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J.F.  G.   《Robotics and Autonomous Systems》2004,48(4):231-248
This article presents methodological aspects of a scheme for visually guided humanoid robot navigation. The proposed approach is based on the maximization of the predicted visual information. For the information management a coupled hybrid Extended Kalman Filter is employed. Specific view direction evaluation strategies for conflicting objectives of different nature such as obstacle avoidance and self-localization, have to be weighted and pursued in parallel. A combination of both objectives shows the task dependence of the gazing strategy. A major goal of this work is to formalize and implement a decision making strategy in order to achieve an intelligent task-oriented active vision system for a biped walking robot. Simulation results based on experimental experience with real biped robots demonstrate the relevance of the approach.  相似文献   

基干广义最小方差和一步超前预报理论,围绕三维型面扫描系统中所存在的周期性徽振动问题,提出了一种新的自适应振动主动控制算法.以C型臂式三维激光扫描系统为应用背景,基于来自于该系统的数据样本建立了系统的振动动态自回归滑动平均模型(ARMA模型).采用所提出的自适应控制算法对该模型进行了振动主动控制仿真研究.仿真结果验证了所提出的方案可以有效地抑制C型臂运动过程中产生的振动,提高系统的整体三维检测精度.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for feedback adaptive control of active vibration systems in the presence of time varying unknown narrow band disturbances. A direct adaptive control scheme based on the internal model principle and the use of the Youla-Kucera parametrization is proposed. This approach is comparatively evaluated with respect to an indirect adaptive control scheme based on the estimation of the disturbance model. The comparative evaluation is done in real time on an active suspension system.  相似文献   

Adaptive feedforward broadband vibration (or noise) compensation is currently used when a correlated measurement with the disturbance (an image of the disturbance) is available. However in most of the systems there is a ”positive” mechanical feedback coupling between the compensator system and the measurement of the image of the disturbance. This may lead to the instability of the system. The paper proposes new algorithms taking into account this coupling effect and provides the corresponding analysis. The algorithms have been applied to an active vibration control (AVC) system and real time results are presented. A theoretical and experimental comparison with some existing algorithms is also provided.  相似文献   

针对单片DSP实现有源电力滤波器的控制系统会延长控制周期,影响系统性能,本文设计了一种旗于DSP+MCU+FPGA的有源电力滤波器数字控制系统。MCU和FPGA分担了DSP的部分工作,使DSP最大限度的用于系统控制算法实现,提高了运算速度,满足有源电力滤波器控制系统的设计要求。仿真验征了基于DSP+MCU+FPGA的有源电力滤波器数字控制系统设计的可和性。  相似文献   

An adaptive complementary sliding-mode control (ACSMC) system with a multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) recurrent Hermite neural network (RHNN) estimator is proposed to control the position of the rotor in the axial direction of a thrust active magnetic bearing (TAMB) system for the tracking of various reference trajectories in this study. First, the operating principles and dynamic model of the TAMB system using a linearized electromagnetic force model is derived. Then, a conventional sliding-mode control (SMC) system is designed for the tracking of various reference trajectories. Moreover, a complementary sliding-mode control (CSMC) system is adopted to reduce the guaranteed ultimate bound of the tracking error by half while using the saturation function as compared with the SMC. Furthermore, since the system parameters and the external disturbance are highly nonlinear and time-varying, the ACSMC is proposed to further improve the control performance and increase the robustness of the TAMB system. In the ACSMC, the MIMO RHNN estimator with estimation laws is proposed to estimate two complicated dynamic functions of the system on-line. In addition, a robust compensator is proposed to confront the minimum approximated errors and achieve the robustness. Finally, some experimental results for the tracking of various reference trajectories show that the control performance of the ACSMC is significantly improved comparing with the SMC and CSMC.  相似文献   

