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1. Heterozygous, male, hypertensive, transgenic ((mRen-2)27) rats (350-450 g) were instrumented for the measurement of regional or cardiac haemodynamics (n = 16, in both groups). Animals were given continuous i.v. infusions of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, enalaprilat, or the dual metallopeptidase inhibitor, MDL 100,240 (both at 3 mg kg-1, 3 mg kg-1 h-1; n = 8 for regional and cardiac haemodynamics), for 32 h. Twenty four hours after the onset of infusion of enalaprilat or MDL 100,240, the bradykinin (B2)-receptor antagonist, Hoe 140 (1 mg kg-1, i.v.), was given and measurements were continued for a further 8 h, to assess any possible involvement of bradykinin. 2. Over the first 8 h of infusion, both enalaprilat and MDL 100,240 had significant antihypertensive effects, accompanied by similar regional vasodilatations. However, the blood pressure lowering effect of MDL 100,240 (-54 +/- 9 mmHg) was greater than that of enalaprilat (-38 +/- 4 mmHg), because the former caused a significantly greater reduction in cardiac index. 3. Between 8-24 h after the onset of infusion, there was a reduction in the effect of enalaprilat on blood pressure, because cardiac index rose, with no further increase in total peripheral conductance. In contrast, the antihypertensive effect of MDL 100,240 persisted, in spite of a recovery in cardiac index, because there was further vasodilatation, particularly in the mesenteric and hindquarters vascular beds. 4. There were no apparent haemodynamic changes associated with the injection of Hoe 140, and over the following 8 h, the difference between the haemodynamic effects of enalaprilat and MDL 100,240 persisted; there was little evidence of suppression of the effects of either drug. 5. These results are more consistent with the antihypertensive effects of enalaprilat or MDL 100,240 in transgenic ((mRen-2)27) rats being due to suppression of angiotensin II production, than due to inhibition of bradykinin degradation. The additional effects of MDL 100,240 may be accounted for by inhibition of the degradation of natriuretic peptides reducing cardiac output, initially, and decreasing vascular tone, subsequently. Alternatively, the additional increase in vascular conductance following treatment with MDL 100,240 may represent an autoregulatory response to the reduced pressure.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the structural properties of cerebral and mesenteric resistance arteries isolated from normotensive, Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (mean arterial pressure [MAP], 110 +/- 3 mm Hg) and hypertensive, transgenic (TG) rats (MAP, 167 +/- 4 mm Hg), which express the mouse Ren-2 renin gene. Vessels were set up in a pressure myograph, and ID and vascular wall thickness were determined at increasing intraluminal pressures. Arteries were subsequently pressurized to the MAP of the animal from which they were isolated and were fixed with glutaraldehyde before being embedded in araldite, sectioned, and examined histologically. The middle cerebral artery (MCA) isolated from SD rats and TG rats had similar media cross-sectional areas. There was no difference in MCA diameter at 10 mm Hg in vessels from TG rats compared with SD rats. However, at higher distending pressures, the diameter of the MCA from TG rats was significantly smaller than that of vessels from SD rats. This reduced ID at the higher pressures was a consequence of a decreased distensibility of the MCA from TG rats (as shown by a leftward shift of the stress-strain relationship in arteries from TG rats) and was not caused by an increase in wall thickness. First- and second-order mesenteric resistance arteries isolated from TG rats displayed an increased wall thickness and media content compared with vessels from SD rats. However, this alteration in mesenteric artery structure did not impinge on the ID of arteries from TG rats; there was no difference in the IDs of mesenteric resistance arteries between the two strains at any distending pressure. These observations show that there are distinct regional alterations in vascular structure in hypertensive TG rats expressing the mouse Ren-2 renin gene. Mesenteric resistance arteries isolated from TG rats display signs of vascular growth, although this structural alteration does not produce a reduction in the ID of these arteries per se. In contrast, cerebral arteries from TG rats do not show increased growth but have a reduced vascular distensibility, which results in a smaller ID compared with vessels from SD rats.  相似文献   

