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The spatial and temporal variations of pico-, nano- and microphytoplankton abundance and composition were investigated over a 37 month period, focusing on the ecological role of different size classes of phytoplankton, and on the changes of the community structure that might occur during periods when large mucilage macroaggregates appear. Samples were collected monthly from June 1999 to July 2002 at 11 stations, along three transects covering the northern Adriatic basin. Highest abundances were observed in late-winter/spring for microphytoplankton (mainly diatoms), in spring-summer for nanophytoplankton, and in summer for picophytoplankton. The autotrophic component was more abundant in the summers of 2000 and 2002 (when large mucilage aggregates occurred) than in the summers of 1999 and 2001 (when a massive phenomenon was not observed). This increase was statistically significant for pico-, nano- and, among microphytoplankton, only for dinoflagellates. Blooms of picophytoplankton were often observed at the bottom layer during mucilage summers. The microphytoplankton community during mucilage phenomena was characterized by a species composition (Chaetoceros spp., Cerataulina pelagica, Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima, P. pseudodelicatissima, Cylindrotheca closterium, Dactyliosolen fragilissimus) comparable to that observed in summers without extensive mucilage occurrence. However, some species appeared with significantly higher densities in the summers of 2000 and 2002: Ceratium furca, C. closterium, Oxytoxum spp., Hemiaulus hauckii and Gonyaulax fragilis. Microscopic observation of aggregates revealed that the microphytoplankton species composition inside the aggregates was comparable to that observed in the water column, with an enrichment of opportunistic species such as C. closterium and P. delicatissima. The presence of mucilage aggregates affects the phytoplankton populations in the water column, even when aggregates are at early stages. It seems that there is a mutual relationship between phytoplankton and aggregates, i.e., several diatom and dinoflagellate species may contribute to the aggregate formation and enlargement, but mucilage aggregates themselves may also affect the phytoplankton populations, allowing the development of a rich diatom community and in general enhancing nanophytoplankton growth.  相似文献   

High variability of heterotrophic bacterial (HB; 0.1.10(9)-6.10(9) cells L(-1)), nanoflagellates (HNF; 0.02.10(6)-2.4.10(6) cells L(-1)) and cyanobacterial (CB; 10(6)-700.10(6) cells L(-1)) abundances were observed during approximately monthly measurements at six stations along the transect Po Delta-Rovinj from March 1999 to August 2002. Substantially higher values were observed during the stratification period (June-September) in the surface layer of the western stations that were under more direct influence of Po River discharges. Changes of the HB abundance were significantly correlated with temperature in the entire water column and chlorophyll a (Chla) concentration in the surface layer. The nutrients did not look to have directly influenced the HB growth, except orthophosphate in the eastern, more oligotrophic part of transect, where probably HB efficiently competed with phytoplankton for this nutrient. Temperature was also important for CB growth that, however, appeared to occur more intensively in waters with low nutrient concentrations. Probably, in these conditions CB can still develop, while larger autotrophs are strongly nutrient limited. In the upper water column of reduced salinity (35-37), the contributions of CB carbon biomass to the total picoplankton biomass (CB+HB) were mostly larger than 30% (up to 80%) in years with mucilage events (1991, 2000-2002) than in other years. For example, in 1999 only a few values were higher than 30% (up to 50%). In abundant presence of mucilaginous aggregates (e.g. in June 2000 and late June 2002) the chlorophyll a ascribed to CB accounted for much larger portions of total measured Chla. From these results it was concluded that cyanobacteria during mucilage events may play a substantially increased role both as primary producers and prey within the microbial loop of the northern Adriatic.  相似文献   