Biqing Wu 《Automatica》2004,40(2):203-212
This paper presents a multi-channel active noise control algorithm that is designed to reject periodic signals of unknown frequency. It is based on a so-called indirect approach, where the frequency of the disturbance is estimated in real time, and the estimate is used in a disturbance rejection scheme designed for a known frequency. Improvements over an earlier algorithm include an extension to multi-channel systems, a better frequency estimation algorithm, and a thorough experimental evaluation. For disturbance rejection, a so-called inverse G algorithm is proposed and its properties are compared through analysis and experiments to those of a gradient algorithm. A new frequency estimator is also considered that is simple and flexible in design, and is able to use multiple harmonics or multiple signals in order to estimate the fundamental frequency of the noise source. In this manner, the algorithm maintains tracking of the fundamental frequency despite significant changes in signal characteristics. The ability of the indirect approach to reject periodic noise with fixed or time-varying frequency and amplitudes is demonstrated in active noise control experiments. The algorithm may also be useful in other control applications where periodic disturbances of unknown frequency must be rejected.  相似文献   

A backstepping controller (BC) and an adaptive fuzzy backstepping controller (AFBC) are proposed for three-phase active power filter (APF) in this paper. Firstly, the dynamic model for APF is build in which both the system parameter variations and external disturbance are considered. Then, the backstepping method is applied in the design of current control system to deal with the nonlinearity of APF. Moreover, the AFBC is developed by combining the backstepping approach with adaptive fuzzy strategy to attenuate the effect of parameter uncertainties and external disturbances. Fuzzy logic system is designed to estimate the unknown nonlinear function in the AFBC where the parameters are adjusted online by the adaptive law derived from the Lyapunov stability analysis to guarantee the tracking performance and stability of the closed-loop system. Simulation studies using the MATLAB/SimPower Systems Toolbox demonstrate that the proposed control strategies exhibit excellent performance in both steady state and transient operation.  相似文献   

An assistive robot is a novel service robot, playing an important role in the society. For instance, it can amplify human power not only for the elderly and disabled to recover/rehabilitate their lost/impaired musculoskeletal functions but also for healthy people to perform tasks requiring large forces. Consequently, it is required to consider both accurate position control and human safety, which is the compliance. This paper deals with the robot control compliance problem based on the QNX real-time operating system. Firstly, the mechanical structure of a compliant joint on the assistive robot is designed using Solidworks. Then the parameters of the assistive robot system are identified. The software of robot control includes data acquisition and processing, and control to meet the compliance requirement of the joint control. Finally, a Hogan impedance control experiment is carried out. The experimental results prove the effectiveness of the method proposed.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe complementary approaches that can be used to ensure the reliability of real-time systems, such as those used in active structural control systems. These approaches include both model-checking and simulation, and are based on a temporal process algebra. We combine these formal methods with a high-level, graphical modeling technique, Modechart, to specify an active structural control system consisting of several processors. Timing requirements on the system are specified and verified with a combination of process algebraic models and modal logic, and various simulation concepts are described for debugging models and for gaining insight into system behavior.  相似文献   

Noise pollution has become increasingly severe around the world due to fast urbanization. How to soundproof windows fromoutside noise is of significant interest for both academia and industry. This paper reports an experimental implementationof normalized minmax active noise control (ANC) algorithm on an open window system, where identifying the model ofacoustic sound paths plays a central role. By doing this, traffic noise is attenuated by the ANC system, leading to a relativelyquiet indoor environment, while the natural lighting and ventilation functions of a window are remained. Our experimentsshow that an average of 19 dB(A) noise reduction is achieved.  相似文献   

机器人远程控制系统的实时仿真与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
机器人远程控制随着互联网技术的发展逐渐成为目前的研究热点,它具有广泛的应用前景。由于互联网复杂性所带来的时延问题以及由此产生的安全问题是机器人远程控制的关键问题。设计和实现了一个基于互联网的机器人实时仿真和视觉反馈系统。首先,提出了基于状态反馈的实时仿真方法解决时延问题,以保证远程仿真机器人和本地服务器机器人的状态同步和机器人操作的安全性。其次,提出通过离线示教仿真之后再进行在线控制策略以及通过远程控制与本地自主控制的模式切换方法进一步地缩短在线操作时间和提高操作的安全性。最后,实验证明了基于互联网的实时仿真和视觉反馈系统的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