The distribution of angiotensin-(1-7) immunoreactive neurons was compared to those of vasopressin-(VP) and oxytocin-(OT) immunoreactive (IR) neurons in the hypothalamus of adult (mRen-2d)27 transgenic hypertensive and Sprague-Dawley rats. In both strains, angiotensin (Ang)-(1-7)-IR cells were found in the supraoptic nucleus (SON), and in the anterior (ap-), medial (mp-), and lateral (lp-) parvocellular, and posterior magnocellular (pm-) subdivisions of the paraventricular (PVN) nucleus. Three-dimensional reconstructions showed that cells immunoreactive to Ang-(1-7) and VP were specifically co-distributed in the SON and in the pmPVN. Double-labeling neurons for both peptides revealed that both Ang-(1-7) and VP were colocalized in a subpopulation of neurons in the pmPVN and SON. In combination with previous studies, our results suggest that Ang-(1-7) and VP are colocalized, co-released and may have a combined action at a common target. In addition, the introduction of the mouse submandibular renin (mRen-2d) transgene into Sprague-Dawley rats does not appear to have altered the fundamental organization of hypothalamic peptide systems involved in fluid homeostasis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The tissue renin-angiotensin system (RAS) may modulate the structural and functional changes that occur in the diabetic kidney. METHODS: Hypertensive transgenic (mREN-2)27 rat (TGR) that exhibit increased tissue renin expression were administered streptozotocin (STZ, diabetic) or citrate buffer (non-diabetic) at six weeks of age, and sacrificed 4 and 12 weeks later. Further groups were treated for 12 weeks post-STZ or vehicle with the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, perindopril. Comparisons were made with 18-week-old non-diabetic and diabetic spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). RESULTS: In diabetic TGR, the most florid lesion was seen after 12 weeks of STZ, with kidneys exhibiting vacuolated tubules, hylanized arterioles, medullary fibrosis and necrosis and severe glomerulosclerosis. In contrast, only mild glomerulosclerosis was seen in non-diabetic TGR and diabetic SHR. Glomerular filtration rate was increased after four weeks of diabetes in TGR and 12 weeks of diabetes in SHR, but declined by greater than 50% after 12 weeks of diabetes in TGR. In both TGR and SHR, diabetes increased albuminuria but did not modify systolic blood pressure. Renal renin content increased progressively in diabetic TGR, and this was associated with increased renin immunolabeling in the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) and the appearance of renin in proximal convoluted tubules. In contrast, renal renin content and JGA renin immunolabeling were unchanged in diabetic SHR. Perindopril attenuated renal pathology, improved renal function and abolished proximal tubular renin immunolabeling in diabetic TGR. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a diabetic rodent model developing rapid onset renal impairment. Furthermore, this study suggests a role for an activated renal RAS in the acceleration of diabetic renal disease and confirms the benefit of drugs that inhibit this system.  相似文献   

Adenylyl cyclase and soluble guanylyl cyclase activities were measured in cardiac and aortic tissue from transgenic hypertensive TGR(mREN2)27 and normotensive Sprague-Dawley rats. Cardiac basal and stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity was significantly lower in TGR(mREN2)27 than in Sprague-Dawley rats except after uncoupling of G-proteins by Mn2+-ions. Aortic cAMP formation did not differ between both strains, indicating that the disturbance of cardiac adenylyl cyclase activity was due to local rather than systemic factors. Vascular cGMP formation was significantly reduced in TGR(mREN2)27 aortae under basal conditions and after stimulation with sodium nitroprusside, indicating that there is a subsensitive vasodilating second messenger pathway in the transgenic strain.