The accumulation of dissolved and particulate organic matter may play an important role in mucilage formation in the northern Adriatic. Distributions of dissolved and particulate organic carbon were therefore investigated during the period June 1999-July 2002, when massive mucilage events occurred: in the summer of 2000 and, to a greater extent, of 2002. The seasonal variations in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations were significant, doubling in summer (up to 150 micromol L(-1)) with respect to winter. The particulate organic carbon (POC) variations were also very large, with a less pronounced seasonal pattern compared to DOC, because the POC changes are much more dependent both on river discharges and on phytoplankton blooms. The comparison of the concentrations between the period before (March-May) and after the onset of mucilage events (June-August) showed that DOC, but particularly POC, were higher in the period before the event of 2002, more markedly in the surface waters of low salinity. The POC increased, reaching mean concentrations of up to 36 micromol L(-1) in March 2002 before the outbreak of the massive mucilage formation in June. This suggests that POC may have a more important role in the mucilage formation than DOC. The highest seasonal variations of organic matter concentrations took place in the upper layer of lower salinity, stressing the importance of stratification and pycnoclines for accumulation and aggregation of the organic matter in the northern Adriatic. The POC contribution to the total organic carbon was low in the oligotrophic waters (DOC/POC ratio >15) and increased with the phytoplankton biomass in the productive waters (DOC/POC ratio <10). Particulate organic carbon predominated over the dissolved inside the mucilage aggregate (DOC/POC ratio <1), probably because aggregation processes, in which colloidal organic carbon is involved, are important. The organic carbon within the aggregates reached a concentration of 13.6 mmol L(-1) which was about 100 times more than in the surrounding waters or in the waters when the mucilages were absent. This indicates that distributions of organic carbon in the northern Adriatic can be extremely patchy during mucilage events.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distributions of different types of visible mucilaginous aggregates were investigated monthly by underwater video cameras in the northern Adriatic (NA) from June 1999 to July 2002. Small aggregates (flocs, macroflocs and stringers) were observed in all seasons with higher values in autumn and winter. Larger aggregates (ribbons, cobwebs, clouds, and false bottoms) formed only during late-spring and summer, particularly in 2000 and 2002, when the seasonal thermohaline stratification was marked. In fact, the process of mucilage formation took place mainly in the upper water column, above the main pycnocline. The spatial distribution shows that higher concentrations of small aggregates occur in the more productive coastal waters. The larger aggregates form or accumulate mainly in coastal waters in the southern part of the NA and in the central part of the Po River delta-Rovinj transect, where a gyre greatly influences the aggregates distribution. The fronts between low salinity coastal waters and high salinity waters of southern origin play an important role for accumulation and aggregation of the mucilage during spring and summer. Most of the aggregates accumulate in correspondence with strong pycnoclines with differences in density anomaly of 2 kg m(-3) or higher. False bottoms formed in correspondence with strong haloclines (DeltaS congruent with 2), while cobwebs and ribbons also occurred when the halocline was less marked (DeltaS<0.5). Meteorological conditions greatly influenced the aggregate formation. Calm weather and weak winds favour aggregation processes, while strong north-easterly winds, causing intense mixing, result in the dispersion of the mucilaginous aggregates, as occurred during the Bora event in July 2000.  相似文献   

The temporal dynamics of microphytoplankton, microzooplankton and mesozooplankton were monitored over 37 months in the Adriatic Sea in order to identify alterations in the plankton structures, which can lead to, or enhance the production of macro-aggregates, that affected the entire northern basin in summers 2000 and 2002, and to assess any negative effects of mucilage on plankton temporal patterns. Samples were collected monthly, from June 1999 to July 2002, on three transects at 9 stations across the northern and central Adriatic Sea. Besides the high year-to-year variations in abundances and taxonomical composition, plankton communities only showed a clear seasonal succession during 2001, when since April a grazing food web developed and was able to control large sized phytoplankton increase. In spring-summer 2000 and 2002 consumer abundances remained quite low and the dominant mesozooplankton summer species (Penilia avirostris) did not reach its usual summer maximum. The lack of an efficient top control was more evident on the northernmost transect, where generally grazing food web prevails over the microbial one. A large part of the microphytoplankton blooms, although not particularly intense, was exported to the bottom in the particulate phase, where it was processed by bacteria, enhancing the production of refractory dissolved material.  相似文献   

