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The concentrations of Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cd, Pb and Co have been determined in water, bottom sediments, plankton, zoobenthos and ichthyofauna of mesotropic Lake Piaseczno located in eastern Poland. In water, sediments, plankton and benthos the most abundant heavy metals were Fe, Zn and Mn, whereas in fish Zn, Cu, and Mn were most abundant. The amount of heavy metals in the biotic components was dependent upon their concentration in water and partly upon the concentration in bottom sediments. A considerably less important role in the translocation of heavy metals is probably played by trophic interactions.  相似文献   

The contribution of atmospheric deposition to emissions of trace metals in stormwater runoff was investigated by quantifying wet and dry deposition fluxes and stormwater discharges within a small, highly impervious urban catchment in Los Angeles. At the beginning of the dry season in spring 2003, dry deposition measurements of chromium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc were made monthly for 1 year. Stormwater runoff and wet deposition samples also were collected, and loading estimates of total annual deposition (wet+dry) were compared with annual stormwater loads. Wet deposition contributed 1-10% of the total deposition inside the catchment, indicating the dominance of dry deposition in semi-arid regions such as Los Angeles. Based on the ratio of total deposition to stormwater, atmospheric deposition potentially accounted for as much as 57-100% of the total trace metal loads in stormwater within the study area. Despite potential bias attributable to processes that were not quantified in this study (e.g., resuspension out of the catchment or sequestration within the catchment), these results demonstrate atmospheric deposition represents an important source of trace metals in stormwater to waterbodies near urban centers.  相似文献   

Long-term trends in hydro-climatology of a major Scottish mountain river   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The River Dee, in North East Scotland, is a mountainous river strongly influenced by patterns of snow accumulation and melt from the Cairngorm Mountains. Analysis of this river's flow record from 1929-2004, the longest in Scotland, supports anecdotal evidence that river extreme flows are increasing. There was no detectable change in the overall annual flow patterns. However, an analysis of seasonal data suggested a shift towards increased flows in spring (March-May) and decreased flows in summer (June-August) over the 75 years of the record. Flows in spring exceeded 29 m3 s− 1 for 50% of the time over the earliest part of the record (1930 to 1954), whereas in the last 25 years of the record (1979 to 2004) 50% of the flows exceeded 35 m3 s− 1. Precipitation is increasing in the spring and decreasing in July and August. If these trends continue they have important implications for water management in the Dee, with a potential increase in flood risk in spring and the increased possibility of drought in summer. Combined with this increase in flows the river appears to be more responsive to precipitation events in the catchment. In large heterogeneous catchments with a marginal alpine/high latitude climate it is difficult to assess the amount of precipitation falling as snow and its relative accumulation and ablation dynamics on daily to seasonal time scales. Changes in the temporal pattern of coherence between flow and precipitation are thought to be linked to changing snow patterns in the upland part of the catchment. A decreased amount of precipitation occurring as snow has led to higher coherence. We also show that in responsive systems it is important to record river flows at an hourly rather than daily time step in order to characterise peak flow events.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles (0-30 cm below surface) of four trace metals-Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn)-in the sediment and sediment porewater of an ecologically important intertidal mudflat in the Mai Po and Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site were thoroughly studied over a period of 10 months (from March 1999 to January 2000). Two surveys, one in summer and another in winter, involving a total of eight sampling stations were conducted to study the seasonal variation of the remobilization characteristics of these trace metals in the mudflat sediment. The range of depth averaged concentration of these trace metals in the mudflat sediment was: 0.3-0.8 microg/g (Cd); 9.8-91.0 microg/g (Cr); 7.3-69.1 microg/g (Pb); and 39.5-192.0 microg/g (Zn), while that in the sediment porewater was: 0.3-121.1 microg/l (Cd); 3.0-2704.1 microg/l (Cr); 2.6-105.6 microg/l (Pb); and 32.6-4238.3 microg/l (Zn). In general, levels of dissolved trace metals in the sediment porewater were much higher in the summer than in the winter while their concentrations in the sediment were more or less the same throughout the year. Enrichment of Cd, Pb and Zn in the sediment porewater of the upper oxic layer and that of Cr in the oxic-sub-oxic boundary was generally observed. Regions in the vicinity of the Mai Po mangroves and the river mouths of Shenzhen River and Shan Pui River were found to be hotspots of trace metal pollution. Benthic diffusive fluxes of trace metals from the mudflat sediment were also estimated. Of the four trace metals, cadmium showed the greatest tendency toward remobilization from the sediment phase to the more bio-available porewater phase.  相似文献   

