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The hydroforming process is used widely across many industrial fields. High applied pressure during hydroforming makes it necessary to consider the influence of the through-thickness normal stress, while traditional approaches based upon a plane-stress assumption are not appropriate in such cases. Reliable constitutive models that consider the through-thickness normal stress are summarized in this paper, which focuses on the state of the art in the following several aspects: determine the flow stress curve with proper experimental methods and choose the measurement and computational methods to minimize the error as much as possible; select the proper three-dimensional anisotropic yield criterion for the specific material; Define the forming limit model and construct corresponding experimental verification method. The review of existing work has revealed several gaps in current knowledge of the hydroforming process accounting for the through-thickness normal stress. Conclusions are drawn concerning some critical issues and potential future developments in hydroforming modeling. 相似文献
This study focused on the formability of aluminium alloy(7075-T6) sheets through hydroforming route. Formability of these sheets was tested using a warm forming setup at three diferent temperatures and four diferent die corner radii. Forming limit diagrams(FLD) were generated by measuring the grids of the sheet formed. The results show that the forming limit of AA7075-T6 can be significantly improved when the blank was heated to 140–250℃. It was also observed that as the temperature increases above 140℃, dome height began to decrease. Also the results indicated that both the die corner radius and temperature have a significant efect on the stress-strain curve and warm forming of AA7075-T6 sheets. Thus, with the temperature increased from room temperature(RT) to 140℃, the flow stress decreased and the strain increased, hence, the formability is enhanced. However, further increase in temperature causes decreases the flow stress and strain. Similar changes of the flow curve were seen in die corner radius. Decreasing the die corner radius decreases the flow stress and increase the strain. Moreover, an equation was obtained by establishing correlations between the experimental parameters and their results. In this way, it became possible to make predictions. 相似文献
To predict accurately the forming limit in sheet metal forming, the combination of FE simulation with tension tests is adopted in this paper to determine the material constants p and C in a ductile fracture criterion (DFC), which is advanced by the author. Forming limits of bore-expanding, hemispherical punch bulging and deep drawing (cylindrical, square-cup parts) are predicted by means of the DFC. Comparison of the results predicted by the DFC with experimental values shows that the precision of forming limit predicted by material constants obtained by the combination method is more accurate than that predicted by material constants obtained by the tension method, and that the critical punch stoke and the fracture initiation position in forming processes above mentioned are predicted accurately by the DFC. 相似文献
The mechanical behavior of zinc has been studied and linked to the formability of sheets. An anisotropic elastic–viscoplastic behavior law has been developed to take into account the anisotropy of the material. Anisotropy is induced by crystallographic and morphological textures, and possibly by the spatial distribution of intermetallics. The temperature dependence is introduced through a Zener–Hollomon type term. The resulting anisotropic formability of sheets implies a new approach by adapting the forming limit diagram with a stress based criterion. This approach is confronted and validated by considering the industrial forming of a head clip. 相似文献
The idea of incremental forming technique has been investigated for production of sheet metal components. With this technique, the forming limit curve (FLC) appears in a different pattern, revealing an enhanced formability, compared to conventional forming techniques. In the present study, the formability of an aluminum sheet under various forming conditions was assessed and difficult-to-form shapes were produced with the technique. By utilizing knowledge and experience obtained during the present study, it became possible to produce some free surfaces. 相似文献
