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A cDNA clone containing the entire coding region for bovineß-casein A3 flanked by 53 base pairs of 5' non-codingand 358 base pairs of 3' non-coding sequences was isolated froma bovine mammary cDNA phagemid library. The coding segment formature ß-casein was subcloned into the T7 expressionsystem, in which the expression of recombinant ß-caseinwas controlled by the T7 gene 10 promoter and ribosome bindingsite. High level expression of Met-ß-casein to 20%of the total soluble proteins was obtained in Escherichia coliwithin 2 h after induction of T7 RNA-polymerase synthesis. Inan attempt to induce secretion the coding segment for matureß-casein was coupled to the ompA translations initiationsignal and signal peptide coding sequence but no secretion ofthe fusion protein and no processing of the signal peptide fromthe fusion protein was observed. Instead, the Met-ß-caseincould be isolated in asoluble form from E.coli cells after anosmotic shock, indicative of a periplasmic location. This proceduredid not lyse the cells. The protein was purified to homogeneityafter a pH 4.8 isoelectric precipitation followed by reversed-phasehigh-performance liquid chromatography. The ß-caseincDNA was altered to change the main chymosin cleavage siteinß-casein at position 192–193 in two ways, namelyfrom Leu–Tyr to Pro–Pro and to Leu–stop. Thesemutations were designed to prevent generation of the bitterpeptide ßcasein(193–209) by chymosin cleavage.The mutant Met-ß-caseins were expressed in E.colito the same level as wild-type Met-ß-casein. Purifiedmutant Met-ß-casein(Prol92– Prol93) was no longerhydrolysed by chymosin at the 192–193 bond.  相似文献   

Thermostable variants of bovine {beta}-lactoglobulin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The thermal stability of bovine ß-lactoglobulin (BLG)has been enhanced by the introduction of an additional disulfidebond. Wild-type BLG has two disulfide bonds, C106–C119and C66–C160, with a free cysteine at position 121. Wehave designed, with the aid of molecular modeling calculations,two mutants of a recombinant BLG (rBLG), L104C and A132C. Moleculardynamics simulations were performed at 300K to study the effectof these alterations on the conformation of the protein. Thesemutants were then created by site-directed mutagenesis and purifiedfrom Escherichia coli carrying a tac expression vector usinga two-step renaturation method. Formation of disulfide linkagesin the correct arrangement, as designed, was confirmed by peptidemapping. In contrast to wild-type rBLG, which polymerizes attemperatures >65°C, neither of the mutant proteins polymerized.The conformational stability of the L104C and A132C mutant proteinsagainst thermal denaturation has been substantially increased(8- 10°C) as compared with wild-type rBLG. Furthermore,the A132C rBLG exhibits an enhanced stability against denaturationby guanidine hydrocnloride as compared with the wild-type orL104C rBLG  相似文献   

Secondary structure characterization of {beta}-lactamase inclusion bodies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The secondary structure of proteins in E.coli inclusion bodieswas investigated via Raman spectroscopy. Inclusion bodies werepurified from cells expressing different forms of RTEM ß-lactamaseand grown at either 37 or 42° C. All of the solid phaseinclusion body samples examined gave amide I band spectra thatwere perturbed from that of the native, purified protein inboth solution and powder forms; secondary structure estimatesindicated significant decreases in a-helix and increases inß-sheet contents in the inclusion body samples. The structureestimates for inclusion bodies isolated from 37°C cultureswere similar, regardless of aggregate localization in the E.colicytoplasmic or periplasmic spaces or ß-lactamase precursorcontent. Inclusion bodies obtained from 42°C cells exhibiteda further reduction of ß-helix and augmentation of ß-sheetcontents relative to those from 37°C cultures. These resultsare consistent with the paradigm for inclusion body formationvia the self-association of intra-cellular folding intermediateshaving extensive secondary structure content. Further, the overallsecondary structure content of inclusion bodies is not significantlyaffected by subcellular compartmentalization, but may be alteredat increased temperatures  相似文献   

Bacterial cell-surface exposure of foreign peptides and solubleproteins has been achieved recently by employing a fusion proteinmethodology. An Lpp'–OmpA(46–159)–Bla fusionprotein has been shown previously to display the normally periplasmicenzyme ß-lactamase (Bla) on the cell surface of theGram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli. Here, we have investigatedthe role of the OmpA domain of the tripartite fusion proteinin the surface display of the passenger domain (Bla) and havecharacterized the effects of the fusion proteins on the integrityand permeability of the outer membrane. We show that in additionto OmpA(46–159), a second OmpA segment, consisting ofamino acids 46–66, can also mediate the display of Blaon the cell surface. Other OmpA domains of various lengths (aminoacids 46–84, 46–109, 46–128, 46–141and 46–145) either anchored the Bla domain on the periplasmicface of the outer membrane or caused a major disruption of theouter membrane, allowing the penetration of antibodies intothe cell. Detergent and antibiotic sensitivity and periplasmicleakage assays showed that changes in the permeability of theouter membrane are an unavoidable consequence of displayinga large periplasmic protein on the surface of E.coli. This isthe first systematic report on the effects that cell surfaceengineering may have on the integrity and permeability propertiesof bacterial outer membranes.  相似文献   

