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Zhaoyang Niu Zhongli Tang Wenbin Li Yuanhui Shen Donghui Zhang 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2022,68(7):e17729
In order to address the challenge of optimization of pressure swing adsorption systems, an optimization framework based on pseudo transient continuation method was used and a corresponding library with several models was established for simulation of more complex processes. Then, two vacuum pressure swing adsorption processes for oxygen and nitrogen production were considered as case studies and the results based on the single discretization and pseudo transient method were compared and analyzed in detail. Besides, a new strategy was proposed for the stability and efficiency of simulation. Finally, reduced successive quadratic programming and time relaxation algorithm were used for the optimization of the two systems, respectively, and the results showed that the time relaxation algorithm based on the pseudo transient framework has a strong advantage in saving optimization time cost compared with the former. 相似文献
Reza Haghpanah Ricky Nilam Arvind Rajendran Shamsuzzaman Farooq Iftekhar A. Karimi 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2013,59(12):4735-4748
A systematic analysis of several vacuum swing adsorption (VSA) cycles with Zeochem zeolite 13X as the adsorbent to capture CO2 from dry, flue gas containing 15% CO2 in N2 is reported. Full optimization of the analyzed VSA cycles using genetic algorithm has been performed to obtain purity‐recovery and energy‐productivity Pareto fronts. These cycles are assessed for their ability to produce high‐purity CO2 at high recovery. Configurations satisfying 90% purity‐recovery constraints are ranked according to their energy‐productivity Pareto fronts. It is shown that a 4‐step VSA cycle with light product pressurization gives the minimum energy penalty of 131 kWh/tonne CO2 captured at a productivity of 0.57 mol CO2/m3 adsorbent/s. The minimum energy consumption required to achieve 95 and 97% purities, both at 90% recoveries, are 154 and 186 kWh/tonne CO2 captured, respectively. For the proposed cycle, it is shown that significant increase in productivity can be achieved with a marginal increase in energy consumption. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 4735–4748, 2013 相似文献
Alexander W. Dowling Sree R. R. Vetukuri Lorenz T. Biegler 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2012,58(12):3777-3791
Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is an efficient method for gas separation and is a potential candidate for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture from power plants. However, few PSA cycles have been designed for this purpose; the optimal design and operation of PSA cycles for CO2 capture, as well as other systems, remains a very challenging task. In this study, we present a systematic optimization‐based formulation for the synthesis and design of novel PSA cycles for CO2 capture in IGCC power plants, which can simultaneously produce hydrogen (H2) and CO2 at high purity and high recovery. Here, we apply a superstructure‐based approach to simultaneously determine optimal cycle configurations and design parameters for PSA units. This approach combines automatic differentiation, efficient ODE solvers for the state and sensitivity equations of the PSA model, and state of the art nonlinear programming solvers. Three optimization models are proposed, and two PSA case studies are considered. The first case study considers a binary separation of H2 and CO2 at high purity, where specific energy is minimized, whereas the second case study considers a larger five component separation. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 58: 3777–3791, 2012 相似文献
Harish Khajuria Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2013,59(1):120-131
The real‐time periodic performance of a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) system strongly depends on the choice of key decision variables and operational considerations such as processing steps and column pressure temporal profiles, making its design and operation a challenging task. This work presents a detailed optimization‐based approach for simultaneously incorporating PSA design, operational, and control aspects under the effect of time variant and invariant disturbances. It is applied to a two‐bed, six‐step PSA system represented by a rigorous mathematical model, where the key optimization objective is to maximize the expected H2 recovery while achieving a closed loop product H2 purity of 99.99%, for separating 70% H2, 30% CH4 feed. The benefits over sequential design and control approach are shown in terms of closed‐loop recovery improvement of more than 3%, while the incorporation of explicit/multiparametric model predictive controllers improves the closed loop performance. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 120–131, 2013 相似文献