Land above 300 m covers approximately 75% of the surface of Scotland and most of the nation's major river systems have their headwaters in this upland environment. The hydrological characteristics of the uplands exert an important influence on the hydrochemistry of both headwater streams and downstream river systems. Thus, many of the spatial and temporal patterns in the chemical quality of surface waters are mediated by hydrological processes that route precipitation through upland catchments. These hydrological pathways also have an important influence on how the hydrochemistry of upland streams is responding to increasing pressures from environmental changes at the global and regional scales. At the present time, atmospheric deposition remains an issue in many parts of the Scottish uplands, where critical loads of acidity are exceeded, particularly in areas affected by increasing N deposition. Moreover, climatic change forecasts predict increasingly wetter, warmer and more seasonal conditions, which may modify the hydrochemical regimes of many river systems, particularly those with a strong snowmelt component. On a more localised scale, land management practices, including felling of commercial forests, expansion of native woodlands, agricultural decline and moorland management all have implications for the freshwater environment. Moreover, increasing public access to upland areas for a range of recreational activities have implications for water quality. Understanding the hydrology of the uplands, through integrated field and modelling studies, particularly of the hydrological pathways that regulate chemical transfers to streamwaters, will remain an important research frontier for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

Preliminary studies were carried out on the leaching of copper, zinc, chromium, cadmium and lead from eight kitchen faucets by samples of raw, filtered and distributed Ottawa water, a sample of well water and deionized water containing 2 mg l−1 aqueous fulvic acid. Leaching was effected by allowing the test solutions to stand in the inverted faucets for two successive 24-h periods. Concentrations of the metals found in the leachates were copper: first leaching, 0.12–28.0 mg l−1, second leaching, 0.08-3.54 mg l−1; zinc: first leaching, 0.13-10.25 mg l−1, second leaching, 0.06-2.85 mg l−1; chromium: first leaching, < 1.0 × 10−3 − 0.395 mg l−1, second leaching, < 1.0 × 10−3−0.032 mg l−1; cadmium: first leaching, < 0.05 × 10−3−0.01 mg l−1, second leaching, < 0.05 × 10−3−4 × 10−3 mg l−1; and lead: first leaching, < 0.2−110.0 mg l−1, second leaching, < 0.2−82.0 mg l−1. The faucets containing lead-soldered copper joints released high concentrations of lead, particularly in the case of leaching with the aqueous fulvic acid solution. Under the conditions of the present investigations it is indicated that in some cases the concentrations of metals leached could lead to intakes in excess of the maximum permissible limits for these metals. However, further investigations will be required to determine the possible contribution of these faucets to metal intake under normal usage.  相似文献   

The dissolved-particulate phase distribution of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in the waters of a high mountain lake (Redó Lake, Pyrenees) has been studied. The lake is oligotrophic and its water hydrology is dominated by atmospheric precipitation; inputs from catchment or other sources are not significant. Samples were collected in several periods encompassing the summer and winter seasons. The PCB congener concentrations were rather uniform both in terms of water depth and seasonality showing steady state conditions. Seventy percent of the variation of the PCB particulate-dissolved phase coefficient (Kd) was correlated with temperature and log octanol-water (Kow)). Lower temperatures and hydrophobicity involved a higher association with the particulate phase. This behavior is consistent with the predominance of plankton among suspended particles following a two compartment model. Thus, temperature dependence seems mainly related to a rapid phase transfer mechanism such as surface adsorption to the cell membranes and log Kow influence could reflect steric restrictions for the uptake of these compounds upon algal ingestion.  相似文献   

The distribution and fate of nitrogenous compounds in a small lake was investigated. It was clarified from the direct chemical measurement that about 50–60% of ammonia nitrogen was converted to organic nitrogen and a part of them would sink down during flowing through a lake.  相似文献   

Assessment of copper-nickel industry impact on a subarctic lake ecosystem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Kuetsj?rvi lake ecosystem has been subject to intensive pollution generated by the Pechenganickel Company activities for more than 50 years. This article considers the effects of emissions from the copper-nickel smelter, that uses out-of-date technology, on a subarctic lake ecosystem. Six years of investigations revealed changes occurring at all ecosystem levels. It was found that the content of heavy metals (Cu, Ni, etc.) in lake sediments was dozens of times higher than the background values. Phyto- and zooplankton communities were in an unstable condition, while fish had pathologies of functionally important organs (gill, liver and kidney). The concentration of nickel in zoobenthos and fish was correlated its accumulation in sediments.  相似文献   

