goal was to re‐establish longitudinal connectivity for anadromous trout in the regulated river Emån. We used a holistic approach, by tagging and following both upstream‐migrating spawners (N = 348) and downstream‐migrating smolts (N = 80) and kelts as they passed two hydroelectric plants (HEP 2‐3) with nature‐like fishways. When migrating upstream, 84–88% of the spawners stopped, primarily at spawning grounds, before reaching HEP2. The proportion of stoppers was lower (56%) for fish that had been to the fishways in previous years, indicating that the recolonization rate is likely to increase over time. Of the spawners that approached the fishway at HEP2, 77% rapidly located the fishway situated next to the tail‐race, resulting in an attraction efficiency of 81% and a passage efficiency of 95%. The time required to locate the fishway inside the former channel at HEP3 was substantial, but the attraction efficiency (89%) and passage efficiency (97%) were nevertheless high. The kelts swam downstream mainly in spring, using spill gates and the fishways, to swim past HEP2 and 3 and continue downstream to the Baltic Sea. Iteroparity was confirmed by the fact that 20% of the spawners were tagged in previous years. Smolt loss was about 30% for both HEPs, with a higher turbine‐induced loss 30% for fish passing through Francis runners than a Kaplan runner. Fifteen per cent of the tagged smolt reached the sea and none of these fish had swum through the Francis runners. It will probably take many years before longitudinal connectivity is fully re‐established in the river Emån, due to substantial losses of both upstream‐migrating spawners (35% loss) and downstream‐migrating smolts (50%) and kelts. In addition, smolt production in areas upstream of HEP3 is far below carrying capacity. Thus, additional measures that not only facilitate movement of upstream spawners, but also reduce mortality and injuries of downstream migrants are urgently needed to create a self‐sustaining fish population. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) were studied to assess the consequences of a dam and vertical‐slot fishway on mortality during their spawning migration in the Seton–Anderson watershed, British Columbia, Canada. Since previous research suggests fishway passage may be difficult, our main hypothesis was that the dam and fishway have post‐passage consequences that affect subsequent behaviour and survival. Eighty‐seven sockeye were caught at the top of the fishway, implanted with an acoustic telemetry transmitter, non‐lethally biopsied to obtain a small blood sample and released either upstream or downstream of the dam. Indices of physiological stress (i.e. plasma cortisol, glucose, lactate and ions) indicated that fish were not stressed or exhausted after capture from the fishway, and were not unduly stressed by transportation to release sites or net‐pen holding. Of 59 fish released downstream of the dam, 14% did not reach the dam tailrace. Overall passage efficiency at the fishway was 80%. Mortality in two lakes upstream of the dam was greater in fish released downstream of the dam (27%) compared to fish released upstream of the dam (7%; p = 0.04) suggesting that dam passage has consequences that reduce subsequent survival. Cumulative mortality of fish released downstream of the dam (n = 55) resulted in only 49% survival to spawning areas, compared to 93% of fish released upstream of the dam (n = 28). Survival was significantly lower for females (40%) than for males (71%; p = 0.03), a finding that has implications for conservation because spawning success of sockeye salmon populations is governed primarily by females. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We evaluated the function of two nature‐like fishways for re‐establishing connectivity for anadromous salmonids in the regulated River Emån. Between 90 and 100% of the salmonids that entered the fishways actually passed through them, with median speeds of 180–190 m h?1. Only 50% of the anadromous brown trout that passed the first fishway also passed the second one, indicating that the fish might have had problems locating the upstream fishway. The fishways were also observed to function as a passage for downstream post‐spawning migrants. The densities of brown trout yearlings upstream of the fishways were higher in 2002, after the fishways were built, than during pre‐fishway years. In control sites in other parts of the river as well as in a nearby river, no changes in yearling densities were observed. Thus, the fishways are working for upstream spawners, albeit at a recolonization rate that is slower than expected. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用过鱼设施效果评价模型,分析得到过鱼设施进口吸引流是影响过鱼设施效果的关键因素。通过研究我国过鱼设施现状,指出我国过鱼设施在进口吸引流设计方面存在的不足。结合水利水电工程特性,从过鱼设施吸引流和竞争流的角度出发,给出了过鱼设施位置、进口位置、进口朝向、进口吸引流流量和流速等关键问题的设计思路,并提出了过鱼设施进口概化模型。  相似文献   

