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入河排污口调查是水功能区监督管理和实施入河排污口审查同意制度的基础工作,实施入河排污口的法制化建设,是适应新时期对流域水资源保护新的要求,是改善人民群众生活质量,推进和谐社会建设,实现流域水功能区划水质保护目标、总量管理、入河污染物控制及削减的基石和落脚点.加强对入河排污口的监督管理是加强水资源保护,实现水资源可持续利用的重要保障.  相似文献   

根据2011年山西省海河流域入河排污口调查成果,进行入河排污口达标评价和污染物浓度分析。结果表明,山西省海河流域规模以上入河排污口193个,废污水年入河量3.58亿m3,COD年入河量41 886.4 t,氨氮年入河量7 141.7 t。流域入河排污口平均浓度COD为116.9 mg/L,氨氮为19.9 mg/L。不同水系入河排污口污染物排放状况不同。流域污染物减排控制重点在桑干河与滹沱河水系。漳河水系应加强氨氮减排控制。  相似文献   

为定量分析海河流域入河排污口分布强度,提出了入河排污口分布密度概念,并采用2011年规模以上入河排污口分布数据,按照行政区、水系、水功能区类别分析了海河流域入河排污口分布强度。分析结果表明,行政区以北京市、天津市、河南省入河排污口分布强度较高,水系以北三河、子牙河、海河干流入河排污口分布强度较高,水功能区入河排污口分布强度符合各类别功能定位。根据分析结果,提出了入河排污口监督管理工作建议。  相似文献   

苏乃友 《山西水利》2006,22(4):50-51
通过对忻州市海河流域入河排污口进行调查,从排污口的地理位置、排放方式、废污水性质、废污水量等进行了计算统计。采用等标污染负荷法和污染物浓度超标倍数法对排污口的污染程度进行了分析。指出忻州市海河流域重点排污口及排污口的污染特点,对今后水环境的治理及水功能的规划有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

海河流域入河排污口变化及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范兰池  朱龙基  戴乙 《海河水利》2013,(1):13-15,22
采用2007、2010年海河流域入河排污口调查资料作为基准和对比数据,分析了“十一五”期间海河流域入河排污口的变化特点.分析结果表明,海河流域入河排污口数量、污废水排放量、COD和氨氮排放量均有较大减少,入河排污口首要污染物仍为COD,入河排污口达标排放的污废水量比例有较大提升,但排放的高浓度污废水量所占比例很大,水污染防治形势依然严峻.针对“十一五”期间海河流域入河排污口的变化特点,从水污染防治和入河排污口监督管理两方面提出了对策.  相似文献   

松辽水利委员会按照水利部的统一部署和安排,认真组织开展松辽流域入河排污口普查登记工作。本次普查工作历时19个月,涉及流域4省(自治区),共普查登记了2854个入河排污口,获得了大量的宝贵资料,并在全面掌握流域内入河排污口数量、分布及口门特征等信息的基础上,完成了松辽流域入河排污口地理信息系统的创建工作.为今后开展流域水资源保护工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

珠江流域入河排污口调查与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
珠江流域开展入河排污口调查,摸清了流域内主要河流入河排污口的数量、分面、废污水排放量及污染物入河量,评价了排污口的水质及对河流水质的影响,建立了河流的纳污资料数据库。为珠江流域水资源保护的监督管理、规划、站网优化等提供了极其重要的基础资料。  相似文献   

为加强"十三五"期间海河流域入河排污口管理、补齐流域水资源保护和水生态文明建设短板,在总结"十二五"期间流域入河排污口管理现状基础上,分析了管理存在问题,从登记及统计制度、监测体系、分规模管理、限排制约因素研究、布设规划等方面提出流域入河排污口规范化管理对策。  相似文献   

万一  周涛 《治淮》2009,(8):43-45
2003年淮委水资源保护监察支队由淮委批准成立,这是我国第一家流域水资源保护监察支队。淮委水资源保护监察支队的成立,是淮河流域水资源保护法制化监督管理体系建设的重要组成部分,标志着流域水资源保护工作走向了法制化轨道。  相似文献   

简要阐述珠江入河排污口监督管理现状,指出目前入河排污口管理中存在的主要问题,提出做好入河排污口监督管理工作的意见建议,强调为保护好珠江水资源,必须加强入河排污口监督管理工作,。  相似文献   

珠江出海口门泄洪形势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1概述1.1珠江出海口门概况珠江流域由西江、北江、东江和珠江三角洲诸河组成,总面积45.37万km2,西江是珠江的主流,在广东省三水思贤与北江连通后,汇入西北江三角洲,东江在广东省东莞市石龙镇注入东江三角洲。洪水经虎门、蕉门、洪奇门、横门、磨刀门、鸡啼门、虎跳门和崖门等八  相似文献   

2004年11月30日,水利部部长汪恕诚签署第21号、第22号部长令,颁布了《黄河河口管理办法》和《入河排污口监督管理办法》,这两个办法已经于2005年1月1日起正式施行。《黄河河口管理办法》着力于通过法律手段来加强黄河河口的治理、开发与保护,保障黄河防洪、防凌安全。《入河排污口监督管理办法》的出台标志着入河排污口监督管理纳入法制化、规范化、制度化的轨道。为使广大读者更好地了解这两个办法发布施行的意义、目的和相关要点,本刊特摘登敬正书副部长、索丽生副部长分别针对两个办法的专访内容,以飨读者。  相似文献   


