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We study the problem of maintaining a dynamic ordered tree succinctly under updates of the following form: insertion or deletion of a leaf, insertion of a node on an edge (edge subdivision) or deletion of a node with only one child (the child becomes a child of its former grandparent). We allow satellite data of a fixed size to be associated to the nodes of the tree.We support update operations in constant amortized time and support access to satellite data and basic navigation operations in worst-case constant time; the basic navigation operations include parent, first/last-child, previous/next-child. These operations are moving from a node to its parent, leftmost/rightmost child, and its previous and next child respectively.We demonstrate that to efficiently support more extended operations, such as determining the i-th child of a node, rank of a child among its siblings, or size of the subtree rooted at a node, one requires a restrictive pattern for update strategy, for which we propose the finger-update model. In this model, updates are performed at the location of a finger that is only allowed to crawl on the tree between a child and a parent or between consecutive siblings. Under this model, we describe how the named extended operations are performed in worst-case constant time.Previous work on dynamic succinct trees (Munro et al., 2001 [17]; Raman and Rao, 2003 [19]) is mainly restricted to binary trees and achieves poly-logarithmic (Munro et al., 2001 [17]) or “poly-log-log” (Raman and Rao, 2003 [19]) update time under a more restricted model, where updates are performed in traversals starting at the root and ending at the root and queries can be answered when the traversal is completed. A previous result on ordinal trees achieves only sublinear amortized update time and “poly-log-log” query time (Gupta et al., 2007 [11]). More recently, the update time has been improved to O(logn/loglogn) while queries can be performed in O(logn/loglogn) time (Sadakane and Navarro, 2010 [20]).  相似文献   

The advancements and adoption of cloud-assisted ehealthcare systems have enabled the storage of massive electronic medical records (EMRs) in the cloud for efficient and easy access. A direct benefit of EMRs is the ability of patients to search for EMRs that are similar to their own in the cloud for use as references. These similar EMRs can help a patient find appropriate medical services quickly. However, for large-scale ehealthcare systems, challenges remain with respect to ensuring the efficiency and privacy of these queries. In this study, we construct an efficient and privacy-preserving similar EMR query scheme to help patients find similar EMRs to reference in a large-scale ehealthcare system. Specifically, we propose a coarse-grained query method based on a binary decision tree to find a set of EMRs corresponding to the patient’s set of medical-symptom keywords. We also design a fine-grained query method to find similar EMRs that meet the threshold set by the patient. A detailed security analysis shows that the proposed scheme is secure. The efficiency of the proposed method in a large-scale ehealthcare system is verified experimentally.  相似文献   

This paper describes a state space representation for sequencing and routing flexibility in manufacturing systems. Routing flexibility is represented using five different stages as follows: (i) Precedence Graph of Operations; (ii) State Transition Graph of Manufacturing Operation Sequences; (iii) State Transition Graph of Manufacturing Operation Routes; (iv) Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) Representation of Manufacturing Sequences; and (v) DNF Representation of Manufacturing Routes. Each representation is able to represent sequencing and routing flexibility at different levels of detail. The third representation is capable of enumerating all possible manufacturing operation routes that can be applied to a certain part, being the most complete representation. Bounds for computation of some of the representations are presented to help users select the most suitable for a specific problem context. The efficacy of the representation is demonstrated through its application to problems such as job route selection and routing flexibility measure.  相似文献   

完整性保护是计算机安全的一项重要内容,虽然绝大多数安全操作系统都设计实现了完整性保护机制,但仍存在着系统的完整性被破坏以及完整性策略不够灵活的不足。在实施完整性保护的基本原则下,提出了一种灵活的完整性访问控制策略FIC,并给出了在LSM框架下的实现过程。FIC定义了主完整级和辅助完整级,通过访问控制规则、进程再标记规则和新建客体标记规则,实现了系统的完整性保护以及进程执行的灵活完整性保护控制。最后分析了实现效果,并指出了进一步可扩展性研究需求。  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that a new edge detection scheme developed from the notion of transition in nonlinear physics, associated with the precise computation of its quantitative parameters (most notably singularity exponents) provide enhanced performances in terms of reconstruction of the whole image from its edge representation; moreover it is naturally robust to noise. The study of biological vision in mammals state the fact that major information in an image is encoded in its edges, the idea further supported by neurophysics. The first conclusion that can be drawn from this stated fact is that of being able to reconstruct accurately an image from the compact representation of its edge pixels. The paper focuses on how the idea of edge completion can be assessed quantitatively from the framework of reconstructible systems when evaluated in a microcanonical formulation; and how it redefines the adequation of edge as candidates for compact representation. In the process of doing so, we also propose an algorithm for image reconstruction from its edge feature and show that this new algorithm outperforms the well-known ‘state-of-the-art’ techniques, in terms of compact representation, in majority of the cases.  相似文献   