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) on the differentiation of human adipocyte precursor cells in primary culture. Adipocyte precursors convert into fat cells within 12-16 days in a chemically defined, hormone-supplemented medium. Exposure of cultured preadipocytes to TNF alpha resulted in a dose- and time-dependent decrease in the number of developing fat cells and the activity of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH), an established marker of adipocyte differentiation. A 24-h incubation with TNF alpha at a concentration of 5 nM suppressed GPDH activity by 55% compared to that in control cultures. Continuous exposure of the cells to TNF alpha completely blocked expression of the adipocyte phenotype and GPDH activity. The inhibitory action of TNF alpha was not associated with a change in cell number, as assessed by cell counting. The addition of 5 nM TNF alpha for 24 h to newly developed fat cells caused a rapid reduction of GPDH activity by approximately 50%. A 14-day exposure of differentiated cells to TNF alpha was followed by complete suppression of GPDH and a marked delipidation of the cells, including morphological changes, leading to the development of long spindle-shaped cytoplasmatic extensions. These results clearly demonstrate that TNF alpha inhibits the differentiation of human adipocyte precursor cells and, in addition, promotes the delipidation of mature fat cells. It is suggested that TNF alpha may be involved in the physiological control of human adipose tissue cellularity and function.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine the functional distribution of alpha 1- and alpha 2-adrenoceptors in the striated muscle microcirculation. Experiments were performed in intact conscious spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) that were provided with a dorsal microcirculatory chamber to allow microvascular diameter measurements. Administration of selective alpha 1- and alpha 2-agonists, phenylephrine and azepexole, respectively, induced different patterns of microvascular constriction. alpha 1-Adrenoceptor stimulation showed a preferential constriction of large arteries and venules. The entire arteriolar microvasculature was sensitive to alpha 2-adrenoceptor stimulation, whereas the venular vessels did not respond to azepexole. The selective alpha 1- and alpha 2-antagonists prazosin and yohimbine showed patterns of vasodilator activity comparable to those of the corresponding agonists. The specificity of the drug-induced effects was verified by comparing their effects with those of graded hemorrhage, a non-pharmacological method for blood pressure lowering. In the range of blood pressure decreases comparable to that obtained by alpha-adrenoceptor antagonists, graded hemorrhage did not influence microvascular diameters. These results show a differential functional distribution of alpha 1- and alpha 2-adrenoceptors along the microvascular tree in striated muscle of conscious SHR.  相似文献   

Primary human hypertension is a polygenic disorder. It is the prevalent cause of cardiovascular disease leading to cardiac failure, stroke, chronic renal failure and, ultimately to death. Several genes are involved in cardiovascular control mechanisms and their genetics are complex. Experimental models which are well defined are needed to clarify the role of individual genes. The generation of the hypertensive transgenic rat line TGR (mREN2)27 bearing the murine Ren-2 gene cloned from the DBA/2J mouse strain provides a monogenic model of hypertension in which the genetic basis (the additional renin gene) is known. These rats develop severe hypertension, which reaches 200 mm Hg and higher at 8 weeks of age in the heterozygous animal. Homozygous rats develop even higher blood pressures than heterozygous animals, which is paralleled by a higher mortality rate in homozygous rats. Animals develop pathomorphologic alterations which are characteristic for systemic hypertension. The transgenic rats are characterized by unchanged or even suppressed concentrations of active renin, angiotensin I (ANG I), ANG II, and angiotensinogen compared to transgene-negative littermates. In contrast, plasma levels of inactive renin (prorenin) are much higher in TGR (mREN)27 rats than in control animals. In the kidneys, renin is suppressed, probably mediated through negative feedback inhibition, in other tissues, especially in the adrenal gland, murine Ren-2 mRNA is expressed at very high levels. The cascade of pathophysiologic events which finally lead to hypertension is not fully understood in this rat model. Treatment with ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor antagonists such as losartan is extremely efficient, which could mean that hypertension in this model is mediated through ANG II. Since the the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in the kidneys is suppressed, other ANG II generating sites must be considered. This favors the concept of extrarenal RASs in this model.  相似文献   