The distribution, sources and fate of mercury (Hg) in the water column of the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea), affected by the Hg polluted river Soca/Isonzo for centuries draining the cinnabar-rich deposits of the Idrija mining district (NW Slovenia), were studied in terms of total and dissolved Hg, reactive Hg, total and dissolved methylmercury (MeHg), mesozooplankton Hg and MeHg, and sedimentation rates of particulate Hg. Higher total Hg concentrations in the surface layer were restricted to the area of the Gulf in front of the river plume expanding in a westerly direction. Higher concentrations in bottom water layers were the consequence of sediment resuspension. Dissolved Hg exhibited higher concentrations in the surface layer in the area in front of the river plume. Higher bottom concentrations of dissolved Hg observed at some stations were probably due to remobilization from sediments, including resuspension and benthic recycling. The relationship between dissolved Hg in the surface layer and salinity showed nonconservative mixing in June 1995 during higher riverine inflow and nearly conservative mixing in September 1995 during lower riverine inflow. Both mixing curves confirm the river Soca/Isonzo to be the most important source of total and dissolved Hg, which are significantly correlated, in the Gulf. Reactive Hg is significantly correlated with dissolved Hg, indicating that the majority of dissolved Hg is reactive and potentially involved in biogeochemical transformations. The higher total MeHg in the bottom layer is the result of remobilization of MeHg from sediments including benthic fluxes. Strong seasonal variation of sedimentation rates of particulate Hg was found during a 2-year study in the central part of the Gulf. These variations followed those of total sedimented matter, indicating that sedimented Hg is mostly associated with inorganic matter. About a 2.5-fold higher fluxes of particulate Hg were observed at the depth of 20 m relative to 10 m which is attributed to bottom sediment resuspension. Temporal variability of mesozooplankton Hg and MeHg is the consequence of biomass and species variations, and grazing behaviour. From the preliminary Hg mass balance it appears that the Gulf is an efficient trap for total Hg and a net source of MeHg.  相似文献   

An examination has been made into the effect of varying the extraction temperature on the composition of the resultant extracellular polymers obtained from activated sludge. This shows that the temperature used, in effect, controls the composition of the polymeric mixture obtained. The composition of polymers produced at 100°C have been correlated with the settlement properties. The results show that lipids have a greater influence than previously acknowledged. An evaluation of the lipid fraction shows two main types. One is a tri-glyceride mixture the other is still to be characterized but could possibly be an aryl ester.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal changes in phytoplankton production and bacterial C demand were investigated at four stations in the Northern Adriatic Sea over 3 years. The effect of the Po River plume was observed at the western stations; in particular, the northernmost one (B06) showed the highest values of primary production, both as hourly peaks (up to 14 mg C m(-3) h(-1)) and daily water column integrated values (up to 740 mg C m(-2) day(-1)), the southern station (C04) was only sporadically influenced and did not differ significantly from the easternmost ones (C12 and B13), where the lowest TPP values were recorded (around 1 mg C m(-3) h(-1)). In this study the first in situ data are reported on short-term phytoplankton C extra cellular release in the Northern Adriatic Sea. At every station a considerable percentage of primary production (PER>20% as an average, with peaks of up to 70%) was released as dissolved organic carbon. In particular, an association of fairly high PER (>10%) and specific production (Pb>10 mg C mg chl(-1) h(-1)) was observed from spring to summer, when the mucilage phenomenon usually starts. This result might suggest the presence of an uncoupling between photosynthesis and growth, probably related with nutrient availability, which would be responsible for a high production of extra cellular organic carbon. Phytoplankton primary production and bacterial carbon production were closely related and bacterial C production accounted, on average, for a higher percentage of primary production than the values typically reported in the literature on aquatic environments. The flow of organic matter from phytoplankton to bacteria seems to satisfy the bacterial carbon demand during most of the spring and summer, at least in the upper water layers. However, during the summer, there is evidence that BCD sometimes exceeds the amount of C produced by phytoplankton. Neither phytoplankton nor bacterial production showed significant differences over the relevant years, and their absolute values did not change when comparing periods with or without mucilage. However, there were indications of an uncoupling between phytoplankton photosynthesis and growth and of a shift from an autotrophic to a heterotrophic metabolism, especially during the spring and summer period when mucilage might occur.  相似文献   