A robust and flexible Digital Rights Management system for home networks is presented. In the proposed system, the central authority delegates its authorization right to the local manager in a home network by issuing a proxy certificate, and the local manager flexibly controls the access rights of home devices on digital contents with its proxy certificate. Furthermore, the proposed system provides a temporary accessing facility for external devices and achieves strong privacy for home devices. For the validation of delegated rights and the revocation of compromised local managers, a hybrid mechanism combining OCSP validation and periodic renewal of proxy certificates is also presented.  相似文献   

With the extensive applications of machine learning, it has been witnessed that machine learning has been applied in various fields such as e-commerce, mobile data processing, health analytics and behavioral analytics etc. Word vector training is usually deployed in machine learning to provide a model architecture and optimization, for example, to learn word embeddings from a large amount of datasets. Training word vector in machine learning needs a lot of datasets to train and then outputs a model, however, some of which might contain private and sensitive information, and the training phase will lead to the exposure of the trained model and user datasets. In order to offer utilizable, plausible, and personalized alternatives to users, this process usually also entails a breach of their privacy. For instance, the user data might contain of face,irirs and personal identities etc. This will release serious problem in the machine learning. In this article, we investigate the problem of training high-quality word vectors on encrypted datasets by using privacy-preserving learning algorithms. Firstly, we use a pseudo-random function to generate a statistical token for each word to help build the vocabulary of the word vector. Then we employ functional inner-product encryption to calculate the activation function to obtain the inner product, securely. Finally, we use BGN cryptosystem to encrypt and hide the sensitive datasets, and complete the homomorphic operation over the ciphertexts to perform the training procedure. In order to implement the privacy preservation of word vector training, we propose four privacy-preserving machine learning schemes to provide the privacy protection in our scheme. We analyze the security and efficiency of our protocols and give the numerical experiments. Compared with the existing solutions, it indicates that our scheme can provide a higher efficiency and less communication overhead.  相似文献   

The development of access rights as, perhaps, a replacement for copyright in digital rights management (DRM) systems, draws our attention to the importance of ‚the balance problem’ between information industries and the individual user. The nature of just what this ‚balance’ is, is often mentioned in copyright writings and judgments, but is rarely discussed. In this paper I focus upon elucidating the idea of balance in intellectual property and propose that the balance concept is not only the most feasible way to examine whether past solutions to copyright problems are fair, but it also provides the ability to predict what will be the better solution for all affected parties. Based upon an envy-free contribution towards predicting the efficient balance, game theory is applied in a novel manner to the DRM problem to infer where and what might be the optimal balance in the debate over the nature of access right.  相似文献   

For visual secret sharing (VSS), general access structure (GAS), which can freely define the qualified set and the forbidden set, provides dealers the ability to share secret information with the qualified set but not the forbidden set. In previous studies, the proposed GAS schemes have focused on strong GAS, but it has retained restrictions and inconvenience in some secret-sharing scenarios. Recently, the random-grid-based VSS (RG-based VSS) technique has aimed to overcome the problem of pixel expansion from which the visual-cryptography-based VSS (VC-based VSS) techniques usually suffer. This paper presents a flexible GAS VSS scheme by RG that is appropriate for wide use and that serves special cases like (2, n), (n, n), and (k, n). The paper also outlines how the scheme can be extended for multiple secrets. The performance and the security of the scheme are theoretically analyzed.  相似文献   

The representation of large subsets of the World Wide Web in the form of a directed graph has been extensively used to analyze structure, behavior, and evolution of those so-called Web graphs. However, interesting Web graphs are very large and their classical representations do not fit into the main memory of typical computers, whereas the required graph algorithms perform inefficiently on secondary memory. Compressed graph representations drastically reduce their space requirements while allowing their efficient navigation in compressed form. While the most basic navigation operation is to retrieve the successors of a node, several important Web graph algorithms require support for extended queries, such as finding the predecessors of a node, checking the presence of a link, or retrieving links between ranges of nodes. Those are seldom supported by compressed graph representations.This paper presents the k2-tree, a novel Web graph representation based on a compact tree structure that takes advantage of large empty areas of the adjacency matrix of the graph. The representation not only retrieves successors and predecessors in symmetric fashion, but also it is particularly efficient to check for specific links between nodes, or between ranges of nodes, or to list the links between ranges. Compared to the best representations in the literature supporting successor and predecessor queries, our technique offers the least space usage (1–3 bits per link) while supporting fast navigation to predecessors and successors (28μs per neighbor retrieved) and sharply outperforming the others on the extended queries. The representation is also of general interest and can be used to compress other kinds of graphs and data structures.  相似文献   

