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光干涉法测量微机械零件变形的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了用光干涉法测量微加速度计零件变形的研究。将准直单色光投射入由一玻璃片和被测件之间形成的空气楔中,被测件表面和玻璃片底面反射的光发生干涉,由面阵CCD接收。用快速傅立叶变换(FFT)图像处理方法得到被测微悬臂梁的三维形变图。该方法可对微小器件的微位移作分辨办为10nm的测量,并直观的显示测量结果。  相似文献   

陶瓷量块的光干涉测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶瓷量块的许多性能有别于钢量块,在检定或核准之间必须对这些差异进行修正。本文讨论了检定陶瓷量块应注意的问题,介绍了陶瓷量块的光干涉测量方法,并给出了测量不确定度评定结果。  相似文献   

薄膜厚度的测量在芯片制造和集成电路等领域中发挥着重要作用。椭偏法具备高测量精度的优点,利用宽谱测量方式可得到全光谱的椭偏参数,实现纳米级薄膜的厚度测量。为解决半导体领域常见的透明硅基底上薄膜厚度测量的问题并消除硅层的叠加信号,本文通过偏振分离式光谱干涉椭偏系统,搭建马赫曾德实验光路,实现了近红外波段硅基底上膜厚的测量,以100 nm厚度的二氧化硅薄膜为样品,实现了纳米级的测量精度。本文所提出的测量方法适用于透明或非透明基底的薄膜厚度测量,避免了检测过程的矫正步骤或光源更换,可应用于化学气相沉积、分子束外延等薄膜制备工艺和技术的成品的高精度检测。  相似文献   

为了实现纳米量级到微米量级的微观三维台阶样板高度的快速测量,在普通光学显微镜的基础上改造完成了一台微纳台阶高度测量装置,设计了整体硬件结构,编写了测量控制软件和数据处理软件,并结合Hilbert变换和小波变换实现三维表面形貌测量。使用不同高度的台阶样品进行测试,测试结果表明:系统测量准确度较高,测量重复性较好,垂直测量范围大于50 μm。  相似文献   

双频激光楔形平板干涉法测量转角   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
双频激光楔形平板干涉法是将转角的变化转换为干涉条纹的变化进行转角测量。它具有自动分辨转动方向、在360°范围内连续进行角度测量、在较高转速下测角准确度不变等特点。  相似文献   

波导薄膜厚度测量原理的理论分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵毅红  陈荣发 《真空》2005,42(1):25-27
运用电磁场理论对金属波导膜厚测量的原理进行了详细分析,并且研制了一台膜厚测量仪,理论和实践表明:可以通过测量复合金属波导膜系励磁电流的脉冲波形来控制薄膜的生长厚度.  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了光于涉甲烷测定器示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定方法。  相似文献   

全息剪切干涉法测量透镜几何象差   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢建平  陈农 《计量学报》1991,12(1):41-46
本文用全息双频光栅剪切干涉装置对透镜几何象差的测量进行实验研究。将象差光束中两剪切干涉光线的交点看成点源,提出了用经典杨氏干涉观点、由剪切条纹图确定这些交点的空间位置而直接得到几何象差的杨氏条纹分析法。对几个透镜的象差作了测量和分析;与设计理论值作比较,二者符合良好。  相似文献   

童伟杰  黄鹭  贾鑫  孙淼  蔡晋辉 《计量学报》2023,(12):1812-1818
提出了一种基于接触电阻法测量润滑油膜厚度的方法,研制了一台可实时测量接触电阻以评价润滑膜厚的旋转摩擦试验机,分析了边界润滑与混合润滑区域中油膜厚度与接触电阻的相关性。该装置实现了在高精度加载与速度控制下,获得确定工况下的润滑状态,通过精密电路设计实时测量接触区内部接触电阻,并与相同工况下光干涉法测得的润滑膜厚进行对应,获得了接触电阻-润滑膜厚对应关系,拟合曲线相关系数为0.98,剩余标准差为4.56 nm。为在实际工况中表征润滑状态提供了技术支撑和数据支持。  相似文献   

Hua Dai  Hong Zhou 《Thin solid films》2008,516(8):1796-1802
Optical interferometry is a simple, quick and cheap method to measure the thickness of opaque thin films. The film edge, being formed as a step on the sample surface, is lighted with monochromatic light in an interference microscope, producing the interferogram that is recorded with a CCD camera. The film thickness (step height) is calculated by measuring offsets of the fringes across the step. However, the morphology of the film edge (step) significantly affects the thickness measurement, in some cases even yields false results. In this work, three kinds of methods were adopted to mask a part of the substrate surface during the deposition for fabrication of the step. The mask used was a thin silicon slice, a straight line of ink imprinted by a pen, or an Aluminum film. The step morphology recorded by a profilometer revealed large variation from one method to another. Accordingly, the accuracy of film thickness (step height) measurement by interferometry varies significantly. Results showed that large error occurs when the slope of the step is small and the step out spans the view field of the microscope. Therefore, the step should be fully visible in the view field of the microscope for reasonable measurement of thickness. A simple equation, in terms of geometrical configuration, is developed for this requirement.  相似文献   