The 3-D crystal structure of interleukin-1ß(IL-1ß)has been used to define its receptor binding surface by mutationalanalysis. The surface of IL-1ß was probed by site-directedmutagenesis. A total of 27 different IL-1ß muteinswere constructed, purified and analyzed. Receptor binding measurementson mouse and human cell lines were performed to identify receptoraffinities. IL-1ß muteins with modified receptor affinitywere evaluated for structural integrity by CD spectroscopy orX-ray crystallography. Changes in six surface loops, as wellas in the C- and N-termini, yielded muteins with lower bindingaffinities. Two muteins with intact binding affinities showed10- to 100-fold reduced biological activity. The surface regioninvolved in receptor binding constitutes a discontinuous areaof 1000 Å2 formed by discontinuous polypeptide chain stretches.Based on these results, a subdivision into two distinct localareas is proposed. Differences in receptor binding affinitiesfor human and mouse receptors have been observed for some muteins,but not for wild-type IL-1ß. This is the first timea difference in binding affinity of IL-1ß muteinsto human and mouse receptors has been demonstrated  相似文献   

We have cloned the rabbit IL-1ß cDNA, which encodesa 268 amino acid precursor similar in length to other sequencedIL-1 precursors. Comparison of all published IL-1 and IL-1ßsequences respectively indicates that the IL-1 gene family isevolving faster than the IL-1ß family, and that thetwo genes diverged –270 million years ago. Surprisingly,there are differences in the regions preferentially conservedwithin the two families. The IL-1 family is most conserved atthe amino terminus whereas the IL-1ß family is mostconserved in the carboxy-terminal half. This is despite thefact that the carboxy-terminal half encodes the active portionof both molecules and would be expected to adopt a similar ß-sheetstructure in IL-1 as in the published X-ray structure of matureIL-1ß. These findings suggest that differences inthe function and properties of the IL-1 and IL-1ßprecursor molecules may have been conserved. These differencesmay therefore provide an explanation for the existence of twoIL-1 molecules.  相似文献   

We examined the independent self-assembly of the - and ß-fragmentsof human metallothionein (MT) into cadmiumbinding conformationin an Escherichia coli expression system, in addition to wild-typeMT expression. The expressed -fragment formed independentlythe structure of a metal-binding cluster without the aid ofthe ß-fragment. The -fragment and wild-type MT expressedin E.coli were purified and analyzed for their biochemical andspectroscopic properties. The apparent cadmium binding of the-fragment was approximately 12-fold greater than that for thewild-type MT, whereas in other respects the studied biochemicalproperties were similar. In contrast, we were unable to obtainany independently expressed ß-fragment as the cadmium-bindingform in this study. Possible explanations for this phenomenonare discussed.  相似文献   

The protease-binding sequence EAIPMSIPPE from 1-antitrypsinhas been inserted into the cytokine interleykin-1ß,replacing residues 50–53. The resulting mutant proteinwas cleaved specifically at a singly site by elastase and chymotrypsin,but not by trypson. The cleavage by elastase was shown to bebetween Met and Ser of the inserted loop. In contrast, wild-typeinterleukin is not sus-ceptible to cleavage by any of theseenzymes. The mutant protein acts as an inhibitor of elastase,with a K1 of 30 µM. The wild type displays no such inhibitoryactitvity. The overall structure of the mutant, as demonstratedbyu CD, appears to be indistinguishabel from that fo the wildtype. These results indicate that the protease-binding regionfo 1-antitrypson can be recognized and is active even withinthe context of an entirely differentproteinstructure. Giventhat interleukinm-1ß binds to, and is intenalizedby, many types of cells, this hybrid protein also demonstratesthe feasibility of using interleukin-1ß as a deliverysystem for useful therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