Beyond assessing passage efficiency of fishway structures, there is a need to examine the sublethal impacts of passage on the physiological condition of fish. Muscle and plasma samples were collected from pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) at four sites along a fishway and were compared in order to assess the effectiveness of these methods as they apply to fishway studies. Both plasma and muscle tissue revealed changes consistent with anaerobic activity when fish sampled from within the fishway were compared with field baseline estimates taken from fish sampled 50 m downstream of the fishway entrance. Plasma Cl?, osmolality and haematocrit increased significantly (all p < 0.01) during ascent, whereas muscle glycogen and phosphocreatine declined (both p < 0.03). Both plasma and muscle tissue collected from fish sampled at a site just upstream of the fishway showed physiological profiles that were consistent with metabolic recovery relative to physiological conditions during passage: plasma lactate, haematocrit and muscle lactate had decreased (all p < 0.01), and muscle phosphocreatine increased (p = 0.01). When examining the physiological changes that specifically occurred between the two sites within the fishway structure, we found no differences in plasma samples, but muscle lactate and water content both showed significant changes (both p < 0.05). These results are consistent with the greater sensitivity of muscle tissue than of blood to exercise‐related physiological changes and highlight the usefulness of sampling muscle tissue for assessing fishways that ascended in a short time. Fishway studies could benefit from greater inclusion of physiological tools and approaches to identify the costs of passage and areas of difficulty within a fishway. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A shift from target species to ecosystem restoration has generated interest in developing fishways that are capable of passing entire fish communities. Although a number of multispecies fishways now exist in North America, evaluations of these fishways are lacking. We used a passive integrated transponder antenna array to quantify passage success and passage duration of fish using a vertical slot fishway (85 m in length, 2.65 m elevation rise, 12 regular pools and 2 turning basins) at a low head dam on the Richelieu River in Quebec, Canada. Fourteen of the 18 tagged species re‐ascended the fishway, and passage efficiency was highly variable among species (range 25%–100%); however, it was >50% for five of the species well represented in this study (n > 10) (Atlantic salmon, channel catfish, smallmouth bass, walleye and white sucker). Passage duration was likewise highly variable both among and within species (e.g. 1.0–452.9 h for smallmouth bass, 2.4–237.5 h for shorthead redhorse). Although this fishway design was not uniformly successful in passing fish of all species, this study does reveal the species that have problems with ascent and provides an estimate on the time spent in the fishway that is an important component of passage delay. Such information could be used to inform future design refinements to facilitate passage of the entire assemblage with minimal delay. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the context of river alteration, ecologists are asked to develop tools for the assessment of river integrity. Fish are known to be good bioindicators of the ecological condition of rivers. The Loire basin (France) is often considered as relatively little impacted compared to most other large European systems. But curiously, no study clearly addressed the question of fish assemblages patterns in this system in order to assess this status. Thus, we studied fish assemblages along the river network in the Loire basin using self‐organizing maps (SOMs) and we built a fish typology. Four basic assemblages were described and indicator species were identified. These assemblages varied in terms of individual species patterns as well as in terms of flow preference guilds and species richness. A discriminant analysis carried out on environmental variables revealed that they could be mainly determined by the slope, temperature and depth. Finally, fish assemblages were arrayed along a longitudinal gradient and roughly fitted the theoretical zonation expected in European rivers with the succession of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario), grayling (Thymallus thymallus), barbel (Barbus barbus) and bream (Abramis brama) zones in a downstream direction. Such patterns are still rarely observed in large European systems. However, the fish assemblage characteristic of the bream zone occurred more frequently than predicted on the basis of environmental variables. Such deviations between field data and theory suggest lotic‐to‐lentic shifts probably due to anthropogenic disturbances, especially in the grayling and barbel zones. In these river sectors, eurytopic and limnophilic species tend to replace rheophilic ones. Finally, the method used in this study to investigate fish patterns may be helpful to detect disturbances and may serve as a tool for the establishment of management plans. