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Few previous attempts have been made to analyze numerically the strain path and the forming limit in complex lubricated sheet metal forming. Since usual approaches of solving the lubrication model are limited to axisymmetric and plane strain cases only, this paper developed a unified procedure for combining the finite element code of sheet metal forming, the current lubrication/friction model and forming limit theory, to predict the strain path and fracture strains for either a steady or an unsteady three-dimensional process including both axisymmetric and plane strain cases. The availability of the method must be proved by a published problem, and an axisymmetric stretch forming process was therefore adopted as a benchmark. Numerical results showed that the present analysis provides good agreement with the experimental data of the strain path and the fracture strain for various tribological parameters such as lubricant viscosity and composite roughness of tooling and workpiece, and the advantage of the developed model is that it can be applied to solve the complicated 3D geometric problems.  相似文献   

To predict accurately the forming limit in sheet metal forming, the combination of FE simulation with tension tests is adopted in this paper to determine the material constants p and C in a ductile fracture criterion (DFC), which is advanced by the author. Forming limits of bore-expanding, hemispherical punch bulging and deep drawing (cylindrical, square-cup parts) are predicted by means of the DFC. Comparison of the results predicted by the DFC with experimental values shows that the precision of forming limit predicted by material constants obtained by the combination method is more accurate than that predicted by material constants obtained by the tension method, and that the critical punch stoke and the fracture initiation position in forming processes above mentioned are predicted accurately by the DFC.  相似文献   

It has been observed that the forming limit curve at fracture (FLCF) of steel sheets, with a relatively higher ductility limit have linear shapes, similar to those of a bulk forming process. In contrast, the FLCF of sheets with a relatively lower ductility limit have rather complex shapes approaching the forming limit curve at neck (FLCN) towards the equi-biaxial strain paths. In this study, the FLCFs of steel sheets were measured and compared with the fracture strains predicted from specific ductile fracture criteria, including a criterion suggested by the authors, which can accurately describe FLCFs with both linear and complex shapes. To predict the forming limit for hydro-mechanical deep drawing of steel sheets, the ductile fracture criteria were integrated into a finite element simulation. The simulation, results based on the criterion suggested by authors accurately predicted the experimetal, fracture limits of steel sheets for the hydro-mechanical deep drawing process.  相似文献   

Commercially pure titanium (CP Ti) has been actively used in the plate heat exchanger due to its light weight, high specific strength, and excellent corrosion resistance. However, researches for the plastic deformation characteristics and press formability of the CP Ti sheet are not much in comparison with automotive steels and aluminum alloys. The mechanical properties and hardening behavior evaluated in stress–strain relation of the CP Ti sheet are clarified in relation with press formability. The flow curve denoting true stress–true strain relation for CP Ti sheet is fitted well by the Kim–Tuan hardening equation rather than Voce and Swift models. The forming limit curve (FLC) of CP Ti sheet as a criterion for press formability was experimentally evaluated by punch stretching test and analytically predicted via Hora's modified maximum force criterion. The predicted FLC by adopting Kim–Tuan hardening model and appropriate yield function shows good correlation with the experimental results of punch stretching test.  相似文献   

高应变率成形是一种在极短时间内释放高能量而使金属变形的成形方法,研究表明高应变率能显著提高多种金属材料的成形极限能力.通过高速杯突实验绘制成形极限曲线,可反映金属在高应变率下的成形能力,从而指导冲压设计.文中介绍了目前常用的几种高速杯突实验设备,包含气压、液压和电磁等驱动方式,并对高应变率下的成形极限图进行了分析和总结...  相似文献   

本文采用PAM-STAMP 2G仿真软件对卡车车门冲压成形过程进行了数值模拟仿真分析.通过对成形可行性进行分析,可以及早发现问题,改进模具设计,从而大大缩短调模试模周期,降低制模成本.进一步验证了基于有限元方法的PAM-STAMP 2G软件为模具的研制提供了一个强有力的工具.  相似文献   

板料成形极限的理论预测与数值模拟研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
本文针对目前板料成形极限的实验、理论计算和数值模拟方法以及成形极限应力图的研究进展 ,进行了综述与分析 ,提出了通过数值模拟方法预测板料成形极限所存在的一些问题。认为找到一种能够尽量减少对外部条件的依赖 ,从而更本质地反映材料性能的方法。  相似文献   

Axisymmetric deep drawing processes of laminates composed of mild steel and various aluminium alloy sheets are simulated by FEM. From the calculated stress and strain histories of elements in each layer, the fracture initiation site and the forming limit are predicted by using the ductile fracture criterion. The predictions so obtained are compared with experimental observations. The results exhibit that various types of fracture initiations in deep drawing of the laminated composite sheets are successfully predicted. Furthermore it is found that the drawability is improved by setting the mild steel sheet on the punch side for the case of aluminium alloy sheet with comparatively high ductility, and by sandwiching the aluminium alloy sheet with the mild steel sheets for the case of low ductility.  相似文献   

为降低外覆盖件冲压生产成本,对尾门外板材质替换进行可行性分析.采用DC53D+ ZF替换原有的DC54D+ ZF板材,利用Auto form软件对其拉深成形过程进行数值模拟,在冲压速度恒定的情况下,调整压边力和拉深筋阻力无法得到满足要求的成形件;利用机械压力机对替换材质DC53D+ ZF进行拉深实验,实验结果与模拟结果一致.之后利用伺服压力机对替换材质进行拉深实验,通过降低拉深速度可以得到满足质量要求的合格制件,并通过设置机械手传输和覆盖件拉深成形关键点参数,拟合得到尾门外板伺服拉深曲线.  相似文献   