Transgenic rats, termed TGR(mREN2)27, have been generated carrying the mouse ren-2 renin gene. As intended the gene was expressed highly within the adrenal gland offering the opportunity to study the intraadrenal renin-angiotensin system in vivo. Concomitantly with increased adrenal renin activity, the production of adrenocortical steroids are elevated and the regulation of aldosterone production is impaired in TGR(mREN2)27. Furthermore, the transgenic rats develop severe sodium dependent hypertension. Since kidney and plasma renin concentrations and plasma angiotensins are low in the transgenic model, those factors cannot account for the altered regulation of aldosterone production. Instead the experiments with TGR(mREN2)27 demonstrate the functional role of the local adrenal renin-angiotensin system.  相似文献   

Renal effects of FR139317, an endothelin ETA receptor antagonist, were examined using anesthetized normotensive and deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertensive rats. The intravenous bolus injection of FR139317 (10 mg/kg) produced a slight decrease in mean blood pressure (MAP; -13%) in the control rats and this hypotension was accompanied by a moderate renal vasodilation (renal vascular resistance: RVR; -12%). In the DOCA-salt hypertensive rat, FR139317 had a more pronounced hypotensive effect (MAP; -26%) accompanied by a potent renal vasodilation (RVR; -33%). FR139317 significantly increased renal blood flow only in the DOCA-salt rats. In contrast, FR139317 produced a significant decrease in urine flow and urinary sodium excretion only in control rats. Northern blot analysis revealed that the renal prepro endothelin-1 (ET-1) mRNA level was significantly increased in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. Thus, it seems likely that endogenous ET-1 is responsible for the maintenance of DOCA-salt-induced hypertension. We also suggest that at least in part, ET-1 and ETA receptors are involved in renal hemodynamic abnormalities in DOCA-salt-induced hypertension. The augmentation of renal ET-1 production may possibly have a function in the development and maintenance of DOCA-salt-induced hypertension.  相似文献   

Transgenic rats, termed TGR(mREN2)27, which carry the mouse ren2d renin gene, develop fulminant hypertension. To evaluate the role of the circulating renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in hypertension of TGR(mREN2)27, we determined plasma levels of its components and their regulation by ether-stress. Plasma prorenin was elevated in prehypertensive and in adult heterozygous TGR(mREN2)27 (fourtyfold), when compared with Sprague Dawley (SD) controls, whereas plasma renin concentration (PRC) and angiotensin II were not in SD rats ether anesthesia increased PRC at day (11 a.m.; fivefold), but not at night (11 p.m.). Ether had no effect on PRC in TGR(mREN2)27. In contrast, ether increased plasma corticosterone levels at day and night in both strains to a similar degree. Our data indicate that plasma active renin is not a pathogenetic factor for hypertension in TGR(mREN2)27 and suggest a primary role of circulating prorenin. The lack of stimulation of PRC by ether in TGR(mREN2)27 probably reflects predominant extrarenal origin of renin.  相似文献   

1. Regional haemodynamic responses to arginine vasopressin (AVP; 0.5, 1.0, 5.0 pmol i.v.) and angiotensin II (AII; 5.0, 10.0, 50.0 pmol i.v.) were measured in conscious Long Evans rats at various times (0, 2, 6 and 24 h) during infusion of lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 150 microg kg(-1) h(-1), i.v., n=9) or saline (n=9). Additional experiments were performed in vasopressin-deficient (Brattleboro) rats infused with LPS (n=7) or saline (n=8) to determine whether or not, in the absence of circulating vasopressin, responses to the exogenous peptides differed from those in Long Evans rats. 2. In the Long Evans rats, during the 24 h infusion of LPS, there was a changing haemodynamic profile with renal vasodilatation from 2 h onwards, additional mesenteric vasodilatation at 6 h, and a modest hypotension (reduction in mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) from 103+/-1 to 98+/-2 mmHg) associated with renal and hindquarters vasodilatation at 24 h. 3. In the Brattleboro rats, the changes in regional haemodynamics during LPS infusion were more profound than in the Long Evans rats. At 2 h and 6 h, there was a marked fall in MAP (from 103+/-3 mmHg; to 65+/-3 mmHg at 2 h, and to 82+/-4 mmHg at 6 h) associated with vasodilatation in all three vascular beds. After 24 h infusion of LPS, the hypotension was less although still significant (from 103+/-3 mmHg; to 93+/-4 mmHg, a change of 10+/-4 mmHg), and there was renal and hindquarters vasodilatation, but mesenteric vasoconstriction. 