轴瓦厚度测量机稳定性的测量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了轴瓦厚度测量系统分析计划的制订,测量系统偏倚特性、稳定性和线性分析.对测量系统的重复性与再现性分析步骤、计算过程、分析结果做了详尽的剖析与讨论.认为自行开发研制的轴瓦厚度测量机的偏倚特性、稳定性和线性能满足测量要求,其重复性与再现性指标R&R%<30%,基本上具有所需的测量能力.  相似文献   

The gallium doped zinc oxide has been one of the candidates for the transparent conducting oxide thin film electrode. It is not suitable to use a conventional light interference method to measure the thickness of the gallium doped zinc oxide thin film because the refractive index and extinction coefficient of the thin film is unknown during the optimization of the deposition conditions. In this paper, we report on the details of the film thickness program which uses the measured optical and electric properties and relationship between the plasma frequency and the optical constant of the film. The obtained film thickness of the prepared gallium doped zinc oxide thin film using the program was comparable with thicknesses measured by a cross-sectional analysis of the atomic force microscopy and the surface profiler. Moreover, the optical constant of refractive index and extinction coefficient of the film could also be estimated.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method of testing the effect of computer-generated hologram (CGH) fabrication error in a cylindrical interferometry system. An experimental system is developed for calibrating the effect of this error. In the calibrating system, a mirror with high surface accuracy is placed at the focal axis of the cylindrical wave. After transmitting through the CGH, the reflected cylindrical wave can be transformed into a plane wave again, and then the plane wave interferes with the reference plane wave. Finally, the double-pass transmitted wavefront of the CGH, representing the effect of the CGH fabrication error in the experimental system, is obtained by analyzing the interferogram. The mathematical model of misalignment aberration removal in the calibration system is described, and the feasibility is demonstrated via the simulation system established in Zemax. With the mathematical polynomial, most of the possible misalignment errors can be estimated with the least-squares fitting algorithm, and then the double-pass transmitted wavefront of the CGH can be obtained by subtracting the misalignment errors from the result extracted from the real experimental system. Compared to the standard double-pass transmitted wavefront given by Diffraction International Ltd., which manufactured the CGH used in the experimental system, the result is desirable. We conclude that the proposed method is effective in calibrating the effect of the CGH error in the cylindrical interferometry system for the measurement of cylindricity error.  相似文献   

任豪  李筱琳  毕君  罗宇强 《真空》2003,(5):8-11
采用真空电子束蒸发方法制备WO3电致变色薄膜过程中,利用极值法光学膜厚测量技术监控薄膜的光学特性,对不同光学膜厚的WO3薄膜的原始态、着色态和退色态的光谱特性进行了对比分析。测试采用二电极恒电压方法,用分光光度计实时测量透过率的变化。结果证明以ITO玻璃作为比较片,极值法监控薄膜光学膜厚,当反射率达到第一极小值,即透过率达到第一极大值时,WO3薄膜得到最好的综合电致变色特性。  相似文献   

Multipartite entangled states are the key resource and play a crucial role in latest applications of quantum mechanics. We propose a scheme for the measurement of quantum state of multimode entangled field state trapped in multiple cavities. The scheme is based on the measurement of photon statistics of the displaced entangled field state in Ramsey type set-up. In this set-up, the atoms undergo a dispersive phase shift when they pass through the off-resonant entangled field in cavities. By measuring the internal states of the atoms, the photon statistics and the Wigner function can be reconstructed.  相似文献   

Speckle interferometry is generally known as a method for measuring the deformation of an object with rough surfaces. In this paper, a three-dimensional (3D) shape measurement method is proposed for superfine structures beyond the diffraction limit using the basic property of speckle interferometry. Since the differential coefficient distribution of the shape of such an object can be detected in speckle interferometry by imparting a known lateral shift to the measured object, the shape can be reconstructed by integrating the differential coefficient distribution. Based on experimental results obtained using diffraction gratings as measured objects, it is confirmed that the proposed method can measure 3D shapes that are beyond the diffraction limit of the lens.  相似文献   

A robust image watermarking scheme based on phase-shifting interferometry (PSI) and singular value decomposition (SVD) is proposed, in which, a grayscale image watermark is encrypted into multiple interferograms using the techniques of double random-phase encoding (DRPE) and PSI. By choosing the appropriate weighting factor, the interferograms are embedded in the singular values of the R, G, and B components of the host image. The scheme achieves a high level of security due to DRPE and at the same time preserves high imperceptibility and robustness due to SVD properties. Simulated results of the proposed scheme are provided to demonstrate the high robustness, not only against the geometric distortion attacks but also against general image processing attacks.  相似文献   

王华  于军  王耘波  周文利  谢基凡  朱丽丽 《功能材料》2001,32(3):250-251,253
采用脉冲激光沉积技术(PLD)在(100)p-Si衬底上,低温淀积、快速退火成功地制备了具有完全钙钛矿结构的多晶PZT铁电薄膜,所制备的PZT铁电薄膜致密、均匀,表现出良好的介电和铁电性能,其介电常数和介电损耗100kHz下分别为320和0.08,剩余极化Pr和矫顽场Ec分别为14μC/cm^2和58kV/cm,+5V电压下漏电流密度低于10^-7A/cm^2。10^7次极化反转后剩余极化仅下降10%,具有较好的疲劳特性。  相似文献   

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