研究快速变压吸附制氧过程中的传质过程,结合实验数据对全局动态传质系数与常数传质系数进行对比模拟分析,并考察各传质阻力对传质效果的影响。结果表明:基于轴向、膜扩散和孔扩散估算的动态传质系数是有效的。膜阻力是主要阻力,其次是轴向扩散阻力,大孔扩散阻力较小,微孔扩散阻力可忽略。在快速变压吸附中,由于气速和温度变化较快,传质系数也会有较大变化,总体趋势是传质系数随着温度和气速的升高而升高。采用恒定传质系数无法准确描述吸附塔内各个时间点、空间点上的传质行为,根据各节点状态计算出的动态估算传质系数能够与吸附塔内的行为有较好的吻合度,模型具有较高的可信性。 相似文献
本文系统地推导了变压吸附过程中均压压力和管道流速的计算公式,结合均压压力的理论计算值与实际开车数据并进行对比,引入吸附放大系数对管径计算进行修正,为变压吸附管径设计和现场开车数据定量分析提供理论基础。 相似文献
变压吸附技术是工业上生产高纯氢气最常用的方法之一。然而,在实际生产过程中无法观察到塔内各组分在不同时刻的分布状态,因此借助模拟的手段来研究从投料至系统达到循环稳态期间各组分在塔内的动态变化规律,进而指导工艺改进是很有必要的。采用活性炭和5A分子筛为吸附剂,设计了八塔变压吸附工艺从蒸汽甲烷重整气中纯化氢气,模拟了变压吸附制氢开车过程,分析了开车过程中塔内各组分在吸附、顺放以及冲洗三个阶段以及循环稳态后吸附阶段瞬态吸附行为和塔内温度变化。结果表明,在吸附以及顺放等过程中重组分会随着循环周期向塔顶移动。这一现象是组分间竞争吸附和冲洗再生方式下重组分在床层底部累积两个作用因素共同导致的。这些因素在一定程度上也会造成CO的吸附前沿在吸附阶段就过多进入5A分子筛上,使得CO含量成为限制工艺性能的主要因素。 相似文献
Abstract The most common application of adsorption is via pressure swing adsorption. In this type of design, the feed and regeneration temperatures are kept approximately equal, whereas the feed pressure is higher than the regeneration pressure. By exploiting the difference in the amount adsorbed at a higher pressure to the amount adsorbed at a lower pressure, a working capacity is realized. Therefore, by examining the expected (ideal) working capacity of an adsorbent, a performance characteristic can be analyzed for a pressure swing adsorption process (PSA). For this work, feed pressures up to 2.0 atm CO2 and feed temperatures from 20°C to 200°C were investigated. These limits were chosen due to the nature of the target process: CO2 removal from flue gas. Carbon dioxide adsorption isotherms were determined in a constant volume system at 23°C, 45°C, 65°C, 104°C, 146°C, and 198°C, for pressures between 0.001 and 2.5 atm CO2 with NaY zeolite. These data were fit with the temperature dependent form of the Toth isotherm. Henry's Law constants and the heat of adsorption at the limit of zero coverage were also determined using the concentration pulse method. Comparison of the Henry's Law constants derived from the Toth isotherm, and those obtained with the concentration pulse method provided excellent agreement. By using the Toth isotherm, expected working capacity contour plots were constructed for PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption), TSA (Temperature Swing Adsorption), and PTSA (Pressure Temperature Swing Adsorption) cycles. The largest expected working capacities were obtained when the bed was operated under a high‐pressure gradient PSA cycle, or a high thermal and pressure gradient PTSA cycle. The results also showed that certain TSA and PSA cycle conditions would result with higher expected working capacities as the feed temperature increases. 相似文献
丙烷脱氢(PDH)是生产丙烯产品的重要方式之一,丙烷脱氢反应气组分复杂,为获得聚合级丙烯和纯度不小于99.90 mol/mol的氢气产品,在Aspen软件中对丙烷脱氢反应气分离和富氢尾气回收氢气的过程进行建模和模拟,分离过程包括醇胺脱碳、压缩深冷、脱乙烷、丙烯精馏和变压吸附单元。为了合理利用丙烯精馏塔的能量,对丙烯精馏塔进行能量集成,采用变压吸附工艺回收氢气并对分离过程工艺参数进行灵敏度分析及优化工艺参数,以提高经济性和能效。模拟结果可得到符合要求的丙烯和氢气产品,单位产品能耗分别为267.46 kg标准油/t丙烯产品,474.44 kg标准油/t氢气产品。 相似文献
介绍了采用新型吸附剂及变温变压吸附技术脱除氯乙烯单体中水分的原理及工艺流程。该技术用于20万t/a氯乙烯单体装置的深度脱水处理后,氯乙烯单体的含水质量分数由700μg/g下降到20~50μg/g。该技术脱水能力强、效率高,生产过程中无"三废"排放。 相似文献
变压吸附过程的数学模拟崔群姚虎卿(南京化工大学,南京210009)关键词变压吸附(PSA)数学模拟1前言变压吸附过程具有常温操作、易于自控、可获得高纯度产品等特点。广泛用于炼油和石油化工过程尾气的回收等系统,如用于炼油厂放空气和合成氨厂弛放气的H2... 相似文献
New development in flow‐through pressure‐swing frequency response method for mass‐transfer study: Ethane in ZIF‐8

Yu Wang Charanjit S. Paur Peter I. Ravikovitch 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2017,63(3):1077-1090
A new pressure‐swing frequency response (PSFR) method has been developed to study mass transfer in adsorption systems as a function of temperature and pressure, from ?70 to 180°C, and up to 7 bar. New in‐phase and out‐of‐phase functions have been derived for the PSFR in a general way to allow information extracted from it independent of whether the system is operated in a batch volume swing or a flow‐through pressure swing mode. A new mathematical model that considers distribution of diffusion rates has been introduced to account for diffusive transport in heterogeneous samples. Numerical simulation results have shown that a single rate diffusion model works well when heterogeneity can be described by a normal distribution, but not for asymmetrically bimodal distributions. As a test reference system, the transport of ethane in ZIF‐8 was investigated at different pressures and temperatures using the new PSFR method. The mass transfer was found to be dominated by micropore diffusion. Diffusivity was found to be weakly dependent on pressure or loading, but quite strongly dependent on temperature. The results agree very well with our independent batch volume frequency response technique experiments. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 1077–1090, 2017 相似文献
简述了变压吸附制氮装置工艺流程、工作过程和均压方式.介绍了对变压吸附制氮装置等势平衡均压、不等势平衡均压、等势不平衡均压、不等势不平衡均压方式的实验结果,着重介绍了等势不平衡均压方式的特点. 相似文献