We have previously described a method for isolating Escherichiacoli-produced methionyl bovine prolactin (Met-bPRL) and itsrenaturation using thioredoxin. This report describes an alternativerenaturation procedure in which extracted Met-bPRL is incubatedin air at pH 10 and 20°C. Within 1 h of such treatment essentiallyall of the reduced Met-bPRL was converted to the oxidized form;this was accompanied by an increase to full mitogenic activityin the Nb2 cell bioassay. It was also found that, to minimizecontamination by high mol. wt Met-bPRL derivatives, it is essentialto have a reducing agent (dithiothreitol) present during disruptionof the bacteria and to extract the protein at neutral pH. Thecontribution of each of the three disuiphide bridges in bPRLto its bioactivity was studied with Met-bPRL variants, preparedvia site-specific mutagenesis, in which cysteines were replacedby serines to prevent disulphide bond formation. Variants lackingthe C4–C11 bridge, the C191–C199 bridge or boththese terminal bridges were as mitogenic as authentic bPRL.(Variants lacking the C191–C199 bridge had markedly increasedsolubility in the presence of deoxycholate.) In contrast, variantslacking the C58–C174 bridge had greatly reduced bioactivity,indicating that integrity of the large disulphide loop is crucialto the hormone's mitogenic activity.  相似文献   

The Sulfolobus solfataricus, strain MT4, ß-glycosidase(Ssßgly) is a thermophilic member of glycohydrolasefamily 1. To identify active-site residues, glutamic acids 206and 387 have been changed to isosteric glutamine by site-directedmutagenesis. Mutant proteins have been purified to homogeneityusing the Schistosoma japonicum glutathione S-transferase (GST)fusion system. The proteolytic cleavage of the chimeric proteinwith thrombin was only obtainable after the introduction ofa molecular spacer between the GST and the Ssß-glydomains. The Glu387 Gin mutant showed no detectable activity,as expected for the residue acting as the nucleophile of thereaction. The Glu206 Gin mutant showed 10- and 60-fold reducedactivities on aryl-galacto and aryl-glucosides, respectively,when compared with the wild type. Moreover, a significant Kmdecrease with plo-nitrophenyl-ß-D-glucoside was observed.The residual activity of the Glu206 Gln mutant lost the typicalpH dependence shown by the wild type. These data suggest thatGlu206 acts as the general acid/base catalyst in the hydrolysisreaction.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding the mature region of goat -lactalbumin and the3'-non-coding region was fused to cDNA of the N-terminal halfof porcine adenylate kinase which had been placed under thecontrol of the tac promoter in an expression vector in Escherichiacoli. In addition, a methionine codon was inserted between thetwo cDNAs. When the plasmid carried the full-length 3'-non-codingregion, little accumulation of the fused protein was observed.However, the deletion of two-thirds of the 3'-non-coding regionproduced significant expression of the fused protein in E.colistrain JM105. Since goat -lactalbumin contains no methionineresidue, the mature goat -lactalbumin was isolated by CNBr digestionof the fused insoluble protein and refolded using thioredoxin.The homogeneous and biologically active goat -lactalbumin waspurified by Ca2+ ion-dependent hydrophobic chromatography.  相似文献   

In a preceding paper we presented a novel approach to computationof 3-D folds of protein chains from their amino acid sequences.This approach is a physically correct generalization of the‘threading’ methods. It is based on a self-consistentmolecular field theory and on a physical theory of protein foldingpatterns, which make it possible to examine all the varietyof ‘potentially stable’ folding patterns and allthe variety of the chain conformations within each of them andto determine the thermodynamically stable structure. In thispaper, we apply this approach to single out stable folding patternsand conformations for the chains of ß-sandwich proteinsand show that the similarity of the calculated and observedstructures is usually rather close.  相似文献   

The sequence of octarellin I, the first de novo (ß/)8polypeptide, was revised according to several criteria, amongothers the symmetry of the sequence, ß-residue volumeand hydrophobicity, and charge distribution. These considerationsand the overall conclusions drawn from the first design ledto two new sequences, corresponding to octarellins II and III.Octarellin II retains perfect 8-fold symmetry. Octarellin IIIhas the same sequence as octarellin II, except for the ß-strandswhich exhibit a 4-fold symmetry. The two proteins were producedin Escherichia coli. Infrared and CD spectral analyses of octarellinsII and III reveal a high secondary structure content. Non-denaturinggel electrophoresis, molecular sieve chromatography and analyticalultracentrifugation suggest that both of these second-generationartificial polypeptides exist as a mixture of a monomer anda dimer form. Octarellins II and III are at least 10 times moresoluble than octarellin I. Ureainduced unfolding followed byfluorescence emission suggests that the tryptophan residues,designed to be buried in the (ß/)8, are indeed packedin the hydrophobic core of both proteins. However, octarellinIII displays a higher stability towards urea denaturation, indicatingthat introducing 4-fold symmetry into the ß-barrelmight be important for stability of the overall folding.  相似文献   