Sheet-metal forming involves a complex distribution of strains throughout the part. The strains occur due to tension, compression and a mix of both. A geometry has been developed, the X-Die, in order to gain insight into the strain behavior of different materials. The X-Die enables strain paths far into the tension–compression region, thus creating the possibility to extend the experimental base both for definition and for further extrapolation of the forming limit curve (FLC) in the tension–compression region, as well as to evaluate FE-simulation results for the same region. The experimental results show that the strain signature is impacted by material quality. In qualities such as extra high strength steel (EHSS) and aluminum the strains do not reach as far into the tension–compression region as the strains do in e.g. mild steel. This is due to failure in plane strain tension. Strain paths in materials such as mild steel and high strength steel (HSS) reach far into the tension–compression region before failure. Use of the X-Die provides possibilities to reach farther into the tension–compression region compared with traditional test methods for creating a forming limit diagram (FLD). Use of the X-Die yields well-defined strain signatures. These clearly defined strain signatures are favorable for comparison with numerical simulations, especially for strain signatures in the tension–compression region. Furthermore, the experiments using the X-Die indicate that a possible additional forming limit curve, which intersects the original forming limit curve (shear failure), exists so far into the tension–compression region that it is not applicable. Even though the experiments indicate compression strains >100% (material DX56D), the experiments show potential for an experimentally determined extrapolation of the FLC up to 75% compression strain. The results of the experiments indicate that the X-Die geometry is suitable as a supplementary tool in identifying the strain behavior of different materials far into the tension–compression region and is also a good tool for verification of numerical results in the tension–compression region. 相似文献
The class of combined sheet and bulk metal forming (SBMF) processes denotes the forming of sheet metals with typical bulk forming operations. As a consequence, simultaneous 2D and 3D stress and strain states are present. Furthermore the local shape elements formed out of the sheet plane are in the magnitude of the sheet thickness. This paper deals with process combinations upsetting/lateral extrusion and deep drawing/upsetting. It has been shown that an insufficient mould filling is nearly inevitable using conventional tooling systems. Hence, the prospect of newly developed forming approaches will be discussed. 相似文献
高应变率成形是一种在极短时间内释放高能量而使金属变形的成形方法,研究表明高应变率能显著提高多种金属材料的成形极限能力.通过高速杯突实验绘制成形极限曲线,可反映金属在高应变率下的成形能力,从而指导冲压设计.文中介绍了目前常用的几种高速杯突实验设备,包含气压、液压和电磁等驱动方式,并对高应变率下的成形极限图进行了分析和总结... 相似文献
The forming limit diagram (FLD) is a convenient tool for classification of sheet metals’ formability in the finite element analysis as well as in the press shop. The FLD indicates the maximum strain values which can be applied on a material without failure as a function of the strain condition. In contrast to the standardized evaluation method described in the standard ISO 12004-2 a new time dependent analysis method is presented. Using a regression analysis the onset of necking can be detected automatically independent of the strain state. Results will be presented and discussed in contrast to the existing standard procedure. 相似文献
传统上,人们对于工艺参数对板料成形性能的影响的认识只是定性的。利用板料成形的计算机数值模拟技术,可以定量地考察各种工艺参数对板料成形性能的影响。 相似文献
A new methodology is proposed to obtain forming limit diagrams (FLDs) of sheet materials using gas blow forming process at elevated temperatures. Tension–tension side of the forming FLD is achieved by using circular as well as elliptical dies of different aspect ratios. To achieve tension–compression side of FLD un-bonded bi-layer specimen with slots are utilized. The widths between the slots are varied to achieve different strain paths. A correlation is established between the hemispherical punch-based tests and GBF tests of samples with slots to achieve different strain paths. FLDs for automotive AZ31 magnesium sheet at 300 °C and 400 °C in two different orientations are determined. Increase in forming limits of AZ31 with increase in temperature is observed. 相似文献
介绍了一重集团公司生产的工程稳压器下封头锻件的研制,利用成形分析软件,对稳压器下封头板坯尺寸参数进行了优化,提出了整体封头的成形工艺,使封头各方面的指标达到了技术条件要求,从而验证了这种封头成形新工艺是可行的。 相似文献
