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21 species of common Norwegian lichens were investigated for their content of choline, ergosterol and tocopherols. The choline content varied 20-fold between species, but most lichens were good sources of choline. Law but significant concentrations of ergosterol were found in many of the samples, indicating the value of these plants as a reserve of vitamin D. a-Tocopherol was the only member of the vitamin E group detected in the lichens. The contents were higher than those found in blue-green algae, the phycobionts of many lichens. A new technique for the determination of ergosterol, based on chromatography on alumina-containing paper, was developed.  相似文献   

Banned pesticides such as HCB and p,p'-DDE, and other legacy and ongoing pollutants such as PCBs and PAHs, were measured in different vegetation types and soil samples collected at selected areas from Antarctic Peninsula (Deception and Livingstone Islands, Southern Shetlands). Two Antarctic expeditions (in 2005 and 2009) were carried out to assess POPs levels at remote areas, and close to current and abandoned Antarctic research settlements, to assess potential sources of pollutants. Overall, the patterns in lichens, mosses, and grass were dominated by low molecular PCB congeners and PAHs and the presence of HCB and p,p'-DDE rather than heavier compounds, suggesting the importance of long-range atmospheric transport of POPs as the main vector for the introduction of these chemicals to Antarctica. Statistically significant correlations (p-level < 0.05) between concentrations in vegetation of PCBs, p,p'-DDE, and the more volatile PAHs with lipid content were found with r(2) of 0.22-0.52 for PCBs, 0.42 for p,p'-DDE, and 0.44-0.72 for the more volatile PAHs. Thus, lipid content is an important factor controlling POPs in Antarctic lichens, mosses, and grass. A strong significant dependence of HCB (r(2) = 0.83), p,p'-DDE (r(2) = 0.60), and PCBs (r(2) = 0.36-0.47) concentrations in soil on its organic carbon content was also observed, indicating the important role of soil organic matter (SOM) in the retention of PCBs and OCPs in Polar Regions, where SOM content is low. Penguin colonies enhance the SOM content in some areas which is reflected in higher concentrations of all POPs, especially of persistent compounds such as p,p'-DDE. Higher concentrations of PCBs and PAHs found at the currently active Byers Camp (in an Antarctic Specially Protected Area) were explained by higher SOM content, thus indicating that Antarctic regulations are being successfully fulfilled in this small research area. On the other hand, PAHs in soils proximate to current Juan Carlos I research station show that even small human settlements are an important source of PAHs to the local environment. Therefore, even though the concentrations in Antarctica are low, there is evidence of local hotspots of contamination.  相似文献   

稀土元素(rare earth,简称RE)为重金属元素,具有广谱的生物毒性并可产生低剂量蓄积效应,农产品中稀土元素的安全问题越来越受到人们的重视。鉴于茶叶因稀土元素含量超标而引发诸多争议与质疑,本文结合研究结果与文献调研,得出以下结论:1基于稀土元素的低剂量效应,茶叶的稀土元素持续摄入及其在体内的蓄积对健康存在的潜在影响应予以重视;2制定植物性食品稀土元素相关限量标准具有必要性、科学性、前瞻性,以保障农产食品的质量安全;3茶叶的稀土元素含量超标的主因是人为持续使用含稀土元素的肥料,特别是含稀土元素的叶面肥,茶叶的稀土元素高残留与稀土元素的土壤累积效应、茶树(叶)的生物学特性与对稀土元素的高度选择性吸收等有关,茶叶中源自土壤的稀土元素应是土壤固有的和外源稀土元素累积于土壤中叠加的,农用稀土元素产品的性质与农业惯用的植物生长调节剂的特性要求相违背,将其用于茶叶的举措是导致茶叶稀土元素含量升高或超标的主要原因;4解决茶叶稀土元素含量升高或超标的关键措施是倡导茶叶生产中杜绝使用稀土元素肥料,从源头切断茶叶稀土元素的来源,减轻土壤和茶树(叶)的稀土元素承载。  相似文献   

阮南  武昕  黄莉静  李艳 《食品科技》2006,31(8):160-162
研究了在谷氨酸发酵工业生产条件下,稀土促进菌体产酸、提高谷氨酸产量的最佳效果,以及稀土的加入方法和生产工艺对稀土的作用效果所产生的影响。研究表明,在大生产工艺条件下,发酵培养基中含有1mg/L碳酸镧时能明显增加谷氨酸产量,提高发酵水平,但其作用效果也受到一些生产工艺的影响。  相似文献   

