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Suspended crystalline Ge semiconductor structures are created on a Si(001) substrate by a combination of epitaxial growth and simple patterning from the front surface using anisotropic underetching. Geometric definition of the surface Ge layer gives access to a range of crystalline planes that have different etch resistance. The structures are aligned to avoid etch-resistive planes in making the suspended regions and to take advantage of these planes to retain the underlying Si to support the structures. The technique is demonstrated by forming suspended microwires, spiderwebs and van der Pauw cross structures. We finally report on the low-temperature electrical isolation of the undoped Ge layers. This novel isolation method increases the Ge resistivity to 280 Ω cm at 10 K, over two orders of magnitude above that of a bulk Ge on Si(001) layer, by removing material containing the underlying misfit dislocation network that otherwise provides the main source of electrical conduction.  相似文献   

To further boost the CMOS device performance, Ge has been successfully integrated on shallow trench isolated Si substrates for pMOSFET fabrication. However, the high threading dislocation densities (TDDs) in epitaxial Ge layers on Si cause mobility degradation and increase in junction leakage. In this work, we studied the fabrication of Ge virtual substrates with low TDDs by Ge selective growth and high temperature anneal followed by chemical mechanical polishing (CMP). With this approach, the TDDs in both submicron and wider trenches were simultaneously reduced below 1 × 107 cm− 2 for 300 nm thick Ge layers. The resulting surface root-mean-square (RMS) roughness is about 0.15 nm. This fabrication scheme provides high quality Ge virtual substrates for pMOSFET devices as well as for III-V selective epitaxial growth in nMOSFET areas. A confined dislocation network was observed at about 50 nm above the Ge/Si interface. This dislocation network was generated as a result of effective threading dislocation glide and annihilation. The separation between the confined threading dislocations was found in the order of 100 nm.  相似文献   

Carbon pre-deposition onto the bare Si(001) surface has been shown to alter the (2×1) surface structure by formation of c(4×4) reconstructed domains containing a high C-concentration. Here we studied by ultra-high vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy the effect of this restructured surface on the initial stages of Ge nucleation by molecular beam epitaxy. Ge is found to form three-dimensional (3D) islands already at sub-monolayer coverage, resulting in a Volmer–Weber growth mode. Strain effects repel Ge adatoms from the C-rich domains, leading to enhanced Ge island formation on the C-free surface regions in between the c(4×4) areas. At a low growth temperature of 350°C, very small three-dimensional islands (3–5 nm in diameter, height 3–4 ML) with a density of nearly 1×1012 cm−2 are obtained for only 0.5 ML of Ge. At higher substrate temperatures of approximately 500°C this three-dimensional growth mode is less pronounced, but still evident. The initially nucleated three-dimensional islands define the positions of the larger quantum dots at higher Ge coverage, that exhibit enhanced photoluminescence (PL) properties.  相似文献   

Spatial organization of Ge islands, grown by physical vapor deposition, on prepatterned Si(001) substrates has been investigated. The substrates were patterned prior to Ge deposition by nanoindentation. Characterization of Ge dots is performed by atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The nanoindents act as trapping sites, allowing ripening of Ge islands at those locations during subsequent deposition and diffusion of Ge on the surface. The results show that island ordering is intrinsically linked to the nucleation and growth at indented sites and it strongly depends on pattern parameters.  相似文献   

The selective epitaxial growth of germanium on nano-structured periodic silicon pillars and bars with 360 nm periodicity on Si(001) substrate is studied to evaluate the applicability of nano-heteroepitaxy on the Ge-Si system for different fields of application. It is found that SiO2 used as masking material plays the key role to influence the strain situation in the Si nano-islands. To analyze this in detail, X-ray diffraction techniques in combination with theoretical simulations based on the kinematical X-ray scattering from laterally strained nano-structures and finite element method (FEM) calculations of the strain field are applied. The oxide related strain in the Si scales about linearly with the thickness of the SiO2 mask, but FEM simulations supposing a homogeneous stress distribution in the oxide are not sufficient to describe the local strain distribution in the nano-structures. It is demonstrated that the Ge lattice relaxes completely during growth on the Si nano-islands by generation of misfit dislocations at the interface, but a high structural quality of Ge can be achieved by suited growth conditions.  相似文献   