基于RBR和CBR规划中的知识表示方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
"知识"是"规划"的前提和基础,通过归纳对已有"知识"的表示,就成为了"规划"的先行条件.基于"规则"和"案例"的规划是各种现代规划器常用的两种规划方式,通过对现有的"规则"和"案例"的各种知识表示方法的研究,描述了其各自的优缺点,并给出了如何选择合适的知识表示方法以处理特定规划问题的方法和思想,从而更快,更好的构建能够解决实际问题的规划系统.  相似文献   

The paper presents a dynamic modelling technique for a manipulator with multiple flexible links and flexible joints, based on a combined Euler–Lagrange formulation and assumed modes method. The resulting generalised model is validated through computer simulations by considering a simplified case study of a two-link flexible manipulator with joint elasticity. Controlling such a manipulator is more complex than controlling one with rigid joints because only a single actuation signal can be applied at each joint and this has to control the flexure of both the joint itself and the link attached to it. To resolve the control complexities associated with such an under-actuated flexible link/flexible joint manipulator, a singularly perturbed model has been formulated and used to design a reduced-order controller. This is shown to stabilise the link and joint vibrations effectively while maintaining good tracking performance.  相似文献   

王超  茅兵  谢立 《计算机工程与设计》2004,25(5):668-670,707
传统的主体一客体访问矩阵模型缺少对动态因素的描述,故应用在刻画系统中具体的资源访问活动时存在着许多不足,如无法实现“最小特权”原则和缺乏对访问授权时间特性的控制。引入可执行程序及时间两维,提出的四维访问控制模型很好地弥补了上述的不足。  相似文献   

立体化学在计算机中的识别和表征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用奇偶值在计算机中对立体化学进行表征可以避免复杂的CIP规则。本文对立体化学在计算机中的表征方法进行了讨论,并具体描述了立体化学的奇偶表征方法。文中将立体中心进行了分类,对每一类立体中心的构型的计算进行了讨论。并将奇偶方法的应用范围扩展到了对阻转异构体构型的表征,以及对虚拟轴立体中心的表征。此表征方法在化合物登录系统中的应用得到了很好的结果。  相似文献   

刘晓聪  王华珍  何霆  缑锦  陈坚 《计算机应用研究》2021,38(7):1930-1936,1946
为了及时掌握医学文本表示学习的研究现状,对其现有研究进行系统全面综述.首先,基于技术范式对现有技术进行分类,分别从基于统计学习的方法、基于知识图谱表示的方法和基于图表示的方法,对医学文本表示学习主流方法和相应的代表性成果进行总结.然后,提出了运用定量和定性的质量评测体系,系统地梳理和总结了医学文本表示学习的质量评测方法.最后,对医学文本表示学习的研究趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

In the recent literature on time representation, an effort has been made to characterize the notion of time granularity and the relationships between granularities. The main goals are having a common framework for their specification, and allowing the interoperability of systems adopting different time granularities. This paper considers the mathematical characterization of finite and periodic time granularities, and investigates the requirements for a user-friendly symbolic formalism that could be used for their specification. Instead of proposing yet another formalism, the paper analyzes the expressiveness of known symbolic formalisms for the representation of granularities, using the mathematical characterization as a reference model. Based on this analysis, a significant extension to the collection formalism defined in [15] is proposed, in order to capture a practically interesting class of periodic granularities. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

以实际项目应用为例,利用VPN、防火墙、策略交换机等几种典型设备,对解决企业的远程办公接入问题进行深入探究。  相似文献   

In this report, the different flexible manufacturing systems used for machining and assembling in the following countries are reviewed: the United States, Japan, the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic, Italy, Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, France, Czechoslovakia and Hungary.Three categories of systems discussed are (1) flexible modules and units, (2) flexible transfer lines, and (3) “unaligned” flexible systems. Within each category are several sub-groups, divided up mainly according to the conveyor system and operating mode. This classification shows the effective French position in this field.  相似文献   

Recent work in HCI has argued that an adequate account of computer use and the user's understandings should pay attention to the contexts in which interactions take place. The paper reaffirms this claim and distinguishes some variants of it, but simultaneously argues that the specification of what is to count as ‘context’ is more problematic than is often supposed. Some empirical data in the form of a transcribed videotape of one interaction is discussed to illustrate the argument. Finally some implications for HCI are briefly considered.  相似文献   

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