Bacterial degradation of mucilaginous aggregates (creamy layers, stringers and macroflocs) collected during two summer events (2001-2002) was tested. The objective was to describe the temporal trend of the bacterial activity, abundance and composition in the aggregated and dissolved organic matter under different trophic conditions. In the native aggregates proteins and organic phosphorous were actively hydrolyzed as aminopeptidase and alkaline phosphatase activities represented up to 87% and 25% of total activity, respectively; polysaccharides were less hydrolyzed and the highest activities were observed for beta-glucosidase (5% of the total). This hydrolysation pattern tends to a progressive accumulation of long persistent polysaccharides. During short term incubations nutrient addition (P, N and Glucose) differently stimulated bacterial growth in the seawater: P played the main role in stimulating bacterial production from 3 to 6 folds higher than in the control, whereas a secondary C-limitation was observed only for bacteria growing on seawater from macroflocs. This scarce dissolved organic carbon (DOC) bioavailability was confirmed by the lower DOC removal (13% macroflocs, 36% stringers). The total amount of carbon incorporated by bacteria living on aggregates was similar (0.58 mg C L(-1)) both in the control and under P enrichments showing a more balanced condition with respect to the seawater. Hence the well-known P limitation in the Northern Adriatic Sea affects only dissolved organic carbon uptake without influencing the uptake of aggregated organic matter. Organic matter limitation was observed only on stringers--total C incorporated raised to 0.96 mg C L(-1) after PNG addition. Macroflocs release of refractory compounds leads to DOC accumulation (73 microM DOC) contributing to inflate the pool of refractory DOC in the surrounding waters. Several evidences, including different monosaccharide composition of stringers and macroflocs (glucose 15% and 56% on stringers and macroflocs, respectively), bring to the conclusion that stringers are in an older stage in comparison with macroflocs. Community composition described by fluorescence in situ hybridization did not show significant differences between free-living and attached bacteria but it was modified by the different enrichment conditions: Cytophaga-Flavobacteria increased after inorganic nutrients enrichments while organics advantaged gamma-Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

Fungal exposure may induce respiratory symptoms. The causative agents are compounds in the fungal cell wall. Fragments of microbes may be present in air samples but are not measurable using conventional spore counting or by the determination of viable organisms. This study assesses the proportion of fungal cell biomass and endotoxin in different particle size fractions in air samples from homes. Air samples were collected from 15 homes using a cyclone sampler, collecting particles in three aerodynamic size fractions: <1.0, 1.0–1.8, and >1.8 μm. N‐Acetylhexosaminidase (NAHA) was determined as a marker of fungal cell biomass. Endotoxin was determined using the Limulus amebocyte lysate method. NAHA and endotoxin in the size range <1.0 μm comprised up to 63% (mean 22.7%) and 96.3% (mean 22.6%) of the total concentrations, respectively. There were significant relationships between the amounts of NAHA and endotoxin in the total amount and in the size fraction >1.8 μm but not in the smaller fractions. The results demonstrate significant amounts of fungal cell biomass and endotoxin in particles <1.0 μm. Homes with reported mold damage had a lower concentration of NAHA in particles <1.0 μm than homes without mold damage. To assess airborne exposure for diagnostic and preventive purposes, measurement techniques that include this fraction should be considered.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the appearance of mucilage in the Northern Adriatic Sea was related with the accumulation of dissolved organic compounds released by intensive enzymatic activities and not utilized as direct substrate for microbial growth. To do this enzymatic activities and dissolved organic and inorganic pools in periods characterized by the presence of mucilage and in the same seasons but in absence of mucilage were compared. Extracellular enzymatic activities (aminopeptidase, beta-glucosidase and alkaline phosphatase), nutrient pool concentrations (total dissolved nitrogen, dissolved organic nitrogen, total dissolved phosphorus, dissolved organic phosphorus) and the biochemical composition of particulate and dissolved organic matter (in terms of proteins and carbohydrates) were determined on a monthly basis over a period of 3 years. Aminopeptidase and alkaline phosphatase activities displayed higher values in springs preceding the appearance of mucilage than in spring when no mucilage was observed. Beta-Glucosidase activity showed significantly higher values in summer periods characterized by the massive production of mucilage than in summers without mucilage events. The months preceding mucilage events were also characterized by an increase of the alkaline phosphatase to aminopeptidase activity ratio and by a significant accumulation of dissolved proteins. These findings, together with the significant increase of the DON/DOP ratio, suggest that mucilage formation is favoured by the deficiency of organic P. The present study provides compelling evidences that mucilage formation is favoured by the unbalance between organic matter mobilization by enzymatic activities and the accumulation of labile dissolved organic-N compounds.  相似文献   