An analytical method combining a preconcentration followed by determination with inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICPES) was developed for monitoring background levels of trace metals in natural waters. Complexes of trace metals (Al, Ti, V, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) and 8-hydroxyquinoline were absorbed to a C18 chemically bonded silica gel disposable plastic column. They were eluted with methanol and digested with nitric acid. With this preconcentration procedure, about 500-fold preconcentration is possible. Simultaneous multielement analysis with ICPES ensures the necessary sensitivity to measure the trace metals in Lake Mashu water at concentration ranges from μg l?1 (ppb) to ng l?1 (ppt).Lake Mashu is a deep oligotrophic lake in Hokkaido, Japan and famous for the highest transparency in the world. The trace metal concentrations in Lake Mashu were extremely low: Fe 2.6; Al 1.2; Mn 0.76; Zn 0.63; V 0.15; Cu 0.069; Ti 0.06; Pb 0.05; Ni 0.027; Cd < 0.006; and Co < 0.004 μg l?1. The suitability of Lake Mashu for a background level monitoring station for global environmental pollution was assessed by the comparison to reference data for other lakes in the world.  相似文献   

Stutter MI  Langan SJ  Demars BO 《Water research》2007,41(12):2803-2815
This study evaluates water quality, suspended and bed sediment, ecological and catchment land use data for 13 catchments of the mixed land use River Dee, NE Scotland, where pollution point sources are limited. Samples were collected at key times of biological activity (early and late summers). Mean river water concentrations were smaller in main stem and upland sites and greater in tributaries where agricultural pressures were greater and were 2-41 microgPO(4)-Pl(-1), 8-58 microg total dissolved Pl(-1) and 1-6 mg l(-1) of suspended particulate matter (SPM). SPM was 7-372 times enriched in biologically available P (BAP; determined using an FeO paper strip method) and 2-122 times in organic C relative to bed sediments. Ratios in river water concentrations of BAP attributed to the SPM (0.1-1.0 microgPl(-1)) to PO(4)-P had the greatest range at baseflow (0.01-0.80) with larger values for low land use intensity catchments. During May chlorophyll a concentrations were related to SPM BAP (p<0.001), but later in summer to PO(4)-P, and there was a corresponding change in the organic composition of SPM observed by IR spectroscopy. SPM concentrations and SPM BAP were better related to intensive grassland land use (p<0.001) than was PO(4)-P concentration (p<0.01) and also predicted abundances of filter feeding macroinvertebrates (p<0.001). Within this river system SPM quantity and composition proved to be an indicator of river biogeochemical functioning and requires further investigation as a potentially sensitive monitoring tool and to increase our understanding of chemical ecological links.  相似文献   

Particulate metal concentrations in the nearshore waters of Lake Ontario have been determined to be 690 ng l−1 for Cu; 40 ng l−1 for Cd; 180 ng l−1 for Ni; 1690 ng l−1 for Zn; 2100 ng l−1 for Mn; and 700 μg l−1 for Fe. These values are considerably higher than the particulate metal concentrations in the offshore waters: 130, 8, 34, 230, 110, 260 and 9000 ng l−1 for Cu, Cd, Ni, Zn, Pb, Mn and Fe respectively. In general, 50–80% of the Cu, 10–40% of the Ni, 20–60% of the Cd and >60% of the Pb in the lake water were bound to the suspended particulates. From the standing crop of the particulate metals and the estimated rates of their deposition on the lake bottom, the residence times of the particulate metals in the lake water column have been estimated to be about 0.5 yr. on the average. The suggestion is made that particulate organic matter may be an important vehicle for metal transport to the Lake Ontario sediments.  相似文献   

西藏地形复杂,山峰湖泊众多,尤其是平均海拔最高的阿里地区,拥有万山之祖百川之源的称号,这些自然环境潜移默化地影响着藏族人们的社会生活及民俗文化。历代藏族民众将最初对大自然的恐惧、敬畏,衍化为宗教信仰;将自然界中的高山湖泊神化,赋予其宗教色彩。阿里地区的冈仁波齐峰与玛旁雍错便是著名的神山圣湖,是多种宗教的重要道场,是信徒们兴建寺庙、祭祀参拜的神圣之地,也是藏族文化的体现。  相似文献   

Dissolved and extractable iron concentrations in surface water, groundwater and bottom sediments were determined for Halls Creek, a small subtropical tidally influenced creek. Dissolved iron concentrations were much higher in fresh surface waters and groundwater compared to the estuarine water. In bottom sediments, iron minerals were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD); of these, hematite (up to 11%) has formed by precipitation from iron-rich water in the freshwater section of the catchment. Pyrite was only identified in the estuarine reach and demonstrated several morphologies [identified by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)] including loosely and closely packed framboids, and the euhedral form. The forms of pyrite found in bottom sediments indicate in situ production and recrystallisation. In surface waters, pyrite was detected in suspended sediment; due to oxygen concentrations well above 50 micromol/l, it was concluded that framboids do not form in the water column, but are within resuspended bottom sediments or eroded from creek banks. The persistence of framboids in suspended sediments, where oxygen levels are relatively high, could be due to their silica and clay-rich coatings, which prevent a rapid oxidation of the pyrite. In addition to identifying processes of formation and transport of pyrite, this study has environmental significance, as this mineral is a potential source of bioavailable forms of iron, which can be a major nutrient supporting algal growth.  相似文献   