4. During infusion of LPS, at each time point studied, and in both strains of rat, pressor responses to AII and AVP were reduced, but the changes were less marked at 6 h than at 2 h or 24 h. The reduced pressor responses were not accompanied by generalized reductions in the regional vasoconstrictor responses. Thus, in the Long Evans rats, the renal vasoconstrictor responses to both peptides were enhanced (at 6 h and 24 h for AVP; at all times for AII), whereas the mesenteric vasoconstrictor response to AVP was unchanged at 2 h, enhanced at 6 h and reduced at 24 h. The mesenteric vasoconstrictor response to AII was reduced at 2 h, normal at 6 h and reduced at 24 h. The small hindquarters vasoconstrictor responses to both peptides were reduced at 2 h and 6 h, but normal at 24 h. 5. In the Brattleboro rats, the renal vasoconstrictor responses to both peptides were reduced at 2 h and enhanced at 6 h and 24 h, whereas the mesenteric vasoconstrictor response to AVP was normal at 2 h and 6 h, and reduced at 24 h. The response to AII was reduced at 2 h, normal at 6 h and reduced again at 24 h. There were no reproducible hindquarters vasoconstrictions to AVP in the Brattleboro rats. The small hindquarters vasoconstrictor responses to AII were unchanged at 2 h and enhanced at 6 h and 24 h. 6. In isolated perfused mesenteric vascular beds, removed after 24 h of LPS infusion in vivo, there was an increase in the potency of AVP in both strains (Long Evans, ED50 saline: 56.9+/-15.0 pmol, ED50 LPS: 20.4+/-4.8 pmol, Brattleboro, ED50 saline: 38.6+/-4.2, ED50 LPS: 19.6+/-2.9 pmol), but no change in the responses to AII. 7. These findings indicate that a reduced pressor response to a vasoconstrictor challenge during LPS infusion is not necessarily associated with a reduced regional vasoconstriction. The data obtained in the Brattleboro rats indicate a potentially important role for vasopressin in maintaining haemodynamic status during LPS infusion in Long Evans rats. However, it is unlikely that the responses to exogenous AVP (or AII) are influenced by changes in the background level of endogenous vasopressin, since the patterns of change were similar in Long Evans and Brattleboro rats. 8. The results obtained in isolated perfused mesenteric vascular beds differed from those in vivo, possibly due to the conditions pertaining with in vitro perfusion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Since intestinal inflammation is correlated with impaired barrier functions, transgenic HLA-B27/human beta 2-microglobulin rats that spontaneously develop intestinal inflammation were used to investigate whether onset of inflammation or impaired barrier function was the initial event. METHODS: During the age period of 9-14 weeks, transgenic and non-transgenic (control) rats were gavaged weekly with the marker molecules, 51Cr-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 1-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin, and albumin, which were quantified in blood or urine. RESULTS: At 12 weeks of age the first signs of inflammation appeared with decreased body weight gain, decreased urine production, and onset of diarrhea. By 14-15 weeks of age all transgenic rats had developed intestinal inflammation, as confirmed by histology and increased myeloperoxidase content, whereas no inflammation was observed in controls. Intestinal passage of the markers did, however, not differ between transgenic and control rats over the studied period. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that intestinal inflammation precedes altered intestinal barrier function in this inflammation model.  相似文献   

The effect of the combined ETA/ETB endothelin receptor antagonist bosentan on blood pressure, vascular hypertrophy, and pathologic renal changes was investigated in a model of malignant hypertension, severe vascular hypertrophy, and enhanced vascular expression of endothelin-1, the deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA), and salt-treated spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR). DOCA-salt treated SHR received 100 mg bosentan per kilogram weight per day mixed with their food. Systolic blood pressure of untreated DOCA-salt SHR rose to 241 +/- 1.5 mm Hg, whereas that of bosentan-treated rats rose to 221 +/- 5.1 mm Hg (P < .01). Cardiac and conduit artery mass were not affected by treatment. Small arteries from the coronary, renal, and mesenteric circulations showed a smaller media width and cross-sectional area of the media in rats treated with bosentan than in untreated rats. The kidneys showed the presence of fibrinoid