A combination of X-ray diffraction with anomalous X-ray scattering at the Ge K edge and specular reflectivity measurements is used to reveal both composition and atomic ordering in Ge:Si wetting layers. By comparing the intensity distribution close to the (400) and (200) surface reflections we show that the Ge wetting layer is composed of a SiGe alloy which exhibits atomic ordering. Due to the Si interdiffusion the wetting layer thickness is larger than the nominal 3 ML Ge deposition. The chemical depth distribution is obtained from X-ray reflectivity measurements and confirms the enhanced Ge interdiffusion. These phenomena evidence the crucial interplay between surface kinetics and intermixing in SiGe thin films and nanostructures on Si(001) substrates.  相似文献   

利用扫描隧道显微镜和超高真空实验装置系统进行了Si(10 0 )表面生长Si,Ge的实验研究。分析了所生成表面的形貌、结构等物理性质。研究表明 :Si在Si(10 0 )表面的同质生长可以形成纳米结构薄膜。Ge在Si(10 0 )表面生长形成规则的三维小岛。而在Si/Ge/Si(10 0 )多层膜上生长则形成大小二种三维岛。研究表明大岛具有Ge/Si/Ge的壳层结构  相似文献   

During the initial growth, Si(001) surfaces were covered by thin Ge wetting layers. At the wetting layer surfaces, Ge atoms were reconstructed into dimers, which were aligned along the [110] direction to form one-dimensional (1D) ‘dimer rows’. In addition, the dimer rows were partitioned by dimer vacancy lines at the Ge/Si(001) surfaces. As a result, the surfaces were covered spontaneously by an array of 1D dimer row segments. Scanning tunneling microscope images demonstrated that the 1D free-electrons in the dimer rows are confined in each segment and form an ultra-high density array of 1D quantum wells at the surfaces.  相似文献   

Ding T  Wu Y  Song J  Li J  Huang H  Zou J  Cai Q 《Nanotechnology》2011,22(24):245707
The morphology and crystalline structure of Er silicide nanocrystals self-assembled on the Si(001) substrate were investigated using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It was found that the nanowires and nanorods formed at 630?°C has dominant hexagonal AlB(2)-type structure, while inside the nanoislands self-organized at 800?°C the tetragonal ThSi(2)-type structure is prevalent. The lattice analysis via cross-sectional high-resolution TEM demonstrated that internal misfit strain plays an important role in controlling the growth of nanocrystals. With the relaxation of strain, the nanoislands could evolve from a pyramid-like shape into a truncated-hut-like shape.  相似文献   

We present in this work the growth of magnetic tunnel junctions on Si(001) substrates using a template layer technique and the implementation of the layer-by-layer method to form the oxide barrier layer. By using a Co2Si template layer formed by deposition of Co on Si at a temperature of ∼ 300 °C, we show that it is possible to considerably reduce the reaction between transition metals with Si substrate. We have also investigated the growth of alumina (Al2O3) barrier layer by an alternative layer-by-layer deposition method, which consists of successive cycles of molecular-beam deposition of an Al monolayer and oxidation under an O2 flux at room temperature. Numerous Co(Fe)/AlOx/NiFe tunnel junctions have been fabricated on Si(001) substrates. The oxidation kinetics, the surface morphology as well as the interface roughness and abruptness are studied by means of Auger profilometry, transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. We show that it is possible to realize a uniform and homogeneous nanometer-thick AlOx layer with smooth and sharp interfaces. Current-voltage and Kerr effect measurements are also used to investigate the electric and magnetic properties of these junctions.  相似文献   

The structural properties of straight screw dislocations extended in the [001] direction formed in squared- and line shaped- Ge(001) films selectively grown on submicron regions of Si(001) substrates were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. The screw dislocations propagating as a result of spiral surface growth were redirected toward the SiO2 sidewalls. This redirection is linked to the formation of facets such as {111} facets in the growing Ge films. In the process of strain relaxation upon annealing, the screw dislocations were dissociated into dislocations with Burgers vectors of the a/2<110> type, which glided on the {111} surfaces and disappeared.  相似文献   

In this study, we fabricated well-ordered arrays of site-controlled, vertically-aligned Si nanowires on the desired areas of pre-patterned (001)Si substrates by employing the nanosphere lithographic technique in combination with the Au-assisted selective etching process. The results of transmission electron microscopy and selected-area electron diffraction analysis show that the Si nanowires that fabricated on the patterned (001)Si substrates have a single-crystalline nature and form along the [001] direction. The length of the Si nanowires was found to increase linearly with the Au-assisted etching time. Scanning electron microscopy images clearly revealed that by adjusting the sizes of the nanosphere template and the etching temperature and time, the diameter and length of the patterned Si nanowires could be effectively tuned and accurately controlled. Furthermore, the diameters of the Si nanowires produced at various temperatures and time were found to be relatively uniform over the entire length. The combined approach presented here provides the capability to fabricate a variety of size-, length-tunable 1D Si-based nanostructures on various patterned Si-based substrates.  相似文献   