Aggregates differing in size and phytoplankton community composition were sampled in winter/spring 2001 and summer 1997 and 2002 (during mucilaginous event) in the northern Adriatic Sea. The fatty acid profiles (FAME) were determined in aggregates, bacterial population was grown from each aggregate and each bacterial isolate from aggregate's plated cultures. All aggregates irrespective of the season, aggregate size or phytoplankton community composition contained isolates from three distinct groups, with fatty acid profiles corresponding to alpha-Proteobacteria, gamma-Proteobacteria and Cytophaga-Flavobacter (CF) complex but in different relative proportions. Fatty acid profiles of the bacterial population grown from each aggregate revealed either the domination of one group (gamma, alpha or CF) or contribution of more groups (gamma and CF; alpha and CF). Specifically, as the aggregates age a shift in favor of bacteria belonging to CF-complex and corresponding decrease in bacteria similar to that of Proteobacteria occur. During the aggregate aging process and degradation of the mucous matrix, besides bacterial succession, the phytoplankton growth took place inside the aggregates. Such an aging pattern was confirmed through laboratory experiments with aggregates inhabited by the diatom Cylindrotheca closterium.  相似文献   

记述了寄生于海洋鱼类黑鲷Sparus macrocephalus(Basilewsky)鳃上的宽海盘虫属Euryhaliotre-maKritsky&Boeger,2002一新种和寄生于金带笛鲷Lutjanus vaigiensis(Cuoy&Gaim ard)鳃上的约氏宽海盘虫Euryhaliotrema johniiKritsky&Boeger,2002。广州宽海盘虫,新种Euryhaliotrema guang-zhouensissp.nov.的腹联结片和交接管的形状与Eruyhaliotrema potam ocetemaKritsky&Boeger,2002,E.paralonchuviKritsky&Boeger,2002和E.atlanticaKritsky&Boeger,2002相似,交接管呈螺旋形,均环绕两圈半,但它们的支持器形状差异较大,且背中央大钩和联结片的形状和量度都不同。  相似文献   

Microbial biomass, activity and community composition in constructed wetlands   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The aim of the current article is to give an overview about microbial communities and their functioning but also about factors affecting microbial activity in the three most common types (surface flow and two types of sub-surface flow) of constructed wetlands. The paper reviews the community composition and structural diversity of the microbial biomass, analyzing different aspects of microbial activity with respect to wastewater properties, specific wetland type, and environmental parameters. A brief introduction about the application of different novel molecular techniques for the assessment of microbial communities in constructed wetlands is also given. Microbially mediated processes in constructed wetlands are mainly dependent on hydraulic conditions, wastewater properties, including substrate and nutrient quality and availability, filter material or soil type, plants, and different environmental factors. Microbial biomass is within similar ranges in both horizontal and vertical subsurface flow and surface flow constructed wetlands. Stratification of the biomass but also a stratified structural pattern of the bacterial community can be seen in subsurface flow systems. Microbial biomass C/N ratio is higher in horizontal flow systems compared to vertical flow systems, indicating the structural differences in microbial communities between those two constructed wetland types. The total activity of the microbial community is in the same range, but heterotrophic growth is higher in the subsurface (vertical flow) system compared to the surface flow systems. Available species-specific data about microbial communities in different types of wetlands is scarce and therefore it is impossible make any general conclusions about the dynamics of microbial community structure in wetlands, its relationship to removal processes and operational parameters.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the frequency and densities of yeasts and filamentous fungi in coastal water samples as well as their correlation with the indicator bacteria of faecal pollution. The prevalence of fungi was investigated in parallel with the standard pollution indicator microorganisms in 197 marine water samples from six northern Greek prefectures during the bathing season May–October 1999. Filamentous fungi were isolated from all the examined samples and yeasts from 29 (14.7%) of them; among the positive samples, their mean counts were 90.9 and 38.4 cfu/100 ml, respectively. A total of 23 genera of filamentous fungi and four genera of yeasts were identified. Prevailing genera of filamentous fungi were Penicillium, Aspergillus and Alternaria spp., whereas Candida spp. was the most frequently isolated yeast. Counts of yeasts were significantly (p<0.01) correlated with those of total and faecal coliforms, whereas no correlation was found between filamentous fungi and the indicator bacteria of faecal pollution. Significantly higher counts of total and faecal coliforms (p<0.05), and enterococci (p<0.001), were found during the months with the higher water temperatures and bather numbers. In the six prefectures, significant differences were observed in the counts of filamentous fungi and yeasts as well as in the counts of all the faecal pollution indicators. The results of this study indicate that coastal water can be a path for contamination of swimmers with yeasts and filamentous fungi and that the pollution indicator microorganisms cannot always predict their presence.  相似文献   