necrosis in a high percentage of afferent arterioles and glomeruli of untreated DOCA-SHR. Some kidneys of treated rats exhibited less severe vascular hypertrophy and lesser extent of vascular or glomerular fibrinoid necrosis, but the renal injury score of bosentan-treated DOCA-SHR was only at the limit of significance from that of untreated rats (P = .06). These results suggest a role for endothelin-1 in blood pressure elevation and the severe vascular hypertrophy of small arteries of the coronary, renal, and mesenteric vasculature, but not of the heart or larger conduit vessels in the malignant hypertension that SHR develop after treatment with DOCA and salt. Although some bosentan-treated rats showed fewer renal lesions, a significant effect on renal pathology could not be unambiguously demonstrated. Further studies will be necessary to determine whether endothelin antagonists may indeed offer some degree of renal protection and have therapeutic potential in severe or malignant hypertension.  相似文献   

Male, Long Evans rats (350-450 g) were anaesthetized and had pulsed Doppler probes and intravascular catheters implanted to allow monitoring of regional (renal, mesenteric and hindquarters) haemodynamics in the conscious state. Our main objectives were to:- assess the effects of administering human recombinant tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and human recombinant interleukin-1 (IL-1)beta, alone and together; determine the influence of pretreatment with a mixture of antibodies to TNF-alpha and IL-1beta on responses to co-administration of the cytokines; ascertain if pretreatment with a mixture of the antibodies to TNF-alpha and IL-1beta had any influence on the responses to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). TNF-alpha (10, 100 and 250 microg kg(-1), in separate groups, n=3, 9 and 8, respectively) caused tachycardia (maximum delta, +101+/-9 beats min(-1)) and modest hypotension (maximum delta, -10+/-2 mmHg), accompanied by variable changes in renal and mesenteric vascular conductance, but clear increases in hindquarters vascular conductance; only the latter were dose-related (maximum delta, +6+/-6, +27+/-9, and +61+/-12% at 10, 100 and 250 microg kg(-1), respectively). IL-1beta (1, 10, and 100 microg kg(-1) in separate groups, n = 8, 8 and 9, respectively) evoked changes similar to those of TNF-alpha (maximum delta heart rate, +69+/-15 beats min(-1); maximum delta mean blood pressure, -14+/-2 mmHg; maximum delta hindquarters vascular conductance, +49+/-17%), but with no clear dose-dependency. TNF-alpha (250 microg kg(-1)) and IL-1beta (10 microg kg(-1)) together caused tachycardia (maximum delta, +76+/-15 beats min(-1)) and hypotension (maximum A, -24+/-2 mmHg) accompanied by increases in renal, mesenteric and hindquarters vascular conductances (+52+/-6%, +23+/-8%, and +52+/-11%, respectively). Thereafter, blood pressure recovered, in association with marked reductions in mesenteric and hindquarters vascular conductances (maximum delta, -50+/-3% and -58+/-3%, respectively). Although bolus injection of LPS (3.5 mg kg(-1)) caused an initial hypotension (maximum delta, -27+/-11 mmHg) similar to that seen with co-administration of the cytokines, it did not cause mesenteric or hindquarters vasodilatation, and there was only a slow onset renal vasodilatation. The recovery in blood pressure following LPS was less than after the cytokines, and in the former condition there was no mesenteric vasoconstriction. By 24 h after co-administration of TNF-alpha and IL-1beta or after bolus injection of LPS, the secondary reduction in blood pressure was similar (-16+/-2 and -13+/-3 mmHg, respectively), but in the former group the tachycardia (+117+/-14 beats min(-1)) and increase in hindquarters vascular conductance (+99+/-21%) were greater than after bolus injection of LPS (+54+/-16 beats min ' and +439%, respectively). Pretreatment with antibodies to TNF-alpha and IL-1beta (300 mg kg(-1)) blocked the initial hypotensive and mesenteric and hindquarters vasodilator responses to co-administration of the cytokines subsequently. However, tachycardia and renal vasodilatation were still apparent. Premixing antibodies and cytokines before administration prevented most of the effects of the latter, but tachycardia was still present at 24 h. Pretreatment with antibodies to TNF-alpha and IL-1beta before infusion of LPS (150 microg kg(-1) h(-1) for 24 h) did not affect the initial fall in blood pressure, but suppressed the hindquarters vasodilatation and caused a slight improvement in the recovery of blood pressure. However, pretreatment with the antibodies had no effect on the subsequent cardiovascular sequelae of LPS infusion. the results indicate that although co-administration of TNF-alpha and IL-1beta can evoke cardiovascular responses which, in some respects, mimic those of LPS, and although antibodies to the cytokines can suppress most of the cardiovascular effects of the cytokines, the antibodies have little influence on the haemodynamic responses to LPS, possibly because, during infusion of LPS, the sites of production and local action of endogenous cytokines, are not accessible to exogenous antibodies.  相似文献   