Thin silica coatings may be used as pretreatments for steel sheet, offering temporary corrosion protection and promoting adhesion of organic coatings. For use as ready to paint product, silica coated steel has to possess also good corrosion properties after deformation and successive paint application. In this paper, we investigate the forming limit curve for flame assisted chemical vapour deposited silica coated steel sheet with respect to corrosion properties after paint application. We find good corrosion properties up to a strain of 10%, indicating a high tolerance towards deformation. Evaluation of the silica coated steel sheet by scanning electron microscopy shows that severe failure takes place at high levels of deformation, but only at a fraction of the surface. Adhesion, cracking as well as deadhesion and flaking of the very thin films (15–50 nm) was furthermore investigated by scratch testing.  相似文献   

在简单介绍爆炸拉深基本原理的基础上应用ANSYS软件中的LS-DYNA模块,对具有复杂曲面的航天飞行平台罩建立了显性动力学弹塑性力学模型,并做了相应简化后,成功地进行了爆炸拉深成形过程的有限元数值模拟,获得了爆炸变形过程中不同时刻的应力、应变分布规律,以及变形过程中的危险截面等重要结果.该模拟结果与实验结果基本一致,对制定工艺参数、改进模具结构和坯料尺寸提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

基于韧性断裂准则的铝合金板材成形极限预测   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
为了准确地预测铝合金板材成形极限,将韧性断裂准则引入到数值模拟中。在数值模拟获得的应力应变值基础上,采用简单拉伸试验和数值模拟相结合的方法确定了韧性断裂准则中的材料常数,并应用该韧性断裂准则预测了铝合金LYl2(M)的圆筒件拉深和半球形凸模胀形的成形极限。预测结果与实验值吻合较好,该韧性断裂准则能够预测铝合金板材成形极限。  相似文献   

工艺参数对板料成形性能的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李书涛  李赞  董湘怀 《锻压技术》2002,27(3):22-23,26
传统上,人们对于工艺参数对板料成形性能的影响的认识只是定性的。利用板料成形的计算机数值模拟技术,可以定量地考察各种工艺参数对板料成形性能的影响。  相似文献   

对ST14钢板单向拉伸试件断口处的厚度进行了测量,获得其厚度分布和厚度梯度分布.从厚度变化和厚度梯度分布变化的角度对分散性失稳区和集中失稳区进行划分;分析了厚度分布非对称现象的成因.采用数值模拟的方法,分别得出了以失稳减薄率和破裂减薄率作为判据的成形极限图,经过与实验成形极限图的比较,失稳减薄率判更适于预测拉-压区成形极限,破裂减薄率能够对整个成形极限图范围内的曲线变化趋势进行预测.  相似文献   

A new process for forming bosses on the bottom of a cup made by deep drawing is proposed: solid bosses are formed by compression of the cup bottom during deep drawing. By the combined effect of compression and deep drawing, bosses are formed with a lower load than simple compression or backward extrusion. It is found that high bosses can be formed with moderate punch pressure when only one side of the blank is lubricated.  相似文献   

In this study, the formability of AZ31B magnesium alloy sheets was investigated through experimental and numerical approaches. Tensile tests and limit dome height tests were carried out at several temperatures between 25 °C and 300 °C to obtain the mechanical properties and forming limit diagram (FLD). The interfacial heat transfer coefficient between two adjacent tools, and the convection coefficient were estimated by comparing the tool temperatures obtained from trial heat transfer analyses with actual measured data. The FLD-based criterion considering the strain path and the blank temperature was used to predict by finite element analysis (FEA) the forming limit in a cross-shaped cup deep drawing process. A comparison of the FEA and experimental data showed that this criterion was very useful and reasonable. In particular, the temperature of each forming tool that provided the best formability of AZ31 sheets was determined by coupled temperature-deformation analyses. A practical method that can greatly reduce the forming time by increasing the punch speed during the forming process was suggested.  相似文献   

成形工艺参数对杯形件单道次拉深旋压力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
夏琴香  阮锋 《锻压技术》2004,29(1):40-43
分析了成形工艺参数对杯形件单道次拉深旋压力的影响,试验中所采取的成形工艺参数为:芯模转速n,材料性质、旋轮进给比f、名义拉深系数m以及旋轮与芯模之间的相对间隙C等。研究结果表明,除芯模转速外,其它成形工艺参数都不同程度地对旋压变形力产生影响,而且工件在成形过程中是否产生缩颈,将会影响到旋压力的变化特征。  相似文献   

为了探索板料增量拉深成形的特点和规律,设计了增量拉深成形轨迹,用Deform-3D模拟软件,对盒形件增量拉深过程进行了数值模拟,分析了凹模圆角半径和凸模进给速度对成形件质量的影响,获得了成形过程中的等效应力和等效应变;并设计了具有双向调节机构的增量拉深模,在Gleeble1500D热模拟试验机上进行了工艺试验验证.结果...  相似文献   

轿车后地板拉深工艺模型确定与成形过程数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
对某轿车后地板拉深工艺模型构造做了说明,采用3种不同的工艺方案对后地板的成形过程进行了数值模拟,根据模拟结果确定了合理的拉深工艺参数,调试制造出了合格制件。实践表明,经验知识与数值模拟相结合可以有效提高覆盖件工艺制定效率,节省模具调试时间和调试成本。  相似文献   

Fundamental studies on the incremental sheet metal forming technique   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The idea of incremental forming technique has been investigated for production of sheet metal components. With this technique, the forming limit curve (FLC) appears in a different pattern, revealing an enhanced formability, compared to conventional forming techniques. In the present study, the formability of an aluminum sheet under various forming conditions was assessed and difficult-to-form shapes were produced with the technique. By utilizing knowledge and experience obtained during the present study, it became possible to produce some free surfaces.  相似文献   

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