稀土镧-芦丁配合物的合成与表征及其抑菌活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为研究稀土芦丁配合物的结构和抑菌活性,以稀土金属镧(Ⅲ)的氯化物和芦丁为原料,在乙醇溶液中合成了镧-芦丁稀土配合物。以二甲基亚砜(DMSO)为溶剂,在200~400nm波长范围内对芦丁及配合物进行紫外光谱扫描,两个特征峰带分别发生了红移和蓝移。同时对配合物进行的傅立叶红外光谱分析显示,在614.88cm-1处出现的特征吸收峰表明芦丁与稀土镧(Ⅲ)以La-O键的形式结合成配合物,结果与紫外吸收光谱分析一致。同时研究了配合物在pH5~7时,浓度为2×10-5 mol?L-1~2×10-9 mol?L-1范围的荧光强度变化。抑菌活性实验表明,稀土镧-芦丁配合物的抑菌活性优于单独稀土镧(Ⅲ)离子和芦丁配体。将配合物用于纺织物的抗菌整理中,具有较强的抑菌活性。  相似文献   

目的研究大叶苦丁茶和小叶苦丁茶中重金属铬、镉、铅和16种稀土元素的含量情况,了解苦丁茶重金属及稀土元素摄入的风险。方法以微波消解法进行样品前处理,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry,ICP-MS)同时检测2种苦丁茶中重金属铬、镉、铅和16种稀土元素,并将检测结果与食品安全国家标准进行比较。结果本方法对各元素的检出限为0.012~0.062μg/L,加标回收率为94.6%~107.7%,相对标准偏差为0.3%~6.1%,该方法经茶叶标准物质(GBW 08513)验证可靠。苦丁茶样品分析表明,铅、铬和稀土元素在2种苦丁茶中的含量较低,而大叶苦丁茶镉的含量(2.00~15.73 mg/kg)明显高于小叶苦丁茶(0.05~0.14 mg/kg)。结论本方法适用于茶叶类样品中多元素污染物快速检测及风险评估,风险监测数据表明大叶苦丁茶中存在重金属镉摄入性风险。  相似文献   

Differences in bark chemistry between inner and outer bark are well known and may affect the suitability of various bark supplies for a particular application. Accordingly, there is a need for quality control protocols to assess variability and predict product yields. Southern yellow pine bark samples from two industrial sources were separated into inner and outer bark tissues and used to prepare both predetermined and random bark compositions for analysis. Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, coupled with multivariate analysis, was successfully used to develop models to predict relative amounts of inner bark. Application of mathematical treatments to the NIR data improved the calibration performance leading to improved predictions for the test samples. Results presented here show promise for the further development of this technique as a means to provide rapid and accurate predictions of the quality of bark obtainable from industrial sources.  相似文献   

For detection and analysis of the potential accumulation of rare earth elements (REE) in food products originating from REE mining area the REE content of Camellia oleifera seeds from these area was determined by ICP-MS; the results for limits of detection of REE (mostly lower than 3.00?ng/L) and the relative standard deviation (1.97?C11.7?%) for 10 REE demonstrate the significance of our analysis method. The content of REE in Camellia oleifera seeds from REE mining area is low (not significantly elevated) and should not be harmful to human health.  相似文献   

目的 了解我国山东、广东和江西三省典型稀土矿区居民日常饮水中稀土元素(Rare earth elements,REEs)含量及分布规律,并与非矿区进行比较.方法 选择山东、广东和江西三省的典型稀土矿区及非矿区居民,采用双份饭方法开展连续3 d 24 h膳食调查,收集受访者每天饮水样本.采用电感耦合等离子质谱法测定饮水样...  相似文献   

For detection and analysis of the potential accumulation of rare earth elements (REE) in food products originating from REE mining area the REE content of Camellia oleifera seeds from these area was determined by ICP-MS; the results for limits of detection of REE (mostly lower than 3.00 ng/L) and the relative standard deviation (1.97–11.7 %) for 10 REE demonstrate the significance of our analysis method. The content of REE in Camellia oleifera seeds from REE mining area is low (not significantly elevated) and should not be harmful to human health.  相似文献   

全文介绍了蛋氨酸的性能,生产的主要技术路线与最佳的操作条件及有关进展情况.对现工业化运行的主要蛋氨酸生产工艺的技术特点进行了具体的分析和总结,阐述了国内外研究开发的现状与发展趋势.并探讨了扩大应用范围等的前景与市场需求.  相似文献   

The relationship between cobalt, copper and zinc content of soils and the vegetables grown in them is discussed. Samples of soil and edible vegetables were taken from 15 different sites, corresponding to four agricultural areas exposed to different degrees of environmental pollution: high industrial and traffic, high industrial and urban, and low industrial and urban pollution. Elements were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Variance analysis (ANOVA) was applied to cobalt, copper and zinc content of vegetables and soils in order to detect significant differences among soils of different areas and the vegetables grown there. The possible relationship between the heavy metal content of soils (total and extractable) and of the vegetables grown in them was estimated by the correlation coefficient value. Statistically significant correlations were observed between the total and extractable cobalt content of soils and of roots and bulbs (p < 0.1) and between the total copper content of soils and of inflorescences (p < 0.05). In the case of zinc no correlation was found.  相似文献   

文章主要讨论了壳聚糖及氯化镧稀土在苎麻织物直接染料染色中的应用。结果表明:使用壳聚糖预处理后,用直接染料染色后织物的K/S值得到提高,其预处理优化工艺为:壳聚糖用量3.0%(owf)、浸渍温度60℃、浸渍时间30 min、焙烘温度100℃、焙烘时间3 min;氯化镧稀土的处理对直接染料的结构有一定的选择性,预处理工艺为:氯化镧用量0.5%(owf)、浸渍温度60℃、浸渍时间30 min;采用壳聚糖和氯化镧稀土共同处理,以先用3.0%(owf)的壳聚糖预处理,然后在染色中途加入1.0%(owf)的氯化镧稀土(替代食盐),这一工艺较好。  相似文献   

稀土夜光纤维是一种具有特殊功能的新型材料。简述了稀土夜光纤维的发光原理及其功能特性,分析了该纤维的服用性能及应用领域。通过产品试制,对夜光纤维后道产品的开发与应用进行了探讨和展望。  相似文献   

稀土对羊毛的抗菌及染色性能研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
研究将羊毛织物用稀土铈离子进行抗菌整理,探讨了各种工艺因素,如稀土金属离子浓度、温度、时间、pH值、交联剂等对Ce3 在羊毛织物上吸附量的影响,得到了Ce3 处理羊毛的最佳工艺条件.然后在最佳工艺条件下,用弱酸性染料对抗菌羊毛进行染色.结果表明:经Ce3 处理并染色后,羊毛对金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌的抗菌率均达到90%以上,断裂强力增大,染色速率和上染百分率都显著提高.  相似文献   

应用电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定了紫菜、螺旋藻中稀土元素(La、Ce、Pr、Nd、Sm、Eu、Gd、Tb、Dy、Ho、Er、Tm、Yb、Lu、Y).采用微波消解,直接测定.其方法检出限低,准确度好.  相似文献   

采用水热法合成两个稀土羧酸配位聚合物{Ln(H2L)(HL)(H2O)}n,{H3L=5-(对羧苄氧基)-1,3-苯二甲酸;Ln=La(1)、Nd(2)}.通过元素分析,红外光谱以及X-射线单晶衍射分析确定配合物的晶体结构.根据普适积分法对配合物的热重图谱进行热动力学分析.结果显示,两个配位聚合物属同构物,均为三斜晶系,P-1空间群.与中心稀土离子参与配位的两个5-(对羧苄氧基)-1,3-苯二甲酸配体中,一个配体中有两个羧基氧参与配位,而另一个配体只有一个羧基参与配位;配位单元LnO9的空间构型为扭曲的三帽三棱柱结构.LnO9通过羧基氧原子桥联成一维链状结构,链状结构之间通过氢键形成三维网络结构.热重分析显示配合物有很高的热稳定性,普适积分法求出配合物两次失重过程的热分解动力学的三因子,并得出决定两个配合物失重过程反应速率的关键步骤为随机成核和随后生长机理.  相似文献   

在工业快速发展的过程中,也出现了较为严重的大气污染问题.我们要顺应生态文明建设和可持续发展的理念,全面深入剖析工业废气排放的环境规制现状及问题,分析环境规制对城市工业企业发展带来的影响,并提出工业废气排放的环境规制对策,不断提高工业废气排放环境规制工作的科学合理性和切实可行性.  相似文献   

餐饮废油硅酸钠-活性白土精炼工艺优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以餐饮废油为试验材料,对硅酸钠-活性白土精炼工艺进行研究。通过单因素试验和正交旋转回归组合设计优化后的精炼最佳工艺条件为:活性白土和硅酸钠总加量8%,反应温度80℃,反应时间30 min,活性白土与硅酸钠质量比值为4。在最佳条件下精炼率为79.6%,精炼油酸值(KOH)为0.71 mg/g,过氧化值为4.32 meq/kg,符合饲料用油的行业标准。  相似文献   

彩色与彩色光稀土夜光纤维的开发及应用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
彩色与彩色光稀土夜光纤维是经过特种纺丝工艺制成的具有夜光性蓄光型夜光纤维,系高科技功能纤维.该纤维在受光时捕集激发态电子,光照停止后进行持续的发光跃迁.该纤维只要吸收任何可见光10 min,便能将光能蓄贮于纤维之中,在黑暗状态下持续发光10 h以上,且可无限次循环使用.夜光纤维可广泛应用于建筑装璜、交通运输、航空航海、夜间作业、消防应急、日常生活及娱乐服装等领域.  相似文献   

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