Mucilage events (formation of very large organic aggregates and gelatinous surface layers) have been documented several times during the past two centuries in the northern Adriatic Sea (NA), while their frequency has significantly increased since 1988. In this work, meteorological and oceanographic conditions in the NA during the period June 1999-July 2002 are described and their relation to the outbreak and fate of the mucilage phenomenon was investigated. Salinity and temperature data were collected during approximately monthly cruises along three transects in the NA. Relevant meteorological situations (air temperature, rainfall, wind) were selected from large-scale ECMWF analyses and from the Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS; Emilia Romagna Meteorological Service), while sea conditions (waves) were analysed by means of the Wave Adriatic Model (WAM). Data for air temperature, rainfall, and wind from several meteorological stations in the region were used. Average seasonal cycles of sea temperature and salinity simulated with statistical models, based on historical data collected in the NA since 1972, were used to determine thermal and haline anomalies. The monthly anomaly variability of maximum and minimum air temperatures, rainfall amount and number of rainy days did not appear to be relevant for the mucilage phenomenon outbreak. In contrast, both vertical and horizontal thermohaline gradients in the region were more developed during late spring and summer of 2000 and particularly of 2002, when the mucilage events were of greatest extent in space and time, compared to 2001 (short-lived event) and 1999 (no event). These more pronounced gradients were due to a combination of several unusual conditions: sharp heating of the sea surface in May-June, domination of eastwards transport of freshened waters formed in the Po Delta area, and intrusion of very high salinity intermediate waters originating in the eastern Mediterranean. Moreover, in winter of both 2000 and 2002 very dense and cold water formed and remained in the bottom layer until spring, contributing to increase the stratification degree of the water column. The duration of the mucilage events and their spatial distribution in the region depend strongly on meteorological changes. Recurrent anticyclonic conditions, characterized by low wind and calm sea, favour extended events in time (up 2 months in 2002). In contrast, highly perturbed weather, particularly due to strong "bora" wind, can be determined in sharp decay of the event (e.g. in July 2000).  相似文献   