Determination of labile and strongly bound metals in lake water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry is applied to differentiate and determine the labile and strongly bound forms of Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu in lake water without preconcentration of the sample. The sensitivities as established for an oxidation peak current of 0·020 μA are: 0·2 ppb for Zn. 0·4 ppb Cd. 0·7 ppb Pb and 0·5 ppb for Cu. For the analysis of a lake water containing 5·0–24·5 ppb of the four metals, the relative S.D. ranged from 1·6 to 10 per cent. Interferences of cations and anions and the choice of a buffer system have been discussed. The method has been applied to study a number of small lakes in the Sudbury area. Ontario.  相似文献   

Concentrations of dissolved and particulate trace metals (Ni, Pb, Zn and Mn) and their partitioning behaviour between the dissolved and particulate phases in a typical backwater system of Kerala, viz. the southern upstream part of Cochin Estuarine System (South India), have been studied. Spatial and temporal variations of trace metals in the dissolved and particulate phases have been discussed with special reference to pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity and suspended particulate matter. The distribution and partitioning behaviour of trace metals in the water column were found influenced by the presence of a salinity barrier across the backwater system and also by the massive use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in the vast area of agricultural land near the backwater system. Lack of proper flushing of the backwaters, which receive large amount of trace metals through the application of pesticides and agro‐chemicals, due to the presence of the salinity barrier has significantly affected the water quality of the area.  相似文献   

Various approaches, such as bioassays, computer-assisted modelling and direct measurement following physical separation are currently being used to investigate the speciation of trace metals in sea water. The electrochemical techniques used successfully as a necessary prerequisite for the experiments involved include conventional polarography, anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) and potentiometry. Differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV) using mercury film electrodes enables direct studies in ultratrace levels present in non-contaminated ocean waters.By varying the conditions of the sample chemistry and electroanalysis it is possible to characterize metal-organic interactions. This is demonstrated in the case of natural sea water samples subjected to ASV diagnosis. Differences in the Pb and Cu values yielded for Baltic waters by two methods based on DPASV and AAS are discussed with regard to speciation.An analysis of the existing literature is used to briefly summarize the needs of future research. Important problems requiring a more precise quantitative analysis include the adsorption of organics on electrodes and the kinetics and thermodynamic constants of chelates with special regard to the physico-chemical nature of metal-humic substances. The introduction of new and improved electroanalytical techniques and equipment for speciation studies is strongly recommended.  相似文献   

A. E. Klein 《Water research》1977,11(3):323-325
Samples of surface water from Lake Abbaya, Ethiopia, and from nearby hot springs, have been analysed for heavy metals and other constituents. Significant levels of mercury and arsenic were observed. These findings may be relevant to the high incidence of non-parasitic elephantiasis in the immediate vicinity of the lake.  相似文献   

Mobilisation of contaminants is an important issue in environmental risk assessment of dredging projects. This study has aimed at identifying the effects of dredging on mobilisation of trace metals (Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb). The intensities and time scales of trace metal mobilisation were investigated during an experimental dredging project conducted under field conditions. The loss of contaminated dredge spoil is mainly reflected by increasing levels of trace metals in the suspended matter, dissolved trace metal concentrations in the water column are not significantly influenced by the dredging activities. This indicates a strong binding mechanism of trace metals to the solid phase or a fast redistribution over sorptive phases in response to oxidation of e.g. trace metal sulphides. Given the differences in levels of reactive phases (Mn, Fe, sulphides and organic matter) between the riverine suspended matter and the sediments, changes in the levels of these parameters in the suspended matter upon dredging may give information on the processes influencing the behaviour of trace metals and on the potential loss of sediment during dredging operations. Therefore, we recommend to routinely measure these parameters in studies on contaminant behaviour related to dredging activities.  相似文献   

Toxic and essential trace metals were measured in muscle, bone, liver and kidney of bovine grazing on the municipal wastewater spreading field of Marrakech City (Morocco). Bovines were found to be seriously contaminated by toxic metals, for metal bioaccumulation. The high cadmium content seemed to contribute to a reduction in zinc and copper levels. The arithmetic mean concentrations of zinc, especially cadmium, and levels were higher in liver and kidney, specific target organs copper and cadmium in liver and kidney, were respectively: 126, 112 and 5.1 microg/g in liver; 89, 33 and 10.3 microg/g in kidney.  相似文献   

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