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A packing of equal glass beads is placed on a box with a rough bottom. The box is slowly inclined till an avalanche begins at a critical angle. The avalanche dynamics decreases the surface slope until a second critical angle is reached. In previous works [1–3], the stability of the packing was found to be affected by the number of layers, the packing length and the surrounding humidity. In this work we verify the influence of the packing compacity on the angle at which the avalanche starts. Also, the rough bed affects the avalanche mass and the critical angles. Experiments are done to determine the role of these factors on the avalanche dynamics. Received: 30 March 2000  相似文献   

A new criterion for the optimum design of curved dielectric waveguides is proposed. The bends designed according to this model are named matched bends. In the matched bend, the suitable choice of both bending radius and bending angle reduces the total losses of the bend and avoids the leaky-mode excitation at the end of the bend. For a given angle, a discrete number of bending radii that satisfy the matched bend criterion can be analytically determined. With respect to the lateral offset, matched bends are more robust to both fabrication tolerances and wavelength and can be realized in every technology. The reduction of the leaky-mode excitation at the output of the bend is a fundamental property when two or more components are cascaded. Ghost images in the spectral response, cross talk, and asymmetries of the transfer function are successfully reduced. Some examples that use buried, rib, ridge, and diffused waveguides are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The introduction of tow-steered laminates in structural applications demands reliable design methodologies to predict and simulate their mechanical response. The full details about the mechanisms that lead to damage and failure of these novel panels are not yet known. In this work, a numerical analysis tool has been developed for structural simulations in a three-dimensional domain. This paper presents a comparison between different configurations and modeling approaches of these panels. Finite element analyses are carried out to simulate the first-ply failure of tow-steered panels under tensile load. The simulations show how matrix cracking is affected by discontinuities in the fiber angle between adjacent courses and fiber-free areas resultant from manufacturing effects; whereas fiber tensile failure is directly influenced by the orientation angles of the fiber, whose distribution depends on the chosen course cutting method: on one side, or on both sides.  相似文献   

砖烟囱爆破切口形状对切角和切口高度的影响分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
针对目前爆破理论比较落后,烟囱爆破拆除时仅仅靠经验确定爆破切角大小和切口高度的现状,从砖烟囱的爆破切口形状出发,建立了确定砖烟囱选用不同切口形状时的切角大小和切口高度的数学模型,分析了切口形状对爆破切角大小和切口高度的影响,并结合工程实例对建立的数学模型进行了分析和讨论.  相似文献   

不同截留分子量超滤膜的好氧膜生物反应器研究结果表明,膜的截留分子量越大,膜表面越易出现浓差极化现象,清洗周期缩短;截留分子量对越滤膜水通量的影响随运行时间增加而逐渐减少;截留分子量对好氧膜生物反应器有机物去除性能影响较小;膜截留分子量不同,生物反应器内的MLSS浓度也会明显不同,该现象的确切原因则有待于实验研究来进一步确定。  相似文献   

祝文化  程康 《爆破》2000,17(1):18-19
本文介绍了复杂环境下部分拆除江堤的切槽爆破的设计及施工方法,提出了水平预裂和水平贯通孔的组合爆破方法,实际结果证明良好。  相似文献   

Ghita M  Casperson LW 《Applied optics》2001,40(30):5459-5462
Gaussian beams have been widely used for propagating electromagnetic waves in free space and in certain other optical systems. It has been suggested that recurring forms of such beams might also be useful for propagation in planar or rectangular metal waveguides. Experimental verification of the recurrence of the Gaussian field distribution in metal waveguides is reported here.  相似文献   

The head of an implanted hip joint endoprosthesis is exposed to torques, which are transferred during gait due to the friction between the head and the cup prosthesis. In prostheses with ceramic ball heads, which are widely used now, and in which the head is fixed onto the stem by conical clamping, these torques could possibly affect the connection. In this study, torques transferred from the cup to the head are compared to the torques which are required to loosen the head from the metallic spigot. The results show that for the investigated head and taper types and sizes, under normal conditions the connection is safe with respect to undesired rotation. However, it is shown that for polluted sliding surfaces the fixation strength could possibly be exceeded. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis and specific surface area measurements have been employed to understand the structural properties of ZrO2 and sulphate-modified ZrO2 calcined at different temperatures. Calcination facilitates the transformation of ZrO2 from cubic to monoclinic phase. Addition of SO4 ion to Zr(OH)4 helps to retain the cubic phase up to 550 °C, and to maintain the surface area through a surface complex formation mechanism. The modified ZrO2 acts as a superacid catalyst and enhances the vapour-phase aniline alkylation.  相似文献   