Nutrient concentrations (orthophosphate, orthosilicate and dissolved inorganic nitrogen-DIN) were measured on three transects in the northern Adriatic approximately monthly in the period June 1999-July 2002. The net nutrient transports across the three transects were estimated from these concentration values and calculated water fluxes [Grilli F, Paschini E, Russo A, Precali R, Supi? N. Circulation and horizontal fluxes in the Northern Adriatic Sea in the period June 1999_July 2002. Part I: geostrophic circulation and current measurement. Sci Total Environ 2005-this issue], with the aim to verify their possible role in the mucilage phenomenon. The nutrient transports in the northern Adriatic were very variable, seasonally and from year to year, both in intensity and direction. Some differences were noticed also among the nutrient species. At the northernmost transect Po Delta-Rovinj minimal values and variable directions were recorded, probably due to the prevailing of eastward transversal transports, observed already in late winter, and generally dominant in spring and summer. Northward transport was often measured at the central transect Cesenatico-Cape Kamenjak, particularly in spring 2000 and 2002, and summer 2001, as well as for only DIN in summer 1999. In contrast, southward directions prevailed at the southernmost transect Senigallia-Susak Island. In October significant southward transports occurred at all transects and for all nutrients, particularly strong in 2000, when exceptionally high Po River discharges occurred, and the Western Adriatic Current (WAC) was well developed. However, the nutrient transports in the upper water column were low or northwards at both transect Cesenatico-Cape Kamenjak and Senigallia-Susak Island in June and July 2000, 2001, and 2002, when the mucilage phenomenon developed, but were opposite in 1999, a year without events. The results suggest that high variations of nutrient fluxes and their ratios, in conditions of reduced water dynamics, are essential for the development of the phenomenon, rather than the absolute amounts of the nutrient inputs.  相似文献   

Mercury species in the highly stratified water column of the Isonzo River mouth (northern Adriatic Sea) were investigated in February, May and August 2002 (low-normal fluvial discharge). Total, dissolved and particulate mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) were measured and their concentrations were related to physico-chemical parameters in terms of temperature, salinity, turbidity, O(2) concentrations and total suspended matter (TSM) as well as particulate organic carbon (POC) content. Particulate Hg and MeHg are well correlated to medium-fine silty suspended sediment and organic matter, respectively. Desorption of Hg from particles in the brackish layer was observed. Due to the presence of a saltwedge, the lower river course seems to be a trap for Hg carried by fluvial waters. MeHg normally decreases approaching the sea but the local increase in the inner zone of the saltwedge could be related to methylation processes in the bottom water layer. Hg export is effective only during medium and high riverine flows acting as an important source of Hg into the northern Adriatic and the adjacent lagoon system.  相似文献   

Exposure to high concentrations of particulate matter (PM) is associated with a number of adverse health effects. However, it is unclear which aspects of PM are most hazardous, and a better understanding of particle sizes and personal exposure is needed. We characterized particle size distribution (PSD) from biomass-related pollution and assessed total and regional lung-deposited doses using multiple-path deposition modeling. Gravimetric measurements of kitchen and personal PM2.5 (<2.5 µm in size) exposures were collected in 180 households in rural Puno, Peru. Direct-reading measurements of number concentrations were collected in a subset of 20 kitchens for particles 0.3-25 µm, and the continuous PSD was derived using a nonlinear least-squares method. Mean daily PM2.5 kitchen concentration and personal exposure was 1205 ± 942 µg/m3 and 115 ± 167 µg/m3, respectively, and the mean mass concentration consisted of a primary accumulation mode at 0.21 µm and a secondary coarse mode at 3.17 µm. Mean daily lung-deposited surface area (LDSA) and LDSA during cooking were 1009.6 ± 1469.8 µm2/cm3 and 10,552.5 ± 8261.6 µm2/cm3, respectively. This study presents unique data regarding lung deposition of biomass smoke that could serve as a reference for future studies and provides a novel, more biologically relevant metric for exposure-response analysis compared to traditional size-based metrics.  相似文献   

A number of brick-clay specimens sintered by traditional and fast cycles, was studied by acoustic emission during three-point bending. Acoustic behaviour was connected with structure development. Acoustic emission activity was generally increased with an increase of sintering temperature as a result of the development of a stronger structure. Specimens sintered by the fast sintering programs, remaining for short period of time at 850, 950 and 1050°C maximum temperatures and then furnace cooled to room temperature, were much more acoustically active compared with specimens sintered traditionally at similar temperatures. Examination in repeated loading showed an absence of the Kaiser effect. During the second loading, major acoustic activity was shown from the beginning of the second loading, indicating a low Felicity ratio. The behaviour of brick-clay specimens during acoustic examination under loading could give useful information about the strength, structure and the sintering techniques used during manufacturing of bricks, tiles and similar products.  相似文献   

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