Despite signing a bilateral water treaty in 1973, water utilization in the Hirmand River Basin (HRB) has been a source of dispute between Iran and Afghanistan for many decades. While Iran accuses Afghanistan of depriving it of the Hirmand water due to dam construction in the upper basin, Afghanistan assures that it enforces the treaty. An evident reduction of the Hirmand River flow to Iran in recent years is fully attributed by Afghanistan to a reduction in precipitation in the basin. Although Iran disagrees and remains unconvinced by this line of reasoning. A fundamental lack of trust in collected and shared hydrological data has hindered dialog between the two neighbors. To address this issue, this study investigates the use of remote sensing information, as an independent source of data, for fact-finding in a highly disputed transboundary river basin. For this purpose, historical data (34 years) from two satellite precipitation products, PERSIANN-CDR and CHIRPS, were used to understand if precipitation characteristics and, subsequently, rainfall-runoff regimes have changed in the HRB. Results reveal that the frequency and amount of heavy precipitation have been increasing over the mountainous areas. The total amount of precipitation has been increasing significantly. The intensity of heavy precipitation, however, has been decreasing over the basin. In the upper basin, the duration of the wet period has increased, although the share of wet months in annual precipitation has been decreasing. In the lower basin, trends in seasonal and annual precipitation and most of the indices are insignificant, indicating water availability issues cannot be attributed to the changes in precipitation in the downstream area itself. These results can be used as an integral part of mutual fact-finding and trust-building exercise that supports water diplomacy to promote environmental cooperation between Iran and Afghanistan.


介绍了欧洲实施水质监管的排水许可证制度及其成功经验,分析了中国实施最严格的水资源管理制度过程中,落实水功能区限制纳污红线面临的挑战和难度,提出在执行层面亟待配套有效的监管制度和工具,建立入河排污许可证制度,构建保障许可证制度顺利、高效实施的法律法规体系,提高许可审查过程的科学化和精细化程度,建立健全监测、监督检查机制,持续推进执法机构的能力建设,使纳污红线在污染治理、水质管理和政府考核中充分发挥作用。  相似文献   

通过回顾山西省治河历程和经验,就如何规范建设项目管理、河道管理工作提出了几点建设性建议,即:推动和促进工程建设与依法治水协调发展;建立管理机制,全面提高依法管理水平和服务水平;加大水法规宣传力度;统筹规划,全面推动河道工作向法制化转轨;抓好水政监察队伍的规范建设.  相似文献   

由于西南地区地形地貌复杂多变,许多地区缺乏实测洪水资料,给水利工程建设带来诸多不便。为了解决上述问题,为水利工程建设提供参考资料,基于西南地区11个流域66个水文站点的设计洪峰流量(Qp)和集水面积(F)资料,通过统计分析,分类研究了西南地区QpF之间的关系。结果表明:嘉陵江流域、沱江流域、涪江流域、岷江流域、澜沧江流域QpF之间能较好地满足线性关系;大渡河流域、青衣江流域、雅砻江流域QpF之间指数关系较显著;金沙江流域、怒江流域和雅鲁藏布江流域QpF之间幂函数关系较好。研究成果可为无资料地区建立流域QpF之间的相关关系提供参考。  相似文献   

Achieving integrated river basin management in large multi-jurisdictional river basins is a difficult task. In the Mekong River basin some of the countries have begun to implement a cooperative framework, which indicates a desire to achieve a form of integrated management. Significant progress has been made but results still fall short of the ideal. The primary reasons for this includes the lack of institutional capacity of the multi-jurisdictional cooperative authority and its counterpart organizations in each of the participating countries, together with a lack of political drive to develop integrated management as a priority.  相似文献   

通过对相关法规和黄河水量调度实践的分析,探讨了开展黄河下游水量稀释调度的必要性、可行性,阐述了水量稀释调度的定位、适用范围、时空范围及条件,分析了现状监测能力和存在的不确定性等问题.提出应在水量稀释调度的能力、运行机制、会商制度及信息共享机制方面加强建设.  相似文献   

Climate Change Risk Management in Transnational River Basins: The Rhine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change is likely to have an impact on the discharge of the European river Rhine. To base adaptation strategies, to deal with these changing river discharges, on the best scientific and technical knowledge, it is important to understand potential climate impacts, as well as the capacity of social and natural systems to adapt. Both are characterized by large uncertainties, at different scales, that range from individual to local to regional to international. This review paper addresses three challenges. Dealing with climate change uncertainties for the development of adaptation strategies is the first challenge. We find that communication of uncertainties in support of river basin adaptation planning generally only covers a small part of the spectrum of prevailing uncertainties, e.g. by using only one model or scenario and one approach to deal with the uncertainties. The second challenge identified in this paper is to overcome the current mismatch of supply of scientific knowledge by scientists and the demand by policy makers. Early experiences with ‘assess-risk-of-policy’ approaches analysis of options, starting from the resilience of development plans, suggests that this approach better responds to policy makers’ needs. The third challenge is to adequately capture the transnational character of the Rhine river basin in research and policy. Development and implementation of adaptation options derived from integrated analysis at the full river basin level, rather than within the boundaries of the riparian countries, can offer new opportunities, but will also meet many practical challenges.  相似文献   

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