An alkaline cellulase ß-1,4-endoglucanase; NK1) froman alkalophilk Bacillus sp. shows great similarity in aminoacid sequence to a neutral cellulase (BSC) from Bacillus subtilis,despite a considerable difference in their pH activity profiles.Multiple amino acid exchanges by site-directed mutagenesis,using BSC as the reference, were performed on the residues inregion 5 of NK1, which was previously shown to be responsiblefor the high enzyme activity of this alkaline cellulase in abroad alkaline pH range. Two amino acid residues, Ser287 andAla296, were identified as being responsible for the activityin the alkaline range. The double mutation, Ser287 to Asn andAla296 to Ser, of NK1 made its pH activity profile almost thesame as that of BSC. On the other hand, the pH activity profilein the acidic range was not significantly affected by variousamino acid replacements including these two positions in region5. This observation, together with the information availableon other endoglucanases, suggests that the above two amino acidsubstitutions caused a profound effect through rearrangementof the hydrogen bond network forming the substrate-binding siteor the catalytic site.  相似文献   

Twelve different (/ß)8-barrel enzymes belonging tothree structurally distinct families were found to contain,near the C-terminus of their strand ß5, a conservedinvariant glutamic acid residue that plays an important functionalrole in each of these enzymes. The search was based on the ideathat a conserved sequence region of an (/ß)8-barrelenzyme should be more or less conserved also in the equivalentpart of the structure of the other enzymes with this foldingmotif owing to their mutual evolutionary relatedness. For thispurpose, the sequence region around the well conserved fifthß-strand of a-amylase containing catalytic glutamate(Glu230, Aspergillus oryzae -amylase numbering), was used asthe sequence-structural template. The isolated sequence stretchesof the 12 (/ß)8-barrels are discussed from both thesequence-structural and the evolutionary point of view, theinvariant glutamate residue being proposed to be a joining featureof the studied group of enzymes remaining from their ancestral(/ß)8-barrel  相似文献   

Starting from a synthetic modular gene (infA*) encoding Escherichiacoli translation initiation factor IF1, we have constructedmutants in which amino acids are deleted from the carboxyl terminusor in which His29 or His34 are replaced by Tyr or Asp residues.The mutant proteins were overproduced, purified and tested invitro for their properties in several partial reactions of thetranslation initiation pathway and for their capacity to stimulateMS2 RNA-dependent protein synthesis. The results allow for theconclusion that: (i) Arg69 is part of the 30S ribosomal subunitbinding site of IF1 and its deletion results in the substantialloss of all IF1 functions; (ii) neither one of its two histidinesis essential for the binding of IF1 to the 30S ribosomal subunit,for the stimulation of fMet-tRNA binding to 30S or 70S ribosomalparticles or for MS2 RNA-dependent protein synthesis; but (iii)His29 is involved in the 50S subunit-induced ejection of IF1from the 30S ribosomal subunit.  相似文献   

A 658 bp DNA sequence corresponding to the murine 1 chain ofa monoclonal antibody, Se 155-4, specific for the Salmonellaserotype B O-antigen, was designed using Escherichia coli preferredcodons and chemically synthesized by ligation of synthetic fragmentsinto a linearized plasmid followed by transformation into E.coli.A synthetic signal peptide (ompA) was fused to express the Lchain as a free polypeptide into the periplasm of E.coli cells.After isolation and purification, heterologous recombinationof the E.coli L chain with mouse H chain gave an active antigen-bindingprotein. The activity was 15–20% when compared to proteincreated by an equivalent association of isolated natural mouseL and H chains as measured by a direct EIA assay. In inhibitionexperiments with the polysaccharide antigen, the two proteinsshowed identical titration curves and 50% inhibition points,indicating comparable KA values.  相似文献   

Furin and PACE4, members of the subtilisin-like proprotein convertase (SPC) family, have been implicated in the metastatic progression of certain tumors in addition to the activation of viral coat proteins and bacterial toxins, indicating that these enzymes are potential targets for therapeutic agents. Alpha1-Antitrypsin Portland is an engineered alpha1-antitrypsin designed as a furin-specific inhibitor and has been used as a tool in the functional analysis of furin. In this work, we engineered rat alpha1-antitrypsin to create a PACE4-specific inhibitor. Substituting Arg-Arg-Arg-Arg for Ala-Val-Pro-Met(352) at P4-P1 and Ala for Leu(354) at P2' created a potent PACE4- and PC6-specific inhibitor. This variant (RRRRSA) formed an SDS- and heat-stable serpin/proteinase complex with PACE4 or PC6 and inhibited both enzyme activities. The RRRRSA variant was efficiently cleaved by furin without formation of the stable complex. This is the first report of a highly selective protein-based inhibitor of PACE4 and PC6. This inhibitor will be useful in delineating the roles of PACE4 and PC6 localized in the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

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