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嵌入式软件自身软硬件结合的复杂性及其质量的重要性,造成其软件测试的特殊性,就是在执行正常软件测试的单元测试、集成测试、系统测试的过程中,还要考虑到软件与硬件的兼容问题,即需要进行软硬件集成测试。本文首先介绍了嵌入式软件与硬件集成测试的相关概念,然后归纳提出了软硬件集成测试过程,结合当前软件测试理论前沿知识,把该测试过程进行重组和改进,并给出了测试模型。  相似文献   

可用性测试平台   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
阐明了软件可用性测试的重要性及其方法分类,着重说明了用户测试方法的步骤.介绍了所设计的软件可用性测试平台的特点和建设该平台的必要性,通过该平台对鱼眼菜单、单列菜单、级联式菜单进行了可用性测试.在测试用户较少的情况下,实验结果与其它主流实验室的结果相一致,表明了该实验平台的有效性和高效性.最后,对该测试平台可能的改进提出了设想.  相似文献   

网站可用性的可测性原则与测试方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李洛  黄达峰 《微计算机信息》2007,23(15):249-251
提出评价网站可用性的基本原则以及具体化的指导原则,并研究从中抽取和确立能用于评价网站可用性的可测性原则以及实施程序化测试的研究思路。  相似文献   

石磊  林晓欲 《微处理机》2012,33(6):44-47,50
介绍了KTFlow在嵌入式软件测试过程管理中的具体应用方法,通过5个阶段对测试活动进行全过程管理,实现了协同工作、项目定制、流程裁剪、状态管理和文档自动生成等功能,满足了军方对软件测试的管控要求。  相似文献   

一种新的网络系统可用性度量方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究计算机网络系统的可用性度量,提出了一种基于面向用户的服务可用性的度量方法及公式.应用这种度量方法,讨论了几种提高网络可用性的新技术,介绍一种支持动态跨主干虚拟网的高可用性校园网建设方案.  相似文献   

目前,业界功能接口自动化测试基本依赖于脚本的开发能力,具有学习曲线高、掌握门槛高、投入成本大、响应需求慢、受众范围小的痛点。通过分析这些痛点,本文提出了一种基于测试过程流程图编排的接口自动化测试新模式,该模式具有简单高效的特点,并基于该模式开发了相应的应用,实现了覆盖实时交易接口、清结算接口、数据库测试三个方面的功能接口自动化测试实践应用,从应用实践、应用效果等多个方面探索和验证了该模式的可行性及优势。  相似文献   

随着云计算应用范围的扩展,人们对于云计算可用性的担忧也与日俱增。由于可用性的内在复杂性,用户缺乏对云计算平台进行风险评估的能力。本文通过对云计算进行分层(IaaS,PaaS和SaaS)可用性分析,提出来一种基于分层结构及其层间关系的云计算可用性定量计算模型,并给出了具体的计算和仿真实例。  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,人们对人机交互界面不在陌生,甚至对界面的视觉效果要求更加个性化、多元化.其中网站的可用性是影响用户浏览体验的关键.用户搜索信息的目地是为了满足某种欲望,而这种欲望是检验网站是否有用的主要指标.  相似文献   

软件测试是软件工程过程中的一个重要环节,而识别需求测试过程是软件测试的第一步.本文在研究了RUP过程的需求测试环节后,结合作者的软件工程实践经历,提出一种基于概念测试用例的快速需求测试过程(FRTP)框架,该FRTP过程框架定义了三个子过程:基于特征的需求条目快速获取;基于用例的对话图建模;快速需求测试过程.  相似文献   


This is a selective annotated bibliography of books, journal articles, and electronic resources relating to the usability assessment or testing of the academic library Web site. It focuses on the library Web site specifics, thus answering a librarian's need for one source of information on the available publications. All journal articles have been written by or for academic librarians. This bibliography embraces the issues of usability testing as a process, its goals, objectives, tools, and methodology. The bibliography is grouped by the following topics: background information, tools and methodologies, case studies, dedicated Web sites, and samples of presentations.  相似文献   

本文主要目标是基于CBID系统前期的可用性试验结果及数据分析的结论,对CBID系统的可用性指标进行分析,得出CBID系统可用性分析的结论,揭示CBID系统目前存在的主要关键问题所在。  相似文献   

This article provides a table with summary statistics for the thirteen usability laboratories described in the papers in this special issue. It also gives an introduction to the main uses of usability laboratories in usability engineering and surveys some of the issues related to practical use of user testing and CAUSE tools for computer-aided usability engineering.  相似文献   

There are indications that established methods for evaluating information system usability that have been developed for use in, e.g. Europe or the USA, fail to give reliable results in countries such as India, China or Malaysia. This paper presents the theoretical background, related work and a definition of culture that should be useful for studies of multiple‐country usability testing. This includes a discussion of cultural fit and the consequences of cultural (in)consistencies between stakeholders in system development and use. As an illustrative example of the kind of academic research that needs to be done, a pilot study is described. The pilot study exemplifies themes to explore, who should be participants and where should the study be done, how to find examples of multiple‐country usability testing, how to collect data and how to analyse that data and what kind of results and discussion of results that may be expected. The conclusion summarises the paper, discusses the limitations of the pilot study and gives detailed suggestions to future research.  相似文献   

随着网络技术在软件方面的广泛应用,Web软件以其方便、快速、易操作等特点成为软件开发的重点。作为与用户交互的主要特性,易用性也随之成为Web软件关注的热点,而易用性测试也为越来越多的人所重视。根据Web软件的特点,对Web软件的易用性测试标准、如何进行Web软件易用性测试以及易用性测试的具体操作步骤进行了探讨。  相似文献   


This article provides a table with summary statistics for the thirteen usability laboratories described in the papers in this special issue. It also gives an introduction to the main uses of usability laboratories in usability engineering and surveys some of the issues related to practical use of user testing and CAUSE tools for computer-aided usability engineering.  相似文献   

随着网络技术在软件方面的广泛应用,Web软件以其方便、快速、易操作等特点成为软件开发的重点。作为与用户交互的主要特性,易用性也随之成为Web软件关注的热点,而易用性测试也为越来越多的人所重视。根据Web软件的特点,对Web软件的易用性测试标准、如何进行Web软件易用性测试以及易用性测试的具体操作步骤进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Librarians can improve their online tutorials by borrowing usability testing techniques from the computer science field to improve the human-computer interface. This study involved a multimethod usability test of librarian-created tutorials to determine what students learned, how they felt on several affective questions, and what they suggested for improving the tutorials. Results of pre- and post-tests showed that student knowledge increased, and surveys and focus group findings lean to several suggestions for improving engagement and placing tutorials where they will be most effective. This case study demonstrates the value of user input to improve the effectiveness of online instruction for information literacy.  相似文献   

This article discusses the limitations and challenges surrounding the present usability engineering (UE) labs. Usability laboratories include hardware and software tools to observe users, collect and analyse diverse data about the users' interactions, behaviours, actions, and reactions including their raw feedback regarding their experiences. Using statistical analysis and data mining software, these qualitative and quantitative data are transformed into design insights and recommendations for future usability improvements. First, we survey the existing stationary, portable, and remote laboratories. We then review the current usability tools while highlighting the gap between the existing tools/labs and the UE practices. We will show how this gap can be closed via a roadmap using a computer-assisted usability engineering environment (CAUTE). A CAUTE provides a unifying user interface that exploits a process-sensitive architecture for integrating the large variety of the existing tools into the best UE practices. Beyond the technical problems, there is also a need to address research issues including determining the interest of the CAUTE approach in comparison with the current usability labs.  相似文献   

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