The adsorption energetics of Ge dimers on the (1 0 0) surfaces of Ge and Si has been investigated using the first-principles molecular dynamics method. Four high-symmetry configurations have been considered and fully relaxed. The most stable configuration for Ge dimers on Si(1 0 0) is found to be in the trough between two surface dimer rows, oriented parallel to the substrate Si dimers. These results are consistent with recent experimental studies of the system using the scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and help to clarify some existing controversies on the interpretation of the STM images. In contrast, for Ge dimers on Ge(1 0 0), the most stable configuration is on top of the substrate dimer row.  相似文献   

We report the observation of bright photoluminescence (PL) emission from two types of GaN epilayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Wurtzite phase GaN/Si (111) epilayers are grown by gas source MBE process, whereas cubic phase GaN epilayers are grown on (001) Si covered by thin SiC film in the process of Si annealing in propane prior to the GaN growth. PL emissions are identified based on the results of detailed PL and time-resolved PL investigations. For the wurtzite phase GaN we observe an efficient up in the energy transfer from bound to free excitons. This process is explained by a large difference in the PL decay times for two types (free and bound (donor, acceptor)) of excitonic PL emissions. For cubic phase GaN we confirm recent suggestion that acceptors have smaller thermal ionization energies than those in the wurtzite phase GaN.  相似文献   

The evolution of the composition distribution and microstructures of Ge islands on Si(001) during the Si overgrowth was investigated by atomic force microscopy combined with selective wet etching procedures. With increasing Si coverage to 5.4 nm, the uncapped Ge islands were found to change their shapes dramatically from domes to truncated pyramids, nanorings and eventually to the fully buried islands. Different atomic composition profiles in SiGe islands were observed at different Si coverages. Especially, the nanorings were found to have a Ge-rich core with a Si-rich periphery. Based on the experimental results, the Ge redistribution in islands during Si capping is not only correlated with the intermixing between Si capping layer and Ge islands, but also a strain-driven process.  相似文献   

The interaction between graphene and germanium surfaces was investigated using a combination of microscopic and macroscopic experimental techniques and complementary theoretical calculations.Density functional theory (DFT) calculations for different reconstructions of the Ge(001) surface showed that the interactions between graphene and the Ge(001) surface introduce additional peaks in the density of states,superimposed on the graphene valence and conduction energy bands.The growth of graphene induces nanofaceting of the Ge(001) surface,which exhibits well-organized hill and valley structures.The graphene regions covered by hills are of high quality and exhibit an almost linear dispersion relation,which indicates weak graphene-germanium interactions.On the other hand,the graphene component occupying valley regions is significantly perturbed by the interaction with germanium.It was also found that the stronger graphene-germanium interaction observed in the valley regions is connected with a lower local electrical conductivity.Annealing of graphene/Ge(001)/Si(001) was performed to obtain a more uniform surface.This process results in a surface characterized by negligible hill and valley structures;however,the graphene properties unexpectedly deteriorated with increasing uniformity of the Ge(001) surface.To sum up,it was shown that the mechanism responsible for the formation of local conductivity inhomogeneities in graphene covering the Ge(001) surface is related to the different strength of graphene-germanium interactions.The present results indicate that,in order to obtain high-quality graphene,the experimental efforts should focus on limiting the interactions between germanium and graphene,which can be achieved by adjusting the growth conditions.  相似文献   

We study the growth and relaxation processes of Ge crystals selectively grown by chemical vapour deposition on free-standing 90 nm wide Si(001) nanopillars. Epi-Ge with thickness ranging from 4 to 80 nm was characterized by synchrotron based x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. We found that the strain in Ge nanostructures is plastically released by nucleation of misfit dislocations, leading to degrees of relaxation ranging from 50 to 100%. The growth of Ge nanocrystals follows the equilibrium crystal shape terminated by low surface energy (001) and {113} facets. Although the volumes of Ge nanocrystals are homogeneous, their shape is not uniform and the crystal quality is limited by volume defects on {111} planes. This is not the case for the Ge/Si nanostructures subjected to thermal treatment. Here, improved structure quality together with high levels of uniformity of the size and shape is observed.  相似文献   

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