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为确保大渡河龚嘴水电站鱼道能够成功过鱼,基于龚嘴水电站坝下河段鱼类集群分布的水声学观测结果,结合研究河段水流条件,分析鱼类集群分布特征,并根据主要过鱼对象关于水力学因子的适宜性特征,提取坝下河段鱼类主要上溯通道,论证龚嘴水电站鱼道进口布置方案。结果表明:坝下河段鱼类垂向分布范围为1.15~11.62 m,主要分布在中下层水域;鱼群主要集中在河段中上游区域;鱼类上溯通道分布于靠近两侧河岸的水域,流速为0.1~1.2 m/s;在北纬29.290°~29.292°范围内,存在横跨整个河宽的鱼类集中分布区域,说明该区域内流场条件能够较好地满足河段过鱼对象的上溯需求。本研究从鱼类集群及上溯通道分布两个方面对鱼道进口布置进行论证,提出较合理的鱼道进鱼口位置,研究结果可为其他水电站鱼道进口布置提供参考。  相似文献   

Previous studies of Pacific salmonid passage over Snake River dams indicated slowed passage at transition pools, the transition area between the fishway entrance and the fish ladder. In 2001 and 2002, we conducted an experiment to determine if modified weirs affected adult salmon and steelhead passage times and route selection through the Lower Granite Dam transition pool. Fish attraction flows through the lower ladder weirs were experimentally increased using removable panels. During the experiment we monitored radio‐tagged adult Chinook salmon and steelhead to determine passage routes and times through the transition pool. The weir treatment increased the number of spring–summer Chinook salmon passing straight through the transition pool compared to those exiting the transition pool to the collection channel or tailrace. Mean passage times through the transition pool differed among routes and were significantly lower during treatment periods for the exit‐to‐collection channel route in spring‐summer Chinook salmon, but not for other routes. Passage times among routes differed in steelhead, but there was no evidence of treatment effects on route use or passage time. Fall Chinook exhibited similar trends in route use and passage time to spring–summer Chinook, but differences were not significant, perhaps because of relatively small sample size. Total dam passage times did not differ by treatment or route for any run. Fish depth during passage of the transition pool suggested that most fish passed through submerged orifices and supported the hypothesis that increased water velocity through these orifices caused the increase in straight‐through passage in spring–summer Chinook. Collectively, the results suggested the weir modifications provided improvement to passage through the transition pool for spring–summer Chinook and no evidence of negative effects on other runs. The results from this study were used to develop new design criteria and modifications of the Lower Granite Dam fishway. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fish passage through an experimental vertical‐slot fishway was assessed at a floodplain regulator on the Mekong River in Central Laos between April and July 2009. Experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of fishway floor slope (1v:15h or 1v:7.5h) on fish passage success with a view to developing a series of optimal design criteria for the construction of vertical‐slot fishways at other barriers to fish passage in the Lower Mekong Basin. A total of 14 661 fish from 73 species were captured during the experiments. Catches were dominated by riverine (white) (n = 51; 69% of total) and floodplain (black) species (n = 15; 20%) which represented 19 families in total. The work demonstrated that fish were actively attempting upstream passage from the Mekong River to an adjacent floodplain and displayed strong migratory behaviour during river level rises. Migratory activity was greatest during sharp rises in water level but reduced substantially when river level fell. Fish community composition varied greatly among the two fishway floor slopes and the control group. More fish species were collected from control samples, but the most fish and species were collected when the fishway was configured on a moderate hydraulic slope (1v:15h). A range of size classes were also collected from control and moderate‐slope groups, but steeper‐gradient catches were dominated by larger fish. This study demonstrated that vertical‐slot fishways could provide passage for a biodiverse fish community where fish move laterally onto floodplains. The construction of fishways which consider the local fish ecology and hydrology may therefore represent a valuable management tool to help restore important movement pathways for tropical freshwater fish. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fishways for salmon in temperate rivers have often been successful, but salmonid‐type fishways for non‐salmonid species in tropical and subtropical rivers have frequently failed. This study assessed the effectiveness of modifying a salmonid‐type pool‐and‐weir fishway into a vertical‐slot design on a tidal barrage on the subtropical Fitzroy River, in Queensland, north‐eastern Australia. In 38 paired samples of the top and bottom of the fishway, over 16 months, 29 fish species and over 23 000 fish were collected at a maximum rate of 3400 per day. This study shows much greater potential for success with a vertical‐slot fishway as relatively few fish negotiated the original pool‐and‐weir design. Common species using the vertical‐slot fishway included blue‐catfish (Arius graeffei [Ariidae]), bony herring (Nematalosa erebi [Clupeidae]), striped mullet (Mugil cephalus [Mugilidae]), barramundi (Lates calcarifer [Centropomidae]), and long‐finned eels (Anguilla reinhardtii [Anguillidae]). Freshwater shrimp (Macrobrachium australiense [Palaemonidae]), juvenile crabs (Varuna litterata [Grapsidae]) and long‐finned elvers did not ascend the full length of the fishway and specific fishways for these species are recommended. Fish between 25 and 640 mm in length ascended the fishway, although the passage of smaller size classes of immature fish was restricted and this may be important for the sustainability of these migratory populations. The barramundi (200–640 mm) which ascended the fishway were all immature fish. However, during a period of low river flows enlarging the width of the vertical‐slot from 0.15 to 0.45 m only encouraged a small number of larger fish (890 mm maximum length) to enter. The strong diel movement patterns of many species will need to be considered in future fishway design. Blue‐catfish could ascend the fishway in 2 h, but many fish remained in the fishway and this behaviour may cause crowding and a reduction in fishway capacity. Further work is needed to assess the proportion of fish finding the fishway entrance. However, the findings suggest that vertical‐slot fishways with lower water velocities and turbulence than salmonid fishways have great potential to pass the diverse migratory fish fauna of subtropical and tropical rivers. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken as part of a long‐term investigation of the ability of high‐level fishways to rehabilitate fish communities upstream of high dams. Effects of Tallowa Dam on fish of the Shoalhaven River system were studied by comparing species abundances, population size‐structures and the structure of fish communities above and below the dam. Fish were sampled twice yearly for two years at 12 sites throughout the catchment. Species richness was greater downstream of the dam, with 21 species, compared to 16 species upstream of the dam. Ten diadromous species are believed to be extinct above the dam because of obstructed fish passage. Another four migratory species capable of climbing the wall have reduced abundances upstream. Accumulations of fish, particularly juveniles, directly below the dam were evident for nine species. Fish communities upstream and downstream of the dam differed significantly, identifying the dam as a significant discontinuity in the available fish habitats within the system. Historical evidence suggests that before the dam was built, fish communities from the tidal limit to at least 130 m elevation were largely continuous. This study has demonstrated that Tallowa Dam is a major barrier to fish migration and has had adverse effects on the biodiversity of the system. The creation of Lake Yarrunga by Tallowa Dam has resulted in distinctive fish communities in riverine and lacustrine habitats. Populations of five species that occur both upstream and downstream of the dam have developed differences in their size structures. The fish community downstream of the dam also differs from its historical condition because of the virtual disappearance of Australian grayling (Prototroctes maraena) and the establishment of non‐native species. A high‐level fishway is now being designed for the dam to restore fish passage. Data from this study will serve as a baseline against which to assess the effectiveness of the fishway in rehabilitating fish communities of the river system. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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