Stewart主动隔振平台的神经网络自适应控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对Stewart主动隔振平台,提出一种基于径向基函数(RBF)神经网络的多输入多输出自适应隔振控制方法.考虑外界振动对Stewart主动隔振平台动态特性的影响,建立了隔振平台在工作空间中的动力学模型.推导出RBF神经网络的权值矩阵、高斯基函数中心和宽度的在线自适应调节律,以使神经网络快速逼近系统的非线性动态函数.应用Lyapunov稳定性理论,证明了在扰动力和神经网络逼近误差有界的条件下,闭环控制系统滤波误差和RBF神经网络各调节参数估计误差的一致最终有界.仿真结果表明,该控制方法能有效地抑制不同方向的低频有界振动.  相似文献   

An adaptive suboptimal control of a linear discrete system with unknown parameters is proposed. An additive disturbance vt acting on the system is supposed to be uniformly bounded. The criterion is supvtI(y1, u1), where yt is the output, ut is the control. The adaptive control law gives almost the same guaranteed value of the criterion as the optimal linear feedback does for a system with known parameters.  相似文献   

Although computer architectures incorporate fast processing hardware resources, high performance real-time implementation of a complex control algorithm requires an efficient design and software coding of the algorithm so as to exploit special features of the hardware and avoid associated architecture shortcomings. This paper presents an investigation into the analysis and design mechanisms that will lead to reduction in the execution time in implementing real-time control algorithms. The proposed mechanisms are exemplified by means of one algorithm, which demonstrates their applicability to real-time applications. An active vibration control (AVC) algorithm for a flexible beam system simulated using the finite difference (FD) method is considered to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. A comparative performance evaluation of the proposed design mechanisms is presented and discussed through a set of experiments.  相似文献   

电弧炉电极调节系统的一种变结构控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了一种变结构电极调节系统设计方法,首先得出电极调节系统模型,在此基础上推导出了离散时间模型参考自适应律,针对系统对频繁的干扰存在抖动的情况,设计一种变结构调节系统,利用模糊控制系统抑制抖动,仿真表明这种结构既能够保证良好的跟踪特性,又能够有效地抑制抖动。  相似文献   

This paper examines the robustness of the adaptive controller designed using the backstepping technique proposed in Kristic et al. (Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design, Wiley, New York, 1995). It is shown that the adaptive controller without any modification still possesses some robustness against a class of unmodeled dynamics. Moreover, the system transient performance in the presence of unmodeled dynamics can be improved to an arbitrary level by adjusting the controller design parameters.  相似文献   

Active magnetic bearings have many advantages over conventional bearings due to contactless operation and adjustable force dynamics. However, one of the obstacles associated with these bearings is failure modes, which may result in destructive rotor dynamic behaviour. One of the important failure modes is electric power outage which may be due to failure of power amplifier, coil or electric wiring. In the present work, a fault tolerant controller has been designed for three-pole magnetic bearings to provide unaltered performance in the event of fault occurrence. The controller has been designed by incorporating the nonlinear fuzzy logic control. The present design of fuzzy logic controller is done by reducing the number of rules of its rule base. Simulations have been carried out to test the performance of the controller for different failure conditions. The designed controller is able to stabilize the rotor for large deviations from the origin even in the presence of failure. The controller is found to be robust as it provides satisfactory operation in the presence of uncertainties.  相似文献   

Proportional-derivative and proportional-integral-derivative (PD/PID) controllers are popular algorithms in structure vibration control. In order to maintain minimum regulation error, the PD/PID control require big proportional and derivative gains. The control performances are not satisfied because of the big uncertainties in the buildings. In this paper, type-2 fuzzy system is applied to compensate the unknown uncertainties, and is combined with the PD/PID control. We prove the stability of these fuzzy PD and PID controllers. The sufficient conditions can be used for choosing the gains of PD/PID. The theory results are verified by a two-storey building prototype. The experimental results validate our analysis.  相似文献   

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