1. Depressor and pressor effects of endothelin-1, -2 and -3 in relation to hypertension were investigated in conscious WKY and SHRSP. 2. Changes of systolic arterial pressure to both depressor and pressor responses caused by three doses of endothelin-1, -2 or -3 (0.1, 0.3 and 1 nmol/kg) occurred to a similar extent between WKY and SHRSP. These data showed that endothelins may not exert an important role on the pathogenesis of hypertension. 3. Endothelin-1 decreased the cardiac index more in SHRSP than in WKY, indicating the dominance of ETA receptors in SHRSP compared with WKY. 4. ET-1 was the most potent vasodepressor and vasodilator of three endothelin peptides in rats. 5. During the pressor responses to endothelin-1 and -3, cardiac arrhythmia was observed with high frequency in the animals of both groups, indicating the arrhythmogenic effect of ET.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate blood pressure responses and changes in heart rate after bolus administration of endothelin-3 [ET-3] in conscious, freely moving SHR and WKY rats and DOCA-salt hypertensive and normotensive Wistar rats. The effect of ET-3 on blood pressure and heart rats was investigated for four doses equal to 250 ng, 500 ng, 1000 ng and 2000 ng of ET-3. Our study shows that in experimental models of hypertension changes in blood pressure were predominantly characterized by the pronounced hypotensive phase with no significant raises in blood pressure. In normotensive animals cardiovascular responses to ET-3 were biphasic, with initial depressor phase followed by long-lasting, significant pressor effect.  相似文献   

1. The release of cytokines following administration of endotoxin and the contribution of nitric oxide (NO) to the subsequent haemodynamic profile were investigated in the conscious mouse. 2. Administration of endotoxin (E. Coli, 026:B6, 12.5 mg kg(-1), i.v.) elevated the concentration of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in the plasma within 0.5 h, reaching a maximum at 2 h and returning to control concentrations by 4 h. In addition, the concentration of interleukin-6 (IL-6) in the plasma was also elevated within 1 h, reaching a maximum at 3 h and remaining elevated throughout the 12 h of study. 3. Endotoxin (12.5 mg kg(-1), i.v.) induced the expression of a Ca2+-independent (inducible) NO synthase in the mouse heart and elevated the concentrations of nitrite and nitrate in the plasma within 4 h, reaching a maximum at 12 h. This was accompanied by a progressive fall in blood pressure over the same period. 4. The vasopressor effect of noradrenaline (0.5-4 microg kg(-1) min(-1), i.v.) administered as a continuous infusion was significantly attenuated 7 h after endotoxin (12.5 mg kg(-1), i.v). 5. The NO synthase inhibitor NG-monomethyl-L-arginine HCl (L-NMMA; 1-10 mg kg(-1), i.v. bolus) reversed the fall in blood pressure when administered 7 h after endotoxin (12.5 mg kg(-1), i.v.). 6. In an attempt to maintain a constant blood concentration, L-NMMA was administered as a continuous infusion (10 mg kg(-1) h(-1), i.v.), beginning 4 h after a lower dose of endotoxin (6 mg kg(-1), i.v.). Such treatment prevented the fall in blood pressure and the elevation of nitrite and nitrate in the plasma throughout the 18 h of observation. 7. The fall in blood pressure following endotoxin (3 mg kg(-1), i.v.) was significantly reduced throughout the 18 h of observation in homozygous mutant mice lacking the inducible NO synthase. 8. In summary, we have developed a model of endotoxin shock in the conscious mouse in which an overproduction of NO by the inducible NO synthase is associated with the haemodynamic disturbances. This model, which exhibits many of the characteristics of septic shock in man, will enable the study of the pathology of this condition in more detail and aid the investigation of potential therapeutic agents both as prophylactics and, more importantly, as treatments.  相似文献   

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