Single-point incremental forming of thin aluminum foils, which did not require any die and any backing plate, was developed for fabricating customized parts of thin shell miniature objects. Thin aluminum foils were deformed incrementally using a round-tip single point tool on a desktop type of milling machine controlled with a personal computer. It was found that an aluminum foil 12 μm thick was much smaller in forming limit than an aluminum foil 50 μm thick when a single point tool with a tip radius of 0.5 mm was not rotated, but its forming limit was improved greatly by rotating the tool up to 20,000 rpm. Measured forming forces revealed that the tool rotation decreases the in-plane forces by approximately 50%. Hydrodynamic lubrication at the interface between a rotating tool and aluminum foil must have had a direct and favorable influence on the forming process, while increasing the forming limit of the thinner foil. It was also found that the optimum stepwise axial feed was found to be around the value of foil thickness. Then, incremental forming of arrays of dots 0.1 mm in diameter, miniature pyramids, a miniature car and miniature letters was performed successfully under the optimized conditions at arbitrary positions of 12-μm-thick foils. 相似文献
粉末锻造是一种新型高性能的精密塑性成形技术,但其成形时的特殊性导致目前缺乏完善的、普遍适应的粉末锻造成形理论。通过对还原铁粉烧结多孔体预成形坯锻造镦粗成形致密实验,研究了不同初始相对密度、不同高径比、不同摩擦条件对预成形坯锻造镦粗成形、致密的影响规律。得到了粉末锻造镦粗的断裂极限准则,绘制出了断裂极限应变迹线,并着重分析了初始相对密度、高径比和摩擦因子对镦粗断裂极限的影响,确定了镦粗成形极限工艺参数曲线。实验研究结果为粉末锻造预成形坯与模具的设计、工艺参数的优化奠定了理论基础,并提供了有价值的实验数据。 相似文献
Few previous attempts have been made to analyze numerically the strain path and the forming limit in complex lubricated sheet metal forming. Since usual approaches of solving the lubrication model are limited to axisymmetric and plane strain cases only, this paper developed a unified procedure for combining the finite element code of sheet metal forming, the current lubrication/friction model and forming limit theory, to predict the strain path and fracture strains for either a steady or an unsteady three-dimensional process including both axisymmetric and plane strain cases. The availability of the method must be proved by a published problem, and an axisymmetric stretch forming process was therefore adopted as a benchmark. Numerical results showed that the present analysis provides good agreement with the experimental data of the strain path and the fracture strain for various tribological parameters such as lubricant viscosity and composite roughness of tooling and workpiece, and the advantage of the developed model is that it can be applied to solve the complicated 3D geometric problems. 相似文献
Existing tests for assessing the formability of sheet metal samples can create strain ratios in the range from uniaxial to biaxial stretching, −1/2 ≤ ?2/ ?1 ≤ 1. A novel sample design is proposed, with shaped cut-outs in a rectangular sheet specimen, intended to produce with strain ratios in the range, −1 ≤ ?2/ ?1 ≤ 1/2 in a small zone, while the sample is uniaxially extended. The strain ratio is controlled by changing the geometry of the cut-outs. 相似文献
在材料力学性能测试和成形极限分析的基础上,采用网格应变分析技术研究了行李箱内板零件冲压过程危险区域的金属流动规律,评价了两种钢板的成形效果。结果表明:行李箱内板危险部位的变形方式为胀形一深拉延变形,r值和n值较高的冷轧薄板具有较高的成形极限,相应地其冲压成形安全裕度也较大。 相似文献
将 1 2× 4J轮辐翻边的变形区看作是平面应力状态 ,从翻边高度与初始孔径变化规律及翻边变形区径向应变和轴向应变的变形规律出发 ,探讨了 1 2× 4J轮辐翻边开裂缺陷的形成原因 ,对现有的翻边成形工艺提出了改进方案。 相似文献
Understanding the bending limits is critical to extract the forming potential and to achieve precision tube bending. The most challenging task is the development of the tube bending limits in the presence of unequal deformation induced multiple instabilities and multi-factor coupling effects. Using analytical and 3D-FE methods as well as experiments, a comprehensive map of the tube bending limits during rotary draw bending is provided under a wide range of tube sizes, material types and processing parameters. The major results show: (1) For each instability, the intrinsic factors (tube geometrical parameters, D and t, and mechanical properties, m) dependent bending limits are clarified, and evident interactive or even conflicting effects are observed. (2) Under mandrel bending, the significant effects of the intrinsic factors on the wrinkling limit are reduced, the neglected effects of D/ t on the thinning limit are magnified; the significant influences of D/ t on the flattening limit even become contrary, and the effects of m on wrinkling and thinning limit are opposite to that on the flattening limit. (3) Taking D/ t as the basic design parameter, a conceptual multiple defect-constrained bending limit diagram (BLD) is constructed, and a knowledge-based stepwise method for determining and improving tube bending limits is proposed, considering coupling effects of multiple forming parameters, e.g., intrinsic factors, tooling/processing parameters and uncertainties. (4) The method is experimentally verified by several practical bending scenarios for different kinds of tubular materials with extreme size. 相似文献