在对锌多晶进行变形、退火等方式处理的基础上,运用金相分析法、X射线衍射法、循环伏安法等方法,分析了金属锌的组织结构与电化学性能的关系。结果表明,锌单晶(002)晶面电极的氧化还原可逆性优于锌单晶(100)晶面电极,锌单晶(100)晶面电极的氧化和还原能力优于锌单晶(002)晶面电极;锌多晶电极的氧化性能和还原性能优于锌单晶电极;晶界、位错等缺陷会提高锌的溶解速度,同时电极表面的位错对还原过程中锌原子的沉积有利;晶粒的增大会减小晶界面积,使得锌电极的晶间腐蚀等局部腐蚀加剧,降低锌电极的耐蚀性,但是晶粒大小对电极电化学性能的影响相对于位错及其它缺陷要小得多。  相似文献   

Minami K  Yoshida Y  Kurata Y 《Applied optics》1994,33(34):8014-8021
Although several analysis methods for tapered waveguides have been proposed, they dealt with the problem of a light wave traveling parallel to the tapered direction of the waveguide. Light waves that propagate at a slant in the tapered direction are discussed as mode-coupling problems, including radiation modes that are made discrete by the hypothetical boundary method. We propose a method of determining the three-dimensional wave vectors of the discrete radiation modes in the slant propagation; the slant-propagation characteristics, such as the transmission efficiency of the tapered waveguide, are analyzed.  相似文献   


The transverse magnetic and transverse electric mode size and effective refractive index as functions of the Ti-strip initial width W, diffusion temperature T and Ti-strip initial thickness H in c-cut Ti-diffused LiNbO3 waveguides have been theoretically studied at wavelengths of 3.0 and 3.39 μm on the basis of modified expressions for the waveguide surface index increment. The single-mode, multiple-mode and cut-off conditions have been identified from those effective refractive index plots. These mid-infrared numerical results are discussed comparatively with near-infrared data reported earlier.  相似文献   

The fabrication of embedded microchannels monolithically integrated with optical waveguides by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of doped silica glass is reported. Both waveguide ridges and template ridges for microchannel formation are patterned in a single photolithography step. The microchannels are formed within an overlay of borophosphosilicate glass (BPSG), which also serves as the top cladding layer of the silica waveguides. No top sealing of the channels is required. Surface accessible fluid input ports are formed in a BPSG layer, with no additional steps, by appropriate design of template layers. By tightly controlling the refractive index of the waveguide layer and the microchannel-forming layer, fully integrated structures facilitating optical coupling between solid waveguides and liquids segments in various geometries are demonstrated. Applications in liquid-filled photonic device elements for novel nonlinear optical devices and in optical sensors and on-chip spectroscopy are outlined.  相似文献   

We study the degree of influence of the level of stresses in the material on its in-service damageability according to the parameters of spread of the characteristics of hardness. The full unloading effect on the process of accumulation of defects in the material is analyzed. __________ Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 4, pp. 102–107, July–August, 2008.  相似文献   

Endo J  Chen J  Kobayashi D  Wada Y  Fujita H 《Applied optics》2002,41(7):1308-1314
A type of a transmission phase-shifting laser microscope, believed to be new, has been developed. In this microscope a biprism located between a magnifying lens and an observation plane was used as a beam splitter. The biprism is laterally translated to introduce phase shifts required for quantitative phase measurement with a phase-shifting technique. The disturbance caused by a Fresnel-diffracted wave from the splitting edge of the biprism is reduced by placement of a linear beam stopper at the center of an intermediate image plane. As the first application, the developed microscope is used to measure a refractive-index distribution in optical waveguides. A difference of refractive indices of less than 6 x 10(-5) is clearly measured in the submicrometer region.  相似文献   

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