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D. H. Gleaves and E. Hernandez (see record 1999-01068-004) write in relation to the seduction theory that "recent writers now argue that... Freud never made discoveries of sexual abuse" (p. 332) and that "the assertion that Freud did not make discoveries of abuse is unwarranted" (p. 324). In this article an outline of the case that Freud had no adequate grounds for his 1896 claims of having uncovered infantile "sexual scenes" is given. Some of the more important misconceptions and erroneous arguments in Gleaves and Hernandez's article are then examined. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

J. Kruger and D. Dunning (1999) argued that the unskilled suffer a dual burden: Not only do they perform poorly, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it. J. Krueger and R. A. Mueller (2002) replicated these basic findings but interpreted them differently. They concluded that a combination of the better-than-average (BTA) effect and a regression artifact better explains why the unskilled are unaware. The authors of the present article respectfully disagree with this proposal and suggest that any interpretation of J. Krueger and R. A. Mueller's results is hampered because those authors used unreliable tests and inappropriate measures of relevant mediating variables. Additionally, a regression-BTA account cannot explain the experimental data reported in J. Kruger and D. Dunning or a reanalysis following the procedure suggested by J. Krueger and R. A. Mueller. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports errors in the original article by T. K. Logan et al (Psychological Bulletin, 2002, Vol 128[6], 851-885). Errors in Table 1 (p. 862), Table 2 (p. 863), and Table 4 (p. 865) are noted and corrected. Errors in the text on page 869 and page 871 also are corrected. (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in record record 2002-18663-001). This article is focused on examining social and contextual factors related to HIV-risk behavior for women. Specifically, this article has three main purposes: to review the literature on selected social and contextual factors that contribute to the risk for the heterosexual transmission of HIV and AIDS, to review and conduct a meta-analysis of HIV-prevention interventions targeting adult heterosexual populations, and to suggest future directions for HIV-prevention intervention research and practice. Results suggest that the HIV-prevention interventions reviewed for this article had little impact on sexual risk behavior, that social and contextual factors are often minimally addressed, and that there was a large gap between research and practice of HIV-prevention intervention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the article by B. Rind, P. Tromovitch and R. Bauserman (see record 1998-04232-002) which reported a meta-analysis of the relation between sexual abuse in childhood and adolescence and psychological functioning among college students. Sever aspects of their work have proven highly controversial, including their assertion that the relation between child sexual abuse and adjustment is quite small and their questioning of whether child sexual abuse should be labeled abuse in scientific inquiry. In this commentary, the authors summarize the controversy that has ensued, place it in a historical context, discuss the limitations of B. Rind et al.'s findings, and critique the manner in which those findings are presented. The authors also argue for the appropriateness of the term abuse and for scientific terminology that reflects rather than contradicts consensual public morality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors respond to 2 victimological critiques of their 1998 meta-analysis on child sexual abuse (CSA). S. J. Dallam et al. (see record 2001-05308-002) (2001) claimed that B. Rind, P. Tromovitch, and R. Bauserman (see record 1998-04232-002) (1998) committed numerous methodological and statistical errors, and often miscoded and misinterpreted data. The authors show all these claims to be invalid. To the contrary, they demonstrate frequent bias in Dallam et al.'s criticisms. S. J. Ondersma et al. (see record 2001-05308-001) (2001) claimed that Rind et al.'s study is part of a backlash against psychotherapists, that its suggestions regarding CSA definitions were extrascientific, and that the moral standard is needed to understand CSA scientifically. The authors show their suggestions to have been scientific and argue that it is Ondersma et al.'s issue-framing and moral standard that are extrascientific. This reply supports the original methods, analyses, recommendations, and conclusions of Rind et al. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

G. Frank (see record 2007-16468-011), in response to the current author's original paper (see record 2005-08806-004), maintained that if psychoanalysts are to renew their interest in an archaic concept like the ego, 3 criticisms must be addressed: reification of the ego, the problem of impersonality, and the problem of the ego's evolution from the id. The author addresses these criticisms directly and from within the context of an updated view of the ego as rooted in contemporary biological and psychological science. He also comments on the place of the psychoanalytic ego in the postmodern era. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The sexual attitudes and activities of 77 sexually abused and 89 comparison women (mean age=20.41, SD=3.38) were assessed 10 years after disclosure in a longitudinal, prospective study of the long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse. Abused participants were more preoccupied with sex, younger at first voluntary intercourse, more likely to have been teen mothers, and endorsed lower birth control efficacy than comparison participants. When psychological functioning earlier in development was examined, sexual preoccupation was predicted by anxiety, sexual aversion was predicted by childhood sexual behavior problems, and sexual ambivalence (simultaneous sexual preoccupation and sexual aversion) was predicted by pathological dissociation. Findings also indicate that biological father abuse may be associated with greater sexual aversion and sexual ambivalence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An undergraduate assistantship with Maslow, research with S. Asch, and an indirect exposure to E. Nagel's philosophy of science encouraged H. H. Kendler to become involved with methodological issues in psychology. Graduate training with K. Spence led to an active research career that was initially immersed in the latent learning controversy and later, with the collaboration of his wife T. Kendler, in the extension of the Hull-Spence model of cognitive development. Methodological concerns from a variety of sources encouraged Kendler to express his ideas on the methodology and history of psychology as well as its role in ethical and social policy issues. A productive symbiotic relationship is created from the interaction of democracy, natural-science psychology, and moral pluralism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the article by E. T. Gershoff (see record 2002-01514-001) which discussed corporal punishment by parents and associated child behaviors and experiences. The current author states that parental use of corporal punishment has been a contentious child-rearing topic for thousands of years. E. T. Gershoff s (2002) meta-analyses undoubtedly will rekindle the debate over whether parents should spank their children. The quality of the existing data is discussed as well as several surprising findings from the meta-analyses. The effects of corporal punishment are then considered from the perspectives of learning theory, socialization theory, and the child's point of view. Her ecological-process model is then evaluated in light of these perspectives. Research directions and social policy implications are addressed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Mills (see record 2005-04819-001) suggests that the tradition of relational psychoanalysis may hold an inherent risk of "therapeutic excess" which leads to unprofessional behavior. In his critique, Mills constructs an argument based upon a series of unsubstantiated claims which wrongly conclude that a particular theory in psychoanalysis can lead to a particular type of behavior, in this case, of the unethical type. This discussion attempts to clarify the errors in reasoning which this critique contains. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Malcolm Stavin's (2002) understanding of "Shattered Worlds/ Psychotic States" (G. E. Atwood, D. M. Orange, & R. D. Stolorow, 2002) is both sympathetic and accurate (see record 2002-12574-003). His article (see record 2002-12574-004) makes an important contribution in its own right to the clarification of the role of Cartesian thinking in psychoanalysis. Only a God can save us. -Martin Heidegger (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors take issue with 3 claims made by M. C. MacDonald and M. H. Christiansen (2002): (a) tha connectionist models of syntactic processing do not have components that function in the sarne way as limitations on working memory (WM) in production system models of psychological processes; (b) that individual differences in WM are related to the efficiency of syntactic processing because both are affected by reading experience; and (c) that individual differences in the nature of phonologica representations affect the efficiency of syntactic processing. The authors argue that the concept of WM cannot be eliminated from models of language processing and that the literature supports the view that syntactic processing involves a specialized WM system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a recent article, Howard H. Kendler (2002) criticized Kenneth B. Clark and the other social scientists who worked in Brown v. Board of Education for polluting their science with value judgments. This article argues that Kendler's critique is misguided because it conflates a policy judgment with a value judgment. In addition, Kendler inconsistently applied his own standard of objectivity when he examined the social science used in Brown. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This reply explores issues reviewed in comments by D. Baumrind, R. E. Larzelere, and P. A. Cowan (2002, see record 2002-01514-002), G. W. Holden (2002, see record 2002-01514-003), and R. D. Parke (2002, see record 2002-01514-004) on E. T. Gershoff's (2002, see record 2002-01514-001) article on parental punishment. The current discussion includes how corporal punishment should be defined, how corporal punishment can be distinguished from physical abuse, and whether established associations with child behaviors are best thought of as parent- or child-driven effects. In light of their comments, Gershoff herein revises the process-context model, revisits the issue of whether current knowledge is sufficient to condemn the use of parental corporal punishment, and concludes that lack of demonstrated positive effects and the potential links to physical abuse argue for discouraging corporal punishment in favor of alternative methods of discipline. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It is unfortunate that Kaplan and Parlow (1988) misinterpreted our plea for justice and compassion in balancing the rights of smokers and non-smokers (1987; see record 1989-01264-001) as a blanket endorsement of smokers' rights to expose abstainers to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). We absolutely do not advocate such a straw man; obviously, innocent third parties have the right to be protected. Kaplan and Parlow's assertion that our position is that "smoking is not a legitimate threat" is totally incorrect. In pointing to the controversy in the scientific literature about the degree of risk associated with ETS, we were not arguing that the risk is non-existent, nor that smokers are entitled to do as they please if others are adversely affected (or even if abstainers simply find ETS esthetically objectionable). Rather, we were emphasizing that the warlike rhetoric, emotionalism, and morally superior stance of the anti-smoking crusade can have a negative impact on the scientific objectivity that ought to guide social policy. The commendability of one's goals is not an excuse for ignoring contrary evidence or failing to examine the evidence for preferred hypotheses as critically as one would the support for unpopular causes. Our concern in our article, which Kaplan and Parlow failed to realize, was with how the rights of both smokers and non-smokers can best be achieved with a minimum of social and personal costs. The intent of our article was to remind readers that, in the past, emotionality and haste on the part of well-intentioned reformers have often been responsible for unnecessary social disruption and trammelling of individual rights--all while failing to achieve their noble goals. We agree with Kaplan and Parlow's position that individuals must be protected from exposure to unwanted ETS and that is the position we took in our article. This, however, can be done without creating greater social problems by trampling on the rights of smokers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three fundamental issues separate Jackson's (2003) methodological views from mine. One, whereas he believes an absolute moral view can prevail in a democracy, I assume moral pluralism is an inevitable byproduct of an open society. Two, Jackson feels that psychology can identify a correct moral position, whereas I postulate natural science psychology is only capable of revealing the empirical consequences of competing social policies and their moral implications. Three, Jackson espouses a politically active psychology that from my perspective is antithetical to a democratic and scientific ethic. In sum, Jackson's coupling of science with political advocacy will lead to a mistrust of psychology that will deny a democracy the opportunity to base its social policies on reliable psychological information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Perceptual and memorial constructs in children's judgments of quantity: A law of across-representation invariance" by Yuval Wolf and Daniel Algom (Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 1987[Dec], Vol 116[4], 381-397). The sentence found on p. 381, right-hand column, line 15, was printed incorrectly. The corrected statement is provided in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1988-07144-001.) Children at three different ages made judgments of physically presented (perceptual estimation) or symbolically represented (memorial estimation) rectangles. Height and width were integrated according to different, age-dependent algebraic rules. Memorial data obeyed the same integration rules that operated in the original perceptual judgments even when younger children and older children used completely different combination models. Valuation operations were the same in perception and memory for the youngest group (6-year-olds) but became discriminably different at older ages (for the 8- and 10-year-olds). Three additional experiments on judgments of volume, liquid quantity, and visual length yielded strong cross-validation support for the general invariance claim (with respect to integration rule theory) but less strong support for the specific invariance claim (with respect to valuation function for the 6-year-old subjects). Results are interpreted as demonstrating lawful and long-enduring ecological constraints on internal representation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Common factors in the identification of an assortment of brief everyday sounds" by James A. Ballas (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1993[Apr], Vol 19[2], 250-267). A previous notice regarding this article incorrectly identified the volume number and date of publication of the journal in which this article appeared. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1993-28211-001.) Acoustic, ecological, perceptual and cognitive factors that are common in the identification of 41 brief, varied sounds were evaluated. In Exp 1, identification time and accuracy, causal uncertainty values, and spectral and temporal properties of the sounds were obtained. Exp 2 was a survey to obtain ecological frequency counts. Exp 3 solicited perceptual–cognitive ratings. Factor analyses of spectral parameters and perceptual–cognitive ratings were performed. Identification time and causal uncertainty are highly interrelated, and both are related to ecological frequency and the presence of harmonics and similar spectral bursts. Exps 4 and 5 used a priming paradigm to verify correlational relationships between identification time and causal uncertainty and to assess the effect of sound typicality. Results support a hybrid approach for theories of everyday sound identification. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this article, the author replies to 3 commentaries relating to the egocentrism versus protocentrism debate and the self-as-distinct model (R. Karniol, 2003). Given space limitations, the author does not directly respond to the alternative frameworks her colleagues have proposed and focuses instead on 6 issues that are interwoven in the commentaries on her article: the appropriate framework within which a model of self-representation should be grounded, the distinction between representational and motivational models, the default representation in social cognition, the representation of self as distinctive, empirical issues relevant to settling the egocentrism versus protocentrism debate, and finally, the ubiquity of protocentrism. The author